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Marie, Laura - Miss: Never Gonna Love Again [The Miss: Series] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 18

by Laura Marie

  “I didn’t forget about your punishment. There’s no hidin’ from me, Miss Jules,” he whispered before rolling over on top of her.

  “Oh, Sheriff, please don’t punish me…I done promise to not do it again,” she stated in a slow, sexy Southern drawl.

  She thought her acting job worked as Johnny nibbled on her collarbone before easing his way between her breasts. But it appeared he had some skills of his own as she felt the pinch, a nibble, and some wicked moves with his tongue before the continued sexual assault on her body.

  She closed her eyes, and she devoured every sensation, relished in the aftermath of every touch from Johnny, every quiver and embrace, until it all collided with an ultimate connection the moment her body united again with Johnny’s.

  Chapter 12

  Julianna took a deep breath before entering the town meeting hall with Aunt Ellie and Uncle Roy. The prosperity of their horse-training business and bed-and-breakfast lay in the hands of the townspeople. She had met most of them over the past few months, including Johnny’s dad Lou, who was quite the character.

  “Good afternoon, sunshine!” Mr. Perkins greeted her. As owner of the hardware store, he would prosper nicely from the expansion of Palmer Place.

  “Good morning, Mr. Perkins. It’s so nice to see you again. It figures we would have to meet on one of the coldest November days,” Julianna added as she slowly removed her coat but kept her scarf wrapped snugly around her neck. It was a gift from Aunt Ellie, and she treasured it way more than her cashmere ones. The thought amused her.

  She could just imagine what the townsfolk would think of her prancing in here wearing cashmere and looking snippy. She nervously nibbled her bottom lip.

  “Quit fidgeting. You are a professional business woman. These people need your guidance,” Uncle Roy whispered in her ear. Aunt Ellie squeezed Julianna’s hand reassuringly as they took their seats.

  Other people greeted them, and then Johnny appeared from an outside doorway along with Dr. Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, the owners of the local grocery market.

  A glance in her direction, along with a wink, had Julianna’s nerves bubbling over and her cheeks flush. Suddenly she was no longer in need of the scarf.

  A few silent conversations, whispers, and giggles told her everyone was aware of her relationship with Johnny.

  That was taking less getting used to than she imagined.

  “Well, I would like to thank everyone for gathering on such a cold day. I know I wish I was still sitting by the fire, keeping warm with my honey.” Mr. Troy, the local pharmacist, stated as he winked at Mrs. Troy. Julianna smiled at the gesture and the obvious love between the husband and wife. Mrs. Troy blushed then swatted her hand in the air, dismissing her husband’s silliness.

  “Well, I suggest we just get to it. We all know why we are here and we know everyone involved. Miss Palmer, if you would like to address the town board members and then anyone else with any questions.”

  Julianna smiled then rose from her seat in the front row. Suddenly the back doors to the room opened wide and more members of the community trickled into the room.

  She swallowed hard then gathered her composure to stand at the podium to present her ideas for Palmer Place. So much was riding on this presentation. She glanced over at Johnny, who sat at the board members’ table, and she felt some deeper connection to the town. The owners of the hardware store, the grocery store, the local doctor, and the pharmacists. As she thanked all those who were present and began her proclamation, she saw the other members of the community and knew she and her aunt and uncle could help these people as much as help themselves.

  Before she began, she cleared her throat and gave a little information about her background, her business experience, and her upbringing here in Claire County.

  “Moving back home had always been my ultimate intention. Things happen in life that sometimes sidetrack a person’s decisions and choices. But, although I was in New York, I maintained a partnership with my aunt and uncle and the horse-training business. That helped me get through some tough times and lead me to the decision to return to Claire County permanently. This is my home. This is where my parents and grandparents were born and raised, so I feel that this is where I belong.

  “Now, I know that you all are aware of the horse-training business growing and the fact that my aunt has opened her home to our customers. What I am proposing for the board’s approval is an expansion in our business that can actually help each of the businesses that are located here in town. As we expand the stables and add an addition to the main house to develop a bed-and-breakfast, we will need supplies and resources that the businesses in our town can provide.”

  Multiple people raised their hands, and Julianna began answering their questions.

  “Why would you want to get groceries and supplies from our store with the bigger chain stores so close?” Mr. Wilcox asked.

  “That question goes for all of us. How is this going to help our businesses?” Mr. and Mrs. Powers asked.

  “Well, let me explain it like this. The clientele who would be most interested to stay at Palmer Place will want to experience the small, homey town atmosphere that each of you is already maintaining and providing. Even with the expansion of paved roads, a small hotel, and Lowe’s coming in right outside of town, Claire County still provides that country, local feeling of getting away from it all. No city traffic, no horns honking and chaos, just fresh air, nice, personable people, and comfort. Our desire is to help the community by only using the community businesses. We will be expanding the stables, but only to hold and maintain thirty horses. No more than that. We’re going to need supplies to build the stables as well as construct the additions to the house. We’ll be providing all the meals for our guests, so we’ll need large amounts of groceries and certain homemade items in stock at your store, Mr. Wilcox. And of course we’ll be promoting local goods by local artists and entrepreneurs. Mrs. Fennigan, your homemade jams and jellies will be the only ones we serve alongside Aunt Ellie’s homemade biscuits.

  “We’ll need more help at Palmer place, which means employment, and that is beyond the extra hands needed to do the construction work. The sheriff will need a few more officers, I’m sure, to provide the safety and security needed to maintain the law in town. I’m also going to discuss the need for patrols around Palmer Place just to enforce the fact that we mean business, just like the sign outside of town states. ‘Welcome to Claire County…If you’re looking for trouble, please use the U-Turn just up ahead…’”

  Everyone laughed and made sounds in agreement.

  “I think that says it all. Our expansion is not an intention to destroy this town, but quite the opposite. Please feel free to ask me any other questions you have.”

  Multiple hands went up, and Julianna answered all their concerns. Despite Jenny Wilson’s set of twenty ridiculous questions, which ended with, “What are your intentions with our sheriff?”

  “Okay, everyone, I think that Julianna has answered more than enough questions. The board will meet for a short period of time and discuss the information provided then make a decision,” Sheriff Johnny Black stated as he rose from the chair. It appeared from Julianna’s perspective that he was the only one capable of keeping Jenny Wilson in line.

  Julianna met up with her aunt and uncle to go wait in the hallway.

  * * * *

  “Jules, you were amazing in there,” Uncle Roy stated as he embraced Julianna.

  “I don’t know about amazing, Uncle Roy. I’m just glad it’s over with.”

  “I’m sure you weren’t expecting all those crazy questions from Jenny Wilson, that nosy busybody.”

  Julianna smirked then felt her cheeks go flush again. How dare that woman ask her what her intentions were with Johnny, and in front of half the town? Speaking of which, Julianna glanced across the hallway and saw two young women whispering like schoolgirls. It was obvious that they were speaking about Julianna.

’s some niece you got there, Roy. I am feeling pretty excited about this business venture of yours. You just let me and the wife know what you’ll need. We’re on board,” Mr. Fennigan stated. Julianna smiled as he continued to speak with Roy and Ellie.

  Two of the young women who had been whispering earlier approached Julianna. She cringed just thinking about their possible questions. Johnny had filled her in that the old-timers had been trying to fix him up with every single woman in town and that his father was in on it. She found it amusing, especially because Lou Black was introducing her to people as his future daughter-in-law. That made her completely nervous.

  “We haven’t met, sugar, but my name is Sarah Clark, and this is my best friend Beverly,” the brunette stated in her thickest Southern accent. It was loaded with so much sincerity that it was obvious to Julianna that there was nothing sincere about it. Instantly, her bitch radar perked up and she prepared for the attack.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Julianna smiled in return.

  They exchanged about three seconds of small talk before the first strike.

  “You sure were lucky that Johnny Black found ya all out there on the road. That was a terrible storm.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Why, I bet it was something else you all waking up in his bed, all warm and toasty. He got a nice bed, doesn’t he?” Beverly stated with a wink as if she knew firsthand what Johnny’s bed looked like or had been in it. Suddenly, her brave confidence was faltering. She never had to deal with such cattiness before. Out of her realm and lacking in self-confidence, Julianna became uncomfortable.

  “I can’t believe the whole damsel-in-distress act worked,” Sarah chimed in.

  “Me either. If I done known that, I would have got myself stuck in the snow months ago.”

  They both giggled some sort of fake Southern-belle giggle that irked Julianna.

  “Nah, the sheriff don’t fall for that kinda act. He likes his women proper, ladylike, and independent,” Sarah added.

  “Well, she does have certain assets that even the smartest of men can fall for.” Beverly glanced at Julianna’s chest.

  The nerve of her to try and say that Johnny used her for sex.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you two, but I think they’re wrapping things up inside, so…” As Julianna began to walk away, Beverly grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “Listen here, miss city gal, our sheriff ain’t interested in nothing more than a roll in the hay with you. He told Deputy Pearl you were the best piece of ass he had in a while, so I wouldn’t go picking out any china just yet.”

  Julianna pulled her arm away from confinement and walked away.

  Could Johnny have said such things?

  “Hey, Miss Palmer!”

  Julianna turned to see Deputy Connor Pearl standing by the wall near two other young women. He gave her body the once-over before introducing himself.

  “I’m Deputy Pearl. I was on desk the night we got the call you were missing. The sheriff took the call, otherwise it would have been me that saved ya,” he stated with a wink, eyeing her body over again.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “If there’s anything you need, Miss Palmer, you just call me over at the office. I’ll be at your door in a snap, day or night.” He winked again.

  Damn it, why did she feel like everyone in town knew she slept with the sheriff, and as if she was fair game to hit on?

  The main doors opened and Mr. Wilcox appeared.

  “You all can come back in now. We made a decision.”

  Chapter 13

  New York City

  Kate stood in front of the large antique mirror. She had stared at the bruises and her beaten, battered face for nearly twenty minutes. Lawrence’s request lay heavily on her mind and her conscience. How could she stay in this relationship after what he had done to her? How could she go through with his plans and maintain any decent connection to such an evil, self-centered bastard?

  Kate stared at the reflection in the mirror, and she focused on everything except her face. The way the sunlight penetrated through the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking a busy East Tenth Street. The designer couches, top-of-the-line bed ensemble, the absolute best of everything filled her home. Lawrence only liked the best and never settled for anything less. Anything less is how he described her and compared her to Julianna.

  Upon consummating her relationship with Lawrence, he controlled her. He moved her out of the small, overpriced apartment in the East Village and bought her a magnificent, nearly two-million-dollar condo. It was as fine as those in Devonshire House. Never in her lifetime would she expect to live in such an upscale and elaborate place. Of course Lawrence owned it, just like he owned her.

  Kate caught her reflection again and the dull, lifeless color of her eyes. No longer blue, bright, and full of life, but rather burdened, boring, and pathetic.

  The tears immediately began flowing again. She struggled with her decision to stay with Lawrence, be his slave, his property, his possession, or leave all this, seek escape that ultimately would show Lawrence she loved him way more than he expected. That was her problem. She loved him. Always had and always will, despite his obsession with Julianna.

  She pushed herself away from the vanity, and she walked into the living room, embracing the warm sunlight that illuminated the open floor plan.

  Her ribs were bruised and sore, her kidneys had nearly ruptured from his kicks, and her wrist was encased in a cast, the small fracture a constant reminder to never speak to Lawrence about Julianna.

  She swallowed hard, rubbed her cast unconsciously as she looked at the two suitcases she packed late last night.

  The decision was made. There was no turning back and she knew it. All that was left was to make the call. It was one step closer to achieving her dreams of a new beginning, a new life, and final closure.

  After she walked toward her pocket book, she pulled out her cell phone and paged through the contact list. The number had to be the same. She asked around and checked things out with her sources to ensure success. It was her only choice.

  * * * *

  Julianna instantly felt sick to her stomach. This had to be a mistake, it just had to be.

  She grabbed the box off of the counter and checked it again. Plus meant pregnant, and the stick sure as shit had a damn plus in it.

  Son of a bitch! Doctors don’t know everything.

  This explained a lot. It explained her moodiness, the lack of getting her monthly cycle, and the nausea morning, noon, and night. She had been with Johnny for four weeks. The baby had to have been conceived during the storm when they were snowed in. The perspiration hit her brow, and then came the onslaught of thoughts.

  I’m pregnant when they said it would never happen. I’m going to have a baby. I’m getting a second chance. I’m going to have Johnny’s baby. The tears flowed from her eyes. What if he doesn’t want kids? What if he doesn’t love me? What if he is a player, like Beverly and Sarah claimed? She hadn’t even spoken to him after the meeting adjourned and the board decided to grant their approval of expanding Palmer Place. She was so confused and unsure about their relationship. How could having his baby be a good thing?

  Her thoughts were stuck on a roller coaster, and her brain was sitting in the front car.

  She placed the palm of her hand against her stomach. A quivering sensation instantly rumbled through her belly. A baby was growing inside of her.

  She lifted her shirt and saw the scar, the reminder of her first baby and its tragic death. The tears flowed some more, and then came some revelation. What if something is wrong with the baby? Maybe the attack damaged certain parts needed to ensure a healthy baby’s growth. What if it’s sick? Julianna was so frightened, and suddenly she found it difficult to take a full breath. I’ll have to go to the doctor. I can’t…just can’t go to Dr. Forbes. How embarrassing. Everyone will know the sheriff knocked me up. Great! Well, I can’t go out of town. That will become inconvenie
nt towards the end of the pregnancy.

  I’m keeping this baby. The decision was made and there wasn’t a need to discuss it.

  She took a few more deep breaths and attempted to calm herself down.

  She lay her hand on her stomach and closed her eyes. It had been ages since she prayed. Praying never got her nothing. It didn’t keep Mamma alive or Daddy alive and it didn’t keep her baby…

  I’m gonna take good care of you, baby. I’m gonna keep you safe and warm and love you every second. No one will ever hurt you or take you away from me. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her sleeve.

  How am I going to tell Johnny?

  Maybe I won’t have to. Maybe I could just break things off with him before he breaks up with me first, and that way, he wouldn’t feel obligated. The thought hurt something terrible inside. It was inevitable that he would break up with her eventually, if all the town gossip was accurate. She could handle this. She had handled everything else in life on her own, so why wouldn’t she be able to raise a baby on her own?

  A knocking sound came from the front door. Startled, Julianna jumped, knocking the contents of the package onto the floor. She quickly tried to gather any evidence up and remove it from sight when she heard the front door open. Aunt Ellie called her name.

  “Julianna! Julianna, where are you? Is everything all right? Rooster said you didn’t feel well and looked a bit peaked.”

  Julianna was trying to hurry and get her brain to work at the same time, but it was too difficult.

  Just as she picked the directions to the test off of the floor and placed it in the shopping bag, Aunt Ellie came barging in like an old mother hen.

  “Oh, darling, you look ill. I hope you’re not coming down with something. That darn flu is runnin’ amuck in town…”


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