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Page 14

by Kaia Bennett

  He turned to the floor where Nicole was sprawled out scribbling in an old notebook she'd found with her writing in it. She was doing writing exercises to get back into the groove, but had seemed distracted.

  "Huh?" he asked looking down at her.

  Nicole nibbled on her lip. She turned onto her side to face him, cleared her throat, and repeated her question. "Are you satisfied with me? When we have sex, is it good enough for you?"

  "Are you shittin' me?" he said without hesitation, and then with a broad smile, "Didn't I seem satisfied last night?"

  A sheepish smile crossed her lips. "Yeah. I was just checking."

  In the time since the release party, things had been picking up for Fool the World, moving fast towards touring. The band was playing more gigs, they were doing interviews for magazines and radio stations, and their first single had hit the airwaves.

  That had been the best moment. Nicole said she’d been out getting lunch when she heard them come on the radio. She said she’d screamed, "That's my boyfriend's band!!" not caring that people were staring at her like she was a crazy person. Moments later she’d called him up to gush about how proud she was of him and how he’d made her look like a dork in public.

  Still, amidst all the good stuff was a growing insecurity they were trying desperately to ignore. Just a few months and he would be on the road. With The Spirits and several other bands not known for monogamy and sobriety.

  It didn’t help that Jonny's tongue had become looser concerning the things he'd been getting up to with Meredith. The girl had very few inhibitions, if Jonny was to be believed, and Gabe could see Nicole’s mind processing that he used to be in Jonny’s place.

  "What made you ask me that," Gabriel inquired warily, and then, while she was in the midst of answering he asked, "Are you satisfied?"

  "You're the best I've ever been with," she said. Just like that the sheepish smile turned seductive. She pretended to think for a moment and added, "Of course, I don't have much to compare it to, so that might not mean much..."

  "Ow," he said, wincing and touching his chest.

  "I'm just playing, old man. Seriously though, I've only been with a few people and they can't hold a candle to you. You on the other hand..." Gabriel lifted an eyebrow, waiting for her to speak. "You've been with a lot of people, right? You've probably done a bunch of stuff I haven't done."

  "I'm not telling you how many people I've had sex with," he answered quickly, and then mumbled quietly as he turned away. "I don't want you to leave me."

  Her mouth dropped open and she cocked her head at him. "What is that supposed to... just how many girls—?"

  "Not doing it." He shook his head and went back to strumming. "Nope."

  She snickered but thankfully let it go. Jackie hadn’t called him the Vaginator with affectionate disgust for nothing, and he wasn’t on keen having to explain why he’d been unable to settle down with one girl for most of his sexually active life.

  "That's not what I was getting at anyway," she said. "I was just wondering if there was something you were missing out on because of me not being as experienced as you're used to."

  “Experienced as I’m used to?”

  She swallowed, he could literally see her throat working around the lump of nervousness. He’d never indicated he wanted a sexual acrobat. So where was she getting the idea that he needed someone more experienced?

  "Is this about Mere?" he asked.

  Her lips parted, but no sound came out. Her eyes darted to the rug; she tapped her pencil on her notebook a few times.

  "It’s partly about her I guess. At the release party, she was hooking up with Jonny in the bathroom,” Nicole began. “And she told me you guys talked, that I had nothing to worry about, but... she also said she was a little wild. And then, I sort of overheard some of the stuff they'd been getting into at the bar. You know like... anal and stuff. And by the way, when were you going to tell me you two still talk? And about me at that?"

  Gabriel exhaled deeply through his nose and blinked. "It was a passing conversation. Barely lasted five minutes and it was mostly her asking questions about you," he said flatly, finally looking at her. "She asked if you knew about her, and I told her you did. That's all. I didn't think it was worth mentioning. The girl is barely on my radar, you know?"

  Gabriel wanted to strangle that bitch. He'd told her to stay away, and not only had she not done that, but she was putting ideas in Nicole's head and fucking his friend to boot. As many people as he’d had sex with he wasn’t one to judge, and this wasn’t about jealousy either. It was about Meredith and how much she enjoyed mind games.

  He'd already known about Meredith and Jonny, because the guy claimed bragging rights almost as soon as he made it out of the bathroom. But he'd had no idea she'd talked to Nicole. This was one of the reasons why he hadn't wanted her to be around Meredith. He didn't want Nicole to think she had to keep up with a fling he'd had. And didn’t care what Meredith did and with whom. He just wanted her to leave him and Nicole out of it. In so many ways he wanted to pretend what happened with Meredith had never happened…

  "I know. It's not really about her per say," Nicole said finally. "Her, Marta, the others you've been with. They obviously... they were so beautiful and confident..." She rolled her eyes, seemingly exasperated with herself. “It sounds like I’m fishing for compliments or something, but I’m really not. I just want to make sure you're not missing out on anything. You’ve given me so much. I just want to return the favor. That's it."

  She was serious. As if she couldn't see how much he was into her, how she made him practically insane. That Nicole didn't know how much better things were with her than any other girl he'd been with was almost comical. And the way she was looking at him now, her eyes part eager and part innocent, wasn't helping his conscience. She was practically begging him to corrupt her. He actually laughed out loud at that.

  "You got something in mind you want to try, sweetheart?" He let his voice drop deeper. His fingers finally stilled on the strings before he set the guitar aside.

  "No, I didn't mean me... I didn't have anything in mind, I'm totally good... I just thought—"

  "Come here," he said softly, cutting off her stammering fit.

  She dropped her pencil and when she stood before him he sat up, slipped his arm around her waist and pulled into a straddling position over his hips. "You have nothing to be scared of. I get everything I want from you and then some. You're gorgeous and you're funny. You can actually hold a conversation with me." He stroked his hand over her cheek. "You’re mine and I’m yours. You don't need to compete with anybody, because they don't matter. Only thing that matters now is you and me. And I’m more than satisfied."

  She bit her lip, trying to hide a giddy grin and he felt a pang of nostalgia. The same smile had been on her face the night he told her he’d always noticed her, their last night together before she left for her last year of school. Here she was again, shocked and pleased at his words, sorely underestimating her power over him.

  "You don't make me feel like I'm not enough, babe. I just want you to be happy." Her fingers played with the black cord of his necklace, teasing his skin. "I want to be the best you've ever had, too." Her gaze rested on his lips, a sweet smile on her face. She was nervous, but like always, she pressed on and spoke the truth to him. He never got over how brave she was, how open she was with him.

  "Look at me," he said. She lifted her eyes and gazed uncertainly into his. "There are things I want to try with you. But it's not like I have a checklist. Whenever you're ready to try something new, we will. Just don't start thinking I'm getting bored with you, because that's just not possible. Okay?"

  She nodded, her smile growing wider and then more playful. She shifted slightly in his lap and asked, "So? What kind of stuff did you want to try?"

  He stared up at her, his mind turning. "Is this a test?"

  "C'mon, I'm serious!" She leaned in and kissed him. "Tell me what you want..." Her kiss
deepened. She was leaning into him, and soon his hands were on her waist and then sliding down to caress her thighs. She gripped his larger hands and brought them from her thighs to her breasts. "Let me do whatever you like..."

  Gabriel moaned at the way she was gently rocking her hips against his. There had to be something wrong with him. He should be fresh out of come from fucking around with this girl, but all she had to do was offer him the chance to introduce new things to her, set the wheels turning in his head and he felt himself getting hard. He massaged her breasts in firm, slow circles, letting his tongue dance over hers. He brought his lips to her neck, just barely brushing them over her soft skin.

  "Okay, Nic..." he whispered in her ear, wrapping his arms around her and standing up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he kissed her once more, walking towards his bedroom.

  Chapter 13

  Nicole was shivering in the aftermath of another orgasm, her face turned to the side and her fingers shaking against her lips. Her hips were mimicking Gabriel’s steady rhythm, grinding up and down in a smooth serpentine movement interrupted by the occasional shudder. When she could finally make her fingers work, she pushed her sweat-soaked hair out of her eyes. Gabriel’s smile was waiting for her. He leaned down, caressing her lips with his and pressing his chest to hers. He was so warm over her, enveloping her in his scent and strength. Her arms immediately encircled his neck, her tongue slid against his, and her mouth whispered his name like a prayer whenever she came up for air.

  He licked lightly at her lips, murmuring, "You taste so good, Nic..." before diving in to devour her mouth again.

  She shivered against him, already feeling herself hungry for the next release under his steady thrusts. He felt so unbelievably good curving in and out, barely leaving her body before he filled her again. When she opened her eyes she saw him watching her face and she gave him a soft smile.

  "You ready?"

  She was nervous, trying not to shake, but she knew she had to relax. "Yeah," she whispered, nuzzling her face against his neck.

  He kissed her once more and then slid out of her sticky center.

  "Turn over, sweetheart," he said softly, moving out from between her legs so she could do as he asked.

  She lay with her head against the pillow, her ass lifted in the air. She heard him groan his approval at the sight of her, exposed and glistening. He made her feel so sexy, so desired that all she wanted was to give him more. He positioned himself behind her, running his hand soothingly over the soft skin of her back, her ass, and then between her legs. She swirled her hips subtly against the pressure of his fingertips

  Nicole moaned and wiggled into his fingers, already relaxing more. She was nervous, yes, but also excited. The last time she'd tried this it had hurt so bad she couldn't stop crying. She'd had to beg her ex to pull out. He'd been so pissed he had to stop, barely even registering how much he'd hurt her. Remembering that trauma almost made her tense up.

  But Gabriel was nothing like any of the guys she'd been with. Everything he did turned her on more than she thought possible; everything that used to just feel good, felt like heaven with him. No one had ever been so attentive to her responses, her feelings. She trusted him, and even though he didn’t know it yet, she loved him. So when he stopped stroking her and a moment later a slick, calloused fingertip circled the little star north of her pussy, she moved against the intrusion with eagerness.

  His fingers were as slick with lube as possible when he began to slide his middle finger inside. She'd never minded a little stimulation like this when they were fucking, and she moaned as his finger stroked in out, coating her insides so he would have smooth passage within her. He took her soft sighs of pleasure as a sign to move forward, reached underneath her to stroke her slit and then started to slide a second finger inside.

  "Oh...” she whimpered softly. Her puckered hole burned as he stretched it open, sliding his fingers in deeper and deeper. She squirmed against the feeling. Not quite pain, but not pleasant either. Just the thought of his even bigger cock filling her sensitive opening made her brow furrow. But the farther in he pressed the more the burning started to subside, and the way he was stroking her clit was making her rock against him. Soon the shallow lunges of his fingers into her ass, and the circular motion of his fingertips on her pussy became something else. Something... good. She gasped at the sensation.

  "How's that feel, Nic?” he asked, pulling his fingers away from her pussy so he could stroke her supple cheeks while he slowly finger fucked her.

  Nic let out a shuddery gasp. "Feels good," she whispered just as his fingers began to circle within her. This wasn't bad at all. She felt her insides softening under his steady, slick caresses, and her pussy was tingling and growing wetter by the second. The idea of his cock buried in her like this was starting to excite her.

  Gabe leaned over, giving her a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. "I'm gonna try now, okay?"

  She nodded and turned her face up to give him a quick kiss. He slowly pulled his fingers out and the muscles in her ass protested, clamping down until she was finally empty. That ache began to return. So strange how it hurt going in, hurt coming out. She wondered if that's how it would be when his thick shaft was penetrating her. He poised himself behind her. She turned and watched him over her shoulder, waiting.

  He was liberally coating his cock with lube, stroking away some of his own arousal before positioning the head at her tiny entrance. He rubbed the spongy tip against her and then slowly pressed forward. Instinctively she clenched and arched inward.

  "Just relax. Relax. I'm going to go slow," he soothed, stroking her back with his free hand. "Rub your clit, sweetheart. Keep it warm for me."

  Her legs were already starting to tremble, her brain already screaming his cock was too fucking big to be going where he was planning to put it. She reached between her legs, massaging her hard, slick little bud while he positioned her ass and resumed entering. The head wasn't all the way in before the first cry escaped her throat. She rubbed her clit fast to combat the burning ache of him stretching her open and closed her eyes tight over involuntary tears.

  "You're doing good, sweetheart, so good," he managed to get out. His voice had the breathy quality of an aroused man. She felt him bumping up against that first ring as she milked the head of his cock, fluttering frantically around it. Still he paused for her, let her know she didn't have to keep going just because it felt good for him when he asked, "Do you want to stop?"

  "Keep going," she said in a thin voice. "I want you to."

  He pressed on, stretching her open, filling her. She was rubbing her clit like a demon, gritting her teeth against the pain while tears spiked her eyelashes. "O-ow... f-fuck," she whimpered.

  "Shh... breathe, Nicole. Breathe. Almost there, sweetheart..." He was almost all the way in. He could have shoved forward but he was patient down to the last inch. Soon enough his hips had connected with her ass, and his shaft had bottomed out into the custom fit of her body. No one but him had made it this far within her. No one but him had this piece of her. Someone else had tried, but Gabriel was the only man to have ever succeeded. He leaned down, brushing her hair out of eyes so she could see how good this felt for him. He laid a kiss on her shoulder and slowly pumped back and forth.

  "It's all the way in now," he said through gritted teeth in her ear. "Doing so good, little girl. S-so good."

  Nicole shivered violently, and realized the sharp, burning ache that had stolen her breath was starting to subside. She was growing more and more accepting of the thick, long cock nestled deep in her ass. Each lunge grew longer and more fluid, made her stomach flutter. The wet sounds of her fingers smacking against her pussy and Gabriel's cock thrusting slowly in and out of her were making her hotter. Each time he bottomed out within her, a gasp tumbled out of her mouth. Every time he pulled back, her pussy and ass clenched, as if both were begging him to come back, to go deeper.

  "Shit!" she cried out, her hips already tak
ing up the rhythm of his thrusts. When had it started to feel so good?

  "Oh my God... oh my God!" Nicole gasped. He was hitting so deep and it felt better and better every time he did. Her pussy was leaking down her trembling thighs and over her hand, her mouth was dry, and her eyes were teary, this time because of the intense pleasure. She wanted more. She needed more. "Y-you... you can go faster, babe. Fuck me faster."

  His balls caressed her wet pussy when he began plunging in quicker. Her breathing became quicker too, her back and her hips were doing that familiar dance, pressing back against him. He obliged her body’s request for more and moved faster, harder, filling her up again and again.

  "Yes, yes... ungh, babe!" she groaned as her body stiffened. "Don't... stop..."

  She couldn't believe she was coming so hard. Not like this. But there was that familiar tingle, that tension starting low on her stomach, fanning out to her clit and her clenched ass filled to the hilt with Gabriel's cock. Her nipples were hard as rocks, her entire body shivering. She couldn't even get out a warning. She couldn't speak or breathe. As she reached the peak of her orgasm, he pushed her over the edge and into the next one by grabbing the cheeks of her ass and moving his hips like a piston in and out of her. It was the most delicious feeling. She abandoned her clit to grasp the sheets, her mind reeling and her body consumed by tension and heat. She felt her orgasm in every limb; every inch of her shaking body was attacked by spasms of ecstasy. A growl tumbled out of her throat as Gabriel picked up the pace behind her forcing her to ride out an orgasm that seemed to last forever and leave her breathless and limp.

  Gabriel groaned and pounded Nicole's tight ass with increasing fervor as she collapsed from her climax. It always surprised him how much her little body could take from him. His hips and balls smack wetly against her, his entire body shivered and tensed.

  "Ahhh!! Motherfucker!” he roared, breathing harshly through his open mouth, his eyes shut and his entire body vibrating. That moment just before he came was almost painful, as if he could feel his come making a slow motion crawl out of him, barreling towards the pulsing tip, then pausing before breaking the surface and shooting into her beautiful body. Nothing had ever hurt so good.


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