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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

Page 34

by Vera Quinn

  “I am going to be back in Oklahoma the day after tomorrow to take care of business. I have everything taken care of here and I will leave tomorrow. I will see you then. Can I talk to her?” I know I am pressing my luck, but I have to try. This man is pure evil and I would like nothing more than to be done with him, but he still has something I need.

  “Good try. When our deal is done. Devil don’t fuck with me or I will keep my word. Don’t doubt me for a second.” Then the line goes dead. I check the caller ID and it is a blocked call. I need to get this done here and get back home to take care of business. I don’t know how this man ever found me, but if I ever find out, it will not be good for whoever sent him my way. I need to get back to the BlackPath clubhouse. I don’t like staying in someone else’s house but Callie is safer there and that is important with everything I have going on. No need to put my new fiancée in unneeded danger. If anything happened to her I would never forgive myself. I pack away my stuff in my bag and head out to dad’s room to update him on my call. Then I can get back to Callie.


  Things have been busy in my room since dad left. Some of the guys came in and put some of the heavy blackout curtains up, then I heard them trimming the tree outside my window. Looks kinda funny now. They should have just cut it down, but they cut all the limbs down instead. Nothing touches the outside of my window now. I didn’t look out like dad asked, Ty told me. Zman is outside my door and Ty came in talking to me earlier. I had nothing to tell him. They just don’t get my decision. They would do the same thing, but don’t think I should. I finally turned my phone back on and my voice mail was full. Hanna, Sarah, and Fe had all checked in with me. Worried. Mason had left messages. I didn’t listen to them. I erased them. Cru London and Jeb both left messages, too. Erased those, as well. I had endless texts and deleted them all without reading them. I deleted all my social media accounts. I didn’t even check them. I’ll redo them later. They are too tempting to look at right now. I hear a knock at the door and I feel the nervousness in my stomach. I know it has to be Devil. I open the door and there stands Zman and Devil glaring at each other. I open the door wider so Devil can get in. Ty is coming up the stairs with our dinner bags. I hold the door open for them both. Devil goes in and drops his bag at the end of my bed and Ty puts the food on my night stand.

  “Zman will be here most of the night and I will be here the rest of the night. Right outside your door. Callie if you need anything at all say so. We will hear anything going on in here.” Ty really doesn’t like Devil and he is letting it be known.

  “Everything will be fine Ty. Thank you for the food. Don’t come back in. We need time. Please, Ty.” He nods his head and leaves out the door reluctantly. I know this is hard for him too, but everyone is going to have to get used to it.

  “Your brother is protective of you. So you’re close? My brother and I are close, but my sister is not as close as she used to be to the family. She let a boyfriend get in the way of family. Keifer is my older brother, and Kimberly our younger sister. In fact, she is only twenty-one. My mom and Keifer will be here tomorrow to meet you. Keifer will be bringing his wife, Kizzy.” Devil is giving me information and I don’t know what to think of it. The men I know play everything close to the vest and only give information that has to be given. Maybe he really wants us to get to know each other. I won’t let my guard down yet.

  “Are you and your mom close? People say you can tell how a man treats women he cares about by the way they treat their mom,” don’t know why that came out of my mouth. Just popped into my head. That’s not me. Devil is having a weird effect on me. Get it together Callie or he is going to think you are an empty headed bimbo. “I hope it’s not too much trouble for them.” Devil is looking at me like he is trying to figure me out. Guess my offhand comment threw him, too. “Dad sent out for a steak and the fixings. I hope you like it. Did dad text you to see how you like your steak?” I know dad probably didn’t but at least it keeps me talking.

  “Callie am I making you nervous? Don’t be. We are just talking. Your dad didn’t text but I like any kind of steak and I am starving. Where do you want to sit? Bed or floor? I want you comfortable.” For some reason I feel relief, but I have to watch myself around this man. I find him very attractive and that is distracting. I need all my senses when I am dealing with him. I need to remember everything he says to see if he slips up and gives me any hints what he is really after. Dad thinks I am blinded by my need for revenge, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The only way to get the information I want though is to go along and pay attention. I move across the room and get out silverware I keep in my room for when I eat in here.

  “What would you like to drink? I have a soft drink, water, and I brought up a six pack of beer up for you.” I figured he would be ready for a drink when he got back, so I asked dad if I could bring some up.

  “Beer will be fine. That was nice of you.” Devil acts like I wouldn’t be nice to him. We really need to break the ice and get everything straight. I would do this for anyone. I get the beer and then grab some napkins, “The bed is fine. The floor would be uncomfortable. I haven’t thought to find me a table for in here. Really, I’ve never needed one. I usually eat downstairs and we haven’t had too many lockdowns lately.” Devil takes the beer I hand him and I give him his food. Then I set mine on the nightstand and cut my steak into bite size pieces. I look at Devil and he is having a heck of a time trying to cut his steak and hold the food tray. So I reach over to get it and our hands touch for a single second. I have to look at him because for some reason it felt like something more than a casual touch. I glanced at him but then shoot my eyes to his food. “Would you like me to cut that up over here? It will be easier or I can move if you want me to and you can do it. I’m just used to being in here with my friends and I do everything for them.” I don’t know why I am explaining something so innocent and bumbling through it. This man unnerves me. I’ve been around a lot of handsome men, going through my dad’s club, and others I’ve met, but never has one made me so nervous to where I can’t even talk correctly. Stop Callie, in less than a week you are going to be married to this man. I keep telling myself this, but it doesn’t seem real.

  “You can do it. I don’t mind.” Devil tells me. I hope I didn’t spaz out for too long. I cut his steak and hand it back to him. “Thank you Callie.” He talks softly when we are alone. It’s strange hearing a big strong biker talk so softly.

  “I hope you like steak. Dad asked what I wanted to eat and I figured I couldn’t go wrong with steak and potatoes. Is yours cooked ok? I didn’t know what you liked.” I guess I need to know what he likes to eat and how he likes it. I will have to cook for him someday. Maybe I shouldn’t let on I can cook. See how long it takes him to ask. I guess that would be kinda mean.

  “Steak and potatoes are my favorite, but I like a little of everything as long as you don’t include liver. That’s one thing I won’t eat. Medium rare is the way I like mine cooked, as I can see you do, too. We could have eaten what you like. What’s your favorite?” He looks like he might be interested but more than likely just asking because I did.

  “I was brought up in a house with a lot of males in it so I like steak and potatoes, but my favorite is shrimp scampi. I also like fresh steamed vegetables. I’m not real picky but I have to agree, I can’t even stand the smell of liver.” At least we have one thing in common. Not that a lot of people don’t dislike liver like some people dislike meat all together.

  “What are you studying in school? What are your hobbies?” These are easy questions for me to answer. Guess he’ll save the harder ones for later. “I want to major in business. I have money for college at UT and I have scholarships. My hobbies are swimming, most of my summer is spent in the water at the lake. I also build race cars and I have raced some at the strip. I read a lot. That’s about it. I like any kind of sports. I played basketball, volleyball, and ran track in school. What about you? Do you have any hobbie
s?”, maybe it will give me some insight into this man.

  “No hobbies really. I work on cars and bikes, but I do it for work and to keep things running. I have my club. That keeps me busy. No hobbies really.” Nothing I didn’t know. Well I guess if I want to know more about him I will just have to ask the hard questions.

  “Have you ever been in love? Is there someone you had rather be with and I’m just a runnerup?”, he looks at me strangely and then starts to answer but stops. He puts his fork down and turns back to me and he’s looking at my face but not in my eyes. I know before he ever says anything else that what he is going to tell me is either a lie or a half lie. He loves someone, I can see it, but he’s not going to tell me. He thinks I am a naïve girl and don’t understand wanting something you can’t have. I now have discovered his lie face. Very important to store in my head.

  “I loved somebody once, but they were taken away from me. That’s how I know our arrangement is better than love.” He won’t look me in the eye. I would say halftruth. “Stronger and maybe someday it will be love” that is a full out lie. I have learned a very important lesson. Don’t trust Devil. I only wished I could have read Mason this easily. I guess at one time I could but with the distance between us, it somehow didn’t matter. I just wanted to cling to him when he was with me. I always felt like I was lucky to have someone as good as Mason love me, even though I had been tainted since before my birth. The people I came from were bad, therefore I was the poisoned fruit.

  “Hey, where did you go? You look a million miles away. Something wrong?” He asks if something is wrong. Well no, you just told me a bold face lie. “No. Everything is fine. I guess I’m just tired. Been a long few days. My whole life has changed in a matter of fortyeight hours. A little overwhelming.” I can lie with the best of them. I guess mine really isn’t much of a lie. I’m not hungry anymore so I close my food back up, I notice Devil has finished his. “Are you still hungry? I have a lot of mine left if you are. I mean Ty finishes mine sometimes. I’m not trying to be rude or give you my leftovers, but if you want and your still hungry I don’t mind.” How could I ask him that? I am too used to being with my dad and Ty. Even Fe finishes my food sometimes.

  “I know what you mean. I have a sister and mom, too. They eat like mice and we share. Most families do. We are going to share a last name soon. If you’re sure you’re not going to finish, I could eat it.” He waits for my answer but I am already handing it to him.

  “Wow, our first shared meal and you already finish my plate just like at home.” I smile at him and watch him enjoy the rest of my meal. “You got quiet after I answered your question earlier, why?” Guess I can’t av oid this answer anymore. If I want him to be honest with me, I guess I have to call him on it. He may not like it but he is asking. He could have let it go.

  “Well, you’re probably not going to like what I have to say, but if you want an answer I will give you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as they say in court. Be very sure you can handle it.” This is where I look at him closely. I am trying to remember his expression. He waits for me to begin but I wait for his response. “Are you going to tell me or make me guess?” He is not liking me not just giving it to him. Apparently Devil has no patience.

  “Answer first. Can you handle it? Will you give me the honesty you are asking for?” he looks puzzled. “I can handle whatever you throw at me and I will be honest.” He is getting pissed by my behavior. He’s clenching his jaw and his hairline is creasing and he can’t quite look me in the eye.

  “Ok then. You’re getting anxious and you haven’t been entirely truthful with me and we can do this any way you want.” He puts his hand up and starts to interrupt but I stop him. “Just listen for a minute, please. I know when I asked you about loving somebody you did not tell me the truth or maybe it wasn’t the whole truth. I also know when you said this between us may lead to love, it was total bullshit. And yes, I am calling bullshit. Do I need to buy me a bullshit flag so every time you lie to me, and I can tell, I throw it? Never mind, anyway… I’m pretty good at telling when people lie to me. Some anyway. I know I haven’t known you long, but you have some very distinct tell signs. I’m very good at poker and I would say you aren’t. I don’t know why you lied or exactly what it was but you did. All I’m saying is if you don’t want me to lie to you like I did earlier, then don’t lie to me. If you do, then I will lie to you and there goes a third of what you promised me truth, loyalty and commitment. If I can’t trust you with truth, then why would I trust the other two? You choose if we go forward or you go home. Ok, I’m done. Your turn.” I finally got it all out and I finally get the nerve to look at his face and he has a grin on it. Not what I expected. At least he doesn’t seem too mad, but who can tell with a man?

  “I am not used to being called a liar to my face by anyone. Usually by now they would find themselves face down in the dirt. I have underestimated you. Our intel guy did not do you justice. I did not tell you the complete truth, but I didn’t want to have to explain myself and some of it is painful. I don’t tell anyone my personal business. I trust very few people. I don’t know where we will go but I do need to be more honest with you. I will work on that. I want this arrangement to work. I am very attracted to you, but you’re beautiful so who wouldn’t be? You are everything I need in a wife. You know club life, you understand it and you fit in perfectly. I will work on being more honest with you. You are mine now and no one will stop us from being together and it will be in your best interest not to lie to me if you want me share with you.” He looks so confident. I know if I decided not to do this my family would back me, but I agreed and I won’t go back on my word.

  “Look Devil, I understand what you’re saying and I know if I wanted out of this I could get out of it. I will go forward, but you have to give me what you promised. Truth is very important to me. Deal breaker actually. Honesty, loyalty, and commitment. The three you promised and then I marry you, if not I walk. So let’s get through this next week and get to know each other. Deal?” I have to have him say it or I won’t believe it. These are all the things I need to feel secure and to find my happiness.

  “You drive a hard bargain, but I agree. It’s the only way we will last. I will give you as much honesty as I can. Some things have to do with club business and I can’t share. You should understand that.” He looks relaxed and none of his tell signs are showing so I have no other choice but to trust him because I have nothing to call him on. I don’t know how his club could have anything to do with him loving someone but I will have to accept it for now. I look at him and he is so sexy and his green eyes almost hypnotize me. They are so vivid. I feel so drawn to him. What is it about this man that I know very little about? Is it the mystique of it and all? All I know is I have an overwhelming urge to kiss him and it makes no sense to me, at all. I edge closer to him a little at a time. Trying not to seem too forward, but the draw to get closer is calling me. He finishes his food and puts the container on my night stand. I reach over to put the food trays in my trash and he takes my arm and pulls me to him, but I so want to be there. He takes me in his arms in a comforting way but his touch on my arm is like an electric current flowing through my body. My senses have come alive. His smell makes me want to nuzzle him. It is a soft fragrance of some kind of cologne and body soap mixed with his own essence. It is the most powerful smell I have ever encountered. I feel myself wanting to get closer. He seems surprised by my willingness to stay in his arms and not trying to fight him. I feel completely bewitched by his aroma and his powerful arms and how they make me feel safe. Then he turns his head, and lowers his mouth to mine. At first it is slow and sweet, but then he runs his tongue over my lips and I open for him and he completely takes over. Our tongues entwine and I feel myself getting wet from just this kiss. He has overtaken me with this powerful kiss. I feel one of his hands run down my back and the other is on my hip and he is positioning us on the bed so we can lie back. His hand has run from my hip up an
d under my shirt and I can feel heat move over my body. My breath and his are coming in short pants and I hear a moan come from me. It shocks me that I have had such a reaction from just a kiss. I grab his hand and pull it from under my shirt. “Ok, I need a breather and we need to slow down.” I try to straighten my shirt down and move away but Devil is having none of it.

  “We can take a breather, but we aren’t going anywhere. Just calm down. Everything is fine. You said slow down, and I am.” I look at Devil and he looks fine. I’m the one having problems.

  “I am going to be sleeping here with you tonight, so jus t breathe and you will be fine. You already said no sex before marriage, and I respect that. I am just trying to get you used to me, baby. We will be getting used to each other and we can go at your pace. I’ve never forced myself on anyone and I’m not going to start now, so breathe, and relax.” That’s easy for him to say, he is still breathing normally. The palm of my hands are clammy and my heart is beating ninety to nothing. Mason and I have made out before, but this kiss was so different. I feel guilty and I don’t know why. Mason is the only other guy I have kissed. I try to calm myself a little and get myself back in check. Devil is looking close in my eyes and it seems like he is looking for all my inner secrets. Secrets I never give away, but it is like he is demanding them with just a look. “Are you better now?” He asks as he puts his hand right under my shirt on my stomach. At least now I have calmed down I can breathe some. “I’m good. I’ve never been kissed like that before.” He grins and I see the dimple I never noticed before. Devil really is the most handsome man I think I have ever met before. Not telling him that though, his head is big enough.


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