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Angelic Attraction

Page 9

by Nicole French

  “I find it highly unlikely Mr Singer, I check all of the trips and sensors daily and they’re all working perfectly.” I hear George saying.

  “Well, she was pretty freaked out and convinced she saw someone hiding behind a bush. It may be a mistake but I still want the whole place checking for any signs of an intruder George and the report with me by tomorrow morning.” I feel a little foolish now in the cold light of day but it is comforting to know that Brad takes my feelings seriously and hasn’t just brushed it off. I hope George doesn’t think I’m some kind of neurotic woman that gets freaked at her own reflection. Last night I was sure I had seen someone but now that daylight is here I’m not so sure. I decide that I can’t face going down stairs right now in case George had seen me last night so I go for a shower instead to freshen up. I take my shower and get dressed before venturing downstairs. Brad is already fully dressed and pouring himself a cup of coffee as I reach the kitchen and he jumps slightly as I say good morning to him.

  “I didn’t hear you come in. Sneaking up on me Ms Nichols?” he says with a gleam. I wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss. He’s already showered and he smells clean and fresh swathed in a masculine fragrance that surrounds him like a haze of sexiness.

  “Coffee?” he asks.

  “Hmmm coffee sounds good” I reply with a contented smile. He gets out another cup and pours two coffees out before turning and handing me mine.

  “I’ve asked George to check the grounds thoroughly for any signs that there might have been someone around here last night. I’ve also asked him to double check all the sensors and trips for signs of tampering too. It’s probably nothing so don’t worry but I do take it seriously and I know it bothered you.” He says earnestly as he looked straight into my eyes.

  “It seems crazy now in the cold light of day” I reply sheepishly.

  “All the same, it’s best to be on the safe side. It can get quite ugly when I take over companies and there’s often collateral damage that can lead to vendettas from employees with a grudge.” Planting a kiss on my forehead, he wraps his arms around me in a way that tells me that he’s my protector and that no harm will ever come to me. “We’ve got the place to ourselves today so no chance of Valerie or George walking in on us. Feel free to strip off totally naked and tease me some more if you like”

  “Ha ha ha are you sure you can take it—you were pretty flustered last night” I reply with a teasing, cheeky tone. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, that same animalistic look he had last night when he was pounding my hips down onto his erection.

  “You think you got me flustered do you?” he replies raising an eyebrow. God, he is so horny. I can feel myself tighten with just a look from him. He leans into me and kisses me deeply and I can feel myself starting to melt. “...and to answer your question officially; yes I will miss you very much while you’re away” he whispers into my ear as he holds me tightly in his arms. I’m looking forward to going back home, seeing my folks and riding Tonto again but there’s a part of me that wants to stay. Brad’s arranged for a driver to collect me from Dallas Fort Worth airport to ‘Santana’—my parent’s ranch back in Texas. He was disappointed that I’d already booked the flight as he had planned to charter his companies jet to take me—but I had insisted that I was still going to fly with who I’d already booked with. Besides, that would have raised too many questions with my folks. As I’m locked in his arms I decide to take a leap of faith and tell my parents and Peter—my brother—that Brad and I are together.

  “I’m going to tell my folks about us” I announce hoping that it isn’t a step too far. He continues to hold me but I can feel a slight tension flex over his muscles. “Is that okay?” I continue hoping that it will give him a cue to respond. I need a response so badly—is this relationship serious or just a fling?

  “That’s fine Angel, if you feel ready then that’s fine with me”

  I want him to say that he’s going to tell his folks too. That we’re over the customary trial period of our relationship and that we are officially a couple; but it doesn’t come. I decide to switch the subject over to Thanksgiving with his parents in the hope that it may prompt him to give me some reassurance.

  “So, are you looking forward to Thanksgiving with your folks? Are you having it at their place?” I say casually. He looks at me with a look that tells me he knows what I’m up to and what I’m edging towards. There’s no fooling Brad.

  “Yes, I’ll be at their house in Bel Air. We always have Thanksgiving there.” He replies answering the question but not answering what he knows I really mean. I press my lips together and give him a terse smile that says that I’m not really happy with his brief answer and turn to pour myself another coffee. His lack of commitment is starting to prickle at me and what is more; he can sense it. I can tell he’s watching me make my coffee—gauging my movements for signs of annoyance. When I’ve done I move over to the living room and plonk myself down on the sofa in an effort to look disinterested. I don’t want to show my frustrations and spoil the closeness that we felt last night but inside I’m furious. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and put myself out on a limb announcing that I’d tell my folks about us and I’ve got nothing back. He follows me over to the living room and sits down—one leg tucked underneath the other so he’s facing me. I continue to slip my coffee and look straight forward pretending to be interested in the throws that are still on the floor from last night’s love making.

  “Look Angel. I can sense you’re pissed at me but I really can’t say anything at the moment. If you knew the reasons then you’d understand” he fires at me sharply.

  “But I don’t know the reasons Brad do I? All I know is that we meet up regularly like some kind of fuck-buddies” I hiss back, my annoyance and frustration finally over flowing. I look at him and I can feel my eyes are starting to prickle with tears. I blink hard—there’s no way he’s reducing me to tears. “Are you married? Is there a Mrs Singer and I’m just some bit of fun that you’re having on the side? Is that why you never take me to your apartment, because there’s a little wifey there keeping your bed warm” The words fall out of my mouth like a deluge of all the insecurities that have been niggling me for the past few weeks.

  “ENOUGH” he replies—his voice raised in annoyance as he slams his coffee cup down on the table beside him making me jump and spill some of mine. He turns away from me and I can see that he’s trying to regulate his breathing and calm himself down. After a moment he turns back and looks me straight in the eyes. “Enough” he repeats—softly this time. “There’s no Mrs Singer Angel—only you, and I’m surprized your friend, Jody, hasn’t told you that. I don’t play games. If you were just a ‘fuck-buddy’ as you so crudely put it then I wouldn’t bring you back to my beach house. I realize that you don’t know what is going on behind the scenes in my life and that you must feel frustrated. I’m sorry for that Angel I really am, but I will tell you all in good time. I promise” His tone is assertive and for the first time I feel like he’s really put me in my place like an errant child. He’s looking at me for a response but I am lost for words so I stand and begin to walk out of the living room.

  “Where are you going?” he asks but I ignore him and carry on through the dining room and towards the hallway making a hasty retreat for the bedroom. His lecture brought back memories of my father’s lectures when I was a teenager wanting to go out with my friends and I felt indignant. I had promised that no man was going to put me in my place like that again now I have my own income and independence. I was always told that I could be stubborn and I guess this is going to be one of those times.

  “Angel—Angel. For crying out loud; where are you going?” his voice echoes after me as I’m halfway down the hallway.

  “Home” I shout back as I turn to climb the stairs not giving him any eye contact as I go.

  “What the fuck.....” I hear him mutter as he starts to make his way down the hallway in hot pursuit, but I carry on to the be
droom, grab my bag and start to stuff my clothes into it. He stops at the door of the bedroom and I continue as if he’s invisible. “Why are you doing this Angel? It’s like you’re determined to spoil a perfectly good weekend” he pleads. I spin on my heels and face him.

  “Don’t make this all about me Brad.” I say defiantly. “I’m going home because I need space. I need time to think and focus on where I’m going. Besides; I have a million and one things to do at work tomorrow and I want to be in the right frame of mind” I finish off packing and Brad just stands silently, leaning against the door frame—observing. “Right, all done” I announce icily. “Would you mind taking me home or shall I call a cab?” He moves over to me quickly and grabs the tops of my arms; firmly turning me towards him.

  “I don’t want you to go. I—I’m not losing you Angel” with a determination in his voice that tells me it’s not going to be as easy to leave as I’d have hoped. He kisses me hard forcing his tongue into my mouth and grabs the back of my hair to hold me in place and stop me pulling away. I’m angry and the last thing I want to do is be close to him let alone give him any physical pleasure but anger and lust are a fine line and I find myself returning his kiss just as passionately. He spins me around away from him and pushes me face down onto the bed, lying down on top of me so I’m pinned before kissing my neck and moving a hand underneath me to cup a breast.

  “Don’t leave—please” he breathes into my ear as I hear his belt buckle undo and the zip of his pants open. A strong hand wrenches my skirt up and grabs my panties—ripping them off as I groan with pleasure at the familiar sound of a foil packet being torn open. The transition from anger to lust has been so quick I leaves me speechless; only gasps and moans remain as I feel him open my legs with his knees and thrust his erection hard into me. I yell out from the deepness of his penetration, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing and I entwine the fingers of one of my hands with his. He’s kissing the back of my neck hard and I can feel his breath in my ear as he pounds into me a few times before losing control and releasing. We lay there for a minute with him still on top, drenched in sweat and dizzy from the lust that made him lose control. It was rough, raw and filled with desperation—I’d never seen him like that before. He had totally dominated me and yet ironically I was the one who was really in control. Part of me enjoyed being taken so masterfully but another part is feeling annoyed with myself for giving in to him so easily and liking it so much. I wish I could say ‘no’ to him.

  “Please stay Angel....I—I need you” he whispers breathlessly into my ear. I don’t reply for a moment. He’s not going to win me around using sex. Our first argument—all that passion he still couldn’t say ‘I love you’. Perhaps that wasn’t the right timing—we had just fucked; there was no love making involved, just raw sex. He rolls off me and begins to caress my hair lovingly. “I’m sorry if I was rough” he says softly “something takes over me when I’m near you—something I can’t explain—you turn me on like I’ve never been turned on before Angel” I sit up pull my skirt back down and pick up my torn panties.

  “I’m fine Brad—don’t worry; we both wanted it. It was just a bit of rough sex” I say as I stand up and head for the bathroom like what we’d just done meant nothing to me. Half of me wants to run like hell, but the other half wants to turn into his arms, hold him and kiss him. I know that’s what he’s wanting too, but despite our passionate encounter I’m still annoyed with his lack of communication and my stubborn streak is in full swing. There is a power struggle between us in the bedroom. We both know it and it makes the sex between us a spicy and eclectic experience that keeps us both coming back for more. This last encounter however almost crossed a dangerous line and for the first time since I’ve been with him I feel there’s a darker side to Brad Singer.

  “Wasn’t it making up sex Angel?” he retorts as I leave the bedroom. I close the bathroom door and slide the lock, firmly sending out the message that I don’t want him following me this time. Standing at the wash basin, I stare at myself in the mirror. ‘Perhaps I’m making too big a deal’ I think to myself. ‘Maybe I should just carry on as normal when I leave the bathroom; after all, I think I’ve made my point—he knows I’m not afraid to leave’. My mind begins its mental chatter again, contradicting itself and playing good cop—bad cop. ‘I need to make my point and it wouldn’t hurt for him to not get his own way for once. He calls; and I’m there. He assumes I’m free for weekends and never asks. I have to send out a clear message that I’m not going to be messed around.’ Jody’s words flood back to me and her warning that he always gets what he wants. I leave the bathroom and walk calmly back into the bedroom to collect my bag; Brad is nowhere in sight. Strange. I expected he’d be there trying to talk me out of leaving. I pick up my bag and leave the bedroom, making my way down the stairway into the hall. I see Brad sitting on the sofa in the living room with his coat and shoes on fiddling with his car keys—he looks unhappy, and for a second I see that twelve year old vulnerable boy again.

  “I’m ready” I say to him cautiously as I rest my bag on the dining room table whilst I put my coat on. He doesn’t look at me, just carries on playing with his keys and chewing his bottom lip slightly—boy he’s difficult to gauge. I stand with my coat on in silence and wait for his next move. Eventually he sighs and closes his eyes tightly as he composes himself. Then inhales sharply and looks up at me before starting to speak.

  “There was almost a Mrs Singer once Angel. We were engaged—just—and we would have been married now” he swallows hard and I can tell he’s really struggling to get the words out. “The relationship had hit a bad patch—really bad in fact. I wanted to work at it and she didn’t, despite my attempts. Then she—she was involved in a terrible accident and was killed.” He pauses for a moment and continues to fiddle with his keys. “We never got to make it up and the night she died we’d had a big fight. That’s why it’s important to me that you don’t leave me now. I couldn’t bare us to part with bad feelings between us. If something happens to you. If—if....”

  I move over to where he’s sitting, kneel down at his feet and take his hands. He looks visibly shaken and upset. My gorgeous man. I realize I’ve pushed him too hard and once again I’m living to regret my stubborn streak.

  “Don’t leave like this Angel—not under an argument” I move in between his legs and wrap my arms around him. How I wish I hadn’t made that jibe about there being a Mrs Singer. I’m so stupid—why don’t I get my brain in gear before I open my big mouth. Jody told me he had been with a woman he adored and she had died. How could I have been so insensitive? We hold each other for some time. No words exchange just silence and I soften at his honesty. I quietly remove my coat and decide to stay.

  Chapter Seven

  The office is manic today as everyone is trying to get their work finished and all the loose ends tied up before Thanksgiving. I’m seeing Brad again tonight as it’s the last chance I’m going to get before my flight out to Texas tomorrow—I’m going to miss him even though I’m only going to be gone for five days. Marlene’s barking orders at everyone and she’s looking more stressed than I’ve ever seen her before. I’ve been working like a drone for weeks now and my work is complete and up to scratch so I’m not too worried about getting the sharp end of her. All the same, I’m treading carefully—she’s like an unexploded bomb that could go off at any minute.

  Kate’s looking pale and thinner than usual—she seems to be surviving on black coffee and adrenaline. I do worry about her. She’s a sensitive soul that absorbs Marlene’s flack too deeply. I keep telling her she needs to toughen up or she’ll get ill. The phone on my desk buzzes and I can tell it’s an internal call. I answer it quickly as I know that it can only mean one thing.

  “I want to see you in my office now Angel” Marlene’s curt tone greets me from the other end.

  “Yes Marlene—straight away” I reply professionally trying to disguise any trembles in my voice. ‘Oh here we go, what has sh
e picked up on that doesn’t suit now?’ I wonder as I pick up my writing pad and pen to take in with me as props. I’m praying that she isn’t going to drop a shit load of work onto me today. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s taking a vacation knowing that there’s work I haven’t completed. I end up taking it with me instead of relaxing. Kate shoots me a worried look as I set off down the corridor to Marlene’s office. I know she means well but I really wish she’d stop doing it; she passes her nerves onto me. I stand outside Marlene’s door for a moment and pause while I straighten my skirt and clear my throat slightly before gently knocking and entering her office.

  Marlene is busily writing on documents with her Mont Blanc pen; her brows are furrowed with concentration which is unusual as she usually doesn’t move her expression that much. She gestures for me to take a seat without looking up or speaking and I obey. I sit quietly for a few minutes while she finishes what she’s doing and try to concentrate on my breathing to keep myself calm. She finishes and places the documents in one of her filing trays then stands up and walks over to her coffee machine that’s percolating a fresh pot.

  “Coffee?” she asks giving me a slight smile.

  “Oh erm yes please” I answer, a bit shocked at the faint smile she’s just given me. I was expecting something negative especially after the way she’s been blustering around the place lately.


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