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Taken Hard (The Hard Boys Book 2)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent


  “I want more, and I feel so selfish saying that to you.”


  “Yes.” She covered his hand with hers and slid it down from her cheek to grasp her breast. “I want more.” She let out a gasp. “So much more. If you don’t want me, please tell me.”

  She let go of his hand, but he didn’t move.

  “Lilly, I’ve always been honest. I haven’t lied to you or tried to pretend I’m someone different.”

  “I get that.”

  “You’re a virgin. You’re going to experience your first time, and I want to be part of that.”

  “I want that too.”

  “I’m … afraid, Lilly.”


  “The only other virgin I knew was myself. I’ve never had experience with a woman’s first time before. They can be quite painful, and I can’t bear to hurt you. When I’m with you, all I want to do is give you pleasure, to watch you come, to see your joy at what I’m doing to your body, no one else. You’re all I can think about. The only woman I ever want.” He still hadn’t moved his hand.

  Her nipple was tight against his palm, and he wanted her in his mouth.

  “I don’t want to fuck this up with you. When I’m with you, all I can see is perfection.”

  She smiled up at him. “You are perfect. I don’t care about it being the right moment. We can explore each other, can’t we? Find pleasure in each other’s touch?”

  “Yes,” he said as she stroked a hand down his body, capturing his erect cock in her palm.

  Slowly, he rubbed her soft breast and they both moaned together.

  “See, we can enjoy, can’t we?” she asked.

  Even with the jeans on, her touch was better than anything else he’d ever experienced. He didn’t want her to stop.

  Closing his eyes, he loved the feel of her through the fabric, and after a couple of minutes, it wasn’t enough. He needed more.

  Lilly pulled away first. She sat up, opening the buttons of her shirt.

  Caleb stopped her. “That’s what I get to do.”

  She slid her hands down, and he slowly opened her shirt, exposing her chest to him. She wore a white lace bra that showcased her nipples.

  After throwing the shirt to the floor, he reached behind her and flicked the catch, removing the bra. His mouth watered as those delightful tits sprang free.

  Lilly reached out, taking hold of his shirt and tugging it over his head. It joined hers on the floor and he stood, taking care of his belt and jeans, pushing them past his erect dick, to kick them off. Lilly did the same until they stood staring at each other. She wore a pair of panties. He wore boxers.

  Neither of them moved, and he looked his fill.

  She was so soft.

  He didn’t want to startle her, so he captured her hand, locking their fingers together.

  “I’m the first man to see you naked?”

  She nodded.

  He would be the last man. He didn’t speak that part. Lilly wasn’t completely aware of his feelings for her, and the last thing he wanted to do was startle her.

  Lifting their hands, he urged her forward, and she didn’t fight him. Her hand rested on his chest as he placed his other hand at the base of her back.

  Caleb stared into her pretty eyes before he lowered to take possession of her mouth. That one touch was all it took. She let go of his hand and wrapped them around his neck, pressing herself flush to him.

  He held her close, running his hands up and down her back and going down to grip her ass, then back up, sinking in her hair. He moved her back to the sofa, sitting her down and spreading her legs wide.

  “Do you trust me, Lilly?” he asked.


  “Good.” He gripped her panties and removed them from her body.

  He lifted her legs, putting them on his shoulders as he moved her to the edge of the couch, spreading her wide for him.

  With his hands on her thighs, he stared up her body. Her nipples were hard, and the scent of her arousal filled the air. He hadn’t looked at her pussy yet.

  He kissed the inside of her thigh, moving to the opposite leg to do the same.

  She gasped.

  Down he went, taking his time, kissing her thighs. When he couldn’t stand the wait, he stared at her wet pussy. Fine hairs covered her slit, and her clit was swollen, her lips parted, and he saw how wet her virgin pussy was.


  That was all he could think about.

  His mouth watered.

  Spreading the lips of her sex, he slid his tongue between her slit, circling her clit, then gliding back down to circle her entrance.

  He was going to take her virginity one day. First, he had so much he wanted to explore. Going back to her clit, he sucked the bud into his mouth, and she moaned, his name echoing around the room as he focused on her sweet bud. He flicked across, sucked her into his mouth, and teased her until she was so close to coming. His face was covered in her arousal.

  “Please, Caleb. I’m going to come.”

  He thrust her over the edge, stroking her clit, allowing her to feel every single pulse and awakening of her release. He didn’t stop. Wanting her to have it all.

  When she couldn’t take any more, he kissed her clit and eased back.

  She smiled at him and sat up.

  He captured her wrist when she went for his cock.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “I want to see you, Caleb.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  Lilly instantly withdrew from him. “I don’t … Caleb, I don’t understand.”

  “You’re sweet and beautiful. You don’t need to.”

  She held her hand up. “Seriously? You think because I’m a virgin I can’t handle you masturbating? That it couldn’t possibly arouse me to see you come for me? Because of me?” She shook her head and then reached out to grab her clothes.

  “Lilly?” He went to touch her, but she jerked back and shook her head.

  “No, I … I need to go home. I don’t know what is happening here, Caleb. I thought we were both on the same page, but clearly, we’re not, and I need to go figure some things out.” She pushed her hair out of her face and dressed quickly.

  He tried to pull on his jeans, but she was already out of the door.

  “Lilly, come on,” he said.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow or something.”

  He watched her leave, pretty much running as far as she could get away from him. Slamming his hand against the door, he knew he’d fucked up, big time. This wasn’t what he wanted to do.

  Lilly was everything.

  This should have been easy for him.

  Running fingers through his hair, he gritted his teeth.

  He grabbed his cell phone and called Aunt Betty, making sure Lilly had arrived safely. He was still on the phone when she did. He wanted to talk to her, but Lilly claimed to be tired.

  In the end, he hung up and promised himself he’d make it up to her somehow. The truth was, he didn’t even know what he’d done wrong.

  Chapter Eight

  Lilly was putting more books in the stacks when Caleb came to visit her at the library. She was in a rarely used section and she was having to dust off the books and arrange them properly.

  “Hey,” Caleb said.

  She glanced behind her to look at him. “Hey.” She felt empty. It was a strange feeling. Last night when he’d touched her, she’d been on cloud nine. She craved his touch so much that she felt like she was becoming addicted.

  When he refused to let her touch him, well, it had hurt a part of her. It was like he didn’t think she was good enough to trust with his body, and that bothered her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. I stopped by and talked to Aunt Betty. She said you didn’t talk to her about what happened.”

  “It’s private. Besides, I don’t need more people to know that my boyfriend can’t stan
d to have me touch him.”

  She tensed up as he closed the distance between them. He put his hands on either side of her head, trapping her between the stack and his hard body. Much to her annoyance, she found his display arousing. Caleb wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted him.

  “You’re wrong, Lilly.”

  “Really? Then tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me what part about last night I was wrong about, because you couldn’t stand for me to touch you.”

  He pressed his face against her neck. “You think I don’t want you?” His pelvis thrust against her ass. His cock was hard. “You make me so hard all the time. Lilly, I want to be gentle with you. You’re a virgin.”

  She growled and spun around. “Stop it. Stop using it as some kind of magical weapon for you to get what you want. You have no right. Yes, I’m a virgin, but that shouldn’t matter.” She glared at him, tired of him using that word. “You think I want to stay a virgin forever? You’ve read the books I write. I want to feel passion, Caleb. I want to be fucked.”

  Caleb slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. He took her hands within his own, trapping them against the shelves as his body rubbed against hers.

  He pulled her hands above her head, keeping them locked in place as with his other hand, he began to stroke her tits. He broke the kiss and trailed his lips to her neck. “You think I don’t want to fuck you, Lilly? You think last night after I made you come, I didn’t want to bend you over the sofa, spread your ass, and fuck your cunt raw?” He spun her around, cushioning her face with his hand, holding her close to him. “There are a lot of dirty things I want to do to you. I want to make love to you, get you used to feeling my cock, and then I want to show you how I really fuck. I want to get you dirty. Fill your cunt with my cum. I even want to finish off on your tits.” He groaned. “I want everything. I’m a greedy bastard, Lilly.”

  She took a breath. Her body pulsed with a fresh wave of arousal. She couldn’t stop the feelings flooding her body.

  “Then why don’t you?” she asked.

  “Because I want you to beg me for it.”

  Lilly tilted her head back. “Then how about lunchtime, we go back to your place and you put your dick where your mouth has been.”

  His nostrils flared and his tongue came out to dance across her ear. “I’ll pick you up.”

  He let her go after kissing her hard. She watched him leave, her heart racing, anticipation filling her.

  For the next few hours, she couldn’t do anything but watch the clock. Each time the hand moved, taking another minute, it was like it took too long to even pass.

  She served customers, checked out books, accepted returns, and helped run searches on the computer. When her break arrived, she expected Caleb not to arrive, but as she exited the library, he was there.

  After she climbed up into his truck, neither of them spoke as he drove home.

  Once in his driveway, he turned off the ignition and handed her a key. “If you want this, you’ll be completely naked, legs spread wide, and waiting for me.”

  Her hand shook as she took the key. She wanted this.

  What Caleb had whispered in her ear was what she craved. This wasn’t just about sex or plain fucking. No, she wanted all of what he wanted with her. No one else. She craved this with him.

  She put her bag by the door, leaving the key for him to lock the door. She got to Caleb’s room, removed her clothes, and lay down on his bed.

  Lilly heard the door open and close. The sound of his boots on the steps came closer.

  As she bit her lip, her hands clenched into fists, and she glanced down toward the doorway as Caleb entered.

  He tugged off his shirt, followed by his jeans. Once he was completely naked in front of her, she looked her fill.

  He was a large man in all directions. The ink was sexy as well. Every single part of Caleb, from the tips of his hair, down to his toes, was sexy. She loved every single part of him.

  She hadn’t told him how she felt. They hadn’t been together too long, and scaring him away was the last thing she wanted to do.

  He knelt on the bed, advancing toward her. Grabbing her knees, he spread them open. His gaze went to her pussy.

  “Are you wet for me?”


  “Are you on the pill?”


  He moved, reaching into the drawer beside the bed. “We’re going to need to take care of you. I want to feel you bare on my cock.”

  She gasped.

  “Yeah, I want to fill your pussy, Lilly. I want to see my cum dripping right out of you. Scared yet?”

  She shook her head. “I want you.”

  “Then spread your lips. Let me taste you.”

  Lilly reached between her thighs to spread the lips of her sex, opening herself to him.

  He groaned. “So fucking pretty.”

  She cried out as his mouth went to her pussy. His tongue attacked her clit, creating such a spiral heat of pleasure. She couldn’t stop begging for more. Didn’t want him to stop.

  He drove her wild, and Caleb didn’t waste any time bringing her to orgasm.

  She screamed his name, and even before the last aftershocks of her release rushed through her body, Caleb climbed up her body, settling between her thighs. The tip of his cock pressed to her core.

  Staring into his eyes, she waited, desperate.

  Caleb tensed and slammed balls deep inside her, making her arch up off the bed. The pain was instant, and she couldn’t keep the yelp of pain from escaping.

  Lilly’s hands clenched into fists as tears filled her eyes. She squeezed them tightly shut, feeling the tears spill down her cheeks.

  “I’ve got you,” Caleb said.

  His arms surrounded her, holding her close as the pain began to subside. As fast as it arrived, it did begin to ease.

  He kissed her head.

  She whimpered, but he didn’t let her go.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Lilly wrapped her arms around him, opening her eyes and kissing him. “I’m so pleased it’s you.” She stroked his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t want to fucking hurt you. I’d hoped they’d been wrong.”


  “The books. The fucking internet. All of it.”

  She smiled. “You didn’t want to hurt me?”

  “Never. I’m in this, Lilly, with you. Forever.”

  She sank her fingers into his hair, tugging him down to kiss him hard.

  He groaned and began to slowly rock inside her. Gentle, slow strokes, taking her by surprise as he went deep. “Am I hurting you?” he asked.

  “No. Please, don’t stop.” She never wanted him to stop.

  The pain had changed, morphed into something better.

  She screamed and cried and didn’t want him to stop.

  The pain was a thing of the past as Caleb took his release and she watched him. How tense he got. The pleasure crossing his face as he let go.

  She felt his cock pulse inside her.

  Caleb collapsed over her body. His face pressed against her chest.

  Running her fingers down his back, she smiled.

  Her heart and now her body belonged to Caleb. He was her everything.

  “How do you feel about calling in sick?” he asked.

  Lilly giggled. “I’ve never called in sick, and they know I’m not.”

  He cursed. “I can’t either. I’ve got a customer waiting. I’m not abandoning you. Tonight?”

  She nodded. “Tonight.”


  Caleb was pissed off.

  Tonight never came.

  It did, but so did people breaking down. Yep, he had no choice but to answer a call as he was the closest tow truck for miles. He tried to avoid the call that took him over an hour away. He couldn’t. Business was just that, business. It was late by the time he got home. There was only a single light on in his sitting room.

  He closed and lock
ed the door, going in search of Lilly, finding her wrapped in a blanket, looking sexy.

  Some of the blanket had fallen, showing off the sexy negligee she’d picked out.

  He went to her, kneeling on the floor, stroking her hair back from her face. She started to wake up and when she saw it was him, she smiled.


  “Hey,” he said.

  “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.”

  “Do you want me to cook you something?”

  “No. How are you feeling?” All day he’d been thinking about how tight she’d been wrapped around his cock. How perfect.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not sore?”

  “A little, but it’s not a problem.”

  “I want to be a good man to you, Lilly.”

  She cupped his face and pushed the blanket off her body. Kissing his lips, she lowered her hand to grab his. “Come on.”

  He didn’t argue with her as she took the lead, taking them upstairs to his bathroom.

  She turned on the shower, and he stood there, watching her, wondering what she was going to do next.

  With the water warming up, she turned to him and started to work his clothes off his body. He didn’t make any move to help.

  She stripped him completely naked and then told him to jump in the shower.

  He watched her as she removed the negligee. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and the moment she stepped into the shower with him, he pressed her up against the wall.

  “Tell me to stop,” he said.


  He claimed her lips, cupping her tits, running his hands down to touch her pussy. She spread her legs, giving him access to every single part of her. Sliding his fingers between her slit, he stroked over her clit, going to her entrance. As he circled her cunt, he slid a single finger inside her. Pushing in and out, watching her for any reaction. He wasn’t going to hurt her. She whimpered.

  He stopped.


  “Tell me if it hurts,” he said.

  “It doesn’t. I need you, Caleb.”

  He was never going to get tired of her saying his name, begging for him. He captured her lips as he added a second finger to her tight pussy.


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