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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

Page 2

by Katherine Hastings

  “Perhaps. But it will take weeks to get to him and back to us.”

  “I have another idea.” Sully smiled.

  “What is it?”

  “We take her to him, but we keep her hidden so she has no idea where she is. Then we leave her on the ship, go talk to Viktor and let him decide. If he agrees, we’ll bring her to him. If not, we sail away with her no wiser.”

  Simon stroked the stubble on his chin and nodded. “It’s not a bad idea. It’s not like we’ve got anything going on while we wait for word on the Riptide.”

  Sully nodded in agreement.

  “The crew also doesn’t know where Viktor lives so we need to keep this top secret. We tell them we are escorting her to Wales. They won’t know it’s to Viktor. We keep her secluded in the guest chamber and keep the crew away from her. When we get to Viktor, you stay with her and I’ll go to him. Does that sound doable?”

  “It does. I think Viktor would approve.”

  “I certainly hope so. I wouldn’t dare put him and Nora in danger over something unless you’re certain he would want this.”

  Sully gave another glance to Vivian. “He would. He cared about her very much. Viktor would never turn her out if she’s in trouble.”

  Simon blew out a heavy breath. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  They exchanged a glance and marched back to where Vivian stood.

  Sully smiled. “Vivian, we will take you to Viktor.”

  “You will? Wonderful!”

  “In the cargo hold,” Simon stated.

  “What?” Her face fell. He could barely contain his enjoyment at the horrified look on her face.

  “Simon,” Sully warned. “Vivian, to honor our oath to Viktor we will keep you hidden so you don’t know your exact location. We also can’t have the crew knowing we are heading to Viktor so we will keep you secluded from them as well. When we reach Viktor, we will ask him if he agrees to see you. If so, we’ll take you to him. If not, we’ll take you anywhere else you desire. So you’ll come aboard but you’ll be kept sequestered.”

  “In the cargo hold.” Simon smiled.

  Vivian shot him a glare.

  “She’s not going in the cargo hold,” Sully defended. “Vivian, you’ll stay in my chambers and I’ll sleep with the rest of the crew. You will however have to stay in there and not come out or interact with the crew. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes. We have a deal.” She smiled and tossed her arms around Sully’s neck. Her eyes moved to Simon. “But I’m not calling him Captain.”

  “I still think she’s better off in the cargo hold.” Simon shrugged. “No windows.”

  “I’ll board mine up,” Sully said, tossing a scolding look to Simon.

  “As long as she’s not kicking me out of my cabin it makes no difference to me.”

  Vivian stepped forward and traced a finger down Simon’s stomach. “You’d only be so lucky as to have me in your cabin.”

  “Not if I’m not in it with you.” Simon waggled his eyebrows.

  “For you, I’d charge double.” She tipped her head.

  “For you, I’d pay half.” He matched her arrogance and reveled in the flash of anger behind her eyes.

  “Now children,” Sully said. “Let’s get preparations made. Vivian, meet us back here at nightfall. We’ll have your room ready. Remember, when you come aboard you are not to talk to the crew. They cannot know we sail to Viktor. Is that understood?”

  She sighed. “Yes, Sully. I won’t say a word.”

  “Good. Then Captain, let us prepare the crew to sail tonight. Just tell them this woman is in need of our assistance and hope they don’t grumble too much that we are to play delivery service.”

  “Thank you, Sully,” she said, turning to smile at her old friend. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. You are a lifesaver.” She pulled him in for one last hug.

  “And what about me?” Simon interjected, a sly smile creeping across his face. “It is my ship you will sail on. Don’t I get a thank you, too?”

  She looked him up and down. With a scoff she turned on her heel and headed down the docks. “I’ll see you boys tonight!” she called without turning around.

  Simon watched her go. The sway of her skirts accentuated the swing in her hips as she sauntered out of sight. Every inch of his body burned when he stared after her.

  “She’s something else, isn’t she?” Sully said, his eyes fixed on the spot Vivian had just vacated.

  “She certainly is.”

  “We’re doing the right thing. This is what Viktor would want.”

  “I hope so. That woman looks like nothing but trouble.”

  “Aye, that she is.” Sully laughed.

  Simon shook his head and headed up the ramp to the Dark Shark where preparations were needed before they set sail. He glanced back one last time to where the insufferable beauty had disappeared into the town. The bulge in his pants still throbbed from her touch. A jump in the cold ocean might be in order so he could get his head back in the game.


  “MISS VIVIAN?” SULLY’S voice beckoned from behind her closed door. Vivian leapt off the bed and opened it, excited for some companionship. Almost a week locked in this tiny room had been maddening. With the window boarded up, only a candle lit her life.

  “Thank God, Sully. I’m bored senseless. Are we almost there?”

  “We are here, Vivian. The ship will stop shortly and Simon will check with Viktor about how we should proceed.”

  Almost on cue she felt the movement of the great ship soften. The rushing of the water on the hull slowed to a soft lap.

  “We’re here?” she asked, almost in disbelief the long journey was finally at an end.

  “We’re here.” He smiled. “Do you need anything?”

  “Did you ever find my old trunk?” Viktor had always promised her a place on his ship, and with it she kept a storage trunk of a few of her favorite outfits and belongings from her short stint as a pirate’s wench.

  “I believe I did, Vivian. I’m having it brought up.”

  She smiled. She thought perhaps this new Captain would have tossed everything overboard the minute he took command. Captain. Calling someone else Captain of the Dark Shark still made her stomach turn. Viktor was the only Captain she would ever respect on this ship. She still couldn’t fathom what had made him retire, and Sully had been as tight-lipped as a respectable lady in a brothel about it.

  “Thank you, Sully. I appreciate it.”

  “I’ll be back with your things and word from Viktor soon. Just sit tight a little longer.”

  She nodded. Having made it this long, she could wait a little longer. Viktor would want to see her. There was no doubt in her mind he wouldn’t toss her aside. Their bond ran too deep. He was her friend and her lover even if he hadn’t visited her in over two years.

  Vivian paced the room while she waited for Sully to return with news and her trunk. Since she couldn’t see the sun, the boarded-up window gave her no indication of how much time had passed. Her best guess told her it must have been several hours. She heard footsteps approaching. Her breath held fast in her chest. A knock on the door preceded Sully calling to her from outside.


  “Come in, Sully.”

  The door creaked open. She watched his face for any indication of an answer. “Well?”

  Sully smiled. “He’ll see you.”

  Vivian let out a breath and closed her eyes. “Oh, thank God.”

  “I’ll take you to him whenever you’re ready.”

  “Can I have my chest? There’s an outfit in there I would like to change into. This dress passed its expiration date several days ago.” Her nose crinkled at the thought of wearing the same dress for almost a week straight without washing it. It wasn’t until last night she realized she might have her own clothes on board.

  “It’s right here.” He stepped aside and pushed a large chest in through the door. “I’ll come back in thirty minut
es to get you.”

  She nodded and watched Sully leave. When he closed the door she knelt down and wiped her hand across the dusty chest. For months she had lived on this ship with Viktor and traveled the world. Sully had been on board as well, but as a boatswain instead of a Quartermaster. The adventures they’d had flooded back as the trunk creaked open. Her clothes and some memorabilia from their travels lay folded inside. A pang of nostalgia nipped at her stomach when she pulled the leather corset from its place at the top of the pile.

  The matching leather pants came out next. Vivian stripped off her dress and pulled them on. The leather clung to her every curve and still fit her as well as they did the day Viktor bought them for her from the seamstress in Nassau. She slid on the ruffled cream top that scooped low and fell off her shoulders. The black leather corset could use a coating of oil, she thought, but it still snugged tight around her waist when she laced up the leather straps. Vivian reached into the trunk and pulled out her favorite boots. She slid her hands down the length of the black leather. These were also a gift from Viktor and something he loved to see her wear. These and nothing else, she remembered with a smile. The boots slid on over her legs and finished with a fold at her thigh.

  It felt good to be in this outfit again. Seeing her in it would remind Viktor of how much she meant to him and the fun adventures they could have again. She needed him at her side now. She needed him to remember their unbreakable connection so he would help her. Vivian puffed out a breath and pulled the last of her outfit from the trunk... her weapons. She slid the holster over each shoulder and placed her daggers in the worn spots made just for them. Her pistol and her small sword fit perfectly into the loops of the belt slung low around her waist. She wasn’t as skilled as Viktor, but she knew how to use them if push came to shove. He had spent weeks teaching her the art of defense and she’d used those skills several times on their adventures through the Caribbean.

  Vivian finished up in the mirror, smoothing her waves and dabbing her lips with the stain from the tin. The knock on the door came just as she put the finishing touches on with a little kohl around her eyes. Now all she could do was hope that whatever new life Viktor had created for himself could wait while he helped her out of this situation.

  “Coming, Sully,” she called.

  With a breath she gave herself a nod in the mirror. She still had her looks and Viktor wasn’t one to turn down a beautiful woman. Vivian turned and opened the door. The large, sculpted chest at eye level bulged beneath the ivory linen shirt and blocked her view of anything else. Vivian stepped back and looked up to see Captain Simon peering down at her. She swallowed at the sight of him. His chiseled jaw flexed before a smile pulled his lips, deepening the dimples in his cheeks. Vivian tried to contain her awe of the man just as she had done the last time she saw him a week ago on the docks. The twinkle in his azure eyes told her that her face had given away her admiration of his appearance. She struggled to keep her composure while he raked her with his eyes.

  “I approve whole-heartedly,” he said, acknowledging her outfit.

  Vivian’s stomach fluttered when his eyes drifted back to her breasts. The tightness of the corset had pushed them up to impressive heights. In her line of work, having men stare at her breasts was an everyday occurrence; the fluttering in her stomach his gaze caused was not. Why this golden-haired giant of a man induced them remained a mystery. Perhaps it was his impressive looks, or the muscles that rippled beneath his shirt, or the depth of those blue eyes that sparkled with confidence and mirth. Whatever it was, it was happening again. Her stomach did another infuriating flip-flop.

  “Are you all right?” he asked. “You’re awful quiet today. No sharp stabs with your forked tongue? No demands? No insults? Are you ill?”

  Vivian narrowed her eyes. His boyish charm may work on other women, in fact she was certain they lined up to be with him, but on her it should have no effect.

  Get it together, Vivian.

  “Take me to Viktor. Now,” she demanded.

  “What, no ‘hello’? No, ‘Thank you for the ride, Captain’?”

  “No. And you’re not Captain, Viktor is. Now, take me to him.”

  Simon chuckled and ran his hand through the short, sandy-blond hair on his head. It was probably light brown naturally had it not been bleached a few shades lighter by the sun, Vivian considered when she eyed-up his features one more time. His distressed brown leather cloak draped over impressive shoulders and fell the length of his body to the ground. His sheer size was imposing enough, but the leather straps holding the daggers across his body only did more to accentuate his obvious muscling.

  Flip-flop. Damn it!

  “Well, since you asked so politely.” Simon rolled his eyes and stepped out of the doorway. “After you.”

  “Thank you.” Vivian tipped her head and walked beneath the arm that pressed over the doorframe. She didn’t even need to duck to walk under it.

  “Head up the stairs and—”

  “I know where I’m going. I used to live on this ship.”

  “My apologies, your Highness.”

  Vivian shot him a look over her shoulder. The wood creaked beneath her feet when she marched up the steps to the deck. Fresh air filled her lungs and she closed her eyes while she breathed it in. The salty smell lingered in her nostrils and replaced the musty odor that had permeated them every minute for the last week in that room. Never had the fresh air smelled so sweet.

  “The skiff is over here.” Simon pointed to the boat dangling from ropes.

  “Vivian, I’m staying here with the crew,” Sully said, approaching them both. “Please tell Viktor I said hello.”

  “I will, Sully. Thank you.” Leaning in, she kissed him on the cheek. It was wonderful to see him again after all these years. She had many fond memories of Sully from her time on this ship with Viktor.

  “He gets a kiss and I get an attitude? How is that fair?” Simon joked.

  “He’s Sully. You’re the arse who stole Viktor’s ship.”

  “Ahhhh... is that what this is about?” Simon smiled.

  “Just take me to Viktor.” She spun away and climbed over the edge of the ship into the skiff.

  “Just make yourself at home,” Simon said with a laugh.

  She looked around at the unfamiliar coast just a few hundred yards off the starboard side. Tall cliffs stretched up high above the sandy beach. A castle of incredible size sat perched atop them, the towers stretching up into the late afternoon sky. After another look around, she was unable to guess the country where Viktor now lived, and didn’t recognize this place.

  Simon climbed into the boat and the ropes and pulleys creaked under his weight as the skiff swung precariously above the waters below.

  “Don’t worry, it can hold me.” He smiled and lowered them down into the water. After unclipping the ropes, he grabbed the oars, sliding them into the water. He pulled hard against the waves that tried to push them back toward the ship.

  “Where are we?” she asked when they closed in on the shore.

  “That’s a secret.”

  “Is that a castle? Why does Viktor live near a castle? Or will we have to hike far?”

  Mirth traveled through his eyes. “You’ll see.”

  “I’ll see what?” Her curiosity piqued. What was going on with her Viktor?

  “I’ll leave it up to Viktor to tell you everything. I’m sure you’ll be just thrilled for him.”

  There it was again. A sinister look that told her something was going on with Viktor. Something she wouldn’t like.

  “Thrilled for him? How so? What do you know?”


  Vivian growled. “About Viktor. What do you know about Viktor that you aren’t telling me?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Ugh!” She tossed up her hands in exasperation. The skiff slid along the sand and skidded to a stop. Simon hopped out without a word and reached out a hand to help her. Throwing him a scathing look, she b
rushed it aside. “I’m more than capable of getting myself out.”

  “Suit yourself,” Simon said, accompanied by an eye roll. “You do know that he gave me the Captainship, right? I didn’t steal it from your darling Viktor.”

  “Viktor loved that ship.” She climbed out into the sand. “Until I hear it from him why he would just hand it over to you, I won’t believe a word you say. There isn’t anything in this world worth more to him than that ship.”

  “Oh, she’s worth more than the ship.” Simon puffed.

  “She?” Vivian stopped in her tracks. “Did you say she?”

  Simon smiled then pressed his lips tight. “I’ve said too much. He’s just a short walk up the cliff.” He started up the beach, his long legs covering ground quickly.

  “You said she!” Vivian ran after him. Her heart hammered in her chest as she caught up. She grabbed at his arm, but the size of it was too large for her hand and it slipped from her grasp. He kept on moving to the stone steps carved into the sides of the cliff. She clamored up behind him.

  “Simon... is he with a woman?”



  “I’ll answer when you call me Captain.”

  Scowling, she swallowed hard. “Captain,” she pushed the word through gritted teeth, “please tell me.”

  Simon stopped and turned around on the narrow stairs. “Yes, Vivian. He is with a woman. She is the reason he retired.”

  “What? Viktor?” Her heart stalled out and returned with a thud. The Viktor she knew would have never given up his ship and his piracy for a woman. He certainly wouldn’t have given it up for her. The pang of that realization cut her deeper than she ever thought possible, almost bringing her to her knees. She and Viktor had never been in love, but they had been very close. As close as either of them had ever been to a relationship. Hearing he was with a woman was not only shocking, but hurtful, though for inexplicable reasons. What woman could have possibly...?

  A woman’s face flashed through her mind. The Princess! Was it possible he had ended up with that blonde snooty thing he had brought into her brothel to hide out a couple years ago? The last time she saw him, actually. No. It wasn’t possible someone like her had captivated someone like him. Was it?


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