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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 33

by Vera Quinn

  “You two do need to get acquainted but you can do it here. We are still on lockdown and she is still my daughter. You two can stay in her room and talk. No one will bother you.” I can understand Chief’s concern with Callie’s protection. It is safer here at their club rather than a motel.

  “Steel, we will set you up a room too, and you can have dinner with us.” Chief seems to accept what his daughter has proposed. I guess he will keep his word to her and let her choose.

  “That sounds like a good idea if Devil goes a long with it. Your clubhouse will be safer for Callie and that’s what we all want.” Dad agrees with Chief completely. He has things he wants to discuss with Chief that have nothing to do with Callie and this will give him that chance.

  “Do you agree Devil?” Chief is waiting for an argument from me but I can give him this. I want Callie safe. “Yes, that sounds good to me. We can go pick up our stuff from the motel and be back in less than an hour.” That should give us the rest of the afternoon and tonight to get used to each other some.

  “Could I get you both to sign these now and I can get home and get everything done for you. I will file everything tomorrow when I go in to the office.” Callie goes over and signs and then I do the same. Chief pulls Callie in for a hug and kisses her on top of the head.

  “I hope that you are sure about this baby girl. Life is going to change for you. I can’t believe my baby is grown up.” Chief is struggling with letting her go. She’s mine now and he does not have to like it, but he does have to respect it, and he knows that.

  “I understand dad. I thought it through. This is what I can live with.” She tells Chief to reassure him. Then she turns to me, “Devil, we can get to know each other tonight, but I won’t be having sex with you until there is a wedding ring on my finger, just so you know.” She blushes the slightest bit. Probably more because her family can hear right along with me. “I’m not a prude, I don’t believe you have to be married to enjoy sex, but this is a business agreement for right now and to make sure all sides keep the agreement, these are the rules. I understand club rules. You have not made me your ol’ lady. You asked me to marry you, and I agreed but without the ol’ lady claim, you have no right to push anything until that ring is on my finger. Correct?” I knew this was coming but I thought it would be from Chief. I am going to have to watch this woman, she’s way too smart. I don’t want to discuss this so I do the only thing I can.

  “Understood. I will not push the issue. I’ve never had to force a woman to have sex with me before and when we do have sex Callie, I will own you completely. We are in no rush for anything. We just need to get acquainted.” Callie just keeps surprising me. Who would think an eighteen-year-old would stand up to me and address the one thing all the men are dancing around. No, this woman is a surprise for sure. She’s beautiful and bright and stands up for what she wants, and what she thinks is right.

  “Also, so you know I will be staying here at the club until we’re married. This will ease my family’s mind and that’s the least I can do. Do you agree to that?” Callie is way too calm. She is matter of fact, like she is running on auto pilot. I am not a man that shows a lot of emotion, but this just doesn’t seem right. It’s like her light has gone out. When I get her home with me I will change that. I will show her she can be happy.

  “That’s agreeable, but my mom will want to meet you before the wedding. I will bring her or dad will. Be sure to make yourself available.” I let her know this is nonnegotiable. Mom would kill me any other way. I know my mom will love Callie. I’ve only brought one woman around my mom and they did not like each other. My mom does not like the women my brother Keifer and I tend to gravitate towards, but Callie will be different.

  “I can do that. We’re on lockdown. I won’t be going anywhere.” she says with little enthusiasm. “If everyone is through with me, I am going to go help in the kitchen with lunch. There is a lot of people to feed. I’m sure there is business for you to discuss that has nothing to do with me, or I won’t be privy to.” Callie looks to her dad and then to me and we nod our heads.

  “Callie, I want to welcome you to our family. I know it is not legal yet, but i n my eyes it is a done deal, and I will be proud to have you as my daughter in-law. I know Kat will, too.” Dad let’s his genuine feelings be known. He has been for this from the beginning and he has only grown to admire Callie more since we have been here. He thinks Callie is going to make me a perfect wife. He wants me to make her my ol’ lady now.

  “Thank you, sir. I will do my best not disappoint any of you. I look forward to meeting Mrs. Steel.” Callie is very respectful to my dad and that goes a long way in his book. She’s being sincere and you can tell it by her voice, she is not just sucking up.

  “Sweetheart are you sure this is what you want and are you sure you can do it?” Trent ask Callie as he gives her a hug before she leaves the room. She’s already answered this question several times. Can’t they just let it be?

  “I am just fine Uncle Trent. I know what I can accept and this I can. Now quit worrying about me, and let me get to the kitchen to help with the food, so when everything is done, everyone can eat.” Callie heads for the door but Ty stops and gives her a hug. When he is done she goes out the door and closes it behind her. Chief watches the door and waits a few minutes as if he is measuring his words, looking at the door as if it may open again. When he directs his look at me I see he is sizing me up. He takes a deep breath and then he sits back in his chair.

  “Devil, I am going to tell you this once and only once, if you hurt my daughter I will end you. If you let something happen to her, I will end you. She hit on a very good subject I have been wondering myself, why are you not claiming her as your ol’ lady? Why marriage now?” Chief is waiting for me to slip up and lie so I keep it as close to the truth as I can.

  “I don’t like to repeat myself and it seems like that has been all I’ve done since I got here. I will protect Callie with everything I have in my arsenal. I will save her with my life if I have to. The rest of it is my business. Callie is the one that wants it this fast and I will give her that, but the rest is only my business.” That’s the only answer anyone will be getting from me.

  “Is she not good enough to make your ol’ lady?” Ty throws in. “This is bullshit!” Ty is pissed and comes rushing at me but Driller steps between us.

  “Calm down Ty. Let’s take it outside.” Driller gets him out the door but Zman comes in to take his place. “Devil I don’t know what you’re up to, but I promise you I am keeping an eye on you.” Chief is not going to press the subject with me. I don’t know why, but I will take it.

  “Are we done here? I need a damn drink. Steel, I will have a room set up by the time you get back, and we can eat together tonight and talk.” “Sounds good to me. We will be gone for a while so I can make some calls. I am going to have Kat brought up tonight if that is ok. That way she can meet Callie. I will have a few guys with her, but I will keep the motel room for them, since you are crowded right now. She will be glad to see you too, Chief.” Dad is trying to distract Chief, I know it is not working but he is not going to ask.

  “It will be good to see her, as well. She is good people. I’m going to let Zman walk you out. I need to talk to Ty and Driller.” Chief looks at Zman and he opens the door for us. “Zman would you walk them out and send Ty and Driller back in. When you are done, I need you, too. I will see you two later.” Chief walks over to the cabinet and opens the doors and gets three glasses out and a bottle of Jack. Looks like they will be getting that drink.

  Zman leads u s through the bar area but stops and whistles to get Driller and Ty’s attention across the room and jerks his thumb back towards the office. The two men down their beers and head that way, as we follow Zman on out. He leaves us at the front doors and returns back the way we came. We go out and get on our bikes. Dad looks around to make sure no one is around.

  “You know son, Chief is no fool. He knows something is up with you
not claiming Callie as your ol’ lady. You’ll have to explain one day. Are you ready for that?” I know dad is concerned but this is not a discussion I want to have with anyone. It’s too painful.

  “I know dad, but it won’t be today. Are you ready to get this done? I will be glad when we are home again and this is settled.” I feel all my thirty-two years and more. It has been one long ass weekend. “I need to find a jewelry store sometime soon. Women like that sort of thing.” I really hadn’t put any thought into rings. Guess I need to. Guess I need to know what size or kind. Be glad when mom gets here, she’ll help.

  I start my motorcycle up and feel the rumble. I need the ride to unwind me. I need a longer ride but I’ll have to make do.

  Chapter 29

  Chief “Dad what is that asshole doing? Callie will get no respect from anyone in that club if Devil does not claim her as his ol’ lady. You know it, and I know it. Hell, everyone knows it. He is not ruining my sister that way.” Ty is still outraged and I know how he feels and he is absolutely right.

  “Chief I tried to tell him this might be a good thing, but he won’t listen. He is too damn hot headed. just like you were at his age.” Driller may have figured it out just like I have. My brother does think like me.

  “Ty I understand your point. I hope your sister understands her actions and the consequences. From what she has said about the ol’ lady part, I’m thinking she does. She’s playing it close to the vest though. Mason has really fucked her head up. I can’t change her mind, but don’t press the ol’ lady issue anymore. Marriage is a legal thing. Ol’ lady is forever or until Devil gets shut of her. We can get rid of legal without bloodshed. Are you following me? Trust your sister but keep a watchful eye and keep your ears open.” I see Zman has joined us and he is shaking his head yes in agreement. Driller I know understands, but Ty is hot headed and I know he comes by it honestly, still, he needs to watch himself.

  “Ok dad, but he better not hurt Callie. I am going to watch him. I will try to talk to her and see if I can get a feel for where her head is,” If anyone can get anything out of Callie, it is Ty. At one time they were more like twins and shared everything. I hope she will open up to him.

  “This is going to be how it is. We watch. We listen and we keep an eye on the Steel’s while they are here. Zman, put some feelers out and see if you come up with anything. I want to know if there has been any kind of trouble for the Feral Steel MC lately. I want financials and everything. Ask who they’ve been talking to. See if we can get something on Devil’s phone or Steel’s. I don’t care how small it is, I want to know it, down to the kind of toilet paper they wipe their ass’s with. Reach out to everyone we can. We have less than a week to stop this wedding, if we can. If there’s nothing, then so be it. Get everyone on it.” I won’t leave a rock unturned if it will help my baby girl.

  “Ty, I want to know if and when Mason is back in the states. He and I will be having a serious talk. I warned him not to hurt Callie. Now he will learn what happens when you hurt one of ours.” I always liked that boy but now he can take his ass whipping like a man.

  “Yes, sir. I will get in touch with everyone I know. I know Cru London was home. I will reach out to him to see if he knows when Mason will be home.” “Do you think he has something else going on Chief?” Driller asked but they all want to know my suspicions. “I really don’t know but it seems kind of funny that all of sudden Steel’s boy wants Callie as a wife. He never showed any interest before and I’ve known Steel over twenty years. I don’t believe in coincidence. Get your ears to the ground. Enough talk and let’s get a drink.” I damn sure need one. As soon as I get to the bar I see Cutter and Hammer making their way over to me. They haven’t said much since we have been on lockdown. Keeping quiet isn’t their usual, so I know something is up. “Where have you two been? I haven’t seen much of you since we went on lockdown. Everyone else has been up my ass, what’s up?” They look at each other and then Cutter finally speaks up, “I heard through a contact of mine that those shooters the other night were part of the Rebellions 4 Blood MC. They are from South Texas close to the border, but have been trying to move in this direction. Their President is Diamondback and he is one mean son of a bitch. No one has anything good to say about him.” Then Cutter looks at Hammer and looks like he has more to say, but doesn’t.

  “Damn Cutter, Chief, the word is that it was about Callie. Diamondback’s real,” I know what he is going to say and I cut him off. “Church now!” I get up and make my way to Zman. “Put someone on Callie now. Be sure her windows are secure and get anything away from them. I want blackout curtains on her windows. She leaves here for nothing. Put a patched member outside her door because I want you in church, then you and Ty will be on her until Devil is back. Tell whoever goes up there to let her, never mind. I’ll be in church in a minute. Get someone up there.” I have to keep my baby girl safe. She thinks she has had to deal with the Devil the last few days, but Devil is nowhere near like Diamondback. Hopefully she will never know that. She can never know that, or she will know what I have hidden from her. What I was sworn to hide from her. What Tommy hid from Callie.


  I hear a knock on my door. I figured it was Devil returning, but I was thinking that was fast. Then the knocking was more persistent and I knew it was dad. I open the door, but dad was not here to see me by the look on his face. Chief, President of the BlackPath MC was here to talk to me, and it was serious.

  “I have not done anything after I helped with lunch, but come to my room. Do they need my help with something?” I asked trying to head off anything he thinks I might have done. He looks pissed but also worried.

  “Some guys are going to come up and put blackout curtains up in your room. They will also be taking anything away from your window. So if you hear any noise that will be what it is. Stay out of the window. You will be going nowhere unless Zman, Ty, or I am with you. Are we clear? Stay in your room as much as possible, or the front room by the bar. Someone knows where you are at all times. Are you clear with my orders? Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black, I mean to the letter orders?” I’ve never seen my dad this way before. It has put me on high alert. He’s almost frantic.

  “Yes sir. Stay away from window, someone with me constantly, someone knows where I am at all times, stay in my room or front room and follow these orders to the letter. Did I get it all?” I try to pay attention to detail. I’m curious what has gotten him so worked up but I don’t want to make him worry more. “What about Devil?” I have to ask.

  “As soon as he gets back I will send him up. Everything is fine, I’m just takin g extra precautions. I want you to listen to me carefully Callie. Give me your word.” My dad is on edge and I won’t put any more on him.

  “I give you my word dad. If Devil wants me to go somewhere I will tell him to talk to you, but he won’t like it.” Devil is too much like my dad. I know this won’t set well with him.

  “I’ll tell him before he ever gets to you and he will understand so don’t worry. What do you want for dinner and I’ll have one of the guys go out and get it? I’ll get enough for you and Devil both.” I think and then I knew, it’s what most men like.

  “Steak and potatoes. Mine medium rare, please. You’ll have to guess his or text him. I want a baked potato loaded, please, and a roll. Salad too, ranch on the side. Is that too picky?” my dad gives me a funny look.

  “You are never too picky. You hardly ever ask for anything. You know what you like and that is good. Baby girl, you are the least complicated female I have ever known, and that includes my mom. You know how I loved your grandma. Someone will be outside your door. You’re safe, I am just taking extra security steps. Relax.” He comes over beside me and gives me an extra tight hug. “Are you sure about everything that happened today? You can talk to me.” My dad wants me to tell him things I can’t tell him. Things I don’t know myself.

  “Dad, I am sure. I will be fine. I can handle this, and we will finally put this to res
t. Maybe Tommy can rest in peace. I know you’re worried about something. You repeated yourself. You only repeat yourself when you are worried to the max. I will not give you anything else to worry about. I promise you this.” Dad knows when I give my word I would rather cut my arm off than go back on it.

  “Ok. I have church. You stay put.” With that he turns to leave. That man is goin g to have a heart attack from worry. I think he is going out the door, but he comes back to me in a rush and gathers me in his arms like he used to when I was little. “I love you baby girl. You are my world. You, Ty, and my club. Please listen to me.” With that he kisses me on top of my head. He’s breaking my heart. “Daddy I love you and I promise I will follow your instructions. You have my word.” I don’t know what is bothering my dad, but it is big and it is bad.


  We made it to the motel and I decide to take a quick shower and get cleaned up. As I am getting out of the shower, I hear my phone ringing. I grab a towel and step out to answer it but as soon as I hear the voice on the other end, I wished I had missed the call. This man’s voice grated on my last nerve and if I could get my hands on his neck I would end him. I would put him to ground and no one would ever be able to identify his body.

  “What the hell do you want? I told you I would contact you when everything was set. I can’t work miracles.” I am tired of this man yanking my chain. “Listen to me and listen good, you are not working fast enough. Get it done and get it done now. You got my message Friday night. If that isn’t clear enough, I can make it closer, or maybe you had rather me send one of her fingers for every day you drag your feet. Or maybe I can have a little bit of fun with her. Then she’ll know what it is like to have a real man.” I can tell the man is baiting me but I can’t take that chance. I have to make sure she is ok.


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