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by Jake Ward

  Finally, as 101 had only a few squirts left, he felt hands putting his hands behind his back again and cuffing them. Then he was pulled out of whomever it was with very little ceremony, and was being led somewhere else.

  "I'll take him back to his cell," the Doctor said to Trainer, "I know you want to have some more quality time with Dos, and since I think he can only benefit by that, I'm glad to help out." The Doctor led the blind and deaf 101 away, and called back to Dos, "I'll see you soon Dos, think of me while you play with Trainer," he laughed as they left the room.

  "And now," Trainer said evenly and somewhat casually, "I think a good beating is in order. You've seen me do it, I've even instructed you on how to do it, but I never instructed you on how to receive it. MMMMM How thoughtless of me. The best way to take a one stroke at a time," he laughed as he stepped over to a table and picked up a flogger.

  So XX's journey into Hell would be accompanied by a good beating. It seemed only fitting since he had suggested the same for 116 earlier. The first few strokes stung terribly, then it began to really hurt. As with other beatings that Trainer had given, XX soon passed out. Fortunately, the smelling salts helped to bring him back, but the third time he passed out, Trainer decided he'd had enough. He used the strap restraints he preferred on XX, placing one high on each thigh, then released one hand from the spreader bar and fastened it to the strap on his thigh. After he'd done that to both of XX's hands, he released his ankles from the spreader bar. He knew the slave would be secure for the night so he drug him into his cage. He realized that XX might come to sometime during the night, and would probably be dehydrated, so he took time to piss in his water bowl for him. Then he went to rest before the next session.

  Chapter Two

  Early the next morning, XX began to come out of the stupor he had been in most of the night. Every part of his body was screaming in pain. He was naked, his arms were attached to his thighs, and there was no hope of getting them free because the thigh straps were attached to a waist band. Add to that an additional hook on the inside of the thigh was fastened securely to a ball stretcher. It was theoretically possible to push the Velcro strap down the leg, but not while it was secured to the guys waist and balls. He had used restraints like this, and some of the Bosses had even used them on each other to see if they could get out, none ever did. Besides, he was too exhausted to waste energy on that. He looked around his cell from where he was on the floor. He saw a water bowl on the floor a few feet away. Just making it to the bowl was more of an effort than he thought it would be. His mouth and throat were parched from the exertion and the screaming. He finally got to the bowl, was able to get on his knees to get access to it, but as he lowered his face he began to smell something other than just water. He stopped, he knew what he was smelling. Someone, probably Trainer, had pissed in his water bowl. He knew he had to get some water soon, his body was begging for it, but this........he didn't know if he could do this. Then he began to realize that he had no alternative, just as Trainer knew he wouldn't. He decided then that he was going to make it out of here. Yeah, no captive had ever escaped from this place, but none of them had ever been a former Boss! He knew things about this place, and he knew a lot of the techniques they would use to break him. He was smarter than they thought he was, he could do this, he just had to survive long enough and endure until his chance arose.

  As he knelt before his defiled water bowl a new determination began to flow into XX. Yeah, he was their prisoner, yeah, they had screwed him, and yeah, they'd screw him a lot more, but he would beat them. Trainer gave him a good beating last night, but he had survived, he was here this morning, and he was more determined than ever that he could find a way out.........he would.........he swore to it. And with that resolve, XX lowered his tongue to the mixture of piss and water, and began to give his body the hydration it required to continue. It was foul, it was disgusting, but XX also knew it was only piss. They could piss a river through him, he would survive, he would get out, and then, he would come back..........and God help them all then.

  Later that morning as Williams reported for work, Trainer was with XX. Just before Williams arrived, Trainer pushed a penis gag into his mouth. "This will accomplish two things. First, it will keep you from talking with anyone right now, and trying to communicate for help, and second, it will get you accustomed to having a dick in your mouth, something you need to get used to," he laughed, while he locked the strap on the gag in place.

  XX knew he was effectively muzzled, but he also knew he would find a way to get word to some of the other Bosses. There was no way they could know about this. If they knew they could be sold as well, there'd be a revolution, but he wondered if some of them could know. If that were the case he'd have to decide which one to try and contact. Patience he told himself as he groaned in pain when Trainer pushed a large butt plug up his ass.

  "I don't want you to start missing having someone using you, so this will keep you content until I'm back. Won't it bitch," Trainer said as he slapped XX hard across the face."

  "UUUUNNNNNGGGG," was all XX could scream into his gag in response.

  "Williams," Trainer said as he turned to the keeper, "I don't want the gag or the plug removed until I get back. Put him on the running machine and work his ass good for at least an hour. Then if you want to practice turning his ass a deep red you may do so, but only his ass. I want to be here to give you instructions on beating any other parts. Any time you need to piss, do so on him. The Doctor may come by after a bit, and I expect you to be on your best behavior."

  "You bet, Mr. Trainer, I'll take care of everything," Williams responded, wanting very much to do a good job for this man. The idea of being able to abuse these guys, using them any way you wanted, was like nectar for a bee. He was intoxicated with it.

  * * *

  Later that day, Trainer was leading a frightened 105 into The Room. 105 was desperately trying to think of what he'd done to displease Trainer. He was terrified of this room. He had been in it on several other occasions, and each one was memorable..........painfully so. Even now he was muttering as tears flowed down his face, "Please, Sir, please, if I've offended you, I'm sorry, please Sir, not this Room, please, I can be good.........pleeeease."

  "Be quiet," Trainer said firmly, but also gently, which surprised 105 into a begging silence where only a few sounds escaped. "I'm bringing you hear because I need to talk to you, and I want to be sure you hear me. I have something in here that I think will help. I want you to try and relax, I'm not going to hurt you," and with that Trainer took the crying man into his arms and embraced him..........held him........comforted him.

  105 was stunned into almost absolute silence. In all the time he'd been here, and he wasn't even for sure how long that was, a hundred years maybe, this was the first time he'd been touched with anything that resembled affection. Trainer placed his hand comfortingly behind 105's head and gently guided his head into the nook of his shoulder so he could then lower his cheek onto 105's head, and hold him in that embrace. As that happened, all the fear, the horror, the pain, the humiliation.......all of it, began to well up inside 105, and he wept, truly wept, for the life he'd lost, for the life that had been thrust upon him, for everything.

  Trainer soothed 105 and let him cry, he knew that he had to get past a lot of this pain if he had any hope of making an alpha out of this slave. He also knew that by this point 105 would be so desperate for any act of kindness, he'd never see all the calculation that was behind it. All he could feel right now was a human touch of gentleness, and it was having the desired effect. This wasn't going to be easy, but it would work, he was confident of that.

  The two men stood like that for several minutes, one in complete control and one with no control whatsoever, both caught up in a dance that only one fully understood. Trainer started to gently guide 105, who now had his arms around Trainer's waist in a desperate response to the humanity he was experiencing. Slowly, Trainer led him over to the same appa
ratus he had used on 109. He'd had it moved from his quarters because in this case, he'd also wanted the fear of this room as part of the mix. That was working well. 105 looked through the tears and saw the device, but had no idea how it was intended to be used. He didn't remember seeing it before when he'd been in this room.

  "Like I said boy, I need to say some things to you, but I need for you to really hear me, not the kind of listening that comes from the pain of a whip, but to really listen. Will you try to do that for me boy," Trainer gently asked?

  105 found himself clinging to this man, this monster that had caused him so much pain, how was this possible, how could he be talking with him like this, but he was, and worst of all, he wanted this moment to continue........this wonderfully human moment. Finally he responded, "Yes Sir, I'll try for you Sir........I can listen."

  "Good boy, now this is what I want you to do. Stand here, while I put these straps around your thighs.......don't worry, this isn't going to hurt you boy, just relax." And as quickly as that, 105's wrists were fastened to his thighs, he was gently restrained.

  "Now I only did that to help you relax, you'll understand better in a moment. I want you to step up on this platform. You see the indentations there in the base? I want you to kneel down and put your knees in those, then your feet will fit nicely in that hole. Do that for me now boy."

  Slowly, cautiously, 105 got into the position Trainer had described. His knees were spread wide apart, making him feel vulnerable, but for some reason he wasn't overly frightened. Then Trainer pushed 105's torso back until it rested in the canvas half tube at a slight angle. Finally, he gently pushed 105's head back, until it too was resting. For the first time in a long time, 105 felt almost completely least physically, he was still a little apprehensive, and Trainer knew it.

  "All I want you to do is relax, while I talk to you. This way I think you'll hear me better. Why don't you close your eyes and just allow yourself to really relax."

  105 was slightly startled when he felt Trainer's hands begin to touch his body, but quickly realized that the touch was gentle and caressing, as was his voice. He did begin to relax like he hadn't been able to do for a long time.

  Trainer continued for another twenty minutes or so, gently speaking to 105, gently caressing his body, and always taking him a little deeper into relaxation. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he was doing it very well.

  Finally, Trainer started speaking to 105, gently, but also with authority. "You realize that your life has changed and nothing will ever reverse that, don't you boy," and as he said that, he allowed his already lubricated hand to come into contact with 105's cock. There was a slight inhalation and tensing of the body on 105's part, but he didn't open his eyes. Very quickly, he settled back into the relaxed position and responded, "Yes Sir, I understand that."

  "Well I have some news for you boy, it's about the best news someone in your position can expect to receive, so I hope you will be pleased with it."

  105 felt Trainer's hand continue to fondle his cock, and he could feel himself rising in response to the touch. But it was so different than the other times.......Trainer was being gentle........almost caressing his cock.........he couldn't believe it, but it was almost pleasant. He kept listening to the voice and feeling the hand play with him. What was happening to him, he felt very strange, and yet, he liked this feeling more than any others he'd had in this place.

  "Listen to me now boy, don't try to react to anything I say, just listen, let the words sink into you."

  That wasn't hard to do right now, thought 105, as those words sank into him. Trainer was right, he was hearing him as if for the first time.

  "Part of the good news for you is that you're being sold, a man has chosen to spend a great deal of money in order to own you. He must want you very much to be willing to spend so much money for you, don't you think?"

  105 heard the words and they began to sink in. Someone wanted him, someone chose him, he would finally leave this place, but where would he be going........would it be any better, he wondered. But his body was beginning to betray him as it responded to Trainer's touch........his hand.........gliding over his hardened cock........somebody had chosen him...........

  "This man will be your Master, boy, he will do with you whatever he wants, and you will do for him anything he commands because that is the way of your new world.........isn't it boy?"

  Still the voice.......the words........the hand, stroking.........."Yes," he whispered, "Yes."

  "But your new Master is a good man that wishes to give to you two very precious gifts. This is very unusual boy, it happens rarely, but it has happened to you. Perhaps Allah has smiled on you a little in your time of trial. It's possible, isn't it boy?"

  Yes, perhaps, he thought, maybe finally one of the prayers has been answered.

  "Your new Master has asked me to share with you the gifts he has for you. He gives you these gifts because he wants something from you as well. We both know he doesn't have to give you anything. You will soon be his property and he can simply take anything he wants from you, but your new Master is a wise man, and he wants something from you that he would rather you give him, than for him to take it from you."

  105 wondered what he had to give this Master, he owned nothing........nothing, that had been made very clear to him over the past months.

  "First boy, I know about your brother, and so does your new Master."

  For the first time, 105 almost rose out of his sitting position, his whole body tensed, what about his brother. The Doctor had told him his brother would be safe as long as he complied, and he had. But Trainer was ready, his hand firm around 105's swollen cock, his other hand rubbing his chest firmly......holding him in place, as he could feel 105 begin to relax again.

  "Listen to all I have to say boy, just listen," Trainer said firmly, but with care in his voice. 105 heard the note of care, he felt the hands, caressing, he sank back into his restful position, but his mind was beginning to say...........'no, not my brother......never my brother.'

  "Your new Master wants to help your brother, to assure your brother attains a good future, that's his first gift to you."

  What, thought 105, what, how can he do that, what does he mean, but he remained silent as Trainer commanded and continued to just listen.

  "The Doctor told your new Master about your brother when your new Master told the Doctor he wanted to be able to give you a gift. The Doctor realized that this gift could mean more to you than anything. He assured you that as long as you were obedient, your brother would be safe from capture. Your new Master wants to go further. Your family is poor and your brother is almost finished with high school. He's very smart, but no scholarships are being given to Iranians and you know that. Your new Master will provide that scholarship for your brother. Your brother will be safe, and he will go to college, he will have a chance for a successful life, the life you've always wanted for him."

  This was impossible 105 thought, why would anyone do such a thing........for a stranger. It didn't make sense, but he realized that Trainer was being sincere, he actually believed he was telling the truth.

  "I know this is a lot for you to believe right now boy, but it's all true. Yes, it's a great gift, but your new Master asks a great thing from you in return, which is only fair. Your new Master knows you're filled with vengeance and hatred, and knows it will be hard for you to release some of it, but your new Master wants you to give yourself to him completely.........completely boy, to do whatever you're told, willingly, wanting to please him. That is something you already owe your Master, but your new Master, being so wise, knows you are still a human being with a great hatred within you. He wants your body, but he does not want your hatred visited upon his household. The other reason it is important for you to be able to give yourself to him in such a way has to do with his second great gift for you."

  105 was stunned. He'd heard every word, the ministrations of Trainer's hands on his
body notwithstanding. Yes he was aroused, yes he was vulnerable, but he knew he was being asked to give the one thing he'd never wanted to give in order to receive the one thing he wanted more than anything else. He was honestly unsure if he could do it, to give himself in that way to a man, completely, without restraint, to truly belong to someone else, but his brother.......his whole life ahead of him, and it could be a good life for him and his family. He'd always been the one to care for his brother, to protect him, could he do this terrible thing? Could Allah be asking this of him?

  "You see boy, your new Master wants you to become an Alpha slave. Don't worry, I can teach you what you need to know, but an Alpha is a more trusted property, and your new Master wants to know that he can trust you. Anyone can be beaten into submission boy, but few can be beaten into being know this to be true, and so your Master offers two great gifts."

  "The second gift is that your Master wants you to dominate another man that he is also purchasing. You will always be submissive to your Master in everything, but with this other person, you will be like the master. You will make sure this individual is always ready to serve as well, but your new Master would enjoy seeing you dominate that person, humiliate him, for your Master. And here is the part he hopes you will enjoy the most, listen carefully boy, the other person is a great enemy of yours, an enemy who has beaten and humiliated you, raped you and used you as a toilet here in this place. An enemy who has had power over you and used that power cruelly. This great enemy is also being bought by your new Master, and the two of you will serve him, but you will have the pleasure of forcing your enemy to serve you as well."


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