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Rescued By The Fae Prince (Fae 0f Ballantine Book 3)

Page 10

by Serena Meadows

  “I guess that would be a good idea,” she said, taking another deep breath and feeling the tears and frustration beginning to fade. “How bad is it?”

  “Not as bad as we feared yesterday,” Patience said, getting to her feet. “But we’re going to have to rebuild the prototype. It’s completely destroyed.”

  Sarah felt herself getting swept up. “I have a few ideas we might want to look at before we rebuild. I think I found the problem with the first one,” she said, a little hesitant.

  “Excellent. I think we should move this conversation to the lab,” Stephen said, getting to his feet as well. “Reese, will you be joining us?”

  Reese got to his feet, a thoughtful look on his face. “Now that I have all the information,” he said, shooting his parents a dirty look, “I have a few things I need to take care of, but I won’t be gone long and then I have a few more questions.”

  Stephen sighed. “I figured you would; come find me when you get back,” he said, holding out his arm for Patience. “We’ll meet you in the lab.”

  When they were gone, Reese pulled her into his arms, and she rested her head on his chest, listening to the reassuring sound of his heartbeat. “Are you okay?” he asked after a few minutes.

  She nodded her head but didn’t move. “I think so.”

  He reached down and tipped her chin up. “Will you be okay if I leave you alone for a little while?” he asked, his eyes searching her face.

  As hard as it all was to digest, Sarah understood that she was involved in something bigger than just her, that the shock she was in was just a side effect of a long battle, a battle that she was now a part of. “I’ll be fine; I just need some time, like your mother said. Go do what you need to. I know that I’m just a small part of what’s happening.”

  Reese smiled down at her. “I won’t be gone long,” he said, then lowered his mouth to hers.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Reese hated to leave Sarah alone, even for a little while, especially after what they’d shared in the sunroom, but he kissed her on the cheek and walked away. The speculative look on his parents’ faces made him smile, but they hadn’t said anything, and he hoped that was a good sign. He’d made his mind up last night that no law was going to separate him from Sarah, and if he had his parents on his side, it would be much easier.

  But before he could think about a future with her, he had to find out just how much of a threat the Unseelie were, and how far they’d be willing to go to kill her. Simon was still preying on his mind as well. The man had disappeared into the castle, and there were so many places he could be hiding, it might take a full search to find him. It was all a bit too much to handle on his own. He needed some help, and he knew exactly who to call.

  Heading for his father’s study, he tried to organize his thoughts, but his mind was jumbled with emotion, and clarity just wouldn’t come. But after a long conversation with his cousin Colin, and his best friend Keaton, which, to his relief, included promises from both to come to Loughmore with their wives, he felt better. His brain not so cluttered, he knew what his next move should be and left the study, headed for the meager guard that protected Loughmore.

  After so long away from home, he didn’t know most of the men in the guard, but to his relief, the commander was a man he’d grown up with and could trust. Over a long lunch, he explained the situation, ignoring his old friends knowing looks when he spoke of Sarah and his astonishment when he discovered she was a Pixie. By the time he left, he was feeling more in control of the situation; the guard was still loyal as far as he could tell, and soon, he wouldn’t be facing this alone.

  But there were still a lot of questions, and his mother and father were the only ones with the answers, so he headed for the lab. When he got there, they were all at their computers, so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn’t hear him until he cleared his throat. All three turned to look at him, but neither spoke for a few seconds, then a huge smile spread across Sarah’s face.

  “You’re back already,” she said. “That didn’t take long.”

  Reese pointed to the clock on the wall. “It’s after lunchtime. I’ve been gone for hours,” he said, smiling at the surprised look on her face.

  The three of them all looked up at the clock. “Oh, dear, we missed lunch,” his mother said.

  “Must have lost track of the time,” his father said, standing up to stretch. “Did you have a good morning?”

  “I got some things accomplished,” Reese said, crossing the room to stand next to Sarah, who was still sitting at the computer. “Colin and Keaton are on their way with Darby and Rainie, but you and I still need to talk.”

  His mother got up. “I should go to the kitchen and talk to the cook then,” she said. “Sarah, would you like to come with me? Maybe we can get some sandwiches or something for lunch while we’re there.”

  Sarah hesitated, looking between him and his father, then reluctantly got to her feet. “Just as long as you tell me what’s going on when I get back,” she said, looking Reese right in the eye. “I know you’re going to talk about me, and I’m not sure I like it.”

  “I promise, I’ll tell you everything when you get back,” he said, knowing that he might be telling her a lie.

  When he was sure she was gone, he asked, “So, how much of a threat are the Unseelie to Sarah?”

  His father sat down heavily in a chair. “If we hadn’t gotten her out of there, she’d be dead by now,” he said.

  “I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell me,” he said, sitting down next to his father.

  “We were hoping that the story that she was human would work, but you wouldn’t leave it alone,” his father said. “I see now that trying to pass her off as human was a mistake.”

  “So, what is your plan now?” Reese asked. “They’re going to come after her, and I’m not sure we can protect her. Simon is out there somewhere, too, and he could be working for them.”

  His father nodded. “That’s my fear as well,” he said. “Simon knows this castle better than anyone, except maybe the head housekeeper. If he’s here, it’s not going to be easy to find him.”

  “But we have to,” Reese said. “He’s our missing link.”

  His father was quiet for a long time, then he said, “I just can’t believe that Simon is working with the Unseelie, but he definitely sent that email and sabotaged the prototype.”

  Reese could see the pain in his father’s eyes and understood. “I’m sorry, Dad, I know it can’t be easy. Simon has been with you a long time.”

  His father snapped out of it. “Yes, well, he’s not with us, now is he?” he asked. “Do what you have to do to find him, and until you do, we’d better keep a close eye on Sarah. I assume that won’t be too big of a burden for you.”

  “I was going to talk to you about that,” Reese said, feeling his face turning red. “That is...I... she’s...”

  His father smiled at him. “Your mother and I didn’t expect you two to...umm, hit it off so well,” he said, faltering a bit. “But if you’re truly happy, then we’re happy for you.”


  When Sarah got back to the lab, her arms laden with a tray of food, Reese and Stephen were deep in discussion but jumped to their feet to help as soon as they saw them. Patience smiled gratefully up at Stephen when he took the tray of drinks from her hands, and she could see the love that flowed between them, all the more obvious to her now that Reese had come into her life.

  Their hands brushed when Reese took her tray; a thrill rushed through her and she wondered if Patience still felt that way about Stephen and found herself blushing. “I haven’t said a word and you’re already blushing; should I ask what you’re thinking about?” Reese asked, grinning down at her.

  She shook her head, grinning at him. “No, probably not,” she said.

  It was clear that he took it the wrong way when his eyes filled with desire, and she started to explain, but his moth
er called. “I’m starving; bring that food over here.”

  The whole time she was eating, Sarah waited for Reese to explain what he and his father had discussed, but instead, he kept the conversation light. Finally, she couldn’t stand it any longer. “What did you do this morning?” she asked, hoping he’d get the hint.

  Reese waved his hand in the air. “Talked to a few people, then I made a visit to the guard just to check in since I haven’t had time since I got back,” he said evasively. “This afternoon, I think I’ll go into the village and make the rounds, let everyone know I’m home.”

  Sarah knew that he was trying to look relaxed, but she could see the tension in his muscles and tried to fight the disappointment that he’d be gone again that afternoon. “Well, I suppose we’ll just work in the lab until dinner time,” she said, putting the rest of her food aside.

  “Yes, and we’d better get back to work,” Stephen said, dusting off his hands and setting his plate aside. “We should have someone come clean this up.”

  Sarah wanted to protest; Reese hadn’t told her anything, and she had the distinct feeling that they were plotting and planning around her. “Reese, you said you’d tell me what you and your dad talked about,” she said when he started to hug her goodbye. “I’m not a child, so don’t treat me that way.”

  He pulled her into his arms and she stood there stiffly until he reached down and lifted her chin to make her look at him. “I’m not protecting you. I’m just giving you some time to let all of this settle a little bit. I promise that we’ll talk soon.”

  Sarah had to be happy with that answer, at least for then. “Okay, but I’m not as fragile as you think I am. I would rather know what I’m facing than be unprepared,” she said.

  “Right now, that’s what I’m trying to do, Sarah,” he said. “I don’t know exactly what we’re facing or when it might happen, but I promise I’ll figure it out; just give me some more time and then we’ll talk.”

  She studied his face for a moment, then nodded. “Okay, I just hate feeling helpless.”

  Reese grinned down at her. “Sarah, you are anything but helpless; remember that.”

  When she walked into the lab, Patience was waiting for her, a thoughtful look on her face, and Sarah felt her cheeks pinken when she thought of the exchange between her and Reese just then. The kiss he’d given her before he left had been anything but chaste, and they’d nearly lost themselves in the passion that flared to life.

  “Patience,” she began, but couldn’t think of anything to say. “I don’ just happened so fast.”

  A smile broke out on the older woman’s face. “I always knew that Reese would fall hard when the time came, but I never saw this coming. I’ll admit that it’s a bit out of the ordinary, but the old ways weren’t working that well anymore,” she said.

  “So, you’re okay...I mean...” Sarah was so relieved she couldn’t find the words she wanted to say.

  “We’ll work it out if it comes to that,” she said. “For now, just enjoy the ride; you two have a long way to go before we have to start worrying about things like laws.”

  For the rest of the afternoon, Sarah pushed away her worries about the mess her life had turned into and enjoyed the feeling of working, letting the numbers soothe her as only they could. She listened to their quiet chatter, letting them guide her as she worked through one design problem after another until, just as the sun began to set, it all lined up the way she thought it would.

  “I knew it would work,” she said, rolling her chair away from the computer.

  “You solved the combustion problem?” Stephen asked, coming over to look.

  “I think so; we’ll have to try it out, but see these changes?” she said, pointing to her blueprint of the engine. “This was the problem.”

  “I need to look at this a little closer, but I think we should start building a new prototype right away,” Stephen said, his voice full of excitement.

  “Not so fast,” Patience said, coming up to look at the screen. “It’s time to dress for dinner; have you forgotten we’re having guests?”

  Sarah felt the same disappointment that she saw on Stephen’s face, but he smiled at his wife and said, “I guess it can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Sarah, I had Faith put some clothes in your room; feel free to wear any of them that you want. They’re yours to wear as long as you’re here,” Patience said.

  “Oh, that’s okay. I brought some nice things with me,” she said.

  “Well, I’m sure what you brought is fine, but...” Patience trailed off, a look of discomfort on her face. “This is the castle and all...”

  “What my mother is trying to say is that when she says dress for dinner, she means dress up like you’re going to a fancy party, and I’m sure you didn’t bring anything remotely acceptable,” Reese said, coming into the lab.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Now, Reese, I wouldn’t have put it that way,” his mother said, slapping him on the arm. “I just want Sarah to be comfortable.”

  “Mother, there’s no comfort in getting dressed up just to eat dinner,” Reese said, then saw the look on his mother’s face. “But we will do it because it makes you happy.”

  His mother’s face softened. “I don’t know if I want to slap you again or hug you,” she said. “But if you don’t go start getting ready, I know which one it’s going to be. Take Sarah with you and if she needs any help, ring Faith.”

  He held out his hand and Sarah took it, looking a bit stunned. When they got out into the hallway, she asked, “Do you always get dressed up for dinner, or is someone special coming?”

  “Both,” he said. “One thing you’ll soon learn about the Fae is that we like to look good, and among the Royal Fae, it’s even more important. In Loughmore, it’s not quite as obvious as someplace like Ballantine, but my mother still enjoys the pageantry.”

  Sarah was silent the rest of the way to her room, then followed him inside, a thoughtful look on her face. “I’m going to have to start writing all this down,” she said, then walked over to the closet and looked inside. She let out a little sound of surprise, then stepped inside. “I should have known, but...”

  Reese couldn’t hear the rest of what she said, so he walked over to the closet and looked in. Sarah was staring at the long line of dresses in a rainbow of colors, looking completely overwhelmed. He walked over to her, put his arms around her, and stood staring at them with her.

  “I didn’t think there was such a thing as too many choices,” Sarah said very quietly. “I have no idea where to start. I’ve never worn anything like this before.”

  “Do you want me to help? I could sit and watch while you try them all on,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed. “No, I think I can manage on my own,” she said, looking up at him. “You can wait in your room. You need to get ready anyway.”

  He knew that she was right, but the thought of watching her slip in and out of dress after dress was so alluring, he nearly insisted on staying. But in the end, he slipped through the door between their rooms and got into a cold shower instead. When he came out of the shower no less inflamed than he’d been before he went in, he wrapped a towel around his waist and began to pace the room.

  After a few minutes of pacing, he began to hear Sarah making little sounds in the room next door, and the rustling of fabric. Her grunts and groans, little sighs and huffs nearly did him in, so he sat down on the bed, switched on the television, turned the volume up loud, and tried his best to ignore her. But it wasn’t long before he’d muted the television and was intently listening to the quiet, hoping to hear something from the next room.

  Disgusted with himself, he tried to think of something else, but the sound of the shower turning on made visions of the shower they’d shared that morning leap into his brain. Jumping up from the bed, he began to pace again, trying to ignore the silence when the shower shut off and Sarah’s quiet s
teps as she came back into the bedroom.

  Unable to stop himself, he crossed the room and burst through the door, forgetting he was only dressed in a towel. Sarah was standing in front of the mirror in a towel so short, it barely covered her perfectly rounded butt, and his body began to pump with desire. She turned, surprised to see him, grabbed the front of her towel, and stepped back a few steps.

  “Oh, Reese, you scared me,” she squeaked. “Is there something wrong?”

  “Nothing that a few minutes in your arms won’t fix,” he said, advancing on her a few steps.

  “But dinner,” she said, her eyes filling with desire when he ripped the towel off his hips.

  “Is still a long time away,” he finished for her, closing the distance between them.

  He reached for her, cupping the back of head in his hand, brought his mouth down on hers, and kissed her, desperate to taste her sweetness. The towel slipped off, and the feel of Sarah’s naked breasts and hard nipples against his chest made him growl low in his throat. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him, her tongue slipping in and out of his mouth, teasing him until he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

  His body throbbing with need, he looked at her lying on the bed, her lips parted with pleasure, her eyes filled with desire. A driving need to have her thrashing under him overtook him, and it was all he could do not to take her right then, but instead, he decided to show her another side of passion.

  Lying down next to her, he trailed one finger over her breasts, tracing an invisible line that had Sarah breathless with anticipation, then leaned over and sucked one hard nipple into his mouth. She arched her back and moaned as he used his tongue and teeth to tease first one hard peak and then the other while his hand moved slowly down her stomach between her legs.

  He slid one finger between her folds, groaning again when he found her hot, wet, and ready for him. Sarah moaned, thrust her hips up to meet his finger, and spread her legs wider for him, making him throb even harder. Releasing the nipple he’d been teasing with his tongue, he kissed his way down her stomach, then knelt between her legs, gently spreading them further.


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