The Greater Journey
Page 70
Roebling, Emily, 252
Roebling, Washington, 252
Rollon, Duke of Normandy, 23
Romantic revolt, 65
Rondel, Frederick, 250
Roosevelt, Theodore, 257, 454–55, 456
Roquette Prison, La, 322, 325
Rosina (model), 389
Rouen Cathedral, 22–23, 41, 215, 226, 229, 444
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 189–90, 298
Roux, Philibert-Joseph, 112–14, 132
Royal Academy, London, 79, 249
Royal College of Surgeons, 423
Royal Guards, Prussian, 305
Rubens, Peter Paul, 90
Stowe on, 215–16
Rubini, Giovanni Battista, 49
rue de Rivoli, 209, 218, 260, 261, 322, 441
rue Herschel, 363
rue Lafayette, 207–8
rue Lalande, 298
Rush, Anna Marie, 180
Rush, Benjamin, 180
Rush, Richard, 179–82, 184–88, 196, 199, 201
Rush, Sarah Catherine, 180
Russia, 219, 228
Saint-Augustin, order of, 111
St. Bartholomew’s Church (New York), 368
St. Botolph Club, 410
Saint-Gaudens, Andrew, 240, 260, 264
Saint-Gaudens, Augusta Homer (Gussie), 431–32, 449, 451
child born to, 382
deafness of, 358, 434
description of, 357–58
Gus’s correspondence with, 359, 437–39, 442
Gus’s courting of, 359–60
Gus’s first meeting with, 357–58
Gus’s infidelity to, 434–35
health of, 358, 362, 432
marriage of, 361
Paris life of, 362–64, 365, 369–70, 371, 376, 379
in Spain, 440
in Switzerland, 376
White’s dislike of, 369–70, 434
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, ix, 250, 258, 260, 263–64, 391, 410, 416, 423, 427
Adams Memorial by, 430, 440–41
in Amiens Cathedral visit, 444–46
background of, 239–41, 245
cameo carving apprenticeship of, 241–43
“Celtic spirit” of, 245
Civil War memories of, 243–44, 372–73
death of, 455
depression and melancholy of, 245–46, 432–33, 438–39, 442, 449
descriptions of, 245, 255, 433
deteriorating health of, 450–51, 454–55
at École des Beaux-Arts, 254–56, 358
extramarital affair of, 433–35
first Paris visit of, 239–40
guiding principles of, 256
Gussie’s correspondence with, 437–39, 442
Gussie’s first meeting with, 357–58
honorary Harvard degree of, 431
in Italy tour, 376
last portrait by, 454–55
Lincoln’s portraits by, 430, 435
McKim’s friendship with, 366–67
marriage of, 361
mutual admiration of Sargent and, 372
opera and theater loved by, 257–58, 371
in Paris sojourn of 1889, 425–26
poverty endured by, 246, 257
public acclaim of, 384–85
public monuments to Civil War by, 385
relief portraits by, 431
rich tenor singing voice of, 245, 438
Rodin’s tribute to, 449
Shaw Memorial by, 430, 448–49
Sherman Monument by, see Sherman Monument
success and recognition of, 429–31
as teacher, 431
in tour of southern France, 367–69
in Universal Exposition of 1900, 448–49
wealth achieved by, 430
White’s collaboration with, 367, 369–71, 376–77, 378, 382–83
White’s friendship with, 366, 369–70, 376–77
women in private life of, 254–55, 359
Saint-Gaudens, Bernard, 240, 242, 243, 364–65, 384–85
Saint-Gaudens, François, 246
Saint-Gaudens, Homer, 382, 431, 432, 433, 435, 437, 440, 443, 449, 455
Saint-Gaudens, Louis, 240, 364–65, 378, 383, 432, 442, 443, 453
Saint-Gaudens, Mary McGuiness, 240
Saint-Gaudens Memorial, 455
St. John the Baptist as a Child (Dubois), 250
St. Thomas Church (New York), 366
Salle de Concert, 161, 163, 166
Salle Le Peletier, 48–49
Salle Pleyel, 160, 163, 164–65
Salle Sainte-Cécile, 195
Salle Valentino, 169, 172, 175
Samaritaine, La, 251
Sand, George, 10, 88–89, 190, 201, 212, 336
Catlin’s Indian exhibit experience of, 173–74
Chopin’s love affair with, 165
Sanderson, John, 10, 19, 20, 21, 30, 33, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 50, 52, 56, 116
first Paris impression of, 26
Paris book of, 58
on Paris dining, 35, 52–53
on Paris omnibuses, 31–32
on public spaces, 44–45
unabashed art enthusiasm of, 47–48
Sargent, Emily, 345, 349
Sargent, FitzWilliam, 253, 345, 346, 347, 390, 400, 420
Sargent, John Singer, 253, 335, 355, 372, 387, 437, 448, 455
art in childhood of, 346–47
awarded Legion d’Honneur, 419
back-and-forth working manner of, 409–10
Boit’s portrait by, see Daughters of Edward Darley Boit
Carolus-Duran’s portrait by, 387–88
death of, 456
description of, 344–45
El Jaleo by, 395, 397, 398, 410
Ellen Terry depicted by, 420
family background of, 345–46
father’s death and, 420
first major portrait by, 387–88
first one-man show of, 410
first U.S. visit of, 349–50
Gautreau’s portrait by, see Madame X
genius of, 390, 395
Impressionists and, 389
increasing income and acclaim of, 389–90, 401
knighthood offered to, 456
London exhibition of, 420–21
music and the flamboyant loved by, 392
mutual admiration of Saint-Gaudens and, 372
Pailleron as patron of, 390
on painting, 348
paintings done while traveling by, 388–89
Paris residences and studios of, 347, 389
phenomenal productivity of, 389
as portraitist, 389–92, 395–96, 410
praise of, 388, 420–21
reading habits of, 410
in Spain, 389
Stevenson’s description of, 409–12
as student of Carolus-Duran, 343–44, 348–49
tributes to, 419–20
in Universal Exposition of 1889, 419
virtuosity of, 389, 390–91
vitality in brushwork of, 390–91, 397
women’s relationships with and, 390–93
Sargent, Mary Singer, 345–36, 347, 349
Sargent, Violet, 345, 347, 431
Sartain, Emily, 338–39, 341
Sasse, Marie, 257 “Savane, La” (Gottschalk), 176
Sax, Adolphe, 248
saxophone, 248
Scènes de la Vie de Bohémienne (Murger), 221
School of Athens (Raphael), 62
School of Design for Women, 341
Scientific American, 241–42, 446
Scott, Walter, 72
Scribner’s Monthly, 375, 384
Second Bull Run, Battle of, 243
Second Empire, 204–5, 206, 239, 257
collapse of, 259
Sedan, Battle of, 259
Seine River, 21, 26, 40, 41, 44, 121, 206, 296, 425, 450, 451
Bennett’s praise of, 148
changing moods of, 46–47
sightseeing boats of, 247
; Stowe’s observation of, 214
Senate, U.S., 152–53, 177, 197, 275
Brooks’s physical attack on Sumner in, 223, 224–25, 231
Sumner’s anti-slavery speech in, 223–24
Sumner’s disability and, 229–30, 231
Senones, 25
Seventh Symphony (Beethoven), 256, 366
Shakespeare, William, 301, 312, 366
Shattuck, George, 130, 133
Shaw, Robert Gould, 430
Shaw Memorial, 430, 448–49
Sheppard, Nathan, 270, 284–85, 287–88, 289, 294, 296
Sheridan, Philip, 259
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 336, 431
Sherman Monument, 431–32, 438, 446
difficulties with, 437, 439–40, 443
finishing of, 453–54
pedestal of, 454
plaster cast of, 439–40
in Salon exhibition, 439–40
size and scale of, 436–37
studio for, 436–37
in Universal Exposition of 1900, 448–49
unveiling of, 453–54
Victory figure in, 443, 451, 454
She Who Bathes Her Knees, 169
ships, 11–13
luxury, 210–11, 219
steam engines of, 139–40
Sibbet, Robert, 288, 298
Sichel, Jules, 119
Siddons, Sarah, 79
Silliman, Benjamin, 84, 96
Simmons, Edward, 399
Sirius, 139–40
Sketch Book, The (Irving), 12–13
Sketches of Paris: In Familiar Letters to His Friends; by an American Gentleman in Paris (Sanderson), 58
Skinner, Thomas Harvey, 150
slavery, 195–96
Sumner’s denunciation of, 223–24
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and, 211–12
Smith, Ashbel, 73–74, 86–87, 107–8
Smithson, James, 180
Smithsonian Institution, 180, 447
Société Anonyme des Artistes, La, see Impressionists
soda fountains, 248
Soeurs de la Charité, 111
Soir, Le, 304
Sorbonne, 7, 29, 30, 106, 118, 119, 223
Sumner at, 59, 130, 131
Spain, 389, 395
Spotsylvania, Battle of, 278
Spy, The (Cooper), 70
Stamaty, Camille, 164
Statue of Liberty (Liberty Lighting the World), 334, 404–5
Stendhal, 410
Sterne, Laurence, 37
Stevenson, Fanny, 409
Stevenson, Mary, see Cassatt, Mary
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 409–10, 431, 432, 448
Stewart, A. T., 342
Stowe, Calvin, 212
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 192, 201, 211–18, 228, 236, 329
European tour of, 217
Louvre visits of, 215–17
Raft of the Medusa admired by, 216–17
Seine observed by, 214
in Tuileries Gardens, 213
Stratton, Charles, see Thumb, Tom
Strauss, Johann, 247
Strutting Pigeon, 168
Stuart, Gilbert, 8, 75, 78–79, 144, 146, 148
Studio, The (Homer), 250
Sturges, Jonathan, 428
Subercaseaux, Madame Ramón, 391–92
Suez Canal, 253, 256–57
Sullivan, Louis, 335, 408
Sully, 98–99
Sully, Thomas, 8–9, 63, 78–79, 146
Sumner, Charles, 3, 9, 10, 15, 62, 97, 199, 211, 223–29, 232, 235, 236, 240, 313, 424
Appleton’s relationship with, 226–29
on arrival in France, 20–21
Brooks’s physical attack on, 223, 224–25
description of, 4
in Europe tour of 1857, 229, 233
first Paris impressions of, 30–31
Louvre visited by, 42, 47
at Notre-Dame Cathedral, 39
at opera and theater, 49, 52
Paris convalescence of, 225–31
racial insight of, 131–32
at Rouen Cathedral, 23–24, 444
slavery opposed by, 223–24
at Sorbonne, 59, 130, 131
statue of, 360
in trans-Atlantic voyage, 13–14
women’s relationship with, 227
Supper at Emmaus (Titian), 91
Swager, Charles, 298
Sweden, 269
Swinburne, John, 290–91, 298
Switzerland, 98, 269
Sylphide, La (ballet), 120
Taglioni, Marie, 120, 135
description of, 49
Willis’s praise of, 49–50
Taglioni, Philippe, 49
Tanner, Henry O., 427–28, 448
Tannhäuser (Wagner), 235, 451
Tarbell, Edmund, 411
telegraph, 99–100, 406
American patent sought for, 152, 155–56
Atlantic cable and, 231–32, 233
British patent sought for, 153
daily life and, 248
demonstrations of, 152, 153–54, 159–60
French patent sought for, 153, 155, 156–57, 177
Morse code devised for, 152
Morse’s apparatus for, 151–52
operating line opened for, 159
telephone, 406
Temps, Le, 406–7
Terry, Ellen, 420
Thalberg, Sigmund, 164–65
Thayer, Abbot, 335
theater, 48–51
Emerson’s enthusiastic view of, 48
Théâtre de l’Opéra, 208, 236
Théâtre des Variétés, 89
Théâtre du Vaudeville, 172
Théâtre Français, 51, 331–32
Théâtre Italien, 48–49
Thiers, Adolphe, 308, 317–18, 336
Third Republic, 259
prosperity of, 407
Thirteenth Massachusetts Regiment, 243
Thoreau, Henry, 218
Thumb, Tom, 160–63, 166, 172, 176, 356, 416
Thursby, Emma, 336
Times (London), 326, 403, 420–21
Tintoretto, 344
Titian, 75, 80, 90–91, 145, 344, 424
Tobit and the Angel (Rembrandt), 63
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 15, 32, 172, 181, 182, 196, 197, 227
on Napoleon III, 202
Tocqueville, Madame de, 196