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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 44

by Vella Day

  The true leap would be making love to both of them at the same time. Trepidation mixed with joy. The unknown always petrified her, but making the journey with them would be wonderful.

  Clay touched her rear with what felt like another plug.

  “We need to get you used to having a cock in your ass and one in your pussy. This is a little bigger dildo than the tiny plug we used before.”

  Tiny plug? That thing had been huge. Her stomach and her rear both tightened.

  “Dirk, our virgin can’t stop clenching. I’ll never get this thing inside her.”

  “Hold her down then, and let me at her.”

  The words went in and out of her brain. The first blow shocked more than pained. She bit her lip to keep from cursing. The second smack hurt. Pulses spread out across her rear and another blow might force her to call a halt to this cruel punishment. Only her father had spanked her, and that was maybe fifteen years ago.

  The third hit knocked the breath from her lungs. As she opened her mouth to call a halt like she had before, her lower body went wild, gushing and contracting. Oh, my. She held still waiting for another strike to send erotic lust to her veins.

  “You feelin’ the warmth, sugar?”

  Was that what that was called? “Yes, sir.”

  He rubbed her rear. “You’re such a good girl. Now relax those pretty cheeks and let me love you with this dildo.”

  The head pressed against her butthole, and she tightened her jaw to force her ass from clamping down on the object. The bed dipped in front of her, and Dirk’s palms caressed her breasts.

  “Take it easy, sweetheart and let us love you.”

  His tender words helped. Fingers and thumbs twisted both nipples as Clay pressed the huge head past her muscled ring. Her heart hammered at the invasion of something so large entering her, but as soon as the fake cock hit nerves she never knew existed, total bliss spread straight to her center.

  She gulped in air as he worked the dildo in and out of her. Clay slid his free hand under her belly and slipped a finger into her wet opening. The deep craving startled her in its intensity. She released a loud moan.

  “I think she likes it, Clay. Keep pushing.”

  Wicked flames danced up her spine and ignited carnal lust so strong she barely was able to handle the passion. Her breaths came out so fast she became a little light-headed. He twisted and pressed until the hard tip reached the end.

  Clay tapped her butt. “I want to play with her pussy. Let’s get her on her back.”

  Ah, a dream come true. Dirk and Clay flipped her again. Mouths and fingers descended. Both men licked, plucked, and rubbed every sensitive part of her until she caught fire. A storm that would fell a village swamped her. If only she had the use of her hands, she would have dug her nails into Dirk’s skin.

  “Dirk, I can’t wait any longer.” Clay scraped his too sharp nails along her belly. “Flip her.”

  Good thing they’d blindfolded her. Seeing him shift in front of her might be too much.

  The rope connecting her wrists to the wall disappeared.

  Clay placed his hands on her rear. “I need to replace this little thing with something a lot bigger and more human.”

  Her inner walls fluttered in anticipation. He tapped her rear, and she forced her body to relax as he twisted and tugged on the dildo. It came out with a pop. The vacancy disappointed her, but Clay’s cock would be so much better.

  He removed her blindfold and then leaned over her back. “We want you to see the ecstasy in Dirk’s eyes when he marks you. Are you ready?”


  Lube wafted toward her, and a second later, Clay grabbed her hips and pressed the head of his cock to her hole. Involuntary spasms made her clench.

  “Do you need another spanking, sugar?”

  As much as she liked the aftereffect of the pain, she needed his cock now—before she lost her courage. “No, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  Dirk knelt in front of her and once more played with her tits. He pressed their fullness together and thumbed her nipples. Sparks of heated joy bubbled down her spine. Embracing the fiery currents racing through her, Clay pressed his cock into her butthole. Holy mother of God. The man was huge. Her stomach caved and her breath caught.

  “Easy there.” With one hand, he rubbed her back and with the other he clasped onto her neck and prevented her from flying forward as he eased into her.

  Had it not been for Dirk’s sensitive rubbing, she might have said the safe word. Never had she been so filled up. The plug and the dildo were nothing compared to his cock. With each stroke, Clay’s in and out movements grew larger and more forceful. Her back channel stretched and throbbed until a miracle happened. Once her body became accustomed to the pressure and friction, small electric charges of desire jetted outward. Not only did her ass vibrate, but spasms rolled down her inner wall. She pressed down on his cock and he gasped.

  “Don’t do that, sugar. Dirk, help me lean her back.”

  Her mind fogged at that instruction. Clay held her hips as he stretched his legs alongside her. Her shoulders lifted and she tumbled back until she landed against his chest.

  “Sweet Lord in heaven.” Clay’s cock dug in so deep she glanced down to see if the tip had come through her belly.

  “Feel good, sugar?”

  She swallowed to speak. “Give me a minute, sir.”

  Dirk didn’t seem to want to wait because he pulled her legs forward and placed her feet on the bed.

  “Let me at your pussy.”

  She couldn’t take any more stimulation. If he touched her, she would explode. Dirk lay on his stomach and using his elbows, muscled his way close, spreading her legs wide. Clay tugged on her elbows, stretching her nipples and making them pucker.

  He wasn’t moving, probably to give her a rest before Dirk impaled her. When Dirk circled her clit with his finger, she flinched and her muscles convulsed. She was so close to coming.

  Stay strong.

  Suddenly, Dirk dove in, his tongue lapping up her juices. Then two fingers probed her. His thumbs wiggled and pressed on her clit. Bolts of electricity shot up and down her spine and her breaths came out as pants. Lust licked her insides.

  “Hurry, sir.” She was unable to keep quiet.

  Dirk rose to one knee while he planted his other foot outside her leg. One hand held his cock and the other pinched her nipple. She ground her teeth to keep from jumping off the ledge of ecstasy.

  With one thrust, he impaled her and stars burst behind her lids. This wasn’t happening. It was too much. Dirk leaned over and kissed her, and the tension seeped out of her.

  “I love you, Elena Sanchez.”

  “I love you, too, Dirk Tilton.”

  Dirk eased out, but this time when he went back in, he drove in. She placed her hands on Dirk’s head to steady herself. Clay clasped her hips tightly and lifted her. Probably because they telepathed their next move, they moved in and out together, filling her up with each seesaw motion.

  The euphoria built, but she wanted it faster and harder. Pressing on her feet, she tried to lift up, but Clay held her still.

  “Let us love you, sugar.”

  She nodded.

  Dirk lowered his head and captured a nipple in his mouth. When Clay slid a hand down her belly and pressed on her clit, her world spun out of control. Nothing could stop the orgasmic train. Shudders wracked her and the dam broke. Someone’s cry rent the air. It might have been hers.

  At once, two sets of fangs sank into her neck and she lost control. Wave after wave of glorious bliss drove into her. Clay’s fingers dug hard into her hips, and his hot cum shot into her ass. Dirk’s cock expanded and he licked her neck as more semen filled her.

  The bites, the sex, the loving words came back. These men belonged to her. She couldn’t ask for more.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Six weeks later

  The winter threatening to blanket Florida in cold air thankfully never material
ized. It was late February and as close to balmy as one could get. Liz Wharton had organized a dinner party at the Ocean Breeze restaurant on the beach and had invited many of the Pack members. Ever since Trax and Dante had installed the security system in the place, they’d become friends with the owners. According to Clay, reserving the coveted top floor of the restaurant on short notice was unheard of, but the fact the owners were also werewolves helped.

  If the people of Gulfside ever learned the true nature of some of the town leaders, they might freak. Elena, however, couldn’t be happier. Her joy continued to escalate with each call home. While her parents weren’t rushing to make reservations to fly to Florida to meet Clay and Dirk, they’d become more accepting. Losing her virginity before marriage had been a low hurdle compared to the concept of her loving two men. She totally understood their hesitation. Patience was the key.

  “Excuse me.” Clay tapped his glass with his fork.

  Only nineteen of the twenty-one guests were present, including her new close friends, Liz and Chelsea. Neither Liz’s two men nor Clay would say who was missing.

  His eyes lit up as he faced two newcomers. “I see our final guests have shown up.”

  A tall, broad shouldered man with thick, silver hair entered with a petite Asian woman, delicately dressed in a silk blouse and thin, black pants. Elena leaned toward Dirk. “Who are they?”

  “The general and his wife.”

  “Ah, the infamous general.”

  “His wife bought your first set of clothes, and she also was responsible for taking care of all the girls we found in Hood’s grasp.”

  Her heart softened. “They’ve never come to a party before.” At least, none she’d attended.

  “They don’t socialize often.”

  So why now? A few of the men stood and spoke with the general. His wife smiled and sat, not overtly engaging in conversation. When the time was appropriate, Elena wanted to thank her.

  Once the group settled, Clay tapped his glass again and stood. This time Dirk stood alongside him. She looked up at her amazing men still in awe they were her mates.

  “I want to thank Liz for organizing this get together to celebrate our good fortune,” Clay said.

  Hood was already in jail, and the human trafficking operation was all but shut down. No one questioned it would spring back to life someday. For now, the women were safe—all except those already sold. Her heart ached for Cheryl Johnson. No word had been heard of her location, but Sam and Brandon assured her they were working hard to find her.

  Clay cleared his throat. “As you know, the world works in strange ways. Had it not been for a few of our more nefarious gangsters, Liz, Chelsea, and Elena would not have come into our lives.” He held up his glass in a toast.

  After a round of clinking glasses, he continued. “As you know, Elena was on her way to Costa Rica when Hood’s men kidnapped her. Her luggage and purse were taken and never found.” He reached into his back pocket and retrieved an item he kept by his side. “While she’s been able to replace her driver’s license, credit cards, and other important items, her most valuable possession remained lost.” He faced her. “Today, this came in the mail.”

  He handed Elena a precious gift. “My passport!” She stood and hugged him. Elation mixed with dread. Now she could visit her parents. While the reunion would be strained at first, with time they would forgive her.

  Dirk lifted his glass. “You all know I’m not much for talking, but I want to say thank you to all the men and the general for helping take down some of our societies’ worst criminals.”

  The group clapped. Chairs scraped. Both Dirk and Clay stepped away from the table. Dirk took her hand, lifted her to a stand, and led her three feet from her seat.

  Both men dropped to their knees, and her heart slammed against her ribs. Dare she hope what this position implied? Dirk and Clay each took one of her hands. Clay’s eyes shifted to Dirk who pulled something out of his pocket.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead. “This is harder than I thought. Going after a Colter is a hell of a lot easier.” Once more, a few laughed. He let go of her hand in order to open the blue velvet box.

  Her knees weakened and her stomach squeezed. Dirk held up the most beautiful ring. In the center was a huge white diamond surrounded by two amber stones and another one more brown in hue. The amber must represent a wolf’s eyes in lust.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Clay squeezed her hand. “Just like you. The third stone is a chocolate diamond. That’s why it appears brown.”

  The sentiment caused tears to bubble on her lashes.

  Both men stood. Dirk slipped the ring on her left hand. “Will you, Elena Sanchez, consent to be our wife?”

  She threw herself in Dirk’s arms and kissed him with every ounce of love she had. The group cheered, clapped, and whistled.

  Clay peeled them apart. “Hey, you never said if that was a yes.”

  She dropped her head back and grinned. “Yes, yes, and yes, sirs.” Heat rushed up her face after that slip, but right now, she didn’t care if the whole world knew she was their little virgin sub.


  Loving Their Vixen Mate

  Pack Wars (Book 4)

  Vella Day


  To Vella’s Vixens! You are the best street team ever.

  Chapter One

  Mackenzie Wagner waved her cell in frustration then set it on the kitchen counter. “Ugh. Cheryl’s still not answering. It’s been a freaking week since she called.” Mac’s gut soured. She wasn’t psychic, but her sixth sense told her that something bad had happened to her cousin.

  Her mother tilted her head in sympathy. “Maybe the law firm offered her that job, and she had to start immediately. If that was the case, she’d have to find a place to stay, which would keep her busy. Or she could have left her charger at home and can’t call. It’s happened before, you know.” Her mother poured the freshly brewed tea over ice cubes and handed Mac a glass.

  “I’m not buying it. She could have borrowed someone’s phone or bought a charger. She texted me when she arrived in Florida, and since then she’s called only once. If she landed the job, she’d have squealed with delight.”

  “Didn’t you say she was staying at a Holiday Inn? Can’t you call and see if she’s still there?”

  Mac picked up her glass and took a sip, hoping the cool drink would calm her nerves. “Good thought, but I already did that. She checked out already.” Mac set the glass back down.

  Her mom pulled out the stool at the center island and sat. “That could be a good thing. She might have found an apartment already. You could always call the airline to see if she cancelled her flight home. Then you’d know if she’d landed the job.”

  Mac twisted her glass on the counter, leaving wet streaks. “I checked that, too. She hasn’t. Here’s the thing. People always leave a paper trail. Unfortunately, Cheryl seems to be the one exception, and that’s what worries me the most. Since we last spoke, there hasn’t been any credit card charges or outgoing phone calls.”

  “You hacked into her account?”

  “Yes. Cheryl wouldn’t mind. Besides, it’s what I do for a living.” Mac worked for a PI firm finding people. When she was on a case, she did things by the book. But this was Cheryl, and there were no rules. “It’s as if the Bermuda Triangle has swallowed her whole.” Mac pulled out a stool at the island and sat across from her mom. She stabbed a hand through her long hair, hoping the tension would help her think.

  Her mom sipped her tea. “There has to be some explanation.”

  “I know, but what? What does Aunt Hannah think?”

  Her mom looked away. “She doesn’t know.”

  “Isn’t she worried?” The two sisters didn’t get along all that well, but if her aunt reached out, she, too, must have thought something bad had happened.

  “Yes, but Hannah thinks this is her daughter’s rebellious streak showing up. You know that Cheryl wanted to move
away from here. If she gets a good job offer, she’ll take it.”

  Cheryl didn’t have a rebellious bone in her body, but it was true, her cousin was unhappy in Indiana. “She still would have called to tell us she was staying. What do you think we should do? I’m out of options.”

  “I’d give her a little more time. I looked up the weather for Gulfside, Florida. It’s been around seventy and sunny every day since Cheryl flew down there. Hell, given the dingy, cold weather we’ve been having, I’m half tempted to visit there myself.”

  Mom would never leave Muncie, but it gave Mac an idea. “You know, work’s been slow, and I’m due a vacation. Perhaps I should fly down there and check on her.” Mac stretched out her arms. “I could use a tan, and if Cheryl does have her own place, I could help her decorate.”

  Her mother placed her glass on the counter. “Mackenzie. Cheryl’s a grown woman. She can handle herself. You ever think she just might want a little family distance?”

  That was her mom’s way of saying that Mac should stay put. She leaned forward. “Cheryl’s a bit naïve. She could be lying in the street bleeding to death. We need to help her.”

  Her mom chuckled. “Oh, honey. She’s probably enjoying her freedom. I bet she’s on some sandy beach drinking mimosas. The first interview might not have panned out, and she’s probably embarrassed to call you. Hopefully, she has another one lined up and wants to wait before breaking the good news.”

  “Maybe.” Mac tapped her fingers on the Formica countertop. “There has to be some way to get a hold of her to find out what’s going on.”

  Going to the police was never an option for her family; closets might be opened—skeletons revealed. Even though Cheryl and her family had no idea Mom had married a werewolf, it didn’t mean someone wouldn’t let it slip during an investigation.


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