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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

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by Katherine Hastings

  By the Assassin's Side

  Daggers of Desire, Volume 3

  Katherine Hastings

  Published by Katherine Hastings, 2019.

  Copyright © 2019 by Katherine Hastings

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in an article or book review.

  ISBN: 978-1-949913-07-1 (Paperback)

  ISBN: 978-1-949913-06-4 (ebook)


  Editing by Tami Stark

  Proofreading by Vicki McGough

  Published by Flyte Publishing

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page






















  To my mother, Madeline. Never was there a kinder, more generous, or more supportive mom. Always there to encourage me and support me in my endeavors... no matter how kittywhompis they may be. She’s my horse-riding partner, floating partner, bargain hunting partner, and forever friend.


  While each book is a standalone and can be enjoyed on its own, the series is best enjoyed in order so you can follow along with the characters and their adventures.

  Book One: In the Assassin’s Arms

  Book Two: Beneath the Assassin’s Touch

  Book Three: By the Assassin’s Side


  “WHERE DO YOU WANT IT, Captain?”

  Simon turned, his eyes pulling away from the waves lapping along Scarborough’s rocky shore. Sully, his Quartermaster, stood behind him clutching a wooden chest in his arms. Sweat beaded on his brow, his short arms trembling beneath the weight of the cargo.

  Simon shook his head while a smile tugged at the corner of his lip. “Bloody hell, Sully. You’d better just set it there before your heart gives out.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Sully groaned as he eased the chest onto the black wooden planks of the quarterdeck. Due to his lack of hair, veins in his head bulged beneath pale, freckled skin.

  “You going to make it, Sully? You’re turning purple,” Simon teased.

  Standing up, Sully pushed an exasperated breath from his lungs. “It’s heavier than it looks.” The purple in his face lightened to a soft pink while he gasped for air.

  “Is that so?” In three long steps, Simon reached where Sully stood panting. He bent down and grasped the handles of the chest, lifting it with ease. “Do you want to climb on? I can carry you back to your quarters for an afternoon nap, old man. Just think of the chest as a chariot and me as your trusty steed.”

  Sully’s visible wrinkles deepened as he glared up at Simon. “We’ll just see how easy that is in thirty years when you’re my age.”

  With a grin, Simon lifted the chest up over his head onto the pile of cargo stacked beside him. “I’m only teasing, Sully. If I even live to be your age, I’ll consider myself lucky.”

  “I’m not that old.”

  “Well, I’m not exactly living a quiet life on a farm. I consider myself lucky every time we survive a raid or a battle. You never know when the reaper will come rapping on your door.”

  Glancing down, Simon examined the jagged scars snaking down his forearm; deep grooves of silver contrasted with the golden brown of his tanned skin. It was a constant reminder of how close he was to parting this world in the grisliest of fashions. He reached up and touched the sizeable shark tooth dangling from the cord around his neck.

  “Aye. You’re right. Perhaps I should praise these creaky bones and achy muscles as signs of my endurance instead of cursing them each day.”

  “Consider yourself lucky, my friend.” Simon tossed an arm around Sully’s shoulders. In the two years he had been his Quartermaster the bond between them had grown from companions, to friends, to a man he held as dear as a father. Having grown up without one, the importance of such a man in his life was something he valued more than any cargo this ship could carry.

  “And where will my lucky old bones be heading to next, Captain? Have you any word on the route of the Riptide? Do we still plan to go after her?”

  Simon rubbed the back of his neck. “No word, yet. George is still working hard to locate her and he’ll let me know as soon as he does. You’ll be the first to know, Sully.”

  “Aye, Captain. Keep me up to speed.”

  “I will. If she’s out there, we’ll find her and relieve her of her cargo.”

  Sully grinned wide, his red mustache stretched toward chubby cheeks that had returned to the pasty color that screamed his Irish heritage. “Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, these old bones are going to lie down and nap. I’ll be in my quarters if you need me.”

  Simon nodded. “I think I might do the same.”

  The two made their way past the hard-working crew, and exchanged a smile, parting ways at the base of the stairs. Sully headed below deck to his own private quarters while Simon walked through the red door of his Captain’s chamber. Ducking beneath the doorframe, he pushed the door closed behind him. The cabin’s interior wasn’t cool by any means, but getting out from underneath the sweltering summer sun made it feel refreshing.

  He made his way to the bed, the ship rocking beneath his feet with each step. The Dark Shark had been docked here for almost two weeks while they traded goods and purchased provisions for their next journey. His crew spent most of their nights at the local taverns and brothels, and their days cleaning and preparing the ship. Simon joined them on land every couple nights, Scarborough being his favorite port in England. The best whores, gambling, and food provided temptation just a few blocks away. While they awaited word on the movement of their next prize, there was no better place for him and his crew to unwind.

  He eased himself back onto the bed. His feet dangled off the end, a problem he’d become familiar with since a growth spurt in his teens. He’d meant to replace the bed with something made for someone his height, but if Viktor returned to reclaim his ship and his Captaincy, replacing anything would serve as an exercise in futility.

  Now, just over two years had passed since Viktor had handed him the ship and Simon finally felt secure that Viktor harbored no desire to regain his former position. A wave of sadness rolled over him when he thought about his friend never joining him again, but there was also a smidgeon of relief. He could finally consider the ship his own. Happy Viktor had found a life that provided him with such joy, Simon sighed, still missing his friend and partner. It had been a year since he had sailed to Wales to visit him.

  A knock broke the silence. “Captain?” a voice from outside the door asked.

  “Come in, Edgar.”

  The door creaked open and a head with shaggy brown hair poked in. “Someone is here looking for Viktor,” the young boatswain said, his brow furrowed in confusion.

  “For Viktor?” Simon sat up.

  “Yes, she’s qui
te insistent. She’s down on the docks.”

  “She?” Simon arched an eyebrow.

  Edgar’s soft brown eyes widened. He gave a slow, stunned nod. “Yes. She.”

  “Did you tell her anything?”

  “No, I told her I would get the Captain. I don’t know who she is, but she’s not taking no for an answer.”

  Simon groaned. “Probably some poor lass he knocked up years ago, looking for money. I’ll go talk to her.”

  “Very well, Captain.” Edgar slipped his willowy frame back out the door.

  Pushing off the bed, he walked to his weapons rack. He slid his sword into the waist sash tied below the daggers that never left his person. They were always strapped into the worn leather scabbard that crisscrossed his chest. This woman was likely not a threat, but anyone approaching his ship needed to be met with caution. Viktor had made more than his fair share of enemies over the years, and at least half of them were women.

  The glare of the sun caused him to squint his eyes when he pushed open the door and stepped out onto the deck. His crew, only a dozen on deck at the moment, were lined up at the railing of the ship, fumbling over one another, having abandoned their work. Simon furrowed his brow at the sight of their antics and strode to the ramp leading to the docks below the sizeable ship.

  When he caught sight of the woman on the docks, his feet stuttered to a halt. As he stared, his heart throbbed in his chest. He could see now what had turned his crew into a mass of limbs. The creature below him was ravishing beyond words. Waves of black tendrils glistened in the sunlight and cascaded past her shoulders and down past a bosom that exploded from beneath the red corset pulled tight around her black silk gown. The hand perched on her hip accentuated the narrow waist snugged in by the black laces of her corset. Accents of red traced the finer points of the dress, but her lush red lips drew his eyes in the end.

  “Where is Viktor?” she demanded when she saw him appear.

  As she appraised him, her green eyes burned right through him. Her beauty tied his tongue and left him stammering at the top of the ramp.

  “Well? You’re not Viktor. I asked for the Captain, for Viktor. Find him. Now.”

  The pounding in his chest made his ears ring and deafened him to the demands of the unique beauty before him. It was a strange feeling to be speechless, something that didn’t often happen to him and his witty tongue. He stammered over his words while she cocked a hip and stabbed daggers at him with those fiery eyes.

  “Are you deaf?”

  “No—” Simon struggled over the simple word.

  “Well, it speaks. Wonderful. Now, can it tell me where Viktor is?”

  He cracked a smile at the pointed words coming from such a soft, sensual mouth. Pushing out a deep breath, he regained his composure and started down the ramp. “It does know where Viktor is, but it doesn’t know that it should tell you.”

  Simon arrived in front of her. She arched one of the meticulous dark brows that contrasted with her light olive skin. Perched beneath them were fierce emerald green eyes, full of fire and determination. Clutching his hands tight behind his back, he tried to reclaim the composure that threatened to dissipate as he plunged deeper into those fiery eyes. They seared through his own, a fierce gaze that never wavered as she lifted her chin to remain with him when he towered above her.

  “Who are you?” she asked, stepping forward into his space.

  “I’m Captain Simon Blackmore. And who are you?”

  “Captain? What? Where’s Captain Viktor? Is he—?”

  Her voice trailed off and for the first time the confidence in her eyes faltered. Fear, or perhaps it was worry, flashed through them like lightning bolts.

  “Yes, I am the Captain. Viktor has retired. He’s not dead.”

  Thick black lashes covered her eyes as they closed for a moment. She let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God. But wait, why isn’t he Captain anymore? What did you do to him?” Accusatory eyes glared up at him.

  “I didn’t harm Viktor. He retired. He gave me the ship.”

  “Viktor would never.”

  “Well, he did. Now you know who I am, who the hell are you?”

  “Vivian Bellarose. A friend of Viktor’s. I need to see him. Now.”

  Vivian Bellarose. Simon knew that name. She was the prostitute Viktor spent a lengthy amount of time traveling with. Simon had joined the crew after her time on the Dark Shark, but Viktor had spoken of her many times. He hadn’t been exaggerating when he spoke of her beauty. In fact, he hadn’t come close to doing her justice. Not wanting to give anything away, Simon played dumb.

  “Never heard of you. What business do you have with Viktor?”

  “My business with him is none of yours. I need to find him. Where is he?”

  Simon knew exactly where Viktor was, but it was privileged to just a handful of people. His new life held no room for old enemies and vendettas that could threaten his new world.

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. It’s privileged.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Is he at Bawd Judy’s brothel? He had better not be. He knows how I abhor her. Is that where he is? I demand you tell me. It’s a matter of life and death.”

  “Life and death, huh? What kind of trouble are you in?” His curiosity piqued.

  There it is again. Fear. It flashed through her eyes for only a second before sliding back behind the confidence she wrapped around herself like a cloak of protection.

  “My troubles are none of your concern. I need Viktor. Please.” Her eyes softened at the last word, pleading with him.

  “Please? Wow, you’ve decided to use manners. How novel.”

  “Are you going to help me or not?” she spat, the softness seeping from her tone.

  “Why the hell should I help you?” Simon was always game to help someone in need, but her attitude created in him a desire to make her squirm.

  “Because. It’s what Viktor would want.”

  “Oh, is it? You know what Viktor would want?”

  “I know everything Viktor wants.” A sly grin pulled up those succulent, red lips revealing straight, white teeth. He was half-expecting fangs. “Now, tell me where he is.”

  Simon tossed back his head and laughed. “There isn’t a chance in hell I will tell you where he is. You can either tell me of your problem and I’ll see if I can help you fix it, or you can saunter right back down these docks and figure it out yourself.” He crossed his arms and looked down his nose at her.

  A snarl twitched her lip. “Where is he?”

  “That is privileged information and you aren’t qualified to hear it.”

  Vivian looked him over, her glare transforming into an invitation, complete with a pair of seductively batting lashes. She reached out and slid her hand up the part of his smooth chest exposed beneath his open linen shirt. Simon looked down to see her fingers tracing the muscles of his chest. He swallowed when she pressed in closer to him, her sparkling eyes now pulling up to meet his own.

  “Are you sure you can’t tell me? Perhaps we could make a trade? Your information for a few hours with me?” She fluttered her eyes and traced a finger down his stomach. The bulge in his pants pulsed at her touch.

  His voice cracked while he fought to answer. “I — I can’t tell you. It’s not possible.”

  “Are you sure?” Her hand brushed the front of his pants.

  “Oh God.” He swallowed. The promises she made with her eyes set his body on fire. “No, I can’t.” Simon stepped back out of her reach and blew out a deep breath.

  “Damn you!” she spat, her charm escaping on the wings of her anger. “Where the hell is Viktor?”

  “Vivian?” Sully called down from the ship. Simon and Vivian both looked up to meet him.

  “Sully! It’s you!” She clapped her hands together, a genuine smile lighting up her face.

  “I heard there was a troublesome beauty down here matching your description. I had to come see for myself if the infamous Vivian had
returned.” Sully smiled and made his way down the ramp.

  She met him with open arms. “Sully, oh, how I’ve missed you. It’s been years.”

  “I’ve missed you as well, Vivian. Now, tell me. What’s the trouble? You’re giving my Captain here a hard time?”

  “I’ll say.” Simon snorted. “She wants to see Viktor.”

  “Is that so?” Sully asked.

  “Yes, Sully. It’s important. It’s a matter of life and death. I must see Viktor. I heard the Dark Shark was here, so I traveled all the way from London only to find him gone and this man claiming to be Captain and denying me any knowledge of his whereabouts. I need Viktor’s help.”

  Simon gauged Sully’s reaction. A contemplative look washed over his face.

  “You see, Vivian... Viktor has retired. His whereabouts are hidden from the world so he can enjoy his new life. We swore an oath to die before telling anyone where he is.”

  “Please, Sully. My life depends on it.” She stepped forward, her red lip pushed out into a pout. If Simon hadn’t seen the range of emotions she could portray in a matter of moments he might have believed her to be sincere. Perhaps she was, it was as much a mystery to him as the woman herself.

  Sully reached out a hand and pressed it to her shoulder. “Vivian, I want to help you, I do. But we can’t tell you where Viktor is. Is there something we can help you with? Tell me what the problem is and I’ll figure out what to do.”

  “No. I need Viktor.” She sighed.

  Sully’s face twisted while he contemplated their situation. “Captain, can I speak with you?”

  With a nod, Simon stepped to Sully’s side. The two walked side by side down the docks until they were out of Vivian’s earshot.

  Sully glanced back at her before turning back to Simon. “She was very important to Viktor once. I think he would want to know what’s going on with her.”

  “We can’t tell her where Viktor is, Sully.”

  “No, no. I agree. Perhaps we can send word to him?”


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