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Angelic Attraction

Page 8

by Nicole French

  “I thought you were quite close to your mother—sharing the beach house and other places?” I can’t help myself interrupting.

  “Yes, we are in some ways. But there’s history between us that makes the relationship more business-like than emotional.” He pauses for a moment as if recalling back on some distant memories that have been filed away for some time. “The thing is, I lost my father—that’s my real father I mean—when I was twelve. We were very close and shared some wonderful times together; he was my world. When he was diagnosed with cancer that world fell apart. By the time the doctors realized he had cancer it had already spread everywhere and he died just eight months later. They were college sweethearts and I guess my mother didn’t know how to hold it together very well. We’ve never discussed it but I know that she met John—my step father—while my father was dying. I remember walking in on an argument a couple of months before he died and they didn’t realize I was there for a while and my father had tears rolling down his face.”

  I squeeze his hand and I can feel my eyes pricking with tears as I pick up on the emotional pain he’s feeling while he’s telling me about this part of his life. He looks straight at me with big green eyes, and there’s just a slight hint of tears forming.

  “My father died knowing she was in another man’s arms and I guess I’ll never fully forgive her for that.” His words carried a slight tinge of anger to them. “I think she must have guessed that I knew as John seemed to appear straight after my father died and as a twelve year old boy I was less than friendly or polite to say the least. Not long after I went to boarding school—I was happy to go. So, you see Angel; I love my mother but there’s history that has caused irreparable damage, and I don’t feel she has any right to my personal life.” I shuffle over to be closer to him. I could tell that what he has just told me had taken an enormous amount of emotional strength and I want to hold him close to comfort him. I can’t think of anything to say. What could I say? What words could I possibly find that would give him resolution or healing? I wrap my arms around him and he buries his head into my neck as I hold him tightly—stroking his hair with one hand and squeezing him against me with the other—at the same time digesting what he had just told me. He stays in my arms for several minutes with his arms locked around me. It feels as though, for those few moments, he is that same hurt twelve year old boy inside a man’s body and I feel a strangely maternal instinct wash over me as I softly kiss the top of his head. This is probably the first time we have been in such close contact without it feeling powerfully sexual. It feels deep and intense—like we’d just reached another level. I hate seeing him in pain but I now feel closer to him than I have ever been before—I can sense the way he holds me; he feels the same.

  I want to hold him all night—to heal his pain and comfort him. He looks up at me and his expression is open and vulnerable. I lean forward and kiss him gently on his lips. We stare at each other in the light of the fire. No words are spoken—they don’t need to be. Everything is said in our soft kisses and gently strokes as we face each other in the flickering light. This is so intense. Normally by now we would be in the throes of passion but this went beyond physical pleasure. Slowly we begin to kiss more deeply and he pulls me into him as he starts to undo my blouse, bit by bit; undressing me as I undress him. Still kissing me deeply we become skin against skin—flesh against flesh and I feel his hardness against the top of my thigh. His tongue delves into my mouth in between little sucks and gentle biting on my bottom lip as he shifts his weight on top of me. Lowering a hand, he raises one of my legs and I responsively wrap it around his back, closely followed by my other leg. He holds his weight on his elbows as he gazes down at me, gently rubbing his penis against me before expertly rolling on a condom. I can feel myself getting wetter as my arousal is building. Sliding my heels down to his butt I pull his hips towards me and raise my hips so the tip of him is just entering me. Still gazing down at me he pushes just the tip of his penis in and out—teasing me and spreading my juices.

  “I need you Angel” his words break the silence as he pushes all of his length into me making me gasp with pleasure and delicious mild pain as I take his length and girth in one divine thrust. This is more than fucking or making love—this is the meeting and union of two souls. I wrap my legs around his waist and rock against him while he holds me tightly; kissing constantly. I gyrate and grind into him slowly with the rhythm and I hear him let out a groan of pleasure—I can feel he is close and he is trying not to come just yet. With each thrust I can feel myself clenching inside; my pelvic floor muscles gripping him and making it hard for him to hold his orgasm back. It becomes too much and I feel my body begin to tremble and my legs shake around his waist. I begin to feel myself tightening in waves around him as my orgasm makes its appearance.

  “I’m coming Brad—let it go” I whisper in a state of ecstasy and the words tip him over the precipice. He drops his weight from his elbows and holds me tightly while he pushes hard and deep into me—throbbing and pulsing as he releases and floods. We hold each other, every part of our bodies touching—gasping and panting until our breathing slowly subsides back to normal before we drift into sleep—still joined as one.

  Chapter Six

  A raging thirst awakes me and I look over to see Brad still lying peacefully asleep next to me. ‘When did he roll over?’ I wonder as I cast my eyes at my watch to see that it’s 2.38am. The moon has moved around since we were making love but there’s still plenty of moonlight spilling into the room making everything look gray. I lie on my side and watch him while he’s sleeping, able to study and absorb everything about him without him knowing. He’s lying on his front with an arm under his head—the throw is only covering his legs and one of his buttocks. His strong muscular back creates a shadowy valley where his spine is and dips down before rising again to form a well rounded, toned butt. His shoulder forms a hard crease as the muscles are pushed together from his raised arm and his face is calm and serene with strands of hair flopping over an eye. I feel I know him better tonight than I have done before. Our heart to heart talk has brought us closer than we’ve ever been and I’m starting to understand this complex and slightly damaged man. So assertive, forthright and downright ruthless in business and yet underneath the macho exterior there’s a vulnerability almost like that of a child that moves me on a deeply emotional level. I think I’ve fallen in love with both sides of Brad Singer despite promising myself that I wasn’t going to do that again, and the fear that Jody placed into me has subsided.

  After a few more minutes of ‘Brad gazing’ I decide that I have got to get a drink of water. I’m so thirsty I’ll never get back to sleep if I don’t. I carefully get up and tip-toe towards the refrigerator in the kitchen. It’s strange how different a room can feel in the middle of the night; there’s an eerie silence that isn’t there in daylight—even when it’s quiet. I paddle across the tiled floor of the kitchen bare foot and open a cupboard for a glass—there’s usually some bottled spring water chilling in the refrigerator and it’s just what I need. I open the door eagerly with the glass ready in my other hand and peer inside. Then, a flash—what was that? I thought I saw a flash of light from outside around the pool area. I stand and stare at the place I thought I saw it but all I see is darkness and my own reflection looking back at me; naked in the light of the refrigerator. ‘What was that?’ My father always taught me to turn lights off on our hunting trips otherwise “the hunter becomes the hunted”. ‘Could someone be outside?’ my mind asks me as I stand, frozen to the spot. I decide to close the door of the refrigerator to shut off its light on me. Soon, I am in darkness and the outside becomes lighter with the help of the moon—I stand motionless and scan the pool area for any signs of movement.

  ‘Oh you’re just being silly’—I tell myself after a few minutes of standing there like a hunted animal. ‘The flood lights would have been triggered to come on with the motion sensors’, my mind reasons and rationalizes. Now, I must get
this drink and get back to sleep or I will look like a panda in the morning with massive dark circles under my eyes. I stride back over to the refrigerator and pull open the door—the light dazzling me for a moment—then pour the water and gulp it down. ‘Ah that’s better’ I think before turning to put the glass on the worktop next to the sink. I paddle back through the kitchen and across to where Brad is still sleeping. Just as I’m about to leave the kitchen, something catches my eye. A shadowy figure flits across the other side of the pool and darts behind one of the bushes. I gasp in shock and terror and run like an Olympic athlete back to the living room. ‘Why haven’t the sensors picked up the movement?’ My mental chatter is on overdrive trying to reason it out and what I should do. If I wake Brad he will go and investigate and I’m not sure I want him to do that—what if this person has a gun? At the same time I can’t just shrug it off and go back to sleep. I crouch next to Brad weighing up the options for a minute and decide that I will take a look out of the bedroom window as it’s above the dining area looking down onto the pool. I move gingerly across the room and sprint down the hallway; taking the stairs three at a time and into the bedroom. Carefully I move over to the glass doors but the balcony obscures the view below.

  Taking a minute to calm myself I decide to quietly open the glass doors—I have to see what this person is doing or if I’m just losing my mind and imagining the whole thing. The catch on the doors clicks and makes me freeze on the spot. I grab one of Brad’s shirts and hurriedly throw it on for discretion and slowly and quietly slide the doors open, just enough for me to get through and onto the balcony. Carefully, I tip-toe across until I can see down onto the pool below. There’s a lump in my throat and the adrenaline rush has made me thirsty again; but there’s no way I’m going to be venturing back down to the kitchen until I’ve seen where this person has gone. I scan the area, looking hard at the bush where I saw—or thought I saw—the figure dart behind. I’m starting to doubt my own judgment now. Feeling a bit safer on the balcony I stand motionless for what seems like hours just watching for any movement. Watching so intently that my eyes begin to sting from the lack of blinking. Nothing. No movements, no shadows—nothing.

  Eventually the chill of the night air gets the better of me and I decide to go back inside, satisfied that there is nothing or nobody in the bush or the grounds. Tiredness is taking over the adrenaline rush and I go back inside. I look over at the bed and Brad is there turned on his side facing the window causing me to gasp in shock—I never heard him come upstairs, but inside I’m glad he has. I didn’t really want to go back to the living room with its huge window exposing us both by the fireside. His eyes are open and sparkling in the half-light.

  “Are you alright? You’ve been out there for ages?” he says softly.

  “Oh I’m sorry, did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet” I reply feeling guilty that I have taken him from his restful sleep.

  “I woke up and you’d gone so I came upstairs and saw you out there. I’ve been watching you on the balcony thinking how hot you look in my shirt” he says smiling and giving me a cheeky look. I sit beside him and relay the story—how I’d seen a flash and a dark figure shoot behind the bush as he listens calmly. After I finish he sits up and leans forward, planting a warm loving kiss on my lips.

  “There’s no way anyone can sneak onto this property without triggering an alarm Angel—there’s sensors everywhere. If they’re tripped it notifies the Police down at the Precinct. The pool area would have lit up like a baseball stadium and there’d have been a call from the cops by now wanting me to give them a password” I pause, digesting the logic of what he is telling me. “You probably saw George taking an evening stroll. He’s not well and sometimes he does that when he can’t sleep, although I’ve never seen George dart anywhere.” ‘Hmm George—I hadn’t thought of that. I hope he didn’t see me naked’ I thought to myself.

  “But if it was George then why didn’t the lights come on?” I continue with my case.

  “You must have seen your own reflection Angel, honestly—this place is like Fort Knox. Now come back to bed or I’m seriously going to have to take your mind of it.”

  “In that case—I refuse” I retort with a teasing smirk on my face and he lets out a low growl as if mimicking an animal that’s about to pounce on its cornered pray. There’s that cheeky smile again. The vulnerable side I saw earlier has taken a back seat and the other Brad is back. I lean forward and kiss him gently and he swiftly slips off his shirt that was loosely covering me so I’m naked again. His hand softly supports my neck and his kisses become deeper and more passionate as he senses my willingness to comply. His hand slowly and gently moves down to my breast. My nipple is hard from the cold and the warmth of his hand feels good as he plays his thumb over it—massaging my breast gently as he does. I moan softly into his mouth as the sensation of his nipple play is arousing me down below and making me tighten inside. He lies back down on the bed and pulls me onto him—instinctively straddling him I can feel his hardness between my legs. Kissing deeply I wriggle and grind over him; getting more wet and more turned on as I stroke his hardness over me.

  “You tease” he whispers with fake annoyance and I sit up and look down at him—grinding some more and playing with my breasts to see how much he can stand before he loses his composure. “So you think you can tease me and get away with it do you?—you little minx” he exclaims softly with a ravenous tone that tells me his composure has just about reached its limit. I let out a small giggle. It’s fun to see such an assertive man struggling to keep his cool. Mr Unflappable is starting to flap and it turns me on. He grasps my hips with his strong soft hands and raises me up a little guiding me onto his erect penis. No more teasing now—I want him inside me as much as he wants to be there. He wraps a hand round his erection and quickly slips on a condom before guiding his length into me and I sit down slightly to take him inside. He raises his hips and penetrates me with just his tip then pulls away and begins to massage my clit with his tip—using my wetness as a lube.

  “Not yet honey, you’re not the only one who can tease you know” and he looks at me with triumph as the tables turn and he has the upper hand again. He strokes back and forth making me wetter and wetter then begins to circle me with the tip of his penis that is being steered with his hand. I begin to gasp as he lies beneath me watching me swelling between my open legs from his circling. Occasionally dipping inside to spread the fluids which are now in full flow.

  “Oh God” I moan and I play with my own breasts and nipples to heighten the sensation as I begin to pulse. My orgasm is starting to build and small waves of pleasure that tell me it’s on its way begin to take over me like internal seismic shocks.

  “Oh God.....oh God Brad.....I’m going to come....I’m going to come” and I throw myself forward as the explosion takes hold, gripping onto the covers at the sides of his shoulders as the tightening inside me grabs hold. It’s massive. So massive the sensation feels like it’s nearly killing me. On a scale of one to ten—this orgasm is ranking a twelve. Just as I reach the height of the explosion he grabs my hips and thrusts me down onto him in one movement, making me take his full length in one thrust.

  “Arghh” I cry out as his size gives me a burst of sensation that is a mixture of intense pleasure with just a hint of pain as his girth stretches me and makes me come again instantly. He grabs my hips and forces me up and down his length—his face serious and animalistic as he watches the outline of his erection disappearing into me then reappearing glistening with my juices.

  “God I’m so turned on” he growls as he pushes my hips down hard and raises his own in an aggressive, raw and intensely erotic rhythm. His legs rise slightly to balance me and to stave off the loss of control that I can sense is close. I raise myself up and squat onto him—my feet on the bed and my legs wide so we can both see his erection pounding into me. “Oh God Angel, that’s so tight—I don’t know how long I can last when you do that” There’s a slightly fran
tic tone with a tinge of panic in his voice and I know that the tables have turned again and he’s at my mercy now. I move a hand around and begin to squeeze and pull gently at his balls, leaning back slightly; changing the angle to intensify his penetration. “Oh shit.....You’re making me come” he gasps. I grind and fuck him hard and his whole body spasms. His abs contract and he sits up into my arms—his legs rise up towards my back. I sit down hard onto him and grind while he throbs and explodes.

  “Stop...ha ha ha....stop. Don’t move Angel please. It’s too intense” A satisfied smile is plastered across my face and I hold him—still sat up—till he stills and catches his breath. As the explosions subside he lies back, his hands covering his face as if the whole experience has been just a little too much for him to take in and I can see a pulse in his neck beating in the twilight; dewy with sweat. I rest down onto his chest, still straddling him and we lay in silence savoring the experience.

  I don’t recall falling asleep; the last thing I remember is nestling onto Brad’s muscular chest. As consciousness begins to hit me I realize that it’s 9.30am and Brad is no longer in bed. I lay there for a few minutes thinking about last night’s events—the shadowy figure that now feels more like a sleepy mistake—and the sex. Oh the sex. The memory of him, losing control—how I had made him lose that control. I smile and bite my bottom lip as the images flash through my mind and play it all out again in glorious Technicolor. I can hear voices downstairs. They are muffled but I can just make out that it is Brad and George having a discussion about something. I didn’t see much of George, he is a quiet man that isn’t usually big on conversation. Brad has told me that he is in charge of the security at the beach house and his apartment and that George had been a Navy SEAL before serving as a body guard to an Arab Prince till his arthritis finished his employment. Brad holds a lot of faith and trust in George and rates his security skills highly. I wonder if they’re talking about last night. Could it have been George taking a late night walk? I blush at the thought of being seen naked in the light of the refrigerator and the prospect of the awkwardness of seeing George when I go downstairs. My curiosity begins to get the better of me and I slip on my robe and tip-toe out of the bedroom to the top of the stairs so I can hear what they’re saying a bit more clearly.


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