The Greater Journey
Page 71
Tortoni’s, 52
transcontinental railroad, 253, 256
Treaty of Paris (1783), 104
Trinity Church (Boston), 366, 372
Trochu, Louis, 283, 284, 287, 300
Trois Frères Provençaux, 53, 120, 227, 229, 232
Trollope, Frances, 92
Trumbull, John, 8, 64, 78–79, 84, 146
Tuileries, Garden of, 27, 29, 57, 67, 144–45, 148, 161–62, 183, 213, 226, 235, 268, 296, 306, 326
American views on marble statues of, 42–43
formal design of, 43–44
Morse and Cooper observed in, 84–85
Tuileries, Palace of, 29, 144, 162, 168, 172, 183, 184, 247, 252, 260, 347, 415
destroyed in Paris Commune, 321, 326
Tunis, 389
Turgenev, Ivan, 228, 332
Turkey, 219
Twachtman, John, 411–12
Twain, Mark, 248, 329, 372
Tyler, John, 146
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 211–12, 215
Unitarianism, 77
United States, 293
first woman doctor of, 191–92
French Republic recognized by, 185
medical education in, 106–7, 115–16, 425
post–Civil War ascendancy of, 251–52
Sargent’s first visit to, 349–50
transcontinental railroad of, 253, 256
Universal Exposition of 1867, 239
displays in, 248
official opening of, 247–48
painting and sculpture in, 249–50
Paris in aftermath of, 257
theme of, 247
Twain’s visit to, 248
Universal Exposition of 1889, 405, 407–8, 410
art exhibit in, 415–16, 419
attendance at, 414, 416–17
Edison’s display in, 415
glamour of, 416
opening of, 414
Palais des Machines of, 414
Sargent’s portraits at, 419
theme of, 416
Wild West Show in, 416
Universal Exposition of 1900:
American art in, 448
American products in, 447
attendance at, 446
criticism of, 446–47
Galerie des Machines in, 447
Henry Adams at, 447–48
size of, 446
Vail, Alfred, 152, 155, 159
Valet, Mathilde, 456
Van Buren, Martin, 153, 160
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 431
Vanderlyn, John, 64
Van Dyck, Anthony, 90
Véfour, 53
Velázquez, Diego, 332, 339, 341, 343, 348, 351, 389
Velpeau, Alfred-Armand-Louise-Marie, 105–6, 114–15, 125, 130, 132
Vendôme Column, demolition of, 316–17
Venus de Milo, 326–27
Verdi, Giuseppe, 229
Verne, Jules, 256–57
Veronese, Paolo, 62, 90–91, 95
Versailles, 146, 176, 308, 311, 318
Véry’s, 52, 227
Veteran in a New Field, The (Homer), 243
Vibrio cholerae, 87
Victoria, Queen of England, 143, 161, 183–84, 219, 232
Victoria Hotel, 166
Voltaire, 57, 147, 298, 410, 425, 456
Wagner, Richard, 235, 451
Wall of the Communards, 324
Walsh, Robert, 181, 196
Warner, Olin, 255, 264, 298, 304
War of 1812, 79, 144
Warren, Anna Crowninshield, 134
Warren, John Collins, 6, 14, 110, 133
Warren, Jonathan Mason, 6, 14, 30, 34, 53, 108–10, 112–13, 114, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124–25, 127–30, 135, 424
description of, 109
Paris revisited by, 136
surgical practice of, 133
Washburn, Cadwallader, 269, 275, 276, 278
Washburn, Israel (E. B. Washburn’s brother), 275, 277, 280
Washburn, Israel (E. B. Washburn’s father), 274
Washburn, Martha Benjamin, 274–75
Washburn, Reuel, 276
Washburne, Adele Gratiot, 269, 272, 277–79, 280, 305, 306, 315, 327, 355
Washburne, Elihu, Jr., 269
Washburne, Elihu B., 244, 258, 259, 261, 267, 268–69, 303, 304, 310, 334, 336
attempts to save Archbishop Darboy by, 313–15, 318–21, 325
background of, 273–76
on Civil War era, 278 “e” added to name of, 275
education of, 276
on fall of Second Republic, 260
Fish’s praise of, 293–94, 305
Galena, Ill. “Golden Years” of, 276–77
on German occupation of Paris, 305–6
Grant’s appointment of, 273–74, 278–79
Healy’s portraits of, 269, 355
Lincoln and, 278
marriage of, 277
office of, 271
in Paris Commune, 305–15, 318–21, 323, 325
Paris Commune diary of, 312–13, 321, 324–25, 328–29
political career of, 277–78
on post-Civil War era, 251–52
resignation of, 355
siege diary of, 285–86, 287, 289, 290, 291–94, 295, 297, 298–301
in siege of Paris, 269–70, 271, 281, 282–83, 304–6
tributes to, 328
Washburne, Gratiot, 269, 283, 291, 294, 300, 313, 319
Washburne, Hempstead, 269
Washburne, Marie, 269, 279
Washburne, Susie, 269
Washburne, William, 269
Washington, George, 11, 75, 94, 144, 145, 146, 360
Washington Monument, 405
Watts, Fanny, 392
Webster, Daniel, 146, 149, 177, 197–98, 205, 223–24
Webster, Noah, 83–84
Webster’s Reply to Hayne (Healy), 197–99
first showing of, 198
notable figures in, 197
purchases of, 198–99
size and composition of, 197
Weir, J. Alden, 335, 343, 348, 349, 415–16
Weir, John Ferguson, 249
Welles, Gideon, 273–74, 279
Welles, Samuel, 120
West, Benjamin, 8, 64, 78–79, 96
Western Union, 248
Wharton, Edith, 257
Whistler, George, 221
Whistler, James McNeill, 221–22, 249, 351, 409, 428, 448
White, Stanford, 366, 373, 381, 385, 410, 430
Gussie Saint-Gaudens disliked by, 369–70, 434
murder of, 454
Saint-Gaudens’s collaboration with, 367, 369–71, 376–77, 378, 382–83
Saint-Gaudens’s friendship with, 366, 369–70, 376–77
in tour of southern France, 367–68
White Cloud, 168, 171
White Girl (Whistler), 249
Whittlesey, Elmira, 263
Wilde, Oscar, 10, 423
Willard, Emma Hart, 4, 59, 206, 215
background of, 4–5
Cooper admired by, 74
first Paris impression of, 26, 28–29
on Italian Opera and “genteel society,” 48–49
Lafayette and, 29, 58
Louvre visited by, 42–43, 58
mail service deplored by, 55–56
Paris described by, 40–41
on Roman Catholicism, 23
in trans-Atlantic voyage, 18–19
Willard, John, 5
Williams, Henry, 133
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 9–10, 20, 34, 36, 37, 44, 47, 49, 50, 55, 58, 62, 67, 68, 74, 92, 129, 151
cholera epidemic and, 85–86, 88
Cooper observed by, 84–85
in journey to Paris, 22, 24, 26–27
Morse and Cooper observed by, 84–85
in trans-Atlantic voyage, 14–16
Wissembourg, Battle of, 259
Woman Reading (Cassatt), 387
Woman with the Glove, The (Carolus-Duran), 343
y, Melancthon T., 37–38, 70
Worth, Charles Frederick, 252
Wörth, Battle of, 259
Yale University, 70, 75
Morse at, 76–77, 80
Yardley, Olivia, see Bowditch, Olivia Yardley
Young Stethoscopist, The (Bowditch), 133
Zarafa (giraffe), 45
Zola, Émile, 332
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Illustration Credits. The illustrations appear courtesy of the following sources: akg-images / The Image Works, Woodstock, NY: 22 • Alinari Archives / The Image Works, Woodstock, NY: 2 • Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: 63 (R.L. Ormond material), 77 (Artists in their Paris studios collection), 82 (Everett Shinn collection) • The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Friends of American Art Collection, No. 1924.37: 83 • Author’s Collection: front and back endpapers, 1, 5, 28, 29, 48, 137 • Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, Paris, France / Archives Charmet / The Bridgeman Art Library International: 24 • Boston Art Commission, Boston, MA: 34 • Bowditch, Vincent . Life and Correspondence of Henry Ingersoll Bowditch,Vol. I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1902: 17 • The Bridgeman Art Library International: iv • Bridgeman-Giraudon /Art Resource, New York, NY: 78 • The British Library / HIP / The Image Works, Woodstock, NY: 7 • Charles Sumner Papers, bMS AM 1.60 (6), Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA: 26 • Château de Versailles, France / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library International: 58 • Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, George Peter Alexander Healy, Self-Portrait, 1852. Gift of the John Huntington Art and Polytechnic Trust, No. 1915.601.: 12 • Collection of the City of New York. Photograph by Glenn Castellano. Courtesy of the Design Commission of New York, NY: 8 •Erich Lessing / Art Resource, New York, NY: 56, 60 • Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, Bouguereau’s Atelier at the Académie Julian, Paris (detail), Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd, No. 1979.7.26: 81 • Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI, Gift of the Whiting Foundation, No. 1967.32: 69 • Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY, James F. Cooper, 1822 by John Wesley Jarvis, N0146.1977. Photograph by Richard Walker: 10 • Galignani’s New Paris Guide, 1830. Published by A. and W. Galignani, Paris, France: 3 • Collecíon Gasca / Iberfoto / The Image Works, Woodstock, NY: 30 • George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film, Rochester, NY: 32 (detail) • Getty Images, Chicago, IL: 6 (Kean Collection); 16 (Rischgitz); 31, 51 (Apic); 35, 44 (Hulton Archives); 36 (Museum of the City of New York); 45 (Popperfoto) • Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Gernsheim Collection, Insurgés non réclame: 57 • Harper’s Weekly, January 11, 1868: 15 • Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA: 19, 20, 21 • Robert Henri Papers, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: 84 • The Hermitage: Home of President Andrew Jackson, Nashville, TN: 33 • Illustrated London News, August 22, 1857: 47 • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, MA: 74 • Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.: xii-xiii, xiv-xv, 37, 43, 54, 55, 61, 79 • Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA: 18, 86 • The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY / Art Resource, New York, NY: 64, 70, 76 • Musée de la Ville de Paris, Musée Carnavalet, Paris, France: The Bridgeman Art Library, New York, NY: 52, 53 • Musée Carnavalet / Roger-Violett / The Image Works, Woodstock, NY: 4, 85 • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, Gift of Mary Louisa Boit, Julia Overing Boit, Jane Hubbard Boit, and Florence D. 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B. Morse, Gallery of the Louvre, Daniel J. Terra Collection, 1992.51: 11 • U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site, Cornish NH: 49, 65, 67 (photograph by Dewitt Clinton Ward), 89, 91 (photograph by Kevin Daley) • Wellcome Library, London: 23 • Emma Willard School Archives, Troy, NY: 13.
Text Permissions. The author gratefully acknowledges permision from the following sources to use material in their control: Moore College of Art and Design Archives, Philadelphia, PA, for excerpts from the letters of Emily Sartain • National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts, New York, NY, for excerpts from the Papers of James Carroll Beckwith • Philadelphia Museum of Art, Carl Zigrosser Collection, Philadelphia, PA, for excerpts from the Family Letters of Mary Cassatt • Harvard Medical School Library, Countway Building, Boston, MA, for excerpts from the Papers of James Jackson Sr. and Jr. (H MS c8.1 folders 1–9 and H MS c8.2 folders 1016).