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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 43

by Vella Day

  A faster way had to exist. He searched his phone. “Turn right on Henderson. We’ll cut through the housing development.” His gut churned and his bones ached. Shifting now would fuck things up.

  He tapped his foot on the floor. Dirk leaned forward with a tight grip on the wheel. After negotiating more turns than a maze, he reached Janice’s street. In case Hood’s men had cornered her or worse, captured her, letting them know they’d arrived could be devastating. “Stop here.”

  Dirk slammed on the brakes and barely jerked the key from the ignition before Clay was out the door. You head around back. I’ll take the front. Fuck. The window’s broken.

  Change of plans?

  He sensed two Colters. He had no idea if they had her. No.

  Dirk raced to the back while he attacked from the front.

  * * *

  Out in the open, there was no place to hide. Elena searched for a way down from the deck. The seconds ticked by. She gauged she had less than fifteen seconds before they burst through the door. Blockading the entrance with the lightweight furniture wouldn’t be a good use of her time. She had to get to the ground and run.

  A tree limb hovered close to the roof, but even if she succeeded in grasping the tree, she’d only be able to dangle. That would be no better than jumping from the deck.

  She leaned over to judge the distance to the ground. Ten feet was a long way down. Then she saw it. A gutter. It didn’t look very sturdy, but her options were slim.

  She dashed to the lattice fencing that rimmed the deck and swung over one leg. Stepping on the gutter, she bounced once to test if it would hold. It bent and creaked but didn’t come off. She swung her other leg over and prayed she had the courage to slide down the drainpipe.

  The door onto the deck banged open, and her heart nearly stopped. It was now or never. She clasped onto the pipe and straddled it. Her arms strained and her grunts came out too loud.

  “Let go!”

  Her brain fried. The whisper sounded like Dirk’s voice. She glanced to the ground, and there he stood like a mirage.

  “I’ll catch you. Hurry.”

  Sweat slickened her palms and her fingers slipped. The pipe creaked. Oh, my God. She pushed off, pinwheeling her arms and legs. Her heart slammed into her throat. Dirk caught her. With her in his arms, he raced to the front of the house, but her pulse refused to slow.

  Gunshots sounded inside. He set her down and handed her a key. “Go to the car and hide. I need to help Clay.” He pointed toward the end of the street.

  With the evil men inside, she’d be safe as long as her two men took down those bastards. Her rubbery legs barely held, but she drew on every ounce of strength and ran. Tears choked her. When she neared the vehicle, she pressed every button until the lights flashed, and the doors unlocked. In case Hood’s men injured both of her men, she slid into the driver’s side and started the ignition. It wasn’t about hiding. It was about escaping.

  She tapped the steering wheel and jiggled the handle of the gearshift making certain she could take off the moment her men exited the house. If only she hadn’t dropped her phone, help could be here in minutes. Stupid Colters.

  The dashboard clock read 8:46 P.M. Uh-oh. What if Hood’s men called for backup? Sitting here might not be smart, but leaving the scene with Clay and Dirk inside was dumber. Or was it? Indecision strangled her.

  A small part of her wanted to rush up to the house and look in the window. The smart half told her to stay put. Now it was 8:49 P.M. How long did it take to shoot two men or wrestle them to the ground? In the television shows, the good guys won in seconds. A few punches and the bad guys went down.

  What if the two Colters got the drop on Clay and Dirk? Don’t think about it. She kept an eye on the front door and held her breath.

  Before she exhaled, the front door banged open, and Clay and Dirk dragged out both men. Tears of joy streamed down her face. The bad men were cuffed, but she feared they’d shift and run away. Dirk shoved the man forward. Only then did the man’s bloodstained chest become visible. Halfway to the intruder’s car, the first man dropped to his knees.

  Screeching tires made her duck. Her heart pounded. She anticipated gunfire, but nothing happened. Seconds passed. She chanced looking. Trax, Drake, and Kurt piled out of the vehicle, and she slumped against her seat.

  Dirk and Clay let the new arrivals take charge. Darkening skies prevented her from seeing if her men were injured. Only a shot to the heart would kill them. Even if they were wounded elsewhere, they’d heal.

  She slid to the passenger side and Dirk climbed in. He cupped her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? You’re the one who tangled with those men.”

  “We’re good.”

  She looked behind her. “Where’s Clay?”

  “Getting your stuff.”

  “I guess I can’t stay here with a broken window.” Not that she wanted to. More of Hood’s men could come. “I need to call Janice.” Perhaps the Pack would help pay to replace the damage. “I dropped my phone in the living room, I think.”

  He handed her his phone. “Call her. We asked Kurt to contact someone to board up the window. We’ll get it repaired tomorrow.”

  Janice shouldn’t stay here, either. Those few hours of reflection were all it took to convince her she was miserable without her men. Her mom would come around eventually, though their relationship might never be the same.

  She dialed Janice, but it went to voicemail. She gave her the condensed version of what happened, including the broken window. “Do you think you could stay somewhere else tonight?” This really sucked. “The window will be repaired tomorrow. I owe you big time. Hugs.” She disconnected and handed Dirk back his phone.

  Clay came out with her suitcase and one box under his arm. She pushed open the car door. “I’ll help with the rest.”

  Dirk stayed her with a hand. “I’ll help. You’ve been through enough.” His smile wavered as he scooted out.

  Dirk returned and handed her the burn phone. “Here you go.”


  Dirk smiled and took off.

  Clay sat in the back and clasped her shoulder. “Have you given any thought to what you want to do?”

  “Yes. I called my mom.”


  “I told her the truth. It didn’t go well, but it could have been worse.”

  Dirk glanced over at her. “What are you going to do?”

  She managed a smile. “I want to be with both of you.”

  The drive home took forever, or so it seemed. No sooner had they stepped inside the living room, than Clay’s phone rang. Her shoulders slumped. Living on this roller coaster sucked.

  He mouthed it was the general. While he listened, she dragged herself to the sofa and collapsed.

  Clay faced her and winked. “Thanks for letting us know.” He gave her a thumbs up, and adrenaline shot through her system.

  He disconnected. “Dirk, get some champagne.”

  “What?” She wiped her sweaty palms on her legs.

  “Brandon, Sam and a few other members of the pack captured Hood.”

  Her heart rate spiked. “Yes!”

  She jumped up, running straight into Clay’s open arms. He picked her up and spun her around.

  “I say we have a lot to celebrate.”

  “Amen,” she said. “After we share a drink, I really need a shower.” She scrunched up her nose. “Actually, both of you kind of smell of blood and could use one.”

  Dirk popped the cork on the champagne and poured three glasses. He held up a glass. “To rescuing our virgin mate.”

  The three of them tapped their glasses. “Again.” Clay smiled.

  “For the record, I’m not a virgin.”

  Dirk swiveled his head and drew his gaze up and down her body. “Show me.”

  She laughed. “You two are bad.”

  Clay’s mouth opened. “What? Werewolves are a distrusting breed.”

  In one gulp, she polishe
d off the glass of bubbly. “You ready to shower with me?” Her gaze bounced between them.

  Neither man finished his champagne, but both set their glasses down. Clay lifted her into a fireman’s hold.

  “Hey, what is this?” Head rush extraordinaire! She lightly pounded on his back. “Put me down.”

  “We’re animals, remember?”

  A few seconds later, she was in the bathroom and finally on her feet. Clay grinned. “We just wanted to show you who’s in charge.”

  Darn. Here she thought she could suck their cocks. Then again, if they came too soon, she’d be shortchanged. Maybe they did have the lock on this lovemaking stuff.

  Dirk flung off his shirt. “Last one in the shower is a rotten egg.”

  She laughed so hard her fingers didn’t work as well as theirs did. By the time she untied her shoes and stepped out of her pants, the men were naked in the shower. If this was how her future would be, she’d gladly embrace it.

  Naked, she stepped in between them. Dirk immediately ran his wet hands over her breasts. “I’ve missed these.”

  She clasped his wrists and moved his hands to his sides. “You had them this morning. Besides, I am more than tits.”

  Clay slid behind her and dragged a finger into her vagina. “You sure are.”

  She swatted their hands away. “I came in here to get clean.” She laughed, but part of her was serious.

  The men removed both showerheads from the hooks on the wall and doused her. She closed her eyes and covered her face. The stream moved seconds later. Clay poured some shampoo on her head, while Dirk ran a bar of soap over each nipple, across her chest and down her belly. Spasms contracted her inner walls.

  “Can I wash you?” She didn’t address this specifically to either man.

  “No,” they said in unison.

  Clay leaned closer. “You are our mate. Get used to it. If you do as we say, I promise you’ll never want to make love with only one man again.”

  That wasn’t true, but she appreciated his sentiment. “I’ll try. For the next twenty-four hours I’ll do anything you want.” You can even blindfold me.

  Dirk stepped closer and cupped her mound. “Anything?”

  “Within reason, sir.”

  Dirk looked behind her at Clay. “I’m liking this. I’m a sir!”

  Clay finished shampooing her. “Face me, Elena, and bend over. I have to rinse you.”

  Clay was the one who wanted to put his cock in her ass. Her rear faced Dirk believing he only liked to play with her vagina. Wrong. He dragged the bar of soap between her butt cheeks. She jerked, but Clay must have anticipated her reaction and held her shoulders.

  “Sweetheart, remember your promise and your safe word?”


  She hadn’t minded the butt plug they’d inserted, and her body relaxed. Dirk slipped two fingers into her ass, and this time, her body accepted them. As Clay worked on rinsing her hair, Dirk widened her butthole.

  Both men must have communicated silently because Dirk stepped back as Clay lifted her shoulders.

  “Anything else dirty?” Clay took the soap from Dirk and waved the bar.

  She tapped his abs. “Yes, your chest and your cock.”

  He stepped closer, hovering over her. From the way the spark had gone out of his eyes, she’d overstepped her bounds. “No talk about touching us is allowed. I think it’s time we teach you a lesson.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Drying one’s body seemed to be an ancient art for Clay. Dirk forbade her to move while he quickly rubbed her hair. Clay merely swiped the towel between her legs and said they were done. Running around wet wasn’t her choice, but their rush was endearing.

  Dirk pressed a finger to her lips and led her into his bedroom. Clay nodded and from there the three of them entered the hallway. Even if they hadn’t asked her to keep quiet, they wouldn’t have told her where they were going. With her feet still damp, she stepped slowly so she wouldn’t slip on the tile floor.

  Dirk leaned over. “Clay turned one of the spare rooms into a special love nest.”

  Ripples of delight shimmered over her skin. Now that she’d decided to love her men and had broken the news to her family, she planned to enjoy every second with them.

  She stepped in the room and excitement embraced her—well, kind of. The room was bathed in a soft amber light. The paddles hanging on the wall, along with some leather strappy thing frightened her a little. Some items were foreign. The vibrator, however, might bring a new dimension to her life.

  On top of the carpeted floor sat some rubber mats. She guessed they were kneeling pads. Two queen-sized mattresses were pushed together on the floor in the corner with a ton of pillows tossed on top. The bed looked mighty comfortable.

  “You really went to a lot of trouble to put this together, sirs.” She hoped it was okay to comment. They had set the room up for her.

  Clay stepped in front of her. “Nothing is too good for you, little mate.” He brushed the wet hair from her face. “Beginning now, we will start your training.”

  She gulped and prayed for strength.

  Dirk stepped over to a dresser, opened it, and pulled out something black. When he waved it, her heart raced. Being blindfolded was her worst fear. She closed her eyes willing her heart to slow. I trust them.

  Clay led her to the mat. “Kneel.”

  As she contemplated being with both men, her vagina clenched. Once more, she prayed she was ready for the sensual journey. Dirk placed the blindfold over her eyes, and instead of tension strangling every muscle, acceptance embraced her. Dirk’s legs brushed her thighs as he ran his hands from her shoulders to her wrists. The scent of his minty soap swirled inside her.

  Carefully, he drew her arms behind her. “We know how much you like to touch us. To prevent you from losing control, I need to bind your hands. Remember, I’ll stop if you say your safe word.”

  She nodded. The safe word was far from the tip of her tongue. He wound the soft cloth around her wrists. The material was tight enough to hold but not enough to be painful.

  “Elena,” Clay said. “You have been an exceptionally brave woman these last few weeks, and we applaud you. I know how much you love sucking on our cocks. We are granting you a few licks before your real education begins.”


  Clay held her chin and placed his cock on her lips. She tightened her stomach and leaned forward. If she only had a short time with him, she wanted to make the most of the experience.

  Her tongue darted out and licked him from balls to tip, collecting drops of water along the way. If she’d had her hands, she would have cupped his balls and squeezed him tight. Now, she’d have to be content with drawing him in her mouth. He lowered his cock to give her a better angle. Swirling her tongue around, she bobbed her head, enjoying his clean taste. He clasped her hair with his free hand and moaned, the sound giving her great pleasure.

  Then he withdrew. “It’s Dirk’s turn.”

  She wasn’t finished playing with him.

  Dirk changed places with Clay. He stood so close his knees brushed her shoulders. When she licked his cock, he massaged her cheeks. Care and love radiated from him. She drew him into her mouth and sucked him hard. His grunts and growls came out more intense than Clay’s, and less than a minute later, he stopped her. No surprise. He was the more sensitive of the two.

  “Bring her over to the bed,” Clay said.

  Dirk helped her stand then scooped her up in his arms. Being carried had become her new favorite pastime.

  He sat her on the mattress.

  “Untie her hands.” The command came from Dirk.

  Once free, they placed her on her back. Clay stroked her face. His palms had more calluses so telling them apart was easy. Not to mention Dirk’s scent was closer to musk than Clay’s. “We need to have total access to your body. We need to open you up.”

  Unable to picture their plan, she soon found out. Clay grabbed both wrists, and using the soft ve
lvet rope, secured her wrists over her head to the wall somehow. They repeated the procedure on her ankles, stretching her wide. Her stomach fluttered and her pulse raced at the vulnerability. The lack of freedom reminded her of the cage, but these weren’t Hood’s men. These were her mates.

  “You are so beautiful, Elena.” He stroked her belly.

  Clay’s words came tinged with awe and admiration, and her pelvic muscles relaxed. Both men ran their hands along her arms and legs, lulling her into complacency. Because she couldn’t watch them, the plucking of her nipples shocked her.

  “Oh, oh.” Immediately, she pressed her lips together.

  “That’s okay, sweetheart. Moans of pleasure are allowed.”

  Thank goodness. Every touch interrupted her ability to think.

  One of them tapped her nose. “Remember, you must refrain from climaxing, sugar.”

  She saw no reason to agree to that demand. If she came, she’d get her satisfaction and could always come a second time. They’re being selfish. Maybe not. The men wanted her to stay in control for a reason and denying them wasn’t right. She nodded.

  Heightened by her lack of vision, what happened next defied description. Dirk placed a palm on her belly and sucked her nipple while Clay climbed between her legs and licked her.

  The double assault sent her mind screaming. Her moan came out too loud, but it seemed to signal they should increase the pressure and frequency. Their tongues probed and strummed across her most sensitive nerves, but when Clay drew her clit into his mouth, she bucked her hips and dropped back her head.

  “Clay, I don’t think she’s going to last, and we haven’t even begun.”

  Begun? How long could a woman remain unaffected under this kind of assault? Maybe with experience came control, but right now, she had none.

  “Let’s distract her another way,” Dirk said.

  They were talking crazy here. In seconds, they undid her leg straps and flipped her over. Her wrists were tied and secured to the wall, but she was still comfortable. The bed dipped at the end. A few seconds later, the scent of strawberry lube filled the air.

  “Get her on her elbows and knees.”

  Dirk slid to the side and lifted her into position. Clay must have let out the slack in the rope because she was able to move her arms. Her ass faced Clay. She clenched her rear anticipating what came next. In her mind, having sex in her ass would be the final step in losing her virginity.


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