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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

Page 29

by P. Macias

  “Papa, you and my madre are doing well?” asks Christian, concerned for his padres. His voice is strained.

  “Si, mi hijo, we’re here in your Tio Francisco’s casa. We’re waiting to hear from you or someone,” says Papa Jose Arturo, looking at the group that’s gathering around him.

  “So, papa, I’m calling to let you and the familia know that Bella, Paty, and Jessy are on board the Navy ship. We will be in casa soon. They’re all okay and gracias a dios the animals didn’t hurt them,” says Christian. “Tell Erica that Gabriel is also doing well.”

  “Oh, mi hijo, that is excellent news. I will tell Jose Enrique, Carlos, and Greg,” replies Papa Jose Arturo, looking at the muchachos who start to yell in felicidad.

  “Si, padre,” says Christian. “I want to talk to Jose Enrique.”

  “Okay, my hijo,” replies Papa Jose Arturo, handing the phone to him. “Christian wants to talk to you.”

  Jose Enrique quickly takes the phone and anxiously asks Christian how Jessy is doing. “Primo, is Jessy okay?” demands Jose Enrique, with pain in his corazon.

  “Primo, Jessy is doing well. She was not hurt. She is in shock and it looks like she’s traumatized. She will need to have someone near her all the time to make her feel safe and protected. She’s emotionally traumatized,” replies Christian. “She wants to talk to you and wants you to hold her.”

  “Si, primo, I want her here. When will they arrive?” asks Jose Enrique, looking at Greg and Carlos, waiting anxiously for their turn to talk to Christian. Jose Enrique nods. “Primo, Carlos and Greg need to talk to you.”

  “Si, I want to talk to them,” says Christian, waiting for the phone to be transferred.

  “Christian, how is my Bella?” asks Greg, with emotions in his throat causing his voice to come out in a croaks. “Please tell me!” he implores, wiping tears away from his eyes, looking out the window.

  “Greg, calm down. Bella is doing well. She’s sleeping now. She only has a small cut on her lip and a black eye,” advises Christian. “She’s doing well.”

  “What in the hell happen to my Bella?” asks Greg, with rage. Damn, that bastardo had the nerve to touch my Bella, thinks Greg furiously. I need to kill him! Damn, I need to have her close to me.

  “Greg, Bella, Paty, and Jessy were not raped. They were locked up in a room with their clothes intact. They were okay when we extracted them,” replies Christian. “On the way to the boat she must had been hit. I’m positive that she was completely untouched when I turned her over to my officer. I went back to kill the bastardos.”

  “Oh, Dios mio,” says Greg. “When will they be back in casa?”

  “Greg, we’re on our way back. We should be back in a few hours,” says Christian. “Okay, hermano, calm down. Let me talk to Carlos.”

  “Si, and tell my Bella that I love her,” croaks out Greg, handing the phone to Carlos.

  “Si, Christian, how is Paty? When can we get our mujers? Where do we need to go?” asks Carlos, impatiently.

  “Carlos, Paty is doing okay. She’s resting right now. Paty has two gunshot wounds on her right thigh. She lost a little blood and had to get some blood. The wounds are stitched and are going to heal find,” says Christian, gauging how his familia are taking the news.

  “How in the hell did that happen?” asks Carlos, with rage. “Did those bastardos hurt my Paty?”

  “Carlos, calm down. I was told that on the way to the boat their group encountered some drug soldiers that caused some injuries to Paty and Bella,” replies Christian. “All three are doing well and are resting.”

  “Si, okay, when will your ship arrive and where do we go to get them?” demands Carlos, with frustration and anxiety.

  “I will call you in a few to inform you. I need to get the information,” replies Christian.

  “You do that, primo,” replies Carlos, ending the call to stare at Greg and Jose Enrique.

  “Bella has a split lip and black eye,” says Greg, turning around to talk to Carlos and Jose Enrique.

  “Si, my Paty is hurt. She got a couple of gun shots in her thigh. The wounds have been stitched up,” says Carlos, with clenched jaw, trying to control his emotions.

  “I will always give gracias a dios that all three are alive and did not get abused by those animals. Jessy is in shock. I pray that she will overcome this nightmare,” says Jose Enrique, running his manos through his hair.

  “I need to call her padres,” says Jose Enrique, pulling out his cell and dialing.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  After the mission, Christian has eight hour leave. He immediately drives to his casa to see Monique and his familia. Damn, I’m finally home. It is a little late in the evening. We had to wrap up the mission before we were allowed this small eight hour leave, ponders Christian, walking into his casa. Damn, this sucks; I know that my Cielo is going to be upset. I know that she’s already scared that I was on the extraction mission.

  He walks over to the cama and observes Monique sleeping. Slowly he undresses and crawls into the cama.

  Monique moves and cuddles into him sighing. Hmmm, my Baby is finally home, thinks Monique. “OMG, Baby!” cries Monique, moving closer to Christian. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer. “You’re finally in casa and intact! Baby, te amo!”

  Christian pulls her closer to give her a beso full of pasión and amor. He caresses her back, loving the feel of her next to him.

  Oh yeah, my Cielo loves me. She’s wearing a baby doll and I love it, thinks Christian, pulling back. “Mi Cielo, I’m sorry that I’m putting you through all of this. I’m only on leave for eight hours,” says Christian.

  “Christian, I can’t believe this. OMG, are you going on another mission? How am I supposed to live through this? I’m constantly in fear for your life. Are you going to be gone for a long time?” asks Monique with anxiety.

  “Mi Cielo, I don’t have that intel. I pray not. Please try not to worry, remember that I’m trained to handle any situation. I will be okay. I promise that I will come back to you and my bebe,” says Christian, pulling her close for a hot hungry beso. He makes love to her like there is no tomorrow.

  I don’t know if I’m coming back from this mission. I need to have these memories to keep me strong, ponders Christian with sorrow.

  Monique turns around and reaches for Christian. She moves her hands up and down without opening her eyes. Quickly she opens her eyes to look at her side. OMG, where is my Baby, ponders Monique, anxiety grabbing her. Damn it, did he leave without saying adios? This is too much to bear. I’ll be glad when he’s finally out of the Navy! Monique searches for him in the room.

  Monique gets ready quickly to go and search for him in the casa. Okay, he has to be here because I know that he has not been here eight hours, damn it, thinks Monique, striding down the hall quickly to go to the kitchen.

  Monique enters the kitchen and notices that Christian is having a cup of coffee and talking to his padres. They all turn to look at Monique when she enters. She walks directly to Christian smiling. “Baby, I thought that you had left without saying adios,” says Monique, sliding onto his lap. She turns to her suegros smiling. “Buenos dias.”

  “Buenos dias, mi Cielo,” says Christian, pulling her closer and kissing her cheek.

  “Buenos dias, Monique,” says Papa Jose Arturo and Mama Maria smiling. “Christian was telling us about the extraction. He has to return to base. We were waiting for you to wake up.”

  “Si, my hija,” says Mama Maria. “Do you want some coffee?”

  “Si, I do, I’ll get it. Baby, do you want me to make you some breakfast?” asks Monique, grinning. Yeah, I have been practicing to cook.

  “Si, that would be great,” replies Christian, grinning and watching Monique cook. Mi Cielo wants to cook breakfast for me. This is awesome, ponders Christian.

  “Buenos dias, hermano, I’m glad to see you home,” says Nicolas, walking into the kitchen with Angel Nicolas in his arms.

i – o,” says the bebe Angel Nicolas, extending his chubby arms to Christian, smiling.

  “My hijo, how is my bebe doing?” asks Christian, taking the bebe into his arms laughing, giving the bebe lots of besos on his little chubby face.

  Angel Nicolas giggles with felicidad grabbing Christian’s ear. “Hermano, Angel Nicolas never forgets you, no matter how long you’re gone,” says Nicolas, laughing.

  “Si, the bebe knows who loves him,” replies Christian, gazing at his hermano and noticing Daniella next to Nicolas. “Hola, Danni.”

  “Hola primo, so when are you going to stay home for good?” asks Daniella, walking over to the stove. “Monique, I’ll help you make breakfast.”

  “Si, Danni that will be great. I’m making the eggs with ham,” says Monique, grinning. “I think there’s plenty for everyone.”

  “Si, Monique, I think so. I will make some potatoes and beans,” says Danni, taking the items out of the refrigerator.

  “Here is your plate, Baby,” says Monique, setting the plate in front of Christian. She serves a plate for Papa Jose Arturo and Mama Maria, smiling with pleasure. Danni is serving Nicolas and the bebe.

  They enjoy their short time together. Christian has to leave and return to base. “Okay, familia, I have to leave. I’m going to my room to take a quick shower. Take care of mi Cielo. Adios, hasta pronto,” says Christian, taking Monique’s hand.

  “Adios, mi hijo, dios te bendiga,” says Mama Maria, standing to give Christian a hug and beso.

  “Si, mi hijo, que dios te bendiga,” says Papa Jose Arturo, also giving him a strong hug.

  “Hermano, you make sure to get your happy ass back home. We will be waiting for you,” says Nicolas, giving him a beso.

  “Si, primo, we will be waiting for you. We need to baptize Angel Nicolas,” says Daniella, grinning.

  “Si, prima, it will be our pleasure to baptize Angel Nicolas,” replies Christian, grinning and gazing at Monique who nods in agreement.

  “Si, we would be feliz to baptize Angel Nicolas,” agrees Monique, nodding.

  “Okay, it’s set. You better hurry back,” says Nicolas, grinning with felicidad.

  Christian grins, nodding. “Si, hermano, I will,” says Christian, walking out of the kitchen with Monique.

  OMG, I need to be strong. I can’t cry. Christian needs to leave in peace. I don’t want him worrying about me and get distracted on the mission. I will die if something happens to my Baby, ponders Monique, trying to control her emotions.

  “My Cielo, te amo, and please don’t worry about me. I will return to you,” says Christian, taking her in his arms. I need to love my Cielo, thinks Christian, taking off her dress.

  He gives her a hungry beso picking her up and walks into the bathroom. They take an erotic hot passionate shower together before he has to return to base.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Finally, I’m off the mission. It was a little mission to locate el Mextli. This was a mission that I thrived on, fucking yes. I want to get my hands on el Mextli. The Intel was incorrect. He was not there. Damn, I was all hyped up thinking of killing the bastardo that has caused so much grief to my familia, contemplates Christian. We have a few days on leave. The government agencies are gathering the Intel to reconnaissance. When I get my hands on el Mextli, only dios will be able to save him from my wrath.

  Okay, I need to shake this mood off. I’m going to spend some quality time with my mujer and familia, thinks Christian, walking up to the front door.

  He walks into the casa, smiling. He walks in the direction to the kitchen where the familia is having breakfast. “Hola, I’m here for a few days!” says Christian, opening his arms to catch Monique.

  “OMG, my Baby!” squeals Monique, running to him and into his arms. I don’t care that the familia is watching, thinks Monique, pulling him down for a hot hungry beso. She pulls back to gaze into his hermosos green eyes. “Baby, te amo!” says Monique, grinning with felicidad.

  “Si, mi Cielo, te amo,” replies Christian, giving her another quick beso.

  “Well, hermano, I’m feliz to see that you made it back. The familia was praying like crazy,” says Nicolas, smiling and holding Angel Nicolas on his lap.

  “My hijo, gracias a dios that you’re in casa,” says Mama Maria, walking to him. Monique releases Christian to allow him to give his mama a hug and beso.

  “I’m feliz to be back. I’m off for a few days,” says Christian, smiling, flashing his cute dimples.



  Adios – bye

  Alegría – happy

  Alma – soul

  Amiga – female friend

  Amigo – male friend

  Amor– love

  Amo-I love you

  Ayuda – help


  Bano - bathroom

  Bastardos - bastards

  Bebe – baby

  Bella – beautiful

  Belleza – beautiful

  Bendicion - blessings

  Beso –kiss

  Boda – wedding


  Caballero - gentleman

  Calmate – calm down

  Cama – bed

  Carro – car

  Casa – house

  Chicas – girls

  Chicos – guys

  Chingada – cuss word, vulgar, to hurt

  Chiquita – small (female)

  Comadre – child godmother or

  Compania – company

  Contenta – happy, (female)

  Corazon – heart

  Corona – crown or the brand of

  Cosas – things


  Dias – days

  Dice – says

  Dios – God

  Dolor – pain

  Dos – two


  El – the

  Enojado -mad

  Esposa – wife

  Esposo – husband


  Familia – family

  Felicidad – happiness

  Feliz – happy

  Flautas– rolled up tacos


  Gente – people

  Guey – jerk

  Gusto – pleasure


  Hecho - done

  Hermana – sister

  Hermano – brother

  Hermosa – beautiful

  Hola – hi

  Hombre – man

  Idiota – idiot

  Imbecilie – imbecile


  Juego – game


  La – the

  Loco – crazy

  Los – the


  Mama – mother

  Mano – hand

  Mente – mind

  Mi – me

  Mia – mine – (female)

  Mio – mine (male)

  Mis – my

  Mujer – woman


  Nieto – grand son

  Nietos – grandchildren

  Niña – girl

  Niño – boy

  Nota – note

  Novia – girlfriend, fiancée

  Novio – boyfriend, fiancé



  Papa – dad

  Para - for

  Pasando - happening

  Patron – boss

  Pelo – hair

  Problema – problem

  Pronto – hurry

  Pueblo – town



  Regalo – gift

  Reina – queen

  Rosas - Roses


  Si – yes

  Siempre - always

  Sobrino – nephew

  Soy – I am

  Suegros – in laws


  Taco – food –corn tortilla and

  Tesoros – treasures

  Tio – uncle

  Toda – all- feminine

  Todo – all – masculine

tillas – flat corn type of bread

  Trabajo – work

  Tres – three


  Vida - life

  Vida –life

  Viejas –(broad, old women)


  Y –and


  Zorro – skunk

  About the author

  My name is Patricia T. Macias. I was born in San Jose, California. I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a dual Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management Administration.

  I currently live in Sacramento, California with my family. My family is my pride and joy. I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends.

  I always dreamed of writing and I’m extremely happy to be achieving my dream. All of my characters are my best friends. They are always talking and living in my mind and dreams.

  I hope that you enjoyed reading my novellas.

  P.T. Macias

  De La Cruz Saga by P.T. Macias

  The hot-blooded saga of the De La Cruz familia and their fortunes is centered in on romance, pasión, and danger. Enjoy their explosively passionate nature. Everything breathless and romantic is magnified by autor P.T. Macías into a fever of tactile writing, intense pacing, cohesion, and amor.

  Hot & Enchanting

  A hot-blooded saga of the De La Cruz familia and their fortunes is centered on romance, pasión, and danger. Enjoy their explosively passionate nature.

  Ricardo Emmanuel De La Cruz is the hot sexy alpha playboy of the De La Cruz familia. As an attorney and one of the managers in the familia’s company, he enjoys being pursued by the chicas. They have been chasing him his entire life.

  Ricky literally runs into Jacqueline Cortez. She’s a Bella, shy, and quiet certified public accountant that works for la familia. Jacqueline turns his world upside down.

  Jacqueline Cortez has been in love with Ricardo her entire life. She never dreamed that running into him would unleash the amor she had locked up a long time ago. Will she be able to outrun Ricardo and avoid being his next conquest? How long can Jacqueline resist Ricardo’s attentions? Is she doomed to fall under his enchantment and into his waiting arms?


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