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Rescued By The Fae Prince (Fae 0f Ballantine Book 3)

Page 9

by Serena Meadows

  He kissed her until she was breathless and squirming in his arms, her hard nipples rubbing against his chest, sending waves of pleasure spiraling to his groin. His only thought of her bare skin under his hands, he reached for her pajama top and pulled it over her head, exposing her bare breasts to his hungry eyes. She gasped and tried to cover herself, but he covered her mouth with his again, and her hands fluttered to his shoulders.

  Lying next to her, his body partially covering hers, he realized just how desperately he wanted Sarah, but that throbbing need was mixed with the intense desire to please her. He slid one hand up to cup one of her breasts, the moan that escaped through her lips driving his need further, then teased it until she was squirming underneath him.

  Desperate to feel the heat between her legs, he slid his hand down her stomach and into her pajama bottoms, past the soft lace of her panties, and let it rest against her. Sarah whimpered into his mouth and spread her legs for him, making a thrill rush through him, followed by anticipation so sharp, he had to stop kissing her and take a deep breath.

  “God, you’re incredible,” he whispered into her ear, giving himself a few seconds to get control.

  When he slid his finger between her folds and found her wet and hot, it was all he could do not to take her right then, but instead, he slid his finger over her throbbing nib. Her hips came up off the bed, and she dug her nails into his back, her cry of surprised pleasure filling the room. He could feel the moisture pouring out of Sarah as he drove her over the edge, each cry of his name driving him closer to the edge.

  When she tumbled into bliss, trembling in his arms, still whispering his name, he held her, his body throbbing with need almost to the point of pain. She finally opened her eyes and looked up at him, her cheeks pinkening, and he leaned down, kissed the tip of her nose, her forehead, then her lips.

  “Wait right there,” he said, then got out of bed and quickly stripped off his clothes.

  Sarah’s eyes got big when she saw his throbbing member, but she held her hand out to him, her eyes full of desire. Reminding himself to go slow, he reached for her pajama pants and slid them off, grinning when she blushed as his eyes roamed over her naked body. When she whispered his name, he slid down next to her, his body reacting instantly to the feel of her silky skin against his, and he wanted to bury himself inside her right then.

  But instead, he rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, making her gasp with surprise. He reached out and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Climb on top of me, sweetheart,” he said. “I think it might be better for you.”

  She hesitated. “Reese, that’s not...” she trailed off her cheeks turning red again.

  “Trust me, sweetheart, I think this will be much easier for you,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt you, and I think it’s going to hurt just a little anyway.”

  He saw a burst of fear in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and she climbed on top of him, gasping when his throbbing member slipped between her folds. Rocking his hips, he let the tip glide across Sarah’s still sensitive nub until she closed her eyes and began to moan in her throat. Sliding one hand up her body, he cupped first one breast and then the other, teasing her nipples until she was purring with pleasure.

  Feeling her moisture flowing over him, and the subtle movement of her hips, he knew that she was ready. “Sarah, I want to be inside you so badly it hurts,” he whispered in her ear.

  She gasped, then sat up and looked down at him. “I want you too,” she whispered, her entire body trembling.


  Sarah felt herself shaking with need, felt the pleasure of Reese between her legs, but wanted more. Her body was throbbing deep inside, but she was filled with a feeling of emptiness as well, but when the words came out of her mouth, she understood that there was only one thing that would fill it. When she felt Reese’s hands on her hips, anticipation shot through her, followed by a thrill so powerful, her body tightened deep inside.

  He lifted her by the hips until the tip of his erection was just at the opening of her dripping passageway, then slowly brought her down, sliding into her inch by inch. Pleasure shot through her, waves that took her breath away and made her tingle all over, but then he stopped. She opened her eyes to find him watching her, his eyes full of desire, but also a tenderness she’d never seen before.

  “This might hurt,” he said, reaching up to stroke her cheek.

  She nodded, unable to speak, then lowered herself the rest of the way, feeling only a moment of pain as he filled her fully. It was gone instantly when she saw the look of pleasure that appeared on Reese’s face and realized that the empty feeling had been replaced with pleasure so wonderful, it left her slightly breathless. She could see the strain on Reese’s face and knew that he was holding back, but her body was demanding more, ready for what would come next.

  “Reese,” she said, unable to find the right words. “Please.”

  He grabbed her hips and lifted her off him, then slid into her again, and she understood. Lifting herself off him, she sank back down again, relishing in the feeling of him deep inside her, the pulsing of his passion for her filling her completely. She rode him then, driving them closer and closer, Reese’s hands gripping her hips as he thrust his up to fill her over and over.

  She tumbled over the edge his name on her lips, aware of only the pleasure racing through her body and the man underneath her. When he joined her in bliss, he cried out her name, his body pulsing inside her, intensifying her pleasure until it was all that existed. For a long time, she lay on top of him, his arms around her as her body trembled and she tried to catch her breath.

  But the trembling soon became shivers as the cold air in the room cooled her heated skin. Reese gently untangled them, then retrieved the covers from where they’d been kicked to the foot of the bed and pulled them up over them. He gathered her into his arms, resting his back against the headboard, sighed contentedly, and pulled her closer.

  She looked up at him, feeling the same way, but unable to find the words to describe what she’d just felt. He looked down at her, his blue eyes full of tenderness. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked.

  “No, you didn’t,” she said, her cheeks turning pink. “It was...I it always like that?”

  Reese grinned at her. “Well, it’s always pretty great, but that was on another level,” he said, making her blush even more. “Of course, you know there’s only one way to find out.”

  Sarah could feel his erection pressing against her leg, and a thrill washed over her, making her body tingle and tighten in a way she was beginning to like. Feeling braver than she thought she’d ever feel, she reached under the blankets and wrapped her hand around him, making him gasp. Letting her hands explore, she stroked and teased him, her body responding to each gasp and sigh until she was desperate for his touch.

  When he finally rolled them over, looked down at her, and asked, “Does that mean you want to find out if it’s as good every time?” his voice husky with pleasure.

  “I wouldn’t be much of a scientist if I didn’t do my research,” she said, surprising them both with her teasing remark.

  The morning sun streaming through the window woke her the next morning. She was still wrapped in Reese’s arms and her body warmed at the feel of his bare skin against hers. Sighing with happiness, she started to go back to sleep, but then realized what time it must be, and sat up, panicked.

  Reese woke up and looked up at her sleepily. “What’s the matter?” he asked, reaching for her.

  “Look at the sun; it’s late,” she said. “We probably missed breakfast.”

  She felt her cheeks pinken as embarrassment washed over her, and she pulled the blanket up to her chin. Reese pulled her into his arms and flipped her onto her back. “Well, then there’s only one thing to do,” he said. “Skip breakfast.”

  “Reese,” she said, pushing against his chest. “Stop that. Your parents will be waiting for us.”

  He buried h
is face in her neck. “Hmm, let them wait.”

  “What are we going to tell them?” she asked, and he froze, then looked up at her.

  “I forgot they don’t know,” he said, and her heart began to pound in her chest.

  Suddenly nervous, she wondered if she’d made a huge mistake. “Reese, are we going to tell them about us? I mean, isn’t it against the law or something?”

  As the words came out of her mouth, her heart began to ache with a feeling of loss, but Reese grabbed her face and planted a huge kiss on her lips. “We’re going to tell them everything, and as to the law, well, laws can be changed.”

  Sarah wasn’t so sure, but Reese leaped out of bed, and she quickly looked away, embarrassed. “I’m going to jump in the shower,” he said, gathering up his clothes. “Do you want to join me?”

  “Oh, I don’t...that is...” she mumbled, desire shooting through her body.

  Reese crossed the room and ripped off the covers. “Come on, it will save time,” he said, holding out his hand, desire blossoming in his eyes as they roved over her body.

  It was impossible to resist when he looked at her that way, and before she knew it, she was walking to the bathroom, her body throbbing with desire. When they finally emerged from her bedroom, neither could hide the happiness that coursed through them, and not even the prospect that his parents would disapprove could extinguish the passion between them.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The warmth that spread through Reese’s body as he walked down the hallway with Sarah’s hand grasped firmly in his made him wonder how he’d lived without her all these years. He couldn’t help but steal a quick glance down at her, but what he saw on her face made the smile disappear, and he wanted to pull her into his arms and erase all the fears he saw there.

  She’d been through so much over the last few days, it was amazing that she was coping a well as she was, but his little Pixie was much tougher than she looked. Thinking about her as his made a thrill wash over him, and besides the usual desire that she inspired, there was something new, a breathless feeling that his life was now complete. He doubted that she understood just how deeply his feelings went, and he wasn’t about to tell her, not with everything else going on, but he knew, and that was enough for now.

  As they got closer to the sunroom where his parents were waiting for them, he felt Sarah begin to slow, and when they came to the door, she stopped. “I don’t know if I can do this,” she said, looking up at him.

  “It’s going to be fine,” he said. “They’ll understand. I did.”

  “I’m not sure I understand,” she said. “What if they think I lied to them? What if they think the things you did?”

  He pulled her into his arms as soon as he saw that she was trembling. “They’re not going to think any of those things; I’m the only idiot that did,” he said, rubbing her back.

  She stood in his arms, her head resting against his chest for a few minutes, then looked up at him, the fear gone, replaced by a look of determination. “Okay, I’m ready,” she said, pulling out of his arms.

  He was sorry to have to let her go, but it was a relief to see her rally once again, but he still took her hand as they walked into the room. When his parents saw them approaching, he saw the look of surprise on their faces at the sight of their joined hands; it disappeared quickly but he didn’t miss the look they exchanged.

  “Sorry we’re late, we overslept,” he said, helping Sarah into her chair.

  His father studied him for a second, then looked over at Sarah, who was blushing and looking down into her lap. “It looks like you two have made up,” he said. “Now, maybe we can get to the bottom of what’s going on around here.”

  “I didn’t sabotage the prototype or send you that email,” Sarah said.

  “We know, dear,” his mother said, holding up her hand. “When we looked at things a bit closer, it was clear that someone hacked into your email account.”

  He felt Sarah relax next to him. “And the prototype, was it tampered with?” she asked.

  “It was hard to tell,” his father said. “But it’s possible.”

  “Simon,” Reese said, realizing that he’d forgotten about the missing man. “I’d forgotten all about him with everything else we’ve been dealing with.”

  There was a long silence at the table, and he knew that he had to say more, that the time had come to tell his parents about what they’d discovered the night before. “Would you like to elaborate on what everything else is?” his father finally asked.

  Sarah’s eyes got big, and he felt her suck in a deep breath. “I’m a Pixie,” she blurted out, then slapped her hand over her mouth.

  There was virtually no reaction from his parents, and he wondered if they’d heard her. “The thing is, I kept thinking that there was something different about Sarah, and I figured it out last night. I didn’t really believe it myself, but we found proof,” he knew he was rambling, but couldn’t stop himself. “It was her great-grandfather, he was a Pixie; he must have escaped the Unseelie, and now we have to protect her. All her family is dead, and she’ll be next.”

  His mother nodded. “I wondered how long it would take you to figure that out,” she said.

  He could only stare at her. “You knew?” he asked, not sure if he was angry or hurt. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?”

  “We’ve known about Sarah since she was born,” his father said, smiling fondly at Sarah. “I hope that doesn’t scare you, my dear, but we’ve been keeping an eye on you over the years.”

  Sarah looked as shocked as he felt. “But...why...” she managed to sputter.

  “How much has Reese explained to you?” his mother asked.

  “All of it, I think,” he said, looking at his parents suspiciously. “At least what I know and we could figure out from the old records in the library.”

  “Then you know most of it,” his father said. “But there’s a little more that you couldn’t have found out by yourselves, and once you’ve had some breakfast, we’ll explain that to you.”


  Sarah got woodenly to her feet and let Reese lead her over to the buffet table, not the least bit hungry but aware that she had to eat. Feeling like she’d stepped into a different dimension, she let Reese fill her plate and guide her back to the table. She picked at her food at first, but after a few bites discovered that she was hungry and managed to finish half the plate.

  When she laid her fork and knife across the plate and pushed it away, butterflies erupted in her stomach. “Thank you; that was good,” she said. “I was hungrier than I thought.”

  Reese gestured to the server, who immediately removed both their plates, then he put his arm around her shoulders and gave them a little squeeze. “Okay, we’ve had breakfast,” he said.

  Patience looked over at Stephen, who nodded at her. “Back when the Unseelie tried to destroy all the Pixies, there were some who escaped, with a little help, into the human world,” she said.

  “My great-grandfather,” Sarah said, her voice barely a whisper.

  Stephen nodded. “Any Pixies that were living here were able to escape into the human world thanks to my grandparents and the Fae in Loughmore, who protected them. My grandfather spent his entire life protecting them, keeping the rumor that they were all killed alive so that the Unseelie wouldn’t look for them. He never believed that the Unseelie were finished; he was sure that they’d find the last few Pixies and kill them.”

  Sarah felt panic beginning to well up inside her, and her breath began to come in short gasps. Reese turned and took her face in his hands. “Take a deep breath; you’re safe here. No one is going to hurt you,” he said, his eyes locked on hers.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah; we were too late to save your grandfather,” Patience said, “but Reese is right: you are safe here.”

  Her words and the look in Reese’s eyes soothed her, and she was able to breathe normally again. “It’s all so much to take in at
once,” she said.

  Stephen nodded. “I know, and I’m sorry you had to find out this way. We hadn’t planned to bring you here, but we discovered a month ago that there’s been a man following you.”

  She felt Reese tense beside her. “They could have followed her here,” he said, his voice full of anger.

  “She wasn’t followed,” Patience said. “That was part of the reason we had her stop at Minerva’s.”

  “So, what am I supposed to do now?” she asked, suddenly wishing it would all just go away. “I thought I was coming here to work on a revolutionary hydrogen engine, but instead, you brought me here to keep me safe from an evil band of Fae that wants to destroy me and all my kind. That is if I even believe that I’m a Pixie to begin with.”

  There was a long silence at the table, then Stephen cleared his throat. “We do need your help; that part wasn’t invented just to get you here,” he said. “As to being a Pixie and the Unseelie, I know it’s difficult to suddenly be thrust into a world you don’t understand, but we’re all here to help you through it.”

  “In time, it won’t all seem so strange, and I think if you look down deep inside, you’ll see the truth of who you are,” Patience said. “Just give it some time.”

  Sarah wanted to let Patience’s words soothe her, but her brain was spinning wildly with what this all meant for the rest of her life, questions popping up faster than she could think of the answer. “I can’t think about this anymore,” she said, putting her face in her hands. “I need a break.”

  “Then I propose we go to the lab and start getting it cleaned up,” Stephen said. “All of this can wait for a few hours.”

  She wanted to flee the room, craved the solace of her bedroom, where she could close her eyes and pretend that none of this was happening, but the lab sounded even better. Sitting back up, she leaned into Reese’s warm chest and took a deep breath.


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