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Taken Hard (The Hard Boys Book 2)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

“Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to be home tonight? How much I’ve thought about you?”


  “Good. I want you to come for me, Lilly, and then I’m going to fuck you.”

  He pressed his thumb to her pussy and began to stroke her clit, going back and forth, working her body toward a climax. Lilly held on to him as he did so. She came hard on his fingers, and he felt her flutter around him.

  Caleb lightened his strokes and took his time, letting her get used to feeling him even after she had come.

  Slowly, he eased his fingers out of her tight heat and kissed her shoulder. He was done with the shower.

  After turning it off, he climbed out and tugged her close, getting her to wrap her legs around his waist.

  He grabbed her ass, holding on to her tightly as he crossed the threshold into his bedroom.

  “Caleb, what are you doing?” she asked, giggling.

  He didn’t care that they were both soaking wet. All he cared about was being inside her. He reached into his drawer, taking out another condom. She really needed to get on the pill, not that he’d mind her being pregnant. It would give him another reason to keep her.

  After tearing into the packet, he slid the latex over his cock. He pressed the tip to her entrance, and staring into her eyes, he pushed inside her. Inch by glorious fucking inch. She’d come, and all he wanted was to feel her naked cunt around him. He’d be patient.

  He grabbed her hips and slammed the last few inches. Both of them cried out as she arched up against him.

  The force of his thrusts had her tits bouncing wildly. He couldn’t get enough. Letting go of her hips, he captured her tits, pushing them together, fingering her nipples.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said, growling out the words. He let go of her breasts to lift her thigh and move it higher up his hip so he could get deeper.

  He wanted to drown in every single part of her. To not ever let her go.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he lifted her and ravished her mouth, consumed by his need to completely possess her.

  His orgasm started to build, and he rode the peak, sliding in deep as he came, flooding the condom and wishing his cum was inside her.

  Caleb held himself up, kissing her even as the aftershocks of his orgasm dissipated. It still wasn’t enough.

  He eased out of her, but he didn’t go far. After removing the condom, he tied it up and tossed it in the trash. His cock had already started to grow hard.

  Lilly lifted onto her elbows.

  “Touch yourself,” he said.

  She did so without question. Her fingers slid between her creamy slit. She was so wet, and the sight of her alone was enough to have him rock hard again.

  “Is this normal?”

  “I don’t care what normal is, so long as I’ve got you.” He worked his cock. Going from the base up to the tip and back down again. When he was stiff enough, he rolled on the other condom. “Go onto your knees.”

  She rolled over, presenting him with her ass. He slid his hands over the rounded cheeks, spreading them apart. He cupped her pussy, getting his fingers slick with her cream and pulling it back to tease across her anus. She tensed up.

  “Baby, I’ve read three of your stories now, and all of them have this. I think you’re curious.” He pressed against her asshole and she gasped. With his other hand, he stroked her clit, moving down to push inside her. “I’ve got no problem with what you want, Lilly. All you’ve got to do is ask.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “One day soon, I’ll fuck this pretty ass, but not tonight. I want to enjoy your pussy.” He eased his hands off her body, and he was about to move in close to fuck her cunt when Lilly flipped back around.

  “But I want to taste you.”

  Before he could say anything more, she wriggled down the bed so she was close to his cock. He knelt on either side of her shoulders.

  Her face was bright red, and he didn’t know if it was because he’d been playing with her pussy, or for what she’d done, getting prepared to take his cock in her sweet little mouth.

  She wrapped her fingers around his length and her tongue slid across his slit. She’d already removed the condom and it lay on the bed beside them. “Do you want me to?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Lilly would one day realize when it came to her, he wanted it all.

  Nothing was off-limits.

  He didn’t care what anyone else wanted. Every single part of his life was devoted to her, and that was never going to change.

  She was his craving.

  He’d fallen hard.

  Just like his parents had once said he would. He’d never believed him.

  “You’re going to have to tell me how to do this, Caleb. I’ve never done it.”

  Being reminded that he was her first in everything, he was so close to blowing his load right there and then.

  He felt like a fucking king. Lilly was all his.

  “Open your mouth. Use your tongue, not your teeth.”

  She put her mouth on him and he groaned. She kept her teeth at bay and her hot little mouth worked over him.

  He hit the back of her throat and he cursed, clenching his hands into fists, wondering how he was going to keep his orgasm at bay.

  Lilly moaned around his length, the vibration shooting up his length. His toes curled as the third time he hit the back of her throat, she swallowed him down, gagging just a little before she came back up.

  She didn’t let up, taking as much of him as she could.

  Caleb was so close, he saw stars. He tried to control his reaction, but she swirled her tongue across the tip and used just a little teeth, and it sent him over the edge.

  He came, not having the time to pull out of her mouth before he was filling it.

  Lilly further surprised him as she swallowed him down.

  Caleb didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky, but he’d already vowed he was never going to let her go.

  Chapter Nine

  The bar wasn’t open yet, and Lilly was stocking the shelves. Edward brought up the beer, and he kept on lingering, which was odd. Every now and then, she caught him staring at her. She’d offer him a smile, and he’d nod at her before taking off.

  For an hour they worked like this.

  Her thoughts kept on drifting to Caleb. Their life together. She loved him. She knew deep inside her heart what her feelings meant.

  She was also afraid. If she told him how she truly felt, he might run away. She didn’t want to scare him off.

  Edward came back to the bar and sat at the counter as she wiped everything down. Feeling his gaze on her, she glanced toward him, and he quickly looked away.

  She didn’t like this.

  Putting the cloth down, she walked toward him. “Edward, is there a problem?”

  “No problem.”

  “You keep staring at me like you want to say something.”

  He nudged the paperwork in his hands but refused to look up at her. Each second that passed, she grew more nervous. “Are you wanting to fire me for what happened?”

  “Hell, no, whatever gave you that impression?” He finally gave her eye contact. It was progress.

  “I don’t know. The fact you’re … looking at me like you want to say something. You wouldn’t let me come to work any earlier.” She’d fully recovered. There would be a small scar on her side, but that was the extent of the memory. Also, the idle gossip around town, but since she’d been with Caleb, she’d started to ignore what others were saying about her.

  Edward ran a hand down his face then looked up at the ceiling. “There is something I want to talk to you about.”

  Crap. He was going to fire her.

  “I … I’m your father, Lilly.”

  She continued to look at him. “What?”

  “I, this, I, that’s what I said. I’m your dad. I’m your biological sperm donor. I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time, and I didn’t know how. I wen
t to Caleb and he told me that I had to be the one to tell you.”

  She held up her hands as he just kept on talking. “Wait, Caleb knew?”

  “I went to him. I heard you were dating him, and at first, I didn’t like it, but then he said some things and made me realize I couldn’t judge him. His heart is in the right place.”

  Lilly couldn’t ever recall hearing the man talk so much.

  “I’m your father. I had sex with your mother, and she told me that I wouldn’t make a good father. I didn’t have what it took to raise you, but I wanted to. I swear I thought you didn’t want to know me and that I was wasting my time. I always sent money. I even sent birthday cards and presents.”

  She held her hand up again for him to stop. “Please, start from the beginning.”

  So Edward did. He told her all about the meeting with her mother. The arrangement they had. How her mother reacted. The money. The presents. The gifts. The fact that he loved her, was there for her graduation, and how proud he was of her.

  She also discovered that the additional bruising on Jacob had come from him. He’d paid the man a visit and reminded him how to be a gentleman.

  After he’d finished, Lilly was speechless.

  All this time, she had a dad who had loved her.

  “Lilly, please say something.”

  “I … I … I’ll be right back.” Turning away from him, she stormed out of his bar and began to walk toward the trailer park. It wasn’t too far from the bar, so long as you knew a few shortcuts. Lilly knew them.

  When she was younger, her mother had forced her to wait outside the bar a few times while she’d clearly been screwing Edward. Whenever it ran on for two hours or more, she’d walk on back to the trailer and go to bed.

  Twenty-three years her mother had kept this secret from her.

  Lilly had assumed her father had left without a care in the world. Assuming he didn’t want her.

  She’d been so stupid to believe her mother.

  Arriving at the trailer park thirty minutes later, she didn’t bother knocking on the door. She entered it, and what a surprise, her mother actually sat there alone.

  Lucy Jewel sat smoking a cigarette.

  “What are you doing here? Haven’t you shacked up with the manwhore?” Lucy asked, blowing smoke into the air.

  “All this time, you knew.”

  “I knew what?”

  “Edward was my dad.”

  Lucy paused as she looked at her. She licked her lips, and for the first time, Lilly saw the true age her mother had tried to hide for many years. She hadn’t put on enough makeup, and she looked withdrawn, gaunt almost. Years of starving herself, jumping from bed to bed. Lilly was shocked to see her mother like this.

  She hadn’t seen her in such a long time.

  There was no love lost between the two of them. There never had been.

  “So, the weirdo finally decided to tell you. He was so easy to control.”

  “You’re a despicable human being.”

  “Watch your mouth,” Lucy said.

  “Or what? You’re going to hit me? I can have you done for assault now. I’m not some thing you can make feel small anymore. Spew your crap and your hatred. I don’t care. Not anymore.”

  Lucy laughed. “You think because a man is showing you some attention it makes you anything? Please, everyone will still see you as a little whore.”

  Lilly smiled and Lucy’s laughter faded. “This isn’t about Caleb. This is about me, and I know my worth more than anyone else. The only whore in this room is you. Goodbye, Lucy.”

  She didn’t even bother to grace her with the title of mother.

  Leaving the trailer, she started to walk to the exit of the park when Caleb’s truck appeared. He parked and climbed out.

  Lilly didn’t stop. She went right to him and threw herself in his arms.

  “I’ve got you. Edward called me. I’m so sorry. I thought he should be the one to tell you.”

  “I don’t care.” She pressed her face against his chest. “I really don’t. Just hold me.”

  He stroked her hair, and in his arms, she felt safe, protected, and loved.

  “It doesn’t matter what she does anymore. I’m done with her. She’s not my mother.” She tilted her head back to look at him.

  “You’re not angry at me for knowing and not saying anything?”

  She shook her head. “No. It wasn’t your truth to tell. It was his.”

  Lilly went onto her toes and kissed his lips. “Will you take me back to the bar? I really need to talk to him.”

  “Of course.”

  Caleb helped her into the truck, and she slid across the seats, getting as close to him as possible. He pulled out of the park and started toward the bar, taking her hand as he drove. She rested her head on his shoulder. With him driving, it didn’t take long.

  She kissed him goodbye and walked back into the bar.

  Edward stared at his cell phone as she entered. The moment the door closed, he looked up.


  She took a deep breath and moved toward the bar. “I never got any presents or birthday cards from you. At least, my mother never said they were from you. She never got me anything, and she might have passed a couple off as ones she bought. Lucy and I, we’re finished.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “I’m not. I … I’d like for us to get the chance to know one another,” she said. “I’d like to know you. To build something. If you’re willing.”

  “I am willing. Very willing. I’d really like to know you, and I’d like to be able to take care of you. I don’t have a lot in life. The bar. A small savings.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t care about the bar or your small savings. They’re good, obviously. I was thinking about you and me. Do you think we could get to know one another?”

  Edward stared at her for what felt like the longest time, and she had to wonder if she’d made a big mistake.

  “I’d like that. I’d like to get to know my daughter.”

  She smiled at him.

  “I know this is going to sound very strange, but would it be okay if I hugged you?” he asked.

  “It’s not strange. I’d really like that hug.”

  Edward rounded the bar and took her into his arms, kissing the top of her head and holding her.


  “I thought you went to your mother for this kind of advice,” Theodore said.

  “What? No, I come to you as well, all the time.” Caleb glanced back at the house as his father laughed.

  “Son, I’m not offended. I help where I can, and your mother has always been your sounding board. Even with those romance books she leaves lying around for you to read.”

  Caleb gripped the back of his neck. “You know about them?”

  “There’s not a lot I don’t know.”

  “So, tell me how I can go about this.”

  Theodore sat back from pruning one of the rose bushes in the garden. He wiped the sweat off his brow, and Caleb crouched down, offering him the lemonade his mother had given him to take to his father. He took it and drank down half of it, licking his lips.

  “Let me get this straight. You want me to tell you how to marry your woman?” Theodore asked.

  “To tell her that I love her and how to propose.”

  “This isn’t just some game. Lilly is the one?”

  “Yes. She’s the one.” Caleb smiled. Just thinking about Lilly made him smile.

  “That’s a start,” Theodore said, getting to his feet and carrying his tools back to the worktable he’d set up outside.

  “What’s a start?”

  “Marriage is not easy. It’s complicated. You and Lilly are experiencing the young love that everyone goes through. Marriage is not something you can walk away from.” Theodore shook his head, holding a hand up to stop him from talking. “I know a simple divorce is all it takes and it’s over, but it’s not supposed to be like that.” He removed his gloves an
d cupped his hand. “A marriage is precious. You’re swearing to give your life to this other person.”

  “Dad, I’m not taking this lightly. This isn’t some random dream I’m having. I am in love with Lilly. The good. The bad. I want it all. I’m not going to run away when the going gets tough. You’ve always told me when I find the right woman, there will be no settling. It will be love no matter what, and I found her. I know her. It’s not about needing her. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life knowing she’s out there and I didn’t have the balls to take her. Lilly’s mine.”

  Theodore smiled. “Then that is what you need to do and say. It’s not about my guidance. It’s about asking that woman to marry you because you’re in love with her and don’t want to think of your life without her. There are no magical words for me to tell you. Everything you feel has to come from the heart. There’s no other way.” Theodore slapped his shoulder. “You’ve got this, Caleb. You’re a strong man with a good heart, and your mind is in the right place. I’m so glad I’ve been able to live long enough to see it.”

  Caleb chuckled. “Did I scare you for a moment there?”

  “Not really. I knew you were a good man, always knew you’d come good. Dancing from bed to bed, it’s not a good look. It seems good and fun when you’re starting out, but it doesn’t soothe the soul.” Theodore finished off his lemonade. “If you were also looking for my approval when it came to Lilly, I give it. She’s a hardworking, sweet woman. Anyone who makes you smile like that, they’re worth your time.”

  Caleb followed his father back into the house, kissed his mother on the cheek, and made his way back home.

  Lilly was at his place when he arrived. The scent of her cooking drew him toward the kitchen. The moment he entered, her curvy ass was stood to attention as she bent over something, and his dick went instantly hard.

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  She was inside his cupboard, and she pulled out a large baking sheet with a smile. “Got it. You’re home early.”

  “Finished with a client.” He went to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her close. She put the baking sheet on the counter and covered his hands with her own. Sliding his up, he cupped her generous tits as he pressed his cock against her ass.


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