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Ste 115 3

Page 5

by Jake Ward

  The words continued to sink in. 105 began to become even more aroused. He wasn't a stupid man, he knew this other guy would not be one of the captives here, for none of them had treated him so. It wouldn't be Trainer or the Doctor........that left the Bosses. Allah is great indeed, for He has heard my cries and has answered them. The thought that it might be one of the Bosses actually brought 105 to climax as Trainer had continued to stroke his cock. He shot cord after cord of cum onto the platform..........he moaned in complete delight and submission........his body was racked with pleasure........he could never remember cumming like this. He felt the tenseness in his body, but as quickly as it was there, it melted away, leaving only a sense of floating. He leaned back completely exhausted and yet feeling free for the first time in a long time. He wouldn't have much power, but he would have enough, all he had to give up was his cry for vengeance against the man who would own him. He knew now that he could do that.........for his brother, and for the chance to repay one of his captors........yes, he could honestly do that.

  "Sir, please," 105 whispered as he came down from his high, "please, help me find a way to convince this good and kind Master that I will be his. That there is nothing I will not willingly let him do to me, or that I will not do if he commands me. I am indeed fortunate to have such a wise and generous man want me. I will be the kind of property that will cause him to rejoice when he thinks of me. Please, Sir, how do I convince him of my sincerity? We must find a way to assure him that I will be his completely, and that he will never have any cause to distrust me.......never........may Allah witness my oath of obedience before this man."

  Well, thought Trainer, this tape will go a long way in convincing him, but what he said was a little different, "Perhaps we could convince him to return here again, and you could have the opportunity to let him see for himself your willingness to subject yourself completely to his will. But can I really trust you with this boy. You could be lying even now."

  "Sir, my demeanor will be that of a willing and submissive servant for the rest of the time I'm in training with you. You will see the truth in what I say by using me as hard as you wish, and I will ask for more. I will swear before Allah in your presence as well, if you require it Sir. I will do anything to be deemed worthy by this Master."

  "One thing you will need to do is swear before Allah that you will not speak of any of this to anyone, save your new Master. You are not stupid boy, and I believe you will soon understand who the other choice of your Master is, but nothing, no indication whatsoever, of what has occurred here can ever be mentioned. Will you swear to that boy? Will you open your eyes, look straight into mine and swear before Allah that what you've said is true and that you will obey what I've just said."

  Slowly, 105 opened his eyes. He took a moment, blinking, adjusting to the light. Then he looked straight into Trainer's eyes and said, "Before Allah Himself, I swear to you that what I've said is true, that I will be the property this Master wants, and that no word of anything said here will ever pass my lips, unless my Master requires it.........I swear it."

  Trainer looked hard into 105's eyes. He wanted to believe him, but he remained guarded. As he stood up in front of 105 he stretched a bit. "We've been here a long time 105, I'm going to have to find today's piss boy and relieve myself."

  "Please Sir, use me, 105 said without hesitation and moved into position before Trainer's legs, putting his head back and opening his mouth. In all the time Trainer had been working with 105, this was the first time he'd seen him volunteer this way. Trainer knew he hated this more than anything, but here he was, waiting patiently for him to empty his full bladder in his mouth. Trainer slowly took out his cock, let it hang over 105's mouth and looked into his upturned face. 105 looked back as submissively as he could, also a new look for him. Trainer was deciding that he had done it.......105 had what he required to be the Alpha Mr. Y wanted. He let his piss flow freely into 105's open mouth and watched as he struggled to swallow every bit. When he was finished, 105 leaned forward and licked the last drop off his cock, then kissed it and thanked it.

  Trainer wasn't stupid, he knew all this wasn't simply in response to this session with 105 in The Room, he knew that without the almost five months of work and training on his part, and pain and suffering on 105's part, and the manipulation of his new Master, this moment would not have happened. Yet, it felt really good to have his cock kissed by this man just now. He had made this man a piece of property. It had taken a good bit of time, but here he was, on his knees, prepared to do anything he was ordered. Trainer knew how badly 105 wanted some revenge for what had happened to him, but he knew that 105 was smart enough to know the boundaries of that revenge, where it could be exploited, and where it would have to be denied. He was certain that Mr. Y could now depend on this boy, and would enjoy using him in whatever way he chose.

  * * *

  104 was sitting in his cell when he heard Murphy and Martin come into the cell block. He immediately went to the front of his cell and stood in Presentation mode as did 113, 115, 109 and 99, who were also in their cells.

  "Well it's time to get started with you girl," they said as they laughed and opened 104's cell door. "Yeah, 'Shirley,' is that the new name for this one Murphy asked Martin, or was it 'Shelley,' oh what the fuck, it was one of those 'S' names for a bitch." Murphy put the thigh/wrist restraints on 104 and led her out of her cell. "Now you want to say goodbye to all your faggot friends now 'Sheila,' cause you won't see them for a couple of days. You're going to be busy for a while getting yourself all ready."

  Both were careful not to say exactly what was going to happen because they'd been instructed not to. They thought the Doc's idea of just letting him wake up with breasts was too good to be ruined. Everybody wanted to be around when he came to and found breasts resting on that beautiful, well defined male chest. All of them were a little curious as to how it would look, but the Doc was confident he could do what needed to be done. Years ago he had installed a small clinic for all the kinds of adjustments his buyers might require, and he was now quite confident in his ability to do what was needed. The fewer people involved, the better.

  Of course, all 104 knew was that something was going to happen to him as he continued to struggle walking on high heels. He'd mastered the first pair pretty well, and his reward was getting a pair with heels that were an inch higher. Now he was stumbling again, and these two goons weren't very understanding as they swatted his bare ass with their hands. 104 was scared, but what could he do? What where they doing to him, calling him a girl, making him wear high heels. How far would they take this nonsense, this humiliation. He was a man.........he was a man............

  * * *

  As Trainer came into the special training quarters of XX, he could hear some loud swats, that sounded like a paddle on an ass, and some loud screaming and crying. It sounded as if Williams had taken him seriously about improving his technique by using XX as a training device. He saw XX crying profusely, and knew he would be begging for it to stop, except he still had the gag in his mouth. Trainer had put it there earlier in the day. As he got closer he watched how Williams was swinging and hitting his with the paddle.

  "You know Williams, you've got good form, but let me show you something," Trainer said as he came up to the two. He could tell XX was furious, and hurting, the last thing he wanted was to be used in a demonstration, which was why that was exactly what was going to happen right now, thought Trainer.

  "Your swing is good, with plenty of arc to it, but I want you to notice something," and then Trainer swatted XX three or four more times, each time was excruciating because Trainer was good enough that even when he was just demonstrating bad form, he was inflicting considerable pain. XX screamed through his gag and went up on his toes, trying to get his ass out of the way, but that wasn't going to happen.

  "You see what I'm doing here, it's what you were're stopping a little with your swing when you connect with the bitch's ass. That really c
uts down on the effectiveness of the paddle. This is like a golf swing, you want to follow through the ball, here you want to follow through the ass. Let me show you, and Trainer changed his position a little which allowed him to be able to swing and follow through with that swing. The effect was immediate. As the paddle came across his ass, XX actually gave a barely perceptible pause, like the child getting ready to scream his head off after hurting himself, then came the scream. It didn't even sound human, the volume went up perceptibly, as did the pitch.

  "You see the difference in the effect," he asked as he demonstrated a few more times, and each time causing XX to scream again, until the noise was actually beginning to hurt his ears a little. However, he knew it was hurting XX much more, so he could put up with the decibels. "Would you like to give it a try," he said, as if they were whacking at a post, absolutely no concern for the fact that XX was in a living Hell, which made his circumstances even worse.

  "Yes Sir, I'd like to try it, I want to get good at this," Williams said as he stepped over and took the paddle from Trainer.

  "Well Williams, practice makes perfect. You'll get the hang of it, just keep practicing every day, and in a few weeks you'll be as good as me at it. Just remember, swing like the ass isn't there.........follow through, that way when you make contact, you'll really make contact," he said as he laughed a little. Only XX wasn't laughing. His ass was on fire, he'd never felt such pain before. His face was red, his eyes were bloodshot from crying so hard, snot was flowing out of his nose, saliva was dripping from around the gag, and his vocal cords were raw from screaming. And then Williams stepped up to see if he'd learned anything from Trainer.

  "AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH," XX screamed, at the higher pitch Trainer had successfully achieved, and again, and again.

  "I think you're getting the swing of it, so to speak," Trainer again laughed. "Why don't you give it another ten or fifteen tries and see if you don't get the feel of it. Of course, I don't want you to wear your arm out, it could take several days rest if you strained it."

  "No, there's no problem Sir, I feel fine, but thank you for your concern," he said as he swung his arm back again. XX was shaking his head no, and already screaming, knowing the pain that was about to be inflicted. Strain you arm, you goddamn son of a bitch, he thought, but then all thoughts except those around pain, disappeared.

  After about twenty more swats, Williams decided he was done. XX's head was hanging forward from his shoulders, he was still conscious, but only barely. The pain was indescribable, but that was okay, because no one was interested in hearing it described. Trainer told Williams to take a break and come back in about two hours, he wanted some time alone with XX.

  Once he was gone, Trainer went over to XX, lifted his head by his chin, and used some smelling salts to bring him back. XX choked and coughed a bit, but soon was aware again, and since all he could feel was pain, that was pretty much all he was aware of.

  As Trainer held his head up by his chin, he looked into XX's eyes. He removed the gag and asked, "Are you about to be convinced that this is real boy, that you are now the property of another man, and that nothing will ever change that? We can do this as long as it takes, but I'm just curious, are you beginning to figure it out?"

  XX looked into Trainer's eyes, tears began flowing anew, then he spoke out of his agony, "but why me Sir, please, why me..........what did I do..........please..........don't let this happen to me..........please," he begged.

  "You're asking stupid questions. What do you mean, 'why me?' There's no 'why me' here. A Buyer pointed at you and said, 'that's the one I want,' period..........that's the why........and that's all it took. You're asking questions like this is based on some cosmic idea of fairness............there's none of that shit here. It's simple, someone who can have pretty much anything he wants, decided he wanted you, end of story. You belong to him now, and the sooner you accept that, and stop asking these stupid questions, the sooner you'll begin to adjust to your new life and take the training I'm offering you seriously."

  "And so you'll begin to understand the reality of that life, I have a question for you. Pay attention, it's not a trick question, and I don't want to have to repeat myself. Ready? Here goes, 'exactly how long can Williams and I beat that ass on the backside of you? MMMMMMM How long?"

  Trainer asked the question as if he were asking for simple directions, then he just looked into XX's eyes. Pretty soon he saw it, XX continued to weep. "Come on boy, answer my question, or we just might have to start up again real long?"

  Finally, utterly dejected, XX said very softly, "As long as you want, Sir."

  "That's exactly right," Trainer responded enthusiastically, as if he were speaking to a child who had just answered an important question. "Okay now, that's good, we're off to a great start boy, now see if you can get this one, how come we can beat that ass for as long as we want come?"

  XX closed his eyes, as if doing so could remove him from the reality that was all around him, but that was not to be. He slowly opened them again, and Trainer could see the defeat that was beginning to emerge from them. "How come boy," he whispered.

  "Because.........I'," he softly choked out through tears.

  "That's right boy," Trainer said softly, but with firmness in his voice as he gazed deeply into XX's eyes, "that's right Now you're beginning to understand, now you're ready to begin your training. It's going to be hard on you, but I'll teach you how to bring pleasure to all you serve, and as such you'll bring your Master pleasure, which will make your life better. So in a roundabout way I'm making your life better boy, I want you to remember that."

  Of course, Trainer didn't finish all of that statement because the rest of it was that in his case, his Master would receive pleasure by watching him suffer, but since that information wouldn't help in his training, Trainer saw no reason he should share it. What could XX do about it.........nothing. So why burden him with knowledge that would only disturb him and about which he could do nothing. Soon enough his future would become plain to him, and then he could deal with that reality.

  "I have another little surprise for you boy, but it will take me a little while to get it ready, and I don't want you hanging around here doing nothing, so I brought this." Trainer held up a small tubular object with accordion sides and a long narrow nozzle on top. XX looked at it quizzically, knowing it was nothing good for him, but not understanding its function.

  "I got the idea from a candy that's popular in Mexico, but this has my own personal formula in it. Children there put two fingers on either side of the nozzle across the top, like this, then their thumb on the bottom, like this. Then they push with their thumb, the sides collapse in on themselves and a sweet treat is projected out of the nozzle into their mouths. I've made a few modifications, but the basic principal is the same. Let me show you, and he pushed the bottom up while holding the nozzle between his fingers and a gooey substance shot into the air a little ways.

  "Since I had no use for the candy, I changed the formula a little, I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I'm sure you'll notice the change. I found the original candy a little too sweet, so I came up with my own mixture of cayenne pepper and jalapeño juice. You be sure and tell me if you like it........okay," Trainer said as he moved up closer to XX, began stroking his cock making him hard, then lifted his penis up and inserted the long round narrow nozzle almost two inches into his piss slit.

  XX's eyes got so big you had to wonder if they would explode as he yelled, "NO.......NO.......PLEASE.........NO....... Don't do it please." he continued to scream as Trainer simply smiled into his face, pressed his thumb hard on the bottom of the container and shot an ample amount of the liquidy goo into XX's hard cock.

  "OOPS, too late good buddy, sorry about that, but it usually doesn't burn more than about thirty or forty least that's usually when the guys stop screaming," he laughed.

nd that's precisely what XX started to do. At first he didn't really feel anything, then the inside of his cock felt like it was on fire. His movement was restricted, but that didn't prevent his body from spasming uncontrollably as it tried vainly to repel this toxic intruder. The fire just spread to the full length of his cock and he began screaming again. He started crying, but the tears in his eyes were wasted, he needed them to flush out his cock. That's when he realized in the midst of this Hell that if he could piss, he could get a lot of that stuff out, but he couldn't focus on that. The pain was incredible.

  "Now just in case you try to take a piss while I'm gone, I thought I'd show you another little device I've found handy," Trainer said as he held out one of those heavy metal clips secretaries use to clip a stack of papers together. This one was one of the big ones, two inches across. Trainer squeezed the clip open with one hand, pushed the clip just past the corona of XX's cockhead, then let it close, and close it did, with a vengeance. It was designed to hold a heavy volume of paper, and it had no difficulty closing his opening completely. Nothing was coming out until this baby was taken off. By itself, it would be painful, but Dos had other more immediate concerns raging inside his cock.


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