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by Jake Ward

  The Doctor moved to within inches of his newest prize. "From this moment on, you belong to me, you are my property." As he said this, he took hold of Holt's balls in his right hand and his right nipple in his other hand and began to squeeze unmercifully. Holt screamed out in pain, still begging them to let him go.

  "Now I've been more lenient with you than usual so far, because you come into this situation with a little more knowledge than the others. You already know what your function will be, and many of the methods we will use to train you to fulfill that function, but my tolerance has its limits. Since you have more knowledge, you also know that there is no appeal from this reality. I own you completely, and you own nothing except that collar around your neck, and you, more than any new slave, should know the power and threat of that collar.........Mr. Trainer!"

  With that, Holt continued to scream, but now because of the fire around his neck. It was horrible, he'd no idea that it hurt that much. He'd always thought the others were just weak. Now he was beginning to understand. It was truly horrible. The burning finally began to decrease, and was soon gone, but Trainer held the control in front of him menacingly. Then he noticed something. That was his old control unit. He'd scratched his initials into it. He was being tortured with his own unit.

  "Please, please, no more, don't do it again, please," he begged, but it was not to be. The Doctor and Trainer wanted to press the point, so as the Doctor continued to crush his balls, and rip his nipple off his chest, Trainer hit the controls again, sending a powerful shot of fire around his neck. Once again Holt began to scream and jerk uncontrollably, begging for the pain to stop.

  "Thank you, Mr. Trainer," the Doctor said, "I think that will be enough for now. I believe we have his attention now, so we can continue," and the Doctor began to slowly release Holt's balls and nipple. "From this moment on your name is XX. Mr. Trainer selected it for you personally because of your preference for a certain beer. However, my own personal name for you will be "Dos," because I like the humor in it. You will of course refer to me from this moment on as Master, as I am that in every way you can conceive, and while I know you're training will have to be a little different because of your experience level, one thing I will absolutely not tolerate is disrespect or insolence on your part. Am I making myself clear, or is another demonstration required," the Doctor asked?

  XX looked at him with a combination of fear and hatred, and the Doctor thought to himself, excellent, that's exactly where I want him for Mr. Y. But, XX was not insane, nor did he have a death wish. He knew if he had any chance, it would be to look for an opportunity to get out, and this wasn't it. He was counting on the fact that he knew this compound, he knew if he had a little time he could find a way out, but for now at least, he had to submit.

  "Yes, Master, you're making yourself clear. Please, no more demonstrations," XX said, still suffering from the last one.

  "Oh, I can see the wheels spinning Dos, do you think you're the first one to think he could play along until an opportunity to escape came along? Tell me boy, in all your time with us, do you ever remember anyone even mentioning anything about someone escaping.......anything at all? The reason for that, you stupid piece of shit, is because you would be the first, and trust me when I say this, you will not be the first," he said staring XX straight in the eyes and twisting both nipples in his hands for emphasis.

  "Yes Master," he cried, as once again his nipples were in the hands of this sadist, and as he began to realize that what the Doctor had said was true. No one had ever escaped. There were some rumors about some that may have met a really bad end, but there were no actual witnesses to that.

  "Now it doesn't all have to be unpleasant Dos," the Doctor said, using his pet name for him while moving even closer and releasing his nipples. "After all, I've always admired your body, now I have the opportunity to get to know it a little more intimately," he said as he began to fondle XX's cock and balls. He slowly began to stroke a gorgeous cock, that now belonged entirely to him. Then let his other hand begin to explore those rounded ass cheeks.

  XX started crying now, the pain was one thing, but for this man to be handling him like this was something else entirely. He'd had men suck him, and he'd even fucked captives before, plenty of them, but that was different, that was okay for a man sometimes, as long as he was the one being sucked or fucking. But now, he was going to be the one being fucked and doing the sucking......he really didn't know if he could live with himself if he did that, and yet, he knew he would have little choice. All this was going through his mind as he felt the Doctor's hand push further between his cheeks. Then he felt it, fingers probing at his hole.......his hole or...or.... the Doctor's hole, he thought as he continued to cry.

  "Please Master, please, don't do this, please," he said softly as tears streamed down his face.

  "Oh, it's going to happen boy," the Doctor replied softly into his ears, "who ever heard of a sex toy whose hole couldn't be used for his Master's pleasure." As the Doctor said this he thrust two of his fingers into XX's hole, it was the first time anything like that had ever happened to him. He continued to cry as he felt the fingers move in and out, he continued to beg, but soon understood that begging was useless. This man was going to do anything he wanted to was all true......he was a toy, and he was owned by a madman. The tears continued to flow as the Doctor pushed yet another finger in his unwilling opening.

  "Get used to it Dos, this will get a lot of use, in fact, we have something planned for a little later that you should enjoy," the Doctor said, "well not exactly enjoy, but it will further your education."

  While the Doctor had been tormenting XX, Trainer had moved his three bags into the room and put them in front of him. Even though he knew what was coming, thought Trainer, he's never actually experienced it himself. It will still have some value for him, and so it did as XX saw his stuff gone through by the Doctor and Trainer.

  "Mostly just crap here Sir," Trainer said as he tore things up. "Not even worth giving to Goodwill, God he had bad taste, look at some of these shirts."

  It wasn't lost on XX that he was being spoken of in the past tense. They were reminding him that his old life was over, and as the Doctor continued to fondle him and probe him with his fingers, he knew his new life was beginning. What a fool he'd been, trusting these bastards.

  "Tomorrow you can find an incinerator for all that junk, but for now, would you like to share this wonderful piece of prime grade-A beef with me."

  "I was wondering if you were going to offer," Trainer said, as he removed his pants and moved to the back of XX. "I was wondering if you would mind if I have first night privileges with this new prize Doctor, and I was hoping the night could start soon," he said as he slapped XX's rounded cheeks.

  "Oh, I think that can be arranged," replied the Doctor, as he removed his fingers from that delicious ass, in order to make way for something even more entertaining to watch.

  "Listen to me, dickwad," Trainer snarled into XX's ear, "the fact that you used to have a life here means nothing to me. My job is to make pleasure instruments out of the men I'm given, and that's what I'm going to do with you."

  "Please, Mr. Trainer, please," XX almost whispered, "please don't do this."

  "It's already done," replied Trainer as he thrust his freshly lubed dick into XX. The Doctor hadn't opened it up very much, Trainer thought, as he plunged in till his pubic hairs were pressed against those ass cheeks, but damn, he still feels good.

  XX screamed like he'd been stabbed with a massive hot poker, which was exactly what had happened. He was standing on his toes as his whole body had been thrust forward and upward on Trainer's cock. He screamed, knowing it was only the first time of many to come. He screamed because he hated what was happening to him, because he didn't know how he was going to get away, and because he'd never felt anything so painful in his life. He screamed because it was the only thing he could do in response to his first rape.

  "That's right boy, sing for
me, while we dance," Trainer roared, as he fell into a rhythm of thrusting then pulling back, only to thrust even harder the next time. He noticed XX was unsteady on his tip toes so he helped secure him by reaching around his torso and grabbing onto his nipples. He wouldn't have thought XX could scream louder, but he was wrong, the pitch did go up a little, he thought as he continued to invade that beautiful opening. He was going to enjoy himself tonight, he didn't think that enjoyment was going to be reciprocated by XX, but that was a price he was willing to pay, he thought as he continued to enjoy himself.

  "The Doctor stood back and relished the sight of these two beautiful men going at it, and for him this was the best kind of sex, one willing participant, and one unwilling, the Doctor thought as he chuckled to himself. He thought Dos was straining before, with his legs and arms spread apart, but it was nothing to the way he was straining now. He could see it in his face, as it was contorted in pain. He knew how shocked and confused Dos must be right now, but he also knew that they would use those realities against him. It wasn't personal, it wasn't even just business, it was also sheer pleasure.............

  "Take it all you little bugger," Trainer growled into XX's ear, "take every bit of it, and enjoy the fact that a real man can use you for his pleasure." He turned each hand a little more, each pulling Dos' nipples a little further from his body. "Now, bitch, beg me to use you, beg me or by God you'll regret it."

  XX heard the command, and actually wanted Trainer to shoot his load, but only because that would mean he was finished. He started rasping through his tears, "Please Sir.........please.......use me........use me for your pleasure.........please," he begged, and as insincere as it was, it still sounded wonderful to Trainer.

  "Keep begging bitch, don't stop until I'm shooting."

  "Cum in me Sir, please........cum in me.........fill me with your cum.........leave your seed inside me.........coat me with it, Sir, please............," he continued his litany with whatever words came to him.

  "That's right bitch, beg for it, beg me to fill you, and you'll keep it in you all night slut, do you hear me........all......night," and then he could feel the churning start deep in his loins and knew.........."YES...........YES..........YOU......FUCKING......CUNT!! TAKE.......IT....... ALL...... YOU..........MISERABLE........CUMDUMP!!

  XX could feel the spasms of Trainer's cock inside his asshole, he could feel himself being filled, he could feel his manhood melting like snow in a spring thaw. He'd been fucked, used like a bitch, nothing would ever be the same again.

  "Just so you get the point Dos," Trainer said with disdain, "you no longer have an asshole back here, you only have a cunt. Your legs will be used to carry this cunt wherever it's needed. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes Sir," XX choked in response, "I understand."

  "Then tell me, do you have an asshole?"

  "No......Sir......" he sobbed, "I don't." He hoped he could leave it there, but that was not to be.

  "Then what do you have back here between those pretty round cheeks?"


  "What!!" Trainer roared into his ears as he slapped XX's ass and back with his hands, "I can't hear you boy, what do you have back here?"

  "I....HAVE....A......CUNT.....SIR," he screamed.

  "You say you're a cunt," Trainer shot back.

  "YES, SIR........I'M A CUNT," he shouted again as he continued to cry.

  "Yeah, you're a cunt alright, you piece of shit," Trainer growled, "and do you have legs, Cunt?"

  "YES, SIR," Dos continued to shout.

  "And why do we let you have legs, Cunt," Trainer continued to press.

  Sobbing, Dos slowly answered, "So I can carry this cunt where ever its needed."

  "What! Speak up, Dick Wad, Trainer shouted, as he slapped Dos hard on his ass.

  "SO I CAN CARRY THIS CUNT WHERE EVER ITS NEEDED," Dos screamed, as he finally lost hope of saving any face.

  "Well," Trainer said, as he pulled out of XX and began to walk toward another room off this main room, "if that's the case, I have a friend here who could use a cunt. What you say we give him a chance," and he went into the room for a minute, coming out leading 101 by his dick. Trainer had told 101 he would be used to fuck someone that day, but he would not be allowed to speak to him or see him. 101 had thought it unusual, but he was long past questioning how he would be used. His hands were cuffed behind his back, he had ear phones in his ears blaring music, and his eyes were covered with swimmer's goggles that had had the lenses painted black. He knew better than to resist or say anything. Trainer had told him if he performed well, he had a surprise for him.

  XX gasped as he saw this huge black man being led to him. 101 had the biggest dick in the compound, and he knew how to use it. "NO......PLEASE.....NO!! DON'T.....DO.....THIS.....PLEASE.....I'LL.....DO......ANYTHING!!"

  "Didn't I hear you tell 116 earlier today that this was what he was supposed to be doing, as he was being fucked? And that he didn't have to 'do' anything, that we would take care of all that? WELL," he shouted, "I'll take care of everything, and all you have to 'DO' is have a cunt........OH......and you do have ARE one!"

  Trainer led 101 to the back of XX. 101 couldn't see anything, and couldn't hear anything except the loud music, he knew Trainer would make his wishes known and direct him somehow. He certainly knew better than to try and touch the ear plugs or the goggles. That's when he felt Trainer fondling him, and his cock began to swell. Trainer stayed at it and soon, 101 stood with all twelve inches jutting out proudly before him. Trainer lubed 101 a little, though XX was already fairly well lubed, then pushed 101 up next to the screaming XX.

  What really terrified XX was when he realized that Trainer had uncuffed this monster, and was allowing him to wrap his arms around XX to get a good purchase on his ass. 101 didn't have to be told twice when he felt Trainer's hand swat his ass, he started pumping into this ass that was just on the edge of his dick. He rammed into him, and XX was actually quite for a moment, the way a child is who really gets hurt and opens his mouth, but for a second or two, nothing, then it came, he screamed for all his worth. Even 101 could hear the scream through his ear plugs, but he figured if Trainer wanted this guy to be fucked, he'd fuck him good. He held onto this guy around his chest and began to fuck him for all he was worth.

  XX had never experienced anything like it. Trainer was a gentleman, compared to this raging bull that was tearing into him. Literally tearing into him. He thought his ass was actually splitting as this Yule Log of a dick continued to thrust in and out of his already sore ass..........cunt!!

  "Let me hear it," Trainer yelled above XX's sobs and cries, "what are you? I want to hear it strong, or I may just have 101 here fuck you all happen to know he can do that, don't you? Now, WHAT ARE YOU?"

  "I'M A CUNT," he screamed, hoping he could satisfy Trainer, hoping against hope it would hurry 101 on, but he seemed to have established an excruciatingly slow pace of powerful thrusts, followed by pulling his cock almost completely out, then thrusting again.........again........again........God!!!

  XX wasn't sure how long it had been going on when he could feel 101 increasing his pace and holding him more firmly. The pain was terrible, he was still yelling, but he knew it made no difference to anyone, it just made it more bearable for him, so he yelled. Then, as 101 squeezed the breath out of him, he felt it. He'd never felt anything like it. He could actually feel the bursts of cum working its way up that enormous cock. There were spasms produced by the cock that he could feel inside his ass chute, then it felt like an internal flood as cord after cord of thick cum clogged his colon, but at least it was over........he hoped.

  Trainer came up behind 101 and pulled out one of his ear plugs momentarily. "I know how much you enjoy a good piss after a good fuck 101, and that looked to me like a good fuck, so take your time, but take a good piss.......NOW!" Then Trainer quickly replaced the plug as XX screamed, "NO......PLEASE......P

  "It's enough when I say 'it's enough,' and don't ever forget that," Trainer said as he walked around to face XX and struck him savagely across the face. Blood was oozing out of the corner of XX's mouth, as Trainer continued to stare hard into his eyes.

  Then XX felt a true flood as 101 began to piss into him. Piss was flooding his colon, and some of it was even coming down the inside of his legs. He'd been raped, and now he was being used as a was all true........the life he'd know was over, how could this be happening otherwise. He had to get out, but how??

  Still 101 continued to piss, now he understood why he hadn't been allowed to piss earlier. It was being saved for whoever was encasing his cock. Well, Trainer must have wanted a good piss up this ass, so he was going to have it.


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