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Fairies of Light

Page 26

by J. E Hanson

  “I’m willing to give you everything. I just feel awful for treating you so badly in the beginning.”

  “We came a long way from where we were. I thought you were a spoiled and selfish princess. The more that I got to know you, the more I started to fall for you.”

  “I started to fall for you, when you would say incredibly mean things to me.”

  “I’m so sorry for that, and I love you baby.” I sit on top of him to straddle him. I shift my hips back and forth over his. I rotate my hips for a few minutes. He quickly pulls me back to his chest.

  He moves my hair back, “You’re going to lose it, if you keep this up!”

  My lips kiss his ear, “I want you to feel me up inside with your love.”

  He immediately pulls it out, and shifts my panties over. He rubs his man wand over my pussy and it’s large. I gasp with excitement and anticipation.

  “Do you think you can show me exactly how much you want it? I’m ready when you are, baby,” he asks me directly.

  I take over, by stroking his shaft up and down with the palm of my hand. My body trembles from wanting him so badly. My lips wrap around his enormous shaft as I glide up and down. I make sure he watches my eyes.

  He moves his head around to make sure that nobody is watching, “Fuck, Rosalie! This is so wrong and so bad!”

  My eyes focus inside his gorgeous crystal eyes. My speed picks up faster around his enormous shaft. He flops his head back and he pours his sweet honey down my throat. The hot substance coats my mouth and lips. I lick the remaining drops from his wand, and my lips.

  His loincloth shorts will hide his enormous man wand. He lets out a small moan as I rub it through his shorts. I kiss his moist lips passionately, and I walk home on cloud nine.

  Chapter 14

  I still keep my virginity, even though it’s at the point of breaking a few times. We lustily stare at each other at his brother’s wedding. We struggle to pry our eyes off each other. He winks at me, and I wink right back at him. Puck kisses my aunt, and they make it official now. We clap our hands as the fairy minister introduces them as the new Mr. and Mrs. Cirrus.

  We dance the night away, but we tone it down for their wedding. The day ends with me catching the bouquet, and Joey catches the garter belt. We are a boring version of our usual provocative selves. Puck picks Skylar up in his arms, and they disappear into their new house.

  I return home to soak for an hour. My water is full of bubbles, and I lounge with my hair up in a bun. Joey surprises me when he storms inside my bathroom.

  “Are you crazy? You’re going to get me into so much trouble!”

  Joey throws a towel at me, “I need to show you something right now.”

  He unplugs my bathtub, and I quickly rinse myself off. He turns his head away, and he allows me to dry off with the towel he just threw at me.

  “Come on, Rosalie!”

  “I’m hurrying, and what’s the rush?”

  After I dry myself off, I quickly snap on my teal fairy outfit. I tap on his shoulder, so he can face me. I try to brush my hair out, but he’s too impatient. He throws my brush down, and he throws me over his shoulder. He carries me outside, and then he flings me to his back. We bolt through a warp together, and he takes me to a different dimension. We land on tier four, and he brought me to this beautiful place. The purple sky has ten rainbows. We watch a Pegasus fly, and the unicorns are trampling through the forest from a distance. The view is breathtaking, and I’ve never seen this dimension before. I have heard stories about this place in Fairy School. I managed to mind my uncle and grandparents. I stay away from places that they never allow me to visit.

  There are seven dimensions. The very last tier is extremely evil and dark. Nobody ever visits the bottom tier. The sixth tier is restricted to dark supernatural creatures that never make it on Earth. The fifth tier is Earth and the planets. We are on the fourth tier that has unicorns and Pegasus on it. The gnomes and pixies like to hang out here. The third tier is all the screw-ups from Earth. The dinosaurs are on that tier, and it’s extremely dangerous for our kind to visit. There are trolls, wizards, and giants on tier three. We are on tier two. Majority of fairies and angels live on tier two. Tier one, is reserved only for our Creator of all beings—both mortal and immortal, and only high-ranking angels go there. The original members of the Angels Of Mercy, or the AOM, visit our Creator. They take his orders, and they hand them to our fairy king, who happens to be my grandfather. They keep their orders with their angel king. Michael is the highest-ranking angel, and the king of all the other angels. Michael is also Ember’s grandfather. He flew us to the pasture, and we watch all the baby unicorns play with each other.

  I never visited anywhere else, but tier two and Earth.

  I gasp at the beauty of this place, “This is incredibly beautiful!”

  He takes my hand, and he drags me through the meadows. We run through the fields of dandelions together.

  “I want to show you something else!” he yells over his shoulder.

  He points to show me more rainbows from a distance. He swoops me up in his arms, and he flies us to another location. I glance down, and I notice a blanket of scarlet roses. He lands us in the soft roses without the thorns on them. He has an ivory blanket sprawled out. I peer into his crystal eyes, and he snaps his fingers again. There is a lemon with gold box resting on the ivory blanket.

  He gently urges me towards it, “You might want to open that box.”

  I sit down on the blanket, and he holds me in his lap. He tosses my hair forward and kisses the nape of my neck.

  “I want you to open, and enjoy it,” he whispers gently.

  I take another moment, and then I finally open the box. And, it’s the ring. The ring that I tried on as a little girl now rests inside the lemon with gold box in front of me.

  “You are nuts, Joey!” I exclaim.

  He grins mischievously, and I can tell that he’s proud of himself, “I want to prove to you that I can take care of you. Now will you marry me?”

  He kneels to one knee. I study the ring, and then back at him. He starts to shake nervously, while he patiently waits for my answer.

  I hand the ring back to him, “I will marry you, but you have to place it on my finger.”

  He pulls me down on the ivory blanket, “Will you give me your light now?”

  Without a second thought, I lit up instantly, and I open my mouth wide to his. My light travels from the pit of my stomach to his. He places his ring on my finger.

  “Will you be mine forever, baby?”

  He rips off my top. I eagerly help him out of his loincloth shorts. My teal skirt disappears with his firm hands.

  “I am yours forever. Now fuck me!”

  He spreads my legs apart, and then he opens his mouth wide to mine. I notice that he’s glowing. He thrusts his man wand deep inside of me. His light slams down my throat in return. Now we are bound to each other for all eternity. I gasp from the immediate pleasure. He pins my arms over my head and he rams me hard. Thankfully, he’s not stopping either. There’s no pain in our world, only intense sexual pleasure.

  He shifts me over his hips. I straddle him and place his man wand deep inside of me. This makes me yelp from the intense pleasure. It takes me a minute to figure out the mechanics. He aids me by shifting my hips up and down on his shaft. He moans my name loudly. After his gentle guidance, I slide up and down even faster on his rock hard shaft. The pleasure explodes deep inside of me. He gives me all his sweet honey from his man wand. His honey rocks me deep in my core.

  Joey lets his light flow through me. We focus on each other and we never notice the world around us. He flips me over to my knees, and to my shock, he rams me hard again. His hot flesh continues to pound against mine hard.

  “Oh, Joey… FUCK ME!” I scream out.

  My scream and moan only speeds him up, and we won’t last long in this position either. We have too much pent up sexual frustration to stop.

  “SHIT! Rosali
e, I’m getting ready to fucking cum again, baby!”

  “Cum inside me, baby! Just keep fucking me!”


  He pours his second dose of hot cum deep inside my walls. It’s time to take it out on one another. He spits on my hand and shifts it over his man wand. He guides my hand until I have full control over his man wand. As soon as he’s hard again, he shifts me back on top. I joyfully rock back and forth on his hips again to make more of his hot cum pour in me. The rose petals are sticking to us now from the perspiration. I shift his man wand back in my mouth, and he flips me upside down. I finally found out, how wonderful his tongue rings really are. I climax all over his face in a few short minutes.

  He continues to give me a steady stream of pure warm honey down my throat. We make love for four hours straight with no breaks. We are becoming even more creative as he pins me against the oak tree to fuck me violently. I stare at the beads of sweat rolling from his muscular body.

  He gives me another dose of his sticky sweet honey. My hips continue to work in unison with his. We work well with each other, knowing what the other wants. We stand up against the tree making love. My hips work in perfect harmony with his.

  He caves in first, and I follow him a minute later, “FUCK, Rosalie! I’m tiring out, baby! I gave you everything I have.”

  We crash on the blanket holding hands. We giggle together over all those hours of mind-blowing sex. He peeks at me with his arms behind his head.

  “That is the best sex I’ve ever had, and I’ve been around the block too. What are you doing to me, Rosalie?”

  I roll over to lean my head against his chest, “I was about to ask you the same thing. This is so much better than what I could have ever imagined my first time to be. Thanks for making my first time special.”

  He lifts my face to his, “I will do anything for my wife. I only want you, Rosalie. You are whom I think about all the time, and you’re driving me insane.”

  I slid my tongue in his mouth and he reciprocates. He pulls me down, and he snaps another blanket over us.

  “I love you, Joseph Pike Cirrus. I always want to keep you pleased and satisfied.”

  “You already have, Rosalie... you already did that from the moment you walked into my existence. I never felt as deeply as I have, while falling for you. I love you so much, Rosalie Summer Cirrus.”

  I have his light, and he has mine now. I gently kiss his eyelids with my sweaty mess of a hair. He pulls me closer to him. The small pallid lilies fall over us, and his arms wrap around me as a muscular shield. We drift off to sleep together.


  We entangle ourselves and embrace each other for hours. The silence breaks after a few more hours of sleep with him whining in my ear.

  “Baby… can you stop playing with the flashlight?”

  I shift my body off him, and I continue to lay with my back on the blanket. He shifts over me, and he places his head on my stomach.

  “Rosalie... please turn off the light, baby.”

  His head remains on my stomach. My fingers tangle in his hair.

  “What flashlight? There’s no flashlight on.”

  “What’s flashing in my face, and it’s waking me up.”

  I laugh and think that he’s playing with me, “I think it’s where we’re at.”

  He groans, “Please stop toying with me.”

  I am half-asleep, and I notice the light. My stomach flashes exactly as a firefly does. My whole stomach continues to blink on and off constantly.

  I immediately wake up, and start to freak out, “Oh, shit! This isn’t normal, Joey!”

  “Will you stop toying with me? I love you, and you have me always.”

  “Joey, please look at my stomach! Is this even normal after sex? Please tell me this is normal after sex!”

  He opens his eyes, and he glances down at my stomach. He sits up straight, “FUCK! No, that isn’t normal, baby! I’ve never had this happen to me before!”

  He places his hand over my stomach.

  “Either I swallowed a large firefly, or there’s something really wrong with me!”

  He kisses my lips, “I think we’re expecting.”

  “That can’t be possible! Surely I’m not pregnant, and not after having sex my first time! Okay, I’m flashing, but I thought I’m supposed to turn to a solid yellow like the others.”

  He snaps his loincloth shorts on, “Rosalie, snap your outfit on.”

  I snap my fingers and my outfit turns canary. I have a canary pregnancy sash draping over me.

  The panic alarm inside me sounds, and I’m freaking out.

  “Your fairy outfit changed, because if lights are exchanged, the wife always takes the last name of her husband. Now… you’re my wife, Rosalie Cirrus. You also have a pregnancy sash too.”

  I struggle with what to think. He kisses my lips, and he places his hand over my stomach.

  We are both still in shock, “I know this is such a shock, but we knew this could happen.”

  I watch my stomach flash for a brief moment, and I kiss his lips, “I love you so much.”

  He stops kissing me, and then he kisses my stomach, “Don’t worry, baby. This is our love for each other growing inside you.”

  I take his hand, and kiss him. He shifts me to his back, and he snaps us back to our dimension. He immediately takes me to his parents’ house until he can buy us our own house. I stay behind him with the large engagement ring around my finger, and we walk closely together.

  He opens the front door, and the smell of chocolate chip cookies permeates the air. Momma is baking, “Come in, and help me with the cookies, Rosalie.”

  We stare at each other, and he nods for me to walk over to her. Momma doesn’t pay any attention to me. I stare at my pregnancy sash, and the sash hooks from the bottom of my top. The piece of fabric shields my stomach. I open the top drawer, and take out a spatula. I start sliding her cookies from the cookie sheet to the plate.

  Momma finally glances up, “Oh, can you grab the milk from the fridge?”

  Joey taps on his chin, and he chuckles. Momma squints at Joey, “What’s so funny?”

  Wally walks in, and he drops a plate. The plate smashes into a thousand tiny pieces, “Holy shit!”

  “Why in the heck did you drop my plate? That’s not cheap china!” she yells.

  Her attention focuses to me. She carefully watches me pour two glasses of milk. Momma drops her plate to the ground, and I’m bracing myself for impact, while closing my eyes. Joey rubs my belly, and Momma shrieks, “I HAVE ANOTHER GRANDBABY FINALLY! THIS BETTER BE MY GRANDDAUGHTER!”

  Joey and Wally laughs. Momma walks over, and she rubs my stomach, “You better stick little bean, because I make some pretty mean chocolate chip cookies!”

  I give momma a worried expression, “Why am I flashing?”

  “You will flash for about twelve weeks. The only time you worry is when you stop flashing in that timeframe.”

  Wally laughs, and he points out my new fairy outfit, “Out of everything she notices, momma only notices the pregnancy.”

  “YOU’RE BOTH ENGAGED! OH, MY WORD! There’s so much to do! Joey, you should know that Rosalie has to live with us until you buy your own place here in Avalon,” she shrieks again.

  Joey softly kisses my lips, “I know, momma.”

  I have to inform my grandparents, but she plants us close to her chest by squeezing us tightly. She cries happy tears, and she never wants to let us go. She even burns her second batch of chocolate chip cookies. She has never burned a set until today. She won’t let us go either.

  “Alright momma, I have to take Rosalie to the palace, so she can tell her grandparents. You will have to let us go, momma,” Joey tries to convince her.

  “My baby is finally getting married! I know I should let you go, but I waited a very long time for this moment! Just let me enjoy this for another minute!” momma sobs.

  Wally cleans up the mess, “Momma, at least let Rosalie go. You d
on’t want to hurt the newly pregnant mom.”

  She finally releases us, “I’m so sorry Rosalie, and I’m just so happy! This is so overwhelming.”

  Momma allows us to leave. Joey and I walk through Avalon holding hands together. The men stare at me with shock on their faces, and the women are equally disappointed. We only notice each other as we exchange smiles back and forth while walking together.

  We make it to the palace, and we immediately walk into Oberon's office first. He’s reading a newspaper, but he stops and he glances at me. He flashes us a small grin, “I’m glad that things are working out for you two.”

  My arm is around his waist, and I give my uncle a faint wave, “I think everything is better than expected.”

  Skylar walks in right after us, “Hi Rosalie. Oberon, Dr. Pines says that your nephew is breech. How long do I have until he turns?”

  Oberon stands up, and he feels her stomach, “He has plenty of time to turn. You can relax, and it’s nothing to be too concerned about.”

  They don’t notice right away. I turn around to leave, and I gently tug on Joey’s hand, “I think we can leave now.”

  Oberon notices me, “Hold it right there, Rosalie.”

  I wheel around, and I wave innocently at them. Oberon and Skylar glance at each other smirking.

  He laughs, “Why would you think we wouldn’t notice? First, congratulations on the engagement. Second, I can see your pregnancy sash. So you might as well walk over to show us your stomach, and the ring.”

  I nervously step in front of them. Oberon feels my stomach, “You will remain a firefly for the next twelve weeks. I will inform you that the signs are promising.”

  I show them the ring, and they stare directly at Joey. Oberon teases him, “Do you always plan on spoiling, Rosalie?”

  Joey kisses my cheek, “My wife deserves the best, and she will only have the best.”

  “You better hurry, and buy that house around the corner. That’s the one with the huge bay window out in front,” he teases again.


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