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The Holiday Boyfriend

Page 3

by Twyla Turner

  Noelle was sexy without taking it over the top. Without showing a lot of skin. Not that Jake would mind if she did. She just didn’t need to. She radiated sex appeal. But she didn’t come across as someone to toy with. She had that wifey vibe.

  That would’ve scared him a few years ago. Now, he wasn’t so sure. His family was probably right. Maybe it was time to settle down. And even the simple things, like the way she treated the doorman was a hint in the right direction that she could be long-term material.

  He just hoped she didn’t mind that he came from meager beginnings. The fact that she lived in a high-rise in downtown made him worry that he wouldn’t fit in her world.

  “So…where to?”

  “The burbs.”

  “Could we be a little more specific?”

  Noelle laughed. It was deep and sexy. Jake liked it and smiled brightly as he awaited specific directions.

  “Just head south on I-55. We’re going to Bolingbrook.”

  “Got it.”

  “Hey, Mom.” Noelle said once her mother opened the door.

  “Hey, baby!” Her mother pulled Noelle into a warm hug. “Now, come in out the cold. We’re not paying to heat the outside.”

  Noelle and Jake wiped their feet on the welcome mat as they came inside. The entryway already felt crowded with the three of them, and then Noelle’s dad made his way over. His commanding presence made the area feel even smaller.

  “Now, let me get a good look at this young man you’ve brought with you,” her mom said.

  “Mom, this is Jake Keller. Jake this is my mother and father. Bruce and Rita Nichols.”

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Nichols.” Jake said as he shook both their hands.

  “Oh, call us Bruce and Rita.” Rita waved off his formalities. “No need to be so formal here.”

  “Thank you, Rita. Bruce.” Jake nodded.

  “You sure are a handsome devil, aren’t you?” Rita blurted out.

  Noelle rolled her eyes as Jake flushed.

  This is going to be the most embarrassing night ever, Noelle thought to herself.

  “Um…thanks. I…uh…brought this for you.” Jake said handing Rita the pot of Christmas flowers.

  “Oh, my goodness! And thoughtful too.” She grinned at him before turning to Noelle. “I think this one is a keeper.”

  “Mom, you’re embarrassing him. Can you stop holding him hostage, so I can introduce him to everyone else.” Noelle pointed to the living room where everyone else was congregated.

  “Oh, yes. Come in. Come in.” Rita and Bruce finally moved out of the way so that they could pass.

  “Let me get your coats.” Bruce said.

  Noelle knew her dad was remaining quiet because he was still inspecting her new love interest. She just hoped that his keen eye wouldn’t notice it was all a farce.

  As they walked into the gathering, Noelle’s family welcomed them with open arms. She introduced Jake to her two older brothers and their families, aunties, uncles, cousins, and their kids. It was obvious from the ease in which Jake interacted with all of them, that he was from a big family. She’d brought men home in the past who were from small families and they were overwhelmed and swallowed whole by hers.

  “Hmm… So, you’re not like most of the guys No has brought home,” her oldest brother Joe said using their nickname for her.

  “Yeah, she normally brings home stiff, boring suit types,” her middle brother Nate chimed in.

  “Okay, enough guys.” Noelle scowled at them.

  “Well, they’re not wrong.” Her cousin Tisha added.

  “At least this one looks like he could break your back,” another cousin leaned in to loudly and crudely whisper in her ear.

  Everyone in the room chuckled except Noelle and her father. Jake’s laugh died quickly at the look on her father’s face.

  “So how long have you two been dating?” An aunt asked.

  “A little while now.” Noelle smiled and turned to Jake, “Hey, I haven’t gotten a chance to give you the tour of my childhood home.”

  Noelle quickly stood and Jake followed. She hadn’t thought about the details of how they met and how long they’d been dating. It was a rookie mistake, considering how nosy her family could be.

  She reached for Jake’s hand and he took it without hesitation. Noelle tried to ignore the fact that his hand felt so warm and that hers fit perfectly within it. The rightness of it gave her butterflies and calmed her all at the same time.

  Noelle pulled Jake out of the room, down the hall, and up the stairs. When they reached her old bedroom door, she finally released his hand. She felt the loss of it. Instead, she decided to concentrate on turning on the light and showing him a part of herself that felt intimate. At first, she’d brought him to her room to get away from her family, but now she wasn’t so sure. A part of her wanted him to truly know her.

  “This is my room,” Noelle swept her hand the length of the space. “My mom is sentimental, so she kept everything the way I left it when I moved out.”

  Her old room was as cliché teenage girl as one could get. Posters of old celebrity crushes, photos of her with friends, pink fluffy things, and awards from school activities. And it looked all the more girlie with an extraordinarily masculine man standing in the center of it.

  “So, you had a crush on Morris Chestnut and Ashton Kutcher?” Jake asked as he tried to suppress his smile.

  “I did.” Noelle said proudly and raised her chin. “What can I say? I’m an equal opportunity kind of woman. Always have been.”

  “But only with race, not job types, right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You seem very… Sophisticated.”

  “You mean bougie.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “Your family said it themselves. You like stiff, boring suit types.”

  “Then you should’ve also noticed that my family likes to embarrass me.”

  “That is true.”

  Jake turned away from Noelle’s board of photos to look down at her. Suddenly the room felt very small.

  He took a step towards her. In the small room, it didn’t take much for him to be practically on top of her.

  “Well, if you haven’t noticed, I’m not the stiff, boring suit type. I’m the exciting, hard, and rough type.” Jake’s voice dropped to a husky octave.

  Noelle’s nether regions flexed at each word he used to describe himself. Her mouth popped open and she subconsciously licked her suddenly dry lips.

  Jake’s eyes dropped to her mouth and his pupils dilated, turning his irises into silver rings. Slowly he started to lower his head towards her. And Noelle lifted her face to greet him.

  “Hey, you two,” Nate spoke from the doorway and they jumped apart like the floor was made of lava. “Dinner’s ready.”

  Nate walked away laughing maniacally.

  Ugh! He’s such a dick!


  Jake clenched his jaw, took a deep breath through his nose, and released it quickly like an angry bull.

  His universe had been so focused on Noelle and her luscious red lips. Nothing was going to stop that kiss. Except her petty brother.

  Now, the moment was gone and Jake had to get himself and his dick under control.

  Standing with Noelle in her childhood bedroom surrounded by her girlie things had a strange effect on him. He’d wanted to take her right there on her pink bedspread, among her fuzzy pink pillows and fluffy stuffed animals.

  Fucking the woman she is, in the room of the girl she once was, felt forbidden and dirty. And Jake was not above forbidden nor dirty.

  Jake found his feet guiding him right back to her. Her family dinner be damned.

  “We…better go,” Noelle finally spoke. Her breath fluttering over his lips, they were so close.

  Only a few more centimeters and his lips would be claiming hers. Jake opened his eyes and saw that Noelle’s were closed.
When he didn’t move away or say anything, her eyes slowly opened. The desire in he saw in them had Jake reaching for her face and his lips descending the rest of the way.

  “Noelle! Jake! Get your butts down here. We’re not gonna wait on y’all all night.” Rita shouted up the stairs.

  Jake sighed and rested his forehead against hers.

  “We will finish this,” Jake murmured.

  “I-I thought this was all just pretense,” Noelle said softly.

  Jake straightened up and grasped her hand, guiding her out the room.

  “If you thought this was still pretense after you first walked into my shop, you haven’t been paying attention.”


  Noelle silently let Jake lead the way to the dining room where everyone was already seated. When they walked in, she was relieved to see that two spaces were open next to each other at the adult table. For the first time, she wouldn’t be at the kiddie table.

  They stood in the doorway and one of the little girls giggled from the kid’s area.

  “You’re under the mistletoe!” She pointed at the plant hanging above their heads.

  “Well, I guess we can’t go against tradition,” Jake grinned.

  Oh, sweet Jesus! The first time we’re gonna lock lips is in front of my family?! That’s just cold.

  Jake leaned down and finally his shapely pink lips connected with hers. Noelle felt a shiver run through her, followed by warmth that radiated out of her. When he finally pulled away, she was sure that her aura had to be pulsing and glowing around her.

  Everyone cheered and they both flushed with embarrassed delight. They quickly moved to the table. Jake held out Noelle’s seat and her warm glow intensified at the gesture and her parents’ approving faces.

  It was beginning to feel like less of a farce and a lot like more of the real thing.

  “It was so nice to meet you, Jake.” Rita hugged him tight. “Now, don’t you wait until the next holiday to bring him by.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Noelle said.

  Jake could hear the sarcasm dripping from the two words. He stifled his laughter as Rita gave her daughter a knowing look. It was obvious nothing got by her mother, which, of course, reminded him of his. And absolutely nothing got by Elena Romano Keller.

  They walked to his car that had been heating the last ten minutes, after he used his automatic starter. Jake helped Noelle inside, and quickly jogged around the SUV to get inside where it was warm.

  “Your family is great and your mom is a fantastic cook.” Jake said as he slid into the driver’s side. “So much like mine, it felt like I was home.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad.” She took a deep breath, “Then I guess I shouldn’t have anything to worry about meeting your family.”

  “Nope. Nothing. You’ll be fine,” Jake winked at her.

  He put the car in gear and started back towards the city. Once they reached her block, Jake parked around the corner from her front door. He could feel her curious eyes on him. He put the car in park and leaned back into his seat as he turned to look at her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I can’t very well park in front of your building and have your doorman watch me do this…”

  Jake unbuckled his seatbelt, reached across the center console, and grasped her face with lightning speed. His lips were on hers just as fast. Noelle gasped and Jake took the opening to dip his tongue in her warm mouth. The kiss under the mistletoe had been sweet. This kiss was anything but. It was urgent, deep, and erotic. His tongue stroked against hers in the rhythm he wanted to fuck her.

  Jake’s hands found their way into her silky hair. He fisted the hair at the back of her head and pulled. Noelle’s head dropped back on a gasp. Jake released her mouth and trailed his lips and tongue down her jaw to her neck. Noelle whimpered as his teeth scraped the hot skin there. Her hips rolled restlessly.

  He cupped her breast and Noelle moaned one word.


  Jake took that as her consent.

  He reached for the loose neckline of her off-the-shoulder sweater and pulled down. He tugged on the cup of her strapless bra until her breast popped free. Her areola was dark and large, just as he’d imagined. Jake flicked his tongue across the sensitive skin and the dark disk puckered and shrunk, making her nipple finally appear. Jake blew on it to make it harder. It was plump and inviting.

  Noelle’s hands found their way into his hair and gripped the strands tight, urging him on. Jake obliged her and drew her nipple into his mouth. He felt her hips move and he made sure for every forward roll she made his tongue flicked her nipple.

  Tiny gasps escaped Noelle’s lips. She was restless like a caged panther. Jake knew she needed release.

  He freed her nipple from his mouth and rose up to find her ear.

  “I’m gonna give you what you need,” Jake murmured in her ear before flicking the shell with his tongue.

  Jake pulled up the fabric of Noelle’s sweater until he revealed the waistband of her leggings. He pushed past the elastic and slid his hand down her plump tummy. The closer he got to her pussy, the warmer it became. It was like reaching the Earth’s core. The center of everything.

  Noelle’s legs spread to accommodate him. His fingertips connected with the lace of her panties, and he guided them under and continued on to his final destination.

  The heat radiating from her intensified. Finally, his fingertips found what he was seeking. As they slipped through her folds, he found her thoroughly soaked. His dick jumped in his jeans.

  “Fuuuuuck, you’re so wet,” Jake groaned.

  He rested his forehead against her temple. He clenched his jaw as he felt precum seep from his cock and wet his boxer briefs.

  Jake’s fingers easily slid into Noelle’s deep recesses with the help of her arousal. He coated two fingers and slid them back out to focus on the little button that would bring her what she needed.

  His fingers lightly danced over her clit. Noelle’s head fell back and her mouth opened in ecstasy. His tongue gently flicked against Noelle’s parted lips in time to his fingers. Between little cries of pleasure, Noelle’s tongue would peek out to flick against his.

  Her hips began to move more urgently. Her pussy caressed his fingers more than he was stroking her. Jake knew she was close, so he stayed where he was. Kept the same pace. He didn’t want to risk her losing her climax.

  His fingers circled her clit and his tongue flicked her lips again. Noelle’s body bowed and tensed. Her mouth opened further, but no sound came out. For a split second the only thing that moved was her pussy. It fluttered erratically, signaling her orgasm before the rest of her body could.

  “Aaaaah…” the loud cry finally ripped from her throat.

  Her body fell back and her hips bucked against his hand.

  Jake captured her mouth and absorbed the remainder of her cries. They vibrated against his tongue and he swore he could feel them in his cock.

  “Damn, that was so fucking hot!”

  Jake pulled his hand free of her leggings, brought his fingers to his nose, and breathed in deeply before placing his digits in his mouth and sucking her feminine cum from them.

  “You smell and taste like life. I can’t wait for the right time and the right place to eat your pussy.”

  Noelle shivered at his words. She covered her face with her hands and then lightly ran them down her face to her neck. She rolled her head against the headrest and looked over at him. She was drunk off of her climax. Jake grinned.

  “Yes, please.”


  Noelle finally started to come out of her stupor. She leaned against the armrest of the center console. She rested her hand against his chest and started to slide it down his body.

  “What about you? Don’t you need release?” She asked as her hand found the crotch of his pants.

  Noelle’s eyes shot up to his. They were wide with shock.

  “My God! Are you for real?!” She asked incredulousl

  Jake shrugged, “You know what they say about Italians…”

  “So, I’ve heard. But…”

  “I don’t know if it’s really true,” Jake stopped to moan as she caressed him through his jeans, “but people say it all the time.”

  “Can I see?”



  Noelle watched as Jake gingerly undid his jeans. She’d just come down from her orgasmic high. She hadn’t expected to feel so turned on moments later as if she hadn’t just had an amazing orgasm. But after he told her he wanted to eat her out and then she felt what was under his jeans, she was ready to go again.

  After Jake unzipped his jeans, he pulled the flaps to the side. He reached under the waistband of his briefs and Noelle held her breath. A second later he pulled out his cock and Noelle’s breath hitched. She just sat there a moment, taking it in.

  It was the most gloriously beautiful cock she’d ever seen. It had to be a solid ten inches. It was so fat that even his large hands almost couldn’t wrap around it. The head was plump with a ridge Noelle was sure would caress her walls. Thick veins snaked along the shaft and the upward curve damn near brought a tear to her eye.

  Noelle had told herself at the beginning of the night that no matter what happened, she would not sleep with him. The near kiss in her bedroom, the sweet kiss under the mistletoe, and a fingering so good that she was brought to an orgasm; none of it had swayed her resolve.

  Not until she saw that cock.

  Her internal walls flexed with anticipation of the kind of deep penetration he could give her. She wasn’t even sure she could take all of him. The sheer size of him was like a dare.

  Brain: Um…the probability of permanent damage to your lady bits makes this a risky endeavor.

  Vagina: DO IT! Take one for the team. I can handle it.

  Heart: Keep fucking around and you’re gonna fall in love.

  Noelle was sure she wasn’t the first woman to feel that way at the sight of him.


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