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The Holiday Boyfriend

Page 4

by Twyla Turner

  Jake didn’t say a word, he just began to stroke himself as he watched her watch him.

  “Do you want me to help?” Noelle asked as she started to reach for him.

  He let her attempt to wrap her fingers around him. Her fingers didn’t touch.

  Lord have mercy!

  Jake looked at her and grinned.

  “Sit back and just watch, Princess,” he said.

  Noelle released him, but stayed close as he began to stroke himself in earnest. She rose up to kiss him. Her tongue flicked against his and he moaned into her mouth. Jake’s rhythm became faster and matched the pants passing through his mouth. He pulled away from her lips and a grimace marred his brow.

  “I’m gonna cum,” he groaned.

  Noelle had been waiting for it. She quickly dropped down and wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock. She swirled her tongue around his ridge and felt his cock jerk. Jake’s body tensed.

  “Ah fuck!” He barked seconds before his cum spurted into her mouth.

  His fingers found the back of her neck. He squeezed but didn’t push her head down his cock. He gripped her as if he needed to hold onto something so he didn’t shatter into pieces. But his hips did flex upward, passing the tip in and out of her mouth until the last of his seed had been spilt.

  Even after he was finally finished, it was apparent that his cock, like her vagina, wanted more. His erection stayed as it was when he’d first released it from his pants.

  “I can tell that when I finally have you, there won’t be any stopping until I can’t move anymore. And even then, I’m sure my dick will still be hard as a rock.” Jake laughed.

  “We can always find out. You can come up if you’d like.”

  “No. I better not.” Jake reached out and adjusted her bra and sweater. “Honestly, I don’t want to rush it just yet. I want to leave you aching in anticipation for me. And vice versa.”

  “You’re so not what I imagined.”

  “What did you imagine?”



  “A selfish arrogant asshole,” Noelle cringed.

  “I once was. But I’d like to believe I’ve grown up a lot since then.”

  “Well, you’re certainly more mature and thoughtful than the men I’ve dated in the past. Not that we’re dating,” Noelle quickly corrected.

  Jake grinned. Then he leaned towards her. He reached out and cupped the side of her face. His hand slid back to the nape of her neck and pulled her towards him.

  “Maybe we should revise our deal,” he said against her lips.

  Noelle searched his silver eyes and saw sincerity there before he claimed her lips once more.

  Before they could change their minds, Jake pulled away and put the car in reverse. He backed up and then pulled out of the parking space and drove to the front of her building. He put the car in park, jumped out, and jogged around to her side. Noelle grabbed her roses, took the hand he offered, and let him guide her into the building.

  Bill gave her a wink as they walked by. Jake stopped in front of the elevator, hit the up button for her, and then turned back to Noelle.

  “I better say goodnight here. If I go up with you, I’m afraid I’ll go back on what I said in the car. And I do want to wait a little longer. To savor this…”



  “Alright,” Noelle said and then bit her lip.

  Jake clasped her face and raised her lips up as he descended. He captured her lips one last time. Noelle felt warmth spread through her body.

  Jake was the opposite of what she’d wanted her whole life. But no one felt as right as he did. So right that it scared her.

  “Goodnight, Noelle.”

  “Goodnight, Jake.”

  Noelle watched as he quickly turned and strode out her building. The elevator dinged and she stepped on. She rode up the twenty floors on a cloud of happiness. She unlocked her door, stepped inside, and collapsed back against it.

  Who knew a silly holiday joke would turn into this?!

  Noelle opened her front door Sunday afternoon.

  “So… How was it?” Char said holding up a bottle of champagne and orange juice.

  “Hey, Noelle. How are you?” Noelle said sarcastically.

  “Oh pssh! We’re best friends. Skip the pleasantries and give me the deets.” Char shoved past Noelle and headed straight for her kitchen.

  Noelle rolled her eyes as she closed and locked the door.

  “I hate you.”

  “You love me. Now talk!”

  “Fine.” Noelle sighed. “My family loved him. My mom was already trying to get him back before Easter.”

  “Continue,” Char said as she prepared their mimosas.

  “He brought me flowers and my mom a pot of poinsettias. He was a gentleman the whole night.”

  “And did he use those rough looking hands on your body in the dirtiest of ways?” Char passed Noelle her cocktail.

  Noelle gave her best friend the side eye as she took a sip of her mimosa.

  “What? Did he or not?”


  “I KNEW IT! The sexual chemistry oozing off you two in his shop was ridiculous. He looked like he was ready to lift you up, place you on the hood of one of the cars, and fuck you senseless right there in front of us.” Char rattled off animatedly.

  “You never told me that!”

  “I didn’t want you to be too nervous for your ‘date.’” Char mimed quotations with her fingers. “But yeah. He wanted to fuck you then. So, how far did you go?”

  “We just did some heavy petting in his SUV.”

  “Heavy petting? What is this, the 8th grade? And are you suddenly Mrs. Humphries teaching Sex Ed?”

  “Shut up!” Noelle threw a kitchen towel at Char’s head.

  “So, you kissed, he sucked on them gorgeous titties of yours, and he fingered you?”

  Noelle screwed up her face and remained tightlipped.

  “He did.” Char stated, knowing her best friend.

  Noelle continued to sip her drink.

  “Now, for the most important question of the day.” Char looked at Noelle with a straight face and serious eyes. “Did you or did you not get to see the D?”

  Noelle almost choked on her mimosa. She swallowed on a gasp and belly laughed. Char’s face never cracked. Not even a hint of a smile, a chuckle, or a tee-hee.

  “Did you see that dick?”

  Noelle sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. It was obvious that Char was not going to let her get out of not telling her.

  “Yes, Charlene. I saw his dick.”


  “You do not need to know about his dick! That’s private. Besides, what if we really start dating seriously. I can’t have you knowing what his junk looks like.”

  “I am your best friend. We’ve talked about our men’s appendages for decades now. You already know I don’t want your man. I like mine dark, dark chocolate.”

  “This is true.”


  “So, his dick is enormous. Like the kind of big that makes you want to praise God, dance a jig, and then knit it a sweater. The kind of big that scares you, because you probably won’t walk right for a week, but you also can’t go out like a punk. So, you try it anyway. That kind of big.” Noelle finished with a wistful look on her face.

  “Well, damn!” Char exclaimed, and then nodded in silence for a few moments. “Yeah, this is good. You haven’t had any of that good good in a while.”

  “No, I have not.” Noelle agreed and downed the rest of her drink.

  “Does he seem like the type that will make sure you get yours? The last one you had was garbage.”

  “Yeah, he made sure I came last night and then didn’t even let me finish him. He just had me watch.”

  “Oh shit! For real?”


  “Men usually point their dick in whatever direction your nearest love hole is. I’m shocked

  “So was I. But I still had to at least put a little of that magic on him though.” Noelle smirked.

  “That’s my girl.”

  They high-fived across the kitchen island.

  “So, has this officially made you change your mind about blue-collar men?” Char quirked a brow.

  “I think so.” Noelle shook her head in wonder. “I’ve never dated a guy like him and it turns out he’s everything I’ve ever wanted that I thought I’d find with a white-collar guy. He’s generous, thoughtful, attentive, sweet, funny, and sexy as hell. I was such a dummy for not being more open to different types of men.”

  “No, you weren’t. You’re right on time. And he seems to be the right man.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You really like him, huh?”

  “I do.”


  “So, how was it?” Demetrius asked as he cracked open a beer.

  D had come over to Jake’s place to watch the football game.

  “How was what?”

  “Fool, don’t play dumb! How was your fake date with that lady?”

  “It was good. Her family is a lot like mine. So, it felt like I was at home.”


  “And, what?”

  “Did you hit it?”

  Jake gave his friend the side eye as he took a swig of beer.

  “Well, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Okay, did you at least kiss her?”

  “Yeah, man. Why are you all up in my business?”

  “Because y’all looked like you were ready to fuck last week. I figured if you got to spend a little alone time with her that you’d hit it.”

  “Well, I didn’t want to ‘hit it.’ At least not like that. She deserves better than a ‘hit it and quit it’ type of thing.”

  “Ohhhhh! So, you’re catching feelings?”

  “And?” Jake shrugged.

  “Damn! You’re not even trying to hide it. This must be serious. Am I doing it the wrong way? The next girl I date, should we just skip all the prelim stuff and move straight to meeting the family? Is that it? Or is this a case of ‘fake it till you make it?’”

  “I don’t know, man! Why are you asking me? By chance I linked up with a lovely woman. It was only supposed to be exchanging favors. But so far, we actually like each other. We’ll see what happens from there. I’m trying not to sweat it too much. But with all these questions, you’re starting to freak me out. Lay off, D.”

  Demetrius held up his hands in surrender. “Alright. Alright. I didn’t mean to freak you out. I just thought you’d tell me about her like you have with the ladies you been with in the past. I am your best friend after all.”

  “I’m sorry, man. I don’t mean to snap. This just feels…different.”

  “I see that.” D grinned. “I hope it works out. You look happy.”

  “I am.” Jake sighed.

  D held up his bottle of beer. Jake reached over to the other side of the couch and they clinked bottles together.

  “I just hope I’m enough for her. Her family mentioned she likes suit and tie guys. That’s not me. I hope she’s okay with that.” Jake scraped at the label on his beer with his nail.

  “J, you’re a solid dude. And you may not be a suit and tie guy, but you’ve run your own business for more than a decade…successfully. If that’s not good enough for her, she’s not good enough for you.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I know.” D smirked. “But I get it. I can tell you really dig her.”

  “I do.”

  The week before Noelle’s company party and Jake’s family’s Christmas dinner flew by and dragged at the same time. Noelle was busy finishing up work before the holiday break that would begin on Friday. And she was a nervous wreck thinking about meeting Jake’s family.

  Noelle felt that she and Jake were on the precipice of something. If things didn’t go well with his family, he might change his mind. So, dreading that first meeting made the week feel like it went by in a blink. But missing Jake and waiting to see him again, made the week drag at the same time.

  It helped that they texted and chatted over the phone every day since their first ‘date.’ And it all started with a simple, yet sweet text he’d sent when he made it home after dropping her off Saturday night.

  I had a good time tonight.

  Can’t wait to see you next week.

  Sweet dreams, Noelle.

  He’d texted the same night of their date. He texted her ‘Good morning’ the next day. When she responded to his texts, he got back to her in a timely fashion if he wasn’t working on a car. And he was funny and sweet.

  He was an anomaly.

  He can’t be real. And why did I always think blue-collar workers were rough, rude, and crude?

  Well, after the erotic encounter in his car, Noelle had to admit that there was absolutely nothing wrong with a little rough. She could still feel the scrape of his calloused fingers on her soft skin.

  Noelle took a deep calming breath as she finished getting ready for the duel family dinner/company holiday party.

  She shimmied into a black lace control paneled slip. It looked like a mini-dress with a built-in bra, which was what she liked about it. It smoothed her lumps and bumps while looking like a sexy dress.

  Slowly, Noelle rolled up her black stockings and attached them to the garters hanging from her shapewear. Over it, she pulled on her red cable knit sweater dress. It had a cowl neckline and skimmed her body just right and stopped a little above the knee. Fitted enough to show her curves. Loose enough to not appear indecent. Perfect to meet his family and for her work party, but still sexy enough to impress the man she was with.

  Noelle finished it off with black knee-high boots. Silver dangly earrings hung from her ears. Her hair was parted down the side. One side hung sexily over her left eye, and the other side was tucked behind her ear and pinned back with a pretty silver and clear rhinestone barrette. Her eyes were smoky and her lips red once more to match her dress.

  The buzzer went off at exactly 4:30. Jake was a stickler for time as well. Noelle appreciated it, since she was always on time.

  His family’s gift exchange started at 5, dinner was at 6, and her holiday party started at 7. Although, most of her co-workers usually didn’t show up until 8. So, they had plenty of time.

  Noelle grabbed the sweet potato pie she’d made, the bottle of wine she’d bought, her coat and silver clutch purse before heading downstairs. She couldn’t believe how keyed up she was. She couldn’t stop fidgeting in anticipation of seeing Jake again.

  The elevator arrived on the main floor, and the doors slid open. The man that had been on her mind all week stood there waiting with a smile. Noelle just stood there blinking. The doors started to close and jerked her out of her stupor. She stopped them with her shoulder before quickly stepping off the elevator.

  Jake had asked how formal or informal her holiday party would be. She told him it was in between. Then he’d asked her what she was wearing. She’d told him a red sweater dress. At the time, it hadn’t occurred to her that he would attempt to match her. But there he was, looking like a Christmas snack left for Mrs. Claus.

  He wore a pair of masculine brown dress boots, another pair of dark-washed jeans, a deep crimson sweater with a collar that crisscrossed in the front with two wooden toggle closures, a button up light blue collared shirt, and a dark brown tweed blazer. He even added a patterned crimson pocket square in the jacket pocket.

  Noelle would’ve been embarrassed by how she appraised him for far too long, if it weren’t for the fact that he too was checking her out for longer than was necessary.

  “Wow!” He breathed as he took her in. “You look incredible.”

  “Wow, yourself,” she remarked as he took some of the items off her hands. “Did you really try to match me? Or is it just my imagination?”

  Jake’s smile was brilliant as he grinned at her. He looked like a
GQ model.

  “No, I did it on purpose.” He shrugged. “I thought it would be a nice touch.”

  “Oh, it is.” She looked him up and down once more. “You’re good at this.”

  “At what?”

  “Dating. Being a man.”

  A loud bark of laughter escaped Jake’s throat.

  “Being a man?”

  “You know?” Noelle searched for the words. “Being masculine without being overbearing. Being thoughtful to a woman’s needs and what she’d like, while still being manly. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.”

  Noelle shook her head and looked down at the floor. Jake reached out, placed a hand under her chin, and lifted her face up. His lips descended, and Noelle lifted hers up to meet him. His shapely pink mouth touched hers, and his tongue peeked out just slightly to flick her top lip. The kiss sent waves of shivers down her body, weakening her knees.

  Jake pulled back and smiled down at her.

  “I understand what you’re saying. I think I got it from my dad. It also helped being raised around a bunch of women. My mother, sisters, aunts, female cousins, etc. My dad is the strong, silent type who doted on my mother. It rubbed off on me, I suppose.”

  “It’s nice,” Noelle smiled shyly. “Your parents did a good job.”

  “My mom will love to hear that,” Jake chuckled. “But in all honesty, I don’t think the women in my past would agree with you. Maybe it takes the right woman to bring it out in a man.”

  Jake stared at Noelle sincerely as he made that last statement. Her pulse fluttered and she swallowed hard.

  “Come on, before we’re late and my mom has a heart attack.” Jake gestured towards the door, breaking the spell.

  They walked through the door Bill held open for them.

  “You kids have fun,” Bill said before leaning in to whisper in Noelle’s ear. “I have a good feeling about this guy.”

  Noelle smiled brightly, “I do too.”

  They got in the car and headed to the Italian neighborhood of Bridgeport.

  “Did your dad have no say in where you lived and which culture you were going to identify with most?”

  “Have you met Italians?” Jake joked.


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