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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 80

by Vella Day

  He could look down a sniper rifle and take a shot hundreds of yards away. Easy. But keep his breathing even and his need to possess her in check? Next to impossible, but he had to try.

  “I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ve never been with anyone like you before. This whole mate thing is a first for me just like it is for you. If you’re willing to give it a go, so am I. What do you say?” He placed his hand on her hip, his fingers playing a fast song on her skin, while his heart did a rapid tattoo in his chest.

  “Okay. I have to admit it’s nice to know this is new for you, too.”

  Ty let out a breath. “So, where were you before I interrupted?”

  “Well, I was thinking we could have our little feast at the same time.”

  He grinned. He’d hit the jackpot. So much for her being this inexperienced recent grad. In a flash, he flipped around, his mouth close to her perfect pussy. To gain access, he lifted her leg but didn’t wait for her to start on him. He dove right in.

  At the first taste of her honey, his heart rate sped up. So much for being an enhanced werewolf. He was less than mortal when it came to her. With the first long lick, she gasped. Maybe to retaliate, she lifted his cock in her tiny hand and dragged her tongue from his balls to tip.

  As hard as he fought not to go all animal on her, he failed. First came the growl, and then the bones started to crack. This had to stop. He prayed that once he sunk his cock into her, the overall lust, need, desire—or whatever the fuck this was called—would simmer down.

  He tried to concentrate on making her come, but with what Bailey was doing to him, he was having a hard time focusing. It actually scared him a bit. If he kept getting sidetracked, he might fail her as a protector. Shit.

  She drew his stiff dick into her mouth and he thought he’d gone to heaven. Hoping to distract her, he flicked his tongue across her wet slit. She sucked in a big breath and held still for a moment, giving him the briefest respite. He’d always prided himself on being able to make love for hours, yet this woman—his mate—had turned him into something akin to a teenage boy.

  Her divine taste was bringing him to the edge of insanity. She was his. All his. Ty still couldn’t believe it. He slipped a finger into her pussy and swirled it around, hoping to bring her some relief.

  “Oh, God. Tyson.”

  The moan that followed made him thrust his finger in faster, hitting her sweet spot over and over again. Her little mouth answered with a series of sucks and swirls. When she cupped his balls, he pulled out of her grasp.

  “I don’t want to shift.” He squeezed his eyes shut, embarrassed at his weakness.

  “You can’t stop now.”

  That made him smile. “Even if ten Colters burst in this room ready to fight me, I wouldn’t stop.”

  “You still want to do me, right?”

  Is that what she thought lovemaking was all about? Poor Bailey. As excited as he was to sink his cock into her, he had to make sure she understood what this was all about. He turned around and pulled her close. “I want to make love with you, not just do you. I want this to be special.”

  When she nabbed her bottom lip between her teeth in her lip and looked so lost, he thought he might lose it. “I want that, too.”

  * * *

  At that moment, Tyson Summerville won her heart. If any of her friends had said she’d found the perfect man after knowing him one day, Bailey would have called them crazy. But here she was, falling for this wolf-man. Tyson might have this extra power, but he seemed to know when she was uncomfortable and when she wanted him to touch her. It was like he was inside her head—a bit scary, but nice at the same time.

  Tyson ran a finger down her arm and the need for control took over. This time she was the one to lean forward and kiss him. Instead of softly exploring her mouth, Tyson plunged in, capturing her lips like a pirate claiming his prize. He squeezed her ass and she grabbed his. Their breaths came out fast, hot, and heavy.

  Tyson leaned back. “If I don’t taste your tits again, I’m going to go crazy.”

  She loved when he exaggerated how much he wanted her. “Okay, but only for a little bit. I’m already on the edge.”

  “I’d like to be able to brag and say we’ve only just begun, but I’d be lying. My resistance around you is non-existent. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  The words sounded really good, but she suspected he was being amorous because he hadn’t had sex in a while. How many non-Colter women would he run into at the lab?

  Christ. She had to stop putting herself down and just enjoy this amazing moment.

  Tyson drew her right nipple into his mouth and tugged on it hard. A quick shot of pain caught her attention, but she held in her gasp. Just as he let go, a streak of deliciousness traveled over her belly and straight between her legs. That was amazing. This man wreaked havoc in every part of her body.

  When he moved to the other side, he cupped her left breast and moaned. Though he wore his hair short, she ran her hand over the top, enjoying the bristles. Even her palm was turned on.

  “Hurry.” Bailey had never experienced such wild need before.

  Tyson suddenly stopped, his face contorted. “I don’t have a condom. I swear to God I’m clean. For as bad as that lab is, they tested the hell out of me before they treated me.”

  “It’s okay. I’m on the pill.”

  “We’re good then?”

  Decision time. She never had unprotected sex, but she believed Tyson. “Yes.”

  He glanced upward then kissed her with more passion than she thought possible. “It’ll be easier if you lie on your back.”

  She didn’t argue since her mind was whirring with anticipation. Tyson placed her feet on the mattress, slid to his stomach, and nibbled his way up one thigh and then down the other, skipping over a very important part.

  Touch me!

  He was doing things to her body that made her more desperate with each stroke of his tongue. When his beard darkened, she feared something bad might happen.


  He looked up then scraped a hand down his jaw. “Shit. I’m sorry. I want you too much.”

  All this foreplay had turned her into a pool of wanton need, too. “Show me.”

  As if he’d been waiting for her to ask, he slid between her legs, his face above hers. He growled, but it sounded fake. It was almost as if he wanted to tease her. She clasped his shoulders and pulled him down. His cock pressed against her opening the same time his lips met hers, causing electricity to arc from her mouth to her pussy. Dear God in heaven, but his man was almost too potent.

  He slid in an inch and stopped, taking his time to kiss her. Why didn’t he drive into her? Was it because she needed time to accommodate to his width? There was no use worrying about it. All she could do was make damn sure he couldn’t stop himself from impaling her.

  She wanted to become one with him, but when the wolf joined with her human self, would she disintegrate, turn into a wolf herself, or experience something that defied description?

  “Please, Tyson. I need you.” That was the complete truth. Sex before had been pleasant at best. Right now, she’d never been more excited.

  “Bailey, Bailey, my precious mate.” He closed his eyes and drove in.

  The moment he was fully seated, she clawed his back and lifted her chest for more contact. Tyson held still, dipped his head and drew one of her hard, tiny buds into his mouth. When he sucked hard, she clamped down on his cock.

  He gurgled, groaned, and grunted. “Don’t, honey. I’m too fucking close.”

  “Me, too.”

  Tyson slipped out and thrust right back in. Every nerve caught fire. She bucked her hips, wanting as much as he could give her. Making love with a werewolf exceeded everything she’d ever imagined lovemaking could be. She felt like a woman for the first time in her life.

  “Come on, baby. Come for me.”

  His words weren’t needed as her body exploded seconds later. Waves of e
cstasy poured over her as her vision blurred. She shut her eyes, wanting to embrace her other senses. The scent of sex mingled together, perfuming the air with a powerful aphrodisiac. Her body convulsed as her climax descended. Just as she yelled his name, his cock detonated. This was no ordinary dick. This man was definitely half animal.

  When his powerful climax waned, he collapsed on top of her then rolled over onto his back, taking her with him. He hugged her tighter. “I don’t think I’m letting go. Ever.”

  She lifted her head, using the rest of her effort. “Okay.” She smiled.

  Blocking out everything but Tyson, she sighed and collapsed on his chest.

  Someone knocked on the motel door and her heart stopped.

  Chapter Twelve

  “It’s only Ford,” Tyson said patting her butt.

  “Only?” Holy shit.

  The room smelled of sex and she was naked. This was not good. It didn’t matter that Ford said he and Tyson both were her mates. Bailey hadn’t decided if she was ready for that. None of the women she knew had two men. Ménages might exist, but not in her circles. Not that she ever would bring Ford and Tyson home, but if she did, her friends would majorly freak.

  And then there were her parents. They’d shit bricks if they thought she’d engaged in sex with a man after just meeting him, let alone thinking about doing the same with a second man. They’d toss her in an institution to get her head examined for sure. If Dad ever decided to throw his hat in the ring for the presidency, the media would have a field day with her sex life. Her stomach churned. She loved her parents and would never embarrass them like that.

  She knew what she had to do. Stay with Tyson and only Tyson.

  Bailey snapped out of her reverie when he pulled back the chain on the door and quickly drew the sheets over herself. Thankfully, Tyson had put on his pants.

  Ford stormed in, took one look at them both, and shook his head. He returned his gaze to her. “You okay? He didn’t take advantage of you, did he?”

  She liked that he didn’t assume she was some slut. He shouldn’t have blamed Tyson, though. “No! It was mutual,” she said. “And wonderful, if you must know.” She lifted her chin to prove her point.

  “Good. Don’t want my little brother to mess things up. Shit’s complicated enough as it is.”


  Tyson returned to the bed and sat next to her, but he kept his gaze on his brother. “Why aren’t you at work, bro?”

  “Heard some disturbing news that I wanted to discuss with you in person.” Ford glanced at her.

  His worried look scared her. “What happened? Oh, shit, Brad saw me, didn’t he?”


  “She means Tony Kahn,” Tyson said. “Tony used an alias when he picked up the girls.”

  Ford’s stance widened. “Fucker. I was walking through the lobby when I overheard Tony—or rather Brad—talking to someone. They were behind a post, but it sounded like the other man was Dram.”

  Tyson squeezed her hand. “I wonder if Dram is Tom.” He pulled out his phone. “I’m going to have you log into Dropbox and show us the picture of the two men.”

  She sniffled. “Okay.”

  He handed her his cell and she logged in. Just seeing the deception in their faces turned her stomach. And then there was Tatum. Sweet Tatum. She seemed so excited to be standing next to two hot men. Bailey’s heart broke. “Here’s the photo.”

  Tyson checked it out. “Dram Peters is the other guy.”

  “Fuck,” Ford said. “That was probably who Tony was talking to.”

  She didn’t care what he called himself. She couldn’t stand the suspense. “What did he say?”

  “He said he spotted someone who looked decidedly like you, and that you were in my vehicle.”

  This was terrible. “Does he know I’m supposed to be dead?”

  “Yes. News travels fast in the lab.” Ford dragged a hand over his head. “I now feel like I have a fucking target painted on my forehead.”

  Panic rippled down her body as a huge ache clawed at her gut. She was messing up everything. “What should I do?”

  The men exchanged glances. “The offer still stands to fly home, but the way we see it, your dad might cause more problems if you do. Even if your father sends in a SWAT team, humans don’t stand a chance against werewolves—and that’s assuming your father can find the place. Hoffman Furniture doesn’t have a website for a reason.”

  “I’m not leaving without Tatum.” She’d made that decision a while ago.

  “I figured,” Tyson said squeezing her hand. “We’re doing everything we can to free the women—especially Tatum.” He looked back at Ford. “If Statler hears of Tony’s suspicion, we’re toast. He won’t let us near the place. In fact, we’ll be hunted.”

  Ford paced. “We can’t sit on our asses and wait for the proverbial shoe to drop.”

  Bailey wished she had a brilliant thought, but she didn’t know anything about this Statler dude or how the Colters worked.

  Tyson snapped his fingers. “I got it.”

  His excitement had her heart pumping.

  “Spill,” Ford said.

  He grinned. “It’s brilliant if I do say so myself.”

  She punched him in the arm. “Tell us.”

  “I was thinking it might take the heat off us if a little birdie told Statler that Tony and Dram, aka Brad and Tom, were Pack members.”

  She studied Ford for his reaction. His brows furrowed then rose. The smile that followed had her heart hammering.

  “Holy fuck. I like it,” Ford said. “If Statler believes those two are Pack spies, then anything they say will be discounted.”

  Tyson leaned back on his elbows. “We’ll have to see what evidence we can manufacture to give credence to our lie.”

  “I have an idea.” They both faced her. “One of my father’s aids decided that a member of the opposition needed a little help in being defeated. This aide told my dad he was taking a leave of absence, and my father granted him his wish. Carmen, the aide, then hired on with the opponent. When his new boss ducked into the bathroom, Carmen used the man’s phone to call a prostitute. He kept her on the line for a minute or two, long enough so that the opponent couldn’t say it was a wrong number. Then Carmen took a screen capture of that phone call.”

  Tyson smiled. “I take it Carmen quit the opponent’s office the next day?”

  “Right. The scandal was legendary until the opponent told the police that all of his calls from that phone were wirelessly recorded. When the voice didn’t come back a match, he was exonerated. Carmen, however, was not.”

  “I like the concept,” Ford said. “How about if General Armand calls them? We have everyone’s cell phone number.” He looked over at her. “Since we’re security and might need to alert everyone, we were given all that information.”

  She was thrilled she was able to help. “Will your General do this? If he calls them, they’ll have his number.”

  Tyson squeezed her thigh. “You’re smart, you know that?”

  Not really. “I just want to help.”

  “And we appreciate it.” Tyson leaned over and kissed her.

  Ripples of lust shot straight through her. She leaned back. “Not in front of Ford,” she whispered.

  He laughed. “Ford, did you hear what Bailey said?”

  Why was he doing this? “Stop it.”

  Ford shrugged. “She’s embarrassed because I’m here. Don’t worry, Bailey. I’ll leave you alone.”

  Most likely Tyson mentally messaged Ford what she’d said. His hearing couldn’t be that good. She should be elated that she wouldn’t have to deal with both men wanting her sexually, but a void resided in her stomach at that thought. Maybe she did need her head examined.

  Tyson stood. “You want to call the General or should I?”

  “Go ahead. I figure you should be the one to spill the beans to Statler. I’m not his favorite person right now. He acted like I shoved Bailey into the
street, and that it was my fault she was hit by our imaginary truck.”

  She didn’t want to think what Statler would do if he caught her. Yikes. He’d probably kill her by draining her blood. She shivered.

  Tyson picked up his phone. “Crap. I forgot. I don’t have his number on my contact list for obvious reasons. Hold on.” He shoved his hand in his pocket, retrieved his wallet, and then opened it. “Here it is. Ford, get Tony’s number ready.”

  “Wait!” she said.

  They faced her. “What is it, honey?” Tyson asked with such concern that she almost didn’t want to tell him her new thought. Disappointing someone wasn’t her style.

  “If you call your General, then his number will be in your phone. Who’s to say if Brad finds out you’re doing this to him that he won’t try to turn the tables on you by stealing your phone and proving you’re the actual spy?”

  “Fuck, girl. You’re right,” Tyson said. “We need a burner phone.”

  Ford moved toward the door. “I’ll get us two. Good thinking, Bailey.” And then he was gone.

  The room suddenly seemed empty and the pause awkward. “I’d really like to shower.” Not only did she want to get clean, the hot water would help clear her head.

  “Sure. Go ahead. Mind if I join you?”

  She cocked a brow. “There won’t be room.” Besides, he’d distract her. Tyson wasn’t the type to share a shower and not touch her. She needed the alone time to think.

  “I’ll find room.”

  Tyson stepped out of his pants, yanked down the bed sheet, and scooped her up. The man was insufferable. He just didn’t take no for an answer.

  A few steps later, he set her down in the tiny bathroom. “Get the water how you like it.” Tyson returned to the sink area. “Amazing. They have soap and shampoo, hon. Never would have guessed.”

  She turned on the shower and let it warm. “Any conditioner?”

  “’Fraid not.”

  Oh, well. She was pleased they provided soap. “Do you think you could stop at a store for some supplies? I’d really like a toothbrush and toothpaste.”


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