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Angelic Attraction

Page 4

by Nicole French

  “Whereabouts were you in the club? I never saw you” I say breathlessly in an attempt to ignore the growing sensations tugging at my insides.

  “I was in the office. I told you Angel, it’s not my kind of scene. I saw you on the CCTV so thought I’d come over and rescue you” He turns me around to face him, grabs one of my hands and puts a finger into his mouth playfully; sending a sensation that shoots right through my body. “I want you Angel, you know that don’t you” Again, it was more of a statement than a question and my rush of panic is instantly replaced with a heady mix of anxiety, excitement, apprehension and lust all at the same time.

  “Yes”—I manage to breathe out quietly. He stares deeply into my eyes, so deeply I feel he is looking into my soul.

  “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen Angel” and he kisses me gently on my mouth. “I’m going to take you to bed” he says and he begins to kiss me more deeply, gently sucking my bottom lip, then moving around my face to my neck. I wrap my arms around his strong shoulders and return his affection—kissing his neck and running my fingers through his hair. My mental chatter telling me to live a little—along with many other reasons why I shouldn’t say ‘no’. He scoops me up and carries me down the hallway, past the bathroom I had used earlier and up a large sweeping staircase. He carries me quickly and effortlessly, continuing at the top of the stairs till we arrive at a bedroom—his bedroom. He sets me down gently on the large bed. I can feel my whole body trembling; totally overwhelmed by his assertiveness and his stunning good looks. ‘What if I’m a disappointment to him’ I squirm at the thought and a wave of apprehension sweeps over me. I haven’t had full blown sex for over six months since Adam left and I’m nervous. I feel like a virgin again.

  “I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before Angel”. Not taking his gaze away from my eyes he begins to slip the straps of my cocktail dress down off my shoulders. Soon the dress is around my waist and I am half naked and exposed in the soft lighting that surrounds the room. He pulls back slightly and gazes at my nakedness.

  “Your breasts are so neat—just beautiful” he whispers as he gently pushes me down onto the bed raising both my arms above my head. Holding them in place gently but firmly by my wrists, he begins to kiss me deeply, his tongue confidently pushing into my mouth and circling. I can feel myself getting wetter and I’m pulsing down below as I engorge and become fuller with every stroke of his tongue. Still holding my wrists he dives straight down to my breasts, and takes a nipple into his mouth, licking it deeply in between sucks.

  “Dear God” I exclaim as my whole body writhes in ecstasy and I can feel his hardness pressing against my leg. He begins to fondle and gently pinch my other nipple while he continues to give deep circular licks to the first. I squirm beneath him, it’s almost too much to bear and my clit is tingling and throbbing with the sensation. I know it won’t be long before he goes down there and it takes me all my strength not to wrench my wrists free and push his head downwards. What has come over me?—I’m usually so reserved, but then, I’d never experienced anything like this before. It was like my whole body was having its first, mind shattering introduction to sex.

  No sooner had this thought passed my mind than he releases my wrists and begins to plant licks and kisses down my body and without stopping swiftly removes the rest of my cocktail dress and panties at the same time. Lying there completely naked, I feel the kisses getting closer and closer as he works his way down and can feel the warmth as I’m getting wetter and wetter in anticipation. He stops and stands up for a moment while I lie on the bed—exposed. He looks down at me while taking off his shirt and pants. His broad shoulders and ripped abs make him look like he’s just stepped out of a photo shoot for a high quality aftershave advertisement. He pauses and looks at me, absorbing my nakedness—then removes his shorts to reveal his large, thick, erect penis before biting the foil off the top of a condom packet and swiftly rolling it on. I let out a gasp of anticipation and nervousness.

  Making his way back to the bed, he lifts one of my legs up and begins to kiss my ankle. I moan gently. ‘How could that feel so amazing?’ I think as he works his way down the inside of my thigh stopping just short of the top. I can feel myself writhing with sexual energy as the warmth of his breath caresses my skin. He has built me up so much my whole body is alive and I’m pulsing.

  “Oh please” I groan as he confidently spreads my legs and gently begins to lick and nuzzle at my clit. I let out a gasp and he starts to gently circle me with the flat of his tongue, lapping at my juices that have formed while he’s been playing with my nipples. Masterfully raising both my legs, he pins my knees back towards my stomach so my clit is open and fully exposed to him; full and twitching, before thrusting his tongue deep inside me. “Aaahhh” I bite my lip to stop myself screaming out loud and arch my back in euphoria.

  “Hhmmm—you taste so sweet, so good” he breathes against me as he goes in again and again. I’m panting and groaning. I have never felt anything like this before and I can feel my body taking on a mind of its own and tightening with pleasure. He moves back up to my clit and begins massaging and sucking it gently as he pushes a long, slender finger inside. I can feel my hips moving against him in rhythm as a tornado of pleasure sweeps over me. I begin to tighten and shake. What is happening to me? Am I having an orgasm?

  “That’s it Angel, come for me”.

  ‘Oh geez I am having an orgasm—this is what it feels like’—I can’t hold off any longer, as myel my whole body explodes and I tighten like a vice around his probing finger.

  “I’m coming—I’m coming” I pant as waves of ecstatic convulsions take hold of me and I cry out uncontrollably. Quickly—before my orgasm finishes—he swiftly kneels up, places my ankles against his shoulders and thrusts his rock hard erection deep into me.

  “I want to be inside you while you’re coming” his eyes flash with raw animalistic lust. He is big and stretches me but I find this just heightens everything—he is inside me, and it feels divine. He begins to pound fast and I feel a second orgasm begin straight away not giving me any time to recover from the one I’ve just had. I grip the sheets in an attempt to gain back some control over my own body. He pounds hard and I gasp and moan with delight.

  “Fuck me Brad—just fuck me” ‘what the heck am I saying? Did I just say that?’ He grabs my ankles tighter and pushes them back further towards my shoulders and begins to pump into me harder and faster till I can hardly bear it. I’m trapped in this position and he’s got me well and truly where he wants me—and that is fine with me.

  “You’re so tight and wet. I knew your body would respond like this” he says as he looks down at me all flushed with passion and lust. He slows his thrusts down and grinds into me a little, while he holds one of my ankles for support—then begins stroking my clit with his other hand, using my own juices as a lube. I can feel myself tightening again as his expert fingers play while his erection plunges deep inside.

  “You’re going to come again aren’t you Angel. I’m going to come inside you this time”

  I gasp and groan as I can feel myself building more and more. “Yeah, that’s it—that’s it—make me come Angel—make me come” I tighten again as he pounds in and out harder and faster while working my clit, my legs shaking uncontrollably on his shoulders I feel his erection go even harder; like iron. He throws his head back and cries out as he gives one last massive thrust—the deepest one ever; and stills. I can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of me while my waves of tightness clamp around his girth.

  Letting out a long, deep sigh, he releases my legs and collapses down onto me. Holding me tightly he rests his head on my breasts, kissing them gently between gasps. We both lie there panting and catching our breath, feeling dazed by the lust and passion we had just shared; our bodies perfectly compatible. I run my fingers through his thick hair that is now beautifully ruffled and kiss his forehead. There is no time or space; just this moment. I clos
e my eyes, content in the feeling that if the world was to end right now I would die a happy woman.

  Chapter Three

  I awake to the feel a gentle breeze on my face. The large windows have been opened and I can see a seating area with sun loungers and a table with candles on it—Brad is nowhere to be seen. Last night’s frivolities flood back into my mind as I lie there still smoldering after the amazing pleasure I had felt the night before and I feel myself tightening again. “I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before”—I recall his words to me before we had made love and boy was he right. As I lie there looking out over the ocean, I have an undeniable feeling that I will never be the same again. This man—this beautiful man, has awakened something in me that has, up until last night, been dormant. I smile with a sense of warm contentment and stretch to get myself fully awake before propping myself up.

  The room is huge and a thick, plush cream carpet covers the floor. There are no curtains or blinds to obscure the breathtaking view of the ocean. The giant sized bed is furnished with high quality pale cream bedding with mirrored bedside cabinets. Along the wall opposite the bed there are the sliding mirrored doors of Brad’s built-in wardrobes that match the bedside cabinets. I look around and notice the bed has an exquisite intricate silver headboard with figurines of eighteenth century nude women—I can tell it is an antique and expensive too. Then I notice a hold-all at the foot of the bed that looks familiar; it’s one of mine. I open it and to my surprize I discover that it contains some of my clothing. ‘How did they get here?’ I muse as I put on my short satin kimono.

  I can hear movement and the sound of clinking plates coming from the kitchen so decide to go down to find Brad. Stepping over my cocktail dress that is still in the same place it had fallen the night before; I smile and tightened a little as I have a flash-back to Brad’s tongue thrusting inside of me. I make my way down the hallway that I had been carried down the night before and cautiously begin to go down the stairs. I want to check who it is before I present myself—I don’t want to bump into Valerie or her husband dressed in a shorter than short kimono that is far from decent. Reaching the bottom, I peep around the corner down the hallway to see Brad busy chopping fruit on the kitchen counter, wearing only his shorts. I watch him work for a few minutes, soaking in all of his athletic physique and his gorgeous thick, dark blonde hair that is flopping onto his face. ‘Did I really have the best sex of my life with this gorgeous creature last night?’ I think to myself just as Brad looks up. It’s like he has a sixth sense and knows I’m here. I flush—“it’s like he can hear my thoughts” I mumble to myself as I appear, trying to look casual and not like I’d been watching him and the bulge in his shorts for the last five minutes.

  “Hey” Brad says as he beams a smile of perfect white teeth. “You found your things okay then?”

  “Erm yes thanks, but how did they get there?”

  “I sent George out early this morning to collect some things for you. I figured you wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing the same outfit you had on last night” he pauses and gives me a cheeky grin, then adds “....and the same panties” I flush again as I recall they had become very wet.

  “You mean the outfit you so expertly peeled off me?” Brad stops what he’s doing and burns a lust filled stare at me.

  “Careful Angel or that kimono will be the next item that’s going to get peeled off.” I flush again and change the subject although deep in my mind I’m hoping that, maybe after breakfast, he would peel it off and we could do last night all over again.“Breakfast’s nearly ready, take a seat and I’ll get you a coffee” I am indeed very hungry after last night and the bowl of freshly prepared fruit followed by toast goes down well with a cup of fresh ground coffee.

  “That was delicious Brad”

  “So was last night” he replies with a steady gaze that I could tell was gauging my reaction and maybe get me to do that cute embarrassed look again that was really beginning to turn him on. “So then” he continues casually “what’s it like working for the great Marlene Devereaux?”

  “Well, she’s not someone who I’d choose to socialize with outside of work if that’s what you mean. But I’m honored to have the chance to be working so closely with her. She spotted me after my college tutor sent her some of my work.” Brad’s eyes fix on me again and he smirks.

  “Why wouldn’t you socialize with her?”

  “Well, I’ve been there for a couple of years now and I’ve yet to hear the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, she’s very high maintenance not to mention bad tempered” Brad throws his head back and laughs.

  “I’ve heard that she can be tricky at times”.

  “And what about you, does La Boheme pay for all this?” I ask, giving a sweeping gesturing around the beach house.

  “La Boheme is just a little investment. No, it doesn’t pay for all this—far from it, but it’s a good place for contacts and there was a demand for a place like that. My main business is venture capital—I buy up businesses that are struggling and turn them around for profit. I must say Angel; I’m a little surprised that you would go for a night out there” I can sense a slight tone of disapproval in his voice. My mind flashes back to the scenes I had witnessed the night before and Jody’s description of the place as being ‘underground’.

  “I’ve never been in the place before and I didn’t know what it was like” I state my defense. “Jody wanted me to go out with her last night—I should have known better really”

  “Hmmm, be careful of Jody. Don’t let her influence you. She’s not all she seems—she’s known for pillow-talk and can be unstable at times.” I look at him sharply and am just about to jump to Jody’s defense when I recall her telling me over lunch that she didn’t really ‘click’ with him. I decide to tread carefully to see if I can dig for a bit more information.

  “What makes you say that? I can sense that you two don’t exactly hit it off. Have you got history or something?”

  “Hmm—you could say that but not in the way you’re thinking. She caused a shit load of trouble in a relationship I was in once” he replies cryptically. I’m about to line up my next question to find out what the trouble between them had been but before I could dig deeper to unravel his cryptic reply, Brad stands up and offers me his hand.“Let’s take a shower; I need to freshen up” I instinctively take his hand and he leads me masterfully back up the stairs to the main bathroom. As he turns on the shower and holds a hand under the water to adjust the temperature, I absorb the grandeur of the room. A massive sunken bath with two steps up to it stands in one corner with the fully enclosed shower a little further along the wall. The whole of the outside wall facing the beach is tinted glass giving the room its natural light. Two plush white toweling robes are nearly folded on an oak cabinet next to a stack of large white Egyptian cotton towels. Not a thing is out of place, unlike the bathroom in mine and Jody’s apartment—I was forever having to fight my way past Jody’s lingerie that she had left to dry over the bath.

  Brad turns to me and I can see he is already hard. He confidently steps over to me, takes my hand, and places it on his penis—staring deeply into my eyes.

  “See, this is what you do to me” and he begins kissing me, his tongue delves deeply into my mouth as he presses my hand harder onto his penis, releasing small moans of pleasure into my mouth with each movement of my hand. I return his deep kisses and gently slide off his shorts; revealing him in all his magnificence. I de-robe feeling myself flush with excitement and a warm, wet sensation beginning to pool again between my legs. “Let’s get in” and he escorts me over towards the shower, still kissing me as we travel across the bathroom.

  The jet of water is warm and powerful, soon making us wet. I reach for the shower gel that is on the shelf beside me and begin to lather some in my hands, massaging it over his toned body to lovingly wash him. I lather his back and his broad shoulders and then his front—mesmerized by how fit and toned he is—then move down to betw
een his legs. Brad closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as I gently wash him, my fingers making him flinch and twitch with arousal as I skim lightly over his anus; he closes his eyes tighter in an effort to keep his self-control. This feels so different from last night. This time it is I that is pleasuring him and he is the one who is trying to hang onto his composure. I slide down and begin to gently lick the droplets of water at the top of his thighs. I look up at his face as I lick and kiss him—his erection full and hard he groans and presses a hand on the wall of the shower for support as I begin to gently lick the droplets from the shaft of his penis. Starting at the base and working my way up to the tip, I gently circle him with my tongue before sliding the tip of him into my mouth. This one thing I know how to do—and do it well. I had often given Adam a blow-job as he was obsessed with them. I begin to suck a little between circling with my tongue and moving my hand up and down his length as the fluids from my mouth begin to run down like a lube.

  “Fuck Angel, that’s so good” he breathes with a slightly desperate tone to his voice. I cup his balls in my other hand and began to play with them erotically—squeezing and pulling on them as I up the pace and intensity.

  “You’re gonna make me come any minute” he warns and I feel a glow of satisfaction boost my confidence; encouraging me to continue. “Oh my God....oh my God....I’m coming...I’m coming” his voice trails as he grabs my hair and throws his head back in ecstasy. I feel the warm fluids begin to release, throbbing and pulsing as they squirt uncontrollably from him and into my mouth. I stop moving and continue to suck gently till he stills. Brad leans against the wall of the shower with both hands to steady his weakened legs; panting for air and letting the water continue to stream over him. After a minute or two he turns to me and stares searchingly into my face. “And I thought you were sweet and innocent” he says with a salacious smile “you’re no Angel.”


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