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Fairies of Light

Page 27

by J. E Hanson

  Joey leans in, and he kisses my cheek, “I thought you would never accept me into the family.”

  Oberon points at me, “I hope you know that she’s your biggest fan. We have never had a problem with you. You have always been our mom's favorite. You can stop worrying about what we think. Shit, you nailed our niece, and you even bought her the second most expensive engagement ring. Dude, I think you were already a part of the family the moment she kept a picture of you on her nightstand.”

  My face instantly flushes. My uncle smirks knowing that he just revealed my deep and dark secret.

  “I’m a huge fan of Rosalie’s too. I love her very much, and you know that I will always make sure she’s taken care of.”

  Skylar hugs him tightly, “We know that, Joey. Welcome to the family, and we need to plan your wedding.”

  Skylar points out to next week, and we both agree to it.

  We notify them, “We will have another wedding on Earth, because there are fairies, and others who are unable to make it here to see it.”

  We leave the palace together, and we return to his house. He exchanges his twin bed for a king-sized bed. Momma makes all the arrangements by moving my things in with them temporarily. I am his wife, because we exchanged our lights. I’m also pregnant with our baby. There’s no going back now, and it’s not as if I have any regrets anyway. Joey is the only one I have always dreamed of being with for forever. We believe in forever, and we love each other too much to hurt one another. The exchange of light keeps us welded together. It’s such a strong bond that there’s nothing, but pure love in it. There is a piece of him welded to my soul, and it’s the same with his. This is love of its rawest form. We make love in his room, but we soundproof it, since we are loud guests.

  The day before my wedding, I return to the Palace. This is our ritual before the wedding, and I stay up late to work on everything.

  Joey has other things he’s done here as of late. He reopens his dance studio here in Avalon, but he still has to find that perfect house for us. But, we managed to schedule our wedding with the fairy minister.

  We move back and forth between Earth and Avalon. Joey has a place on Meropis, and the house is amazing. I lost myself inside it. He wants to make sure that I’m safe, but the only college that would accept us is Meropis University. Ember and Jeannie are enrolled in Meropis University too. The Enforcers say it’s easier to keep an eye on all three of us at once. I register late along with Ember. They told us that the woman who was running admissions was a scrupulous person, and they just fired her too. The clerk is now serving time in Meropis Prison.

  Joey pays for my college tuition in full, and he believes that it’s important for me to have an education. Gabriel tells us that it would be easier for him to register with Ember for more business degrees. Fashion and business has our interests piqued. The Enforcers are relieved that we all chose the same majors.

  I’m sitting in his canary corvette. He takes a few curves too sharp, and it causes me to throw up all over his leather floor. He doesn’t freak out as I thought he would, “I think this pregnancy will take, babe. I want to start setting up the nurseries. I hope we have a little Joey in there.”

  He flashes his perfect grin at me, while he cleans me off with the snap of his fingers, and he cleans his car last. On his final snap, he places a barf bucket on my lap.

  “What if our baby is a little girl?”

  Joey gently touches my face, “I will never let her out of the house. I believe I will have to kill a bunch of male fairies, if they ever stare at her the way that I looked at you.”

  I object to his parenting style, “There will be a guy, who will have to stare at her too!”

  “That’s different, Rosalie. I wanted to bend you over the bed the moment you walked down those steps in that short miniskirt. I dreamed of hiking up that miniskirt, just to show you how grateful I was at that time.” His words cause me to blush, but I kiss his cheek.

  He bought a house near the ocean here in Meropis. The sky will always remain ominous here in Meropis. We barely make it through the door, before we make love again. He makes sure he bends me over today. My tattoo remains hidden under concealment, and I keep finding enough excuses not to take a shower with him. My tattoo will show, if it hits the water.

  We enjoy rough sex and food. I have to stop a few times to throw up. And the aftermath of sex puts me to sleep. I hate wearing clothes, but he loves to strip my clothes off me. There’s one day he chose not to take his shirt off during sex.

  “Why are you not taking your shirt off, Joey?”

  He nibbles on my lips, “That is for me to know, and for you to find out later, babe.”

  “Did you receive another tattoo?”

  “After our wedding, you will find out. Now hush, and make love to me again.”

  He might as well hump me in the mornings. He always wants sex in the mornings. I will be fast asleep, and his man wand will press up against me. He starts to nibble on my neck, and that’s how we always make love. We accomplish new positions that no other woman has tried with him. I love tying him up, and licking the chocolate sauce off his chest. The chocolate sauce drove him nuts. Sex with him is always intense, and it never slows down either.


  The night before my wedding, Ember stays with me since she will be my maid of honor twice over.

  “I have something to tell you. Please don’t be mad at me either, but I’m already Gabriel’s wife.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We never told anyone, and we wanted to elope. I’m also pregnant.”

  I glance at her stomach, and the shock continues. Her tummy flashes bright blue. She places my hand over her belly. I, in turn, place her hand over mine.

  “Oh, this is really awesome! We’re both pregnant together!”

  She starts to cry, “I never thought that this would happen so quickly! His mom doesn’t even like me. I believe his family hates me. Gabriel says that he found a place for us. I feel like I’m failing at everything! At least, Joey and you took the time to get to know each other. I think Gabriel and I may have rushed into this too fast.”

  She flashes her ring, but she’s wearing a ten-carat blue diamond, and it sits in a silver setting. Gabriel didn’t buy her a cheap ring either. The wedding band has intricate designs around the silver band.

  “I guess I’m expecting for everyone to be happy about us being together. Gabriel plans to take me to Meropis, so he can get me away from his family. This is breaking me up inside, Rosalie.”

  “I’m so sorry Ember, and I had no idea! I don’t even know what to say. I’m sure it’s your pregnancy adding fuel to the fire too.”

  “I’m really emotional right now! I feel like I’m crying over the dumbest things! I feel like we deprived each other of a beautiful wedding. This was supposed to be the biggest thing in my existence. Instead, it doesn’t feel real to me right now. I hope for our sake, things will improve, but right now I have no idea.”

  I feel bad for her, but I hug her. We finish the decorations for my wedding, and we walk together to the meadow that will hold my wedding tomorrow morning. We finish hanging up the last minute wedding details, and everything is in its place. The flowers are ready at the altar. The ivory with gold cloths drape through the altar and seats.

  “Where is Joey now?”

  “I think your husband ran off with him, or dragged him to a bachelor party. I have a feeling that quite a few guys are involved in it too. There are no FOL members here, and no Cirrus brothers. I can only imagine what they’re doing.”

  “That’s why there’s no Angel Enforcers following me either. It’s almost as if the men disappeared. They’re not even here either.”

  “Do you think they’re in Meropis?”

  Ember is about to answer, but Skylar sneaks behind us, and she scares us, “Are you ready for your party?”

  We stare at each other with relief. Ember faces Skylar, “Rosalie is ready.”

  Skylar drags us both to the palace, and she makes me sit down on a gold throne. I sit down in the middle of the large dining hall. Skylar hands me gift after gift. The giddy women gift me corsets, whips, and more embarrassing gifts.

  Violet, or momma starts, “Oh, let me tell you about my wedding night! Walter decides that he wants to take his time. I’m ready to go all thirteen rounds! I’m a horn dog in heat, but my husband wants to put the brakes on. So, I chose to lace his drink with a love potion, since he was moving so slow. Which, I will never recommend doing that. I slipped it in his glass of champagne. Well… that apparently has ‘other’ side effects.”

  We want to hear more, “What happened next, momma?”

  “Well, let’s just say that his man wand tripled in size that night. Not only does his man wand triple in length, but it also expands in girth. Riding him was like riding a wild bull that night. I thought we would be done after six hours. Oh no… that never happens. We lasted another twenty-four hours. Walter left me completely raw, and I couldn’t walk for weeks.”

  We’re laughing hysterically at her story about her wedding night. We tell more stories, and they make blankets for lovers.

  The night flies by, but I never see my uncles, or the rest of the Enforcers. Ember stays the rest of the night with me. We stay up discussing possible names. We chose different names, if one has a boy, and the other has a girl. We rest before the big day.

  Chapter 15

  Skylar brought in my wedding outfit, “It’s time, Rosalie.”

  I toy with my hands nervously, but she reassures me, “You’re marrying the best man in the world. He will treat you as the queen that you deserve to be treated. I’m so excited to meet the new Mrs. Cirrus soon!”

  Skylar, my grandmother, and Ember help me out. I slowly step into my wedding outfit. I stand in front of the mirror to study the ivory, canary, with gold wedding skirt and top. Pictures are snapping all around me. The butterflies swarm inside my stomach. My fiery red hair has curls in a loose bun. They top my wedding veil with my tiara. My flower arrangements are canary with ivory roses. The bouquet has a trail of roses entangled with ivory, canary, and gold ribbons.

  Uncle Oberon knocks on my door, and he opens it. I notice that he wreaks of alcohol, and he fails miserably at covering up the stench. He’s wearing a pair of onyx shades, “Are you ready, squirt?”

  Grandpa will escort me down the aisle in place of my dad. Oberon kisses my forehead, and he hugs me, “Whatever you heard about me last night, just know that it was all with the best of intentions.”

  I flash a nervous expression of deep concern. He disappears to join Joey at the altar. Ember wears my colors and she’s not wearing her pale blue, ivory, with gold colors. She’s wearing her angel tiara.

  “We’re going to be yellow and blue fireflies walking down the aisle!”

  “I know it! We are led by our pregnant bellies!”

  The sashes hide our bellies, so that nobody will see our blinking stomachs. She takes my hand in hers, and she snaps us to the beginning of the wedding march.

  I start to panic, but she lifts me up, “You’ve got this! You need to walk with that twist! You make a beautiful bride, sissy!”

  She breaks my nerves. There are a dozen bridesmaids, and she’s the last one to walk, before all the flower girls. Jazzy even walks down the aisle in a dog tuxedo.

  Grandpa takes my arm in his with his staff by his side. I love his long grey hair, “I’m so proud of you, Rosalie, and I will always love you.”

  “I love you too. I just wish my mom and dad were here today.”

  “I know sweetie, and I wish they were here too. I wish they were here for all of your important moments. That’s okay, because we know they’re engrained in our souls forever.”

  The wedding coordinator gives me the thumbs up sign. My grandfather quickly adds, “Joey is a nervous wreck. He’s worried about you showing up—or not.”

  I slowly walk beside my grandfather. Pictures of me are snapping every single second, and our wedding is live. I’m the first royal member to have their wedding televised live.

  I make it to the middle of the aisle to hear gasps with more snaps taken. My grandpa escorts me slowly to the front. I’m surprised to see all the Enforcers are wearing shades. Joey appears nervous. His face lights up, when he notices that I made it down the aisle. Unlike his last trip down the aisle, I actually make it to him. We smile at each other with love.

  Grandpa hands me to Joey. I can here grandpa purposely tease his new grandson, “I caught her running out the back, but I snagged her for you in time.”

  Joey laughs nervously, and he takes my hand. My blue eyes stay inside his crystal eyes

  “Who gives, Princess Rosalie Summer Ocean-McCloud to Joseph Pike Cirrus?” The minister asks.

  “In place of the late Prince Blaze River and Princess Rosebud Summer Ocean… I, King Oberon, and my wife Queen Titania McCloud give Princess Rosalie Summer Ocean-McCloud to Joseph Pike Cirrus for all eternity,” he answers him warmly.

  The minister smiles, “I need Joseph and Princess Rosalie to kneel on the pillows in front of me.”

  They make us kneel in front of each other. We recite our wedding vows after the fairy minister.

  “Do you, Joseph take Princess Rosalie to be yours for all eternity, upon the sacred eternal light?”

  “I do.”

  The minister returns to his the line of questioning, “Do you, Princess Rosalie take Joseph for all eternity, upon the sacred eternal light?”

  “I do.”

  “We may pass the new crown to each Enforcer, and its royal members to kiss. May they protect and honor the new Prince Joseph Pike Cirrus for all eternity.”

  The minister takes out the crown, and he passes it to each of the Enforcers. My eyes glance over to watch each of them kiss the new crown. My grandpa and grandma kiss his crown too. The minister speaks in Latin as he places the new crown upon his head. He’s now a prince for marrying me. It’s hard waiting just to kiss him. The wedding bands receive the minister’s blessings.

  We take turns reciting more vows. Joey kisses my hand as he places a wedding band on my finger. I reciprocate the sentiment to his finger. The minister casts spells, and he gives us multiple signs of fertility. We have forever, so we won’t have to rush in making babies. They snap my veil back, and I’m still smiling at my husband.

  “You may seal this marriage for all eternity with a kiss.”

  Joey pulls me close to him. I’m finally able to kiss those sexy lips of his. Aureolin sparks fly through us, and our lights seal within each other. Now we will only lust, or desire each other. The kiss lasts for a while. I have a part of him, and he has a part of me forever. He tenderly strokes my cheek just as he did, since we first met.

  “I will now pronounce you husband and wife for all eternity. I would like to introduce you to the new Mr. and Mrs. Prince and Princess Joseph Pike Cirrus! You may bless this marriage for eternity, and please give this new couple your fairy wishes,” the fairy minister announces to the large crowd.

  We walk down the aisle arm in arm. He kisses me nonstop, and he snaps us to our wedding reception. We wait for DJ Mike to introduce us. I take off my wedding veil. He holds me close to his chest, “I’m so happy that you showed up. I was worried that you wouldn’t be there. I’m the fool for misjudging you again. You just made me the happiest fairy in all of Avalon. You always amaze me, and leave me incredibly speechless. I love you so much.”

  “You better cough it up tonight my darling husband, because it’s going to be a very long honeymoon!”

  He leans in, and I kiss those lips of his. He sticks his long tongue in my mouth, and I suck on it. This highly arouses him.

  “If you keep this up Rosalie, we will have to skip our reception for our new house.”

  “Did you pick out a house? I knew you were contemplating between the house down the road, or the one by your parents’ house.”

  “A really good angel friend of ours has cho
sen to help us out. He bought a mansion on the edge of the angel side, and right before the dividing line on the fairy side. We believe that you both want to remain close to each other.”

  “You’re absolutely wonderful! How will we ever thank you two wonderful husbands? That’s the really big house with the pool in the backyard right?”

  “That would be the one. It has fifty rooms, and a huge dining hall. I should mention this. The FOL chose to move from your grandparents’ house to ours. I wanted to break the news to you later, but I believe you need advance warning before you find out from someone else. I’m also the new co-leader along with Oberon over the FOL.”

  My husband just informed me that he took the job as Fairy Enforcer. I’m instantly starting to panic.

  “Please be careful! I don’t want to lose you too, Joey.”

  “I remember saving a young fairy’s existence over the summer. I know to never be overly cocky, babe. I also know that you will always worry about me, but we have a baby growing inside of you. I want our son to always be proud of me.”

  “You don’t even know if our baby is a boy or a girl yet. You will have to suck it up, if our baby is a girl.”

  “She will have to remain locked in the tower by her evil father, because I will never allow my daughter to date.”

  He puts a grin on my face, and I hug my wonderful husband tightly.

  “I know you will make sure of that, darling.”

  They motion for us to enter. DJ Mike returns at the helm, “HELLO guests! I’m reintroducing you to a brand new, and sexy dancing couple. It’s time you meet the one and only, Prince and Princess Joseph Pike Cirrus! Give it up for our newly married couple!”

  The crowd of fairies gathers around us to watch us take over the dance floor.

  “Do you believe our baby will be okay in there?” he whispers with worry.

  “I already asked Oberon, and he told me that this is great exercise for us.”


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