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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 81

by Vella Day

  Cleaning her teeth with a washcloth didn’t work all that well. And she certainly wasn’t going to wear the same clothes for days on end. She had no idea how long she’d have to stay there, but freeing her sister from that prison could take a while.

  “I’ll ask Ford to get something tomorrow while I’m framing your boys.”

  Her boys? Right. Her evil kidnappers were more like it. The water warmed and she stepped in. The first blast was wonderful and she let out a moan. All she wanted to do was wash away the stench from that hospital room, along with the terrible memories. Then there was Ford’s car. While it was relatively clean, she felt grungy lying face down on the carpet.

  “Shampoo?” Tyson grinned. He handed her the small bottle as he stepped behind her.

  “Thank you. Want to get wet?” His back was to the wall and yet he was within a foot of her. The two of them couldn’t have shared the water if they tried.


  Switching positions proved to be a challenge, and Tyson took every opportunity to touch her. While he stood under the flow, she lathered her hair. Getting clean never felt so good. While she waited to rinse, she took the opportunity to study his glorious body. Scars crisscrossed his butt, some wider than others. She wasn’t even aware that she’d reached out and touched his rear until his ass tightened.

  He spun around. “Let’s get you rinsed.”

  “Was it painful?”

  “Was what painful?”

  Tyson must have felt her touching him. “The injuries.”

  He shrugged. “I got them long ago. Nowadays, it’s rare for a wolf to get the drop on me. But to answer your question, when I’m battling to stay alive, I push aside the pain. I heal so quickly that what ache there is disappears in short order.”

  “That must be nice.”

  “It is.” Instead of moving around her, Tyson pulled her close. “Lean your head back and keep your eyes closed.”

  Before she could object, he’d stepped to the side to let most of the water spray the back of her head. With gentle hands he massaged her scalp, lifting it right then left get out the soap.

  “I’ve never had a man wash my hair before.”

  She didn’t open her eyes, but she suspected he was smiling. “There are a lot of things I’d like to do to you that I hope will be a first,” he said.

  Those thoughts heated her up again. “Oh, yeah? Like what?”

  He chuckled. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  More tingles raced up her body. He lifted and rubbed her scalp with one hand while he lightly massaged her breasts with the other. She couldn’t remember feeling this comfortable with a man. Come to think of it, she’d never been with a real man before today. Her exploits were with college boys. The difference between the two was stunning.

  “You’re not supposed to be turning me on.” Her hair had to be clean by now. Bailey opened her eyes and spun around. “Your turn.”

  Tyson had set the bar of soap on the tub’s edge and she picked it up. “I want to wash you.”

  “Front or back?”

  Every gene in her body was conservative, yet somehow he brought out another part of her—one that was sexier and more daring. “Front.”

  He moved closer, the water hitting his shoulders. “Be my guest.” The second she grabbed his cock, his eyes widened, and then he moaned. “I don’t know how I can make passionate love with you one minute and the next be so turned on by your touch.”

  She inwardly sighed. His cock was rigid once more, but she was a bit too sore to try again so soon. She thought it better to clean him elsewhere. Bailey let go and rubbed the bar over his pecs, admiring the thick muscles covered in dark hair. His belly looked like rippling sand dunes, undulating with power, and she couldn’t wait to tackle that part of him next.

  He grabbed her hand. “Ford’s back.”

  She hadn’t heard him come in. Crap. Tyson had left the bathroom door open. Her breath caught and her mind spun. “Can you make sure he doesn’t come in here?”

  “Why, honey? He wants you, too.”

  “That might be, but I don’t want him.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tyson closed the bathroom door to give Bailey the needed privacy, but that prevented her from hearing their discussion. No doubt Tyson was telling Ford that she wasn’t interested in being with both of them. Ford had stated she was their mate, but she couldn’t be with both. Under different circumstance she might have enjoyed making love with another sexy man, but since she lived in a world where she had parents and friends, she’d have to settle for one.

  Bailey had nothing against Ford. If he alone had saved her, she probably would have made love with him. But Tyson had been there, so she’d given herself to him.

  As the hot water pummeled her body, the reality of these past few days came crashing down on her. The lies, the panic, the desperation. She found it hard to believe that she’d been hiking in the woods a mere two days ago, enjoying her sister’s crazy antics. A heartbeat later, she was drugged and carted to another country where she was about to be used as a test subject. That alone was enough to give a person nightmares. She’d been luckier than her sister and those other women. Two handsome men, claiming to be on the right side of the law, had freed her.

  She hoped she had been wise to trust them. Then again, she thought Brad and Tom were good, and look what happened there. As a rule, she didn’t let her emotions be her guiding force, and now she’d gone with her gut and slept with a man the first day. Correction—she’d slept with a freaking werewolf hours after being saved by him—or was it really being kidnapped by him?

  She’d lost her mind. Then again, she’d never been in this kind of dire situation before. Bailey shut off the water, grabbed a towel, and dried off. Damn. Her clothes were in the other room—a room where Ford was.

  Clear thought eluded her. She was hungry and in need of sleep. That much she knew. The queen bed wouldn’t hold all three of them. Damn. Since she’d put them in a bad situation, perhaps she’d offer to sleep on the floor. Or they could order a cot—assuming a place like this had one.

  With the towel around her, she stepped into the main room. Her heart lurched. “Where’s Tyson?”

  “He went to get some food.” Ford’s eyes turned golden, but he didn’t advance.

  Well, she couldn’t exactly stand there with dripping hair, wrapped in skimpy attire. That would be asking for trouble. Her clothes were more or less clean, so she scooped them up and hugged them tight. “I’ll go change.”

  Bailey took her time in the bathroom, stalling until Tyson came back. As soon as he returned, she went out to greet him, happy to have Tyson as a buffer between her and Ford. There was something about Tyson’s twin that convinced her that if he wanted her, he’d just take her. There wouldn’t be this nice romantic dance, like she and Tyson had experienced.

  “Got pizza,” Tyson announced. “I bought a Coke and a diet Coke since I didn’t know which one you’d like.”

  That was sweet of him to think of her. Actually, she didn’t drink soda, but she would today. No way would she complain, as she needed these men. “Diet’s great.” While her stomach was a bit upset, she ate because she needed the energy. “What happened with your General?”

  “I called him on a burner phone and he thanked you for your contribution. He’s thrilled that you escaped.”

  She didn’t consider her freedom a done deal yet, nor had she technically escaped. Ford and Tyson had saved her. “Did he say anything about how he planned to get my sister out?”

  “He’s leaving it up to us,” Tyson said. “After all, we can get inside and we know where the cameras are located.”

  She tried to picture the call between the General and Brad and Tom. “Do you know what Brad or Tom said when he called?”

  The men looked at each other. “Neither answered, so the General left a message. Even if the men think to erase it, the technicians can retrieve the call. The General made sure it was incrimina

  She waited for them to discuss it further, but apparently they thought it best to keep her in the dark. What would the head of the opposition say to Brad or Tom? Hello, scum? I’m coming to get you?

  Ford piped up. “If you’re wondering, the General asked them for a status report on getting dirt on Statler. He thought about discussing the logistics of freeing the women, but he feared that might cause Statler to increase security.”

  Smart. “Your boss wasn’t afraid they could trace his call?”

  “The General said it didn’t matter. He even used his regular phone so that his name would pop up in the call log. It’s not like Statler doesn’t know where our headquarters is located.” Ford stood and emptied the pizza boxes in the trash. “I need to get some shut eye.”

  She held her breath. One bed. Three people. It wouldn’t be comfortable to sleep on the floor, but she might actually get some rest. If she had to be squished in between the two behemoths, she’d never sleep. “I can sleep on the floor.”

  “You take the bed, honey,” Tyson said.

  “What about you both?”

  He smiled. “We’ll shift and sleep on the floor. We can protect you better in that form.”

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She loved dogs. If she wasn’t out of town so much, she’d have one. Taking photos of animals was her way of connecting with them. But sleeping with two wolves? That was a bit much. They were human, but still.

  “Okay, but is that comfortable enough for you?” They wouldn’t be here if not for her.

  Tyson stepped close and placed his hands on her hips. “Thanks for thinking of us. To answer your question, yes. We’ll be fine. Now get some sleep.” He kissed her nose.

  Conflicting thoughts raced through her. Having Tyson hold her would be nice, but she couldn’t ask Ford to sleep on the floor by himself. That would be rude. Damn, but this was complicated. Bottom line, she needed to do what they suggested. If they slept, they’d be refreshed enough to save her sister.

  * * *

  A hand shook Bailey awake, and she opened her eyes to find Tyson looking down at her, dressed in his blue uniform. He made a handsome guard. The smell of coffee filled the room, making her stomach grumble. She glanced at the glowing red numbers on the clock. It was a little after eight in the morning. “Hey.”

  “I got you some coffee and donuts.” Tyson shot her a sheepish look. “It was all they were serving in the lobby.”

  She was impressed this motel had anything. She might have been brought up with a cook and a maid, but Bailey had no problem doing with less. “That’s fine.”

  After stretching, she was surprised she’d actually slept. She’d awoken a few times to growls, but when she listened carefully, she decided the men were just dreaming.

  “Wish me luck,” Tyson said. “I’m going to face Statler.”

  His success was critical to her staying alive. “Good luck.”

  He gave her a quick kiss and then hurried out the door. Ford was sitting in the chair, drinking his coffee, staring off. Why wasn’t he going into work, too? “You plan on babysitting me all day?”


  Jeez. “I promise I’ll stay put.”

  He cocked a brow. “That so? The last time we trusted you, you climbed out a window.”

  Ford was going to hold that against her? “That was before I knew who Statler was or if I could trust you.” She did trust Tyson. Ford was the unknown quantity.

  “I’d be tempted if I were you. You’ve got to be scared shitless, terrified something will happen to your sister, and wondering if you’ll ever see your parents again.”

  He certainly made her situation look bleak. “Way to boost my spirits.” She was impressed he’d nailed her thoughts.

  “Just saying. You’ve got to feel alone. I doubt you even believe that we’re trying to help you.”

  Tyson seemed to want to. “I trust you.”

  “You sure about that? I want you to be safe, but I’m not sure you understand the full scope of the situation. Without money or an ID, you can’t get far. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Statler’s men aren’t looking for you right now.”

  She planted a hand on her hip. “You’re a dick. You know that?”

  He smiled. Actually smiled, and his whole face transformed into such a handsome man.

  Stop it. I need to dislike him.

  “Yes, I am. I’m glad to see you’re thinking clearly enough to notice. I like your spunk.”

  Was he trying to be a jerk? If so, he was succeeding. Was it so that it would force him to keep his distance? She didn’t have a clue about anything—about him, about Tyson, about Statler.

  Be honest. Ford’s actions implied he wanted to help. He was probably motivated to stay around because his brother asked him to. “It might help if I had some different clothes. Statler’s men might be on the lookout for someone in ugly clothing. Maybe you could even pick me up some hair dye. Auburn perhaps. That way, I could really change my look.”

  Ford sat there for a moment glaring at her. She couldn’t tell if she’d grown two heads or if her idea had merit. He stood, walked over to the desk, and routed through the top drawer. He produced a thin pad of paper and a generic looking pen.

  “Write down what you need and I’ll get it for you.”

  Excitement stumbled through her veins. “How about if I come with you?” She’d be safe because Ford would be able to spot the bad guys. He’d said he’d protect her—of that she was sure.

  His lips thinned. “We can’t afford for anyone to see you. It’s too dangerous.”

  She supposed that was true, but it didn’t mean she had to like it.

  * * *

  Anger, disbelief, and betrayal raced through Statler’s veins. He tapped the intercom again. “Did you contact Dram and Tony?” Sometimes, his assistant had shit for brains.

  “Yes, sir. They’re on their way.”

  He went over everything the new security man had told him. Apparently, Tyson Summerville had overheard Dram talking about a call he got from General Armand. Tyson said he believed the General was the head of The Pack. Statler knew all too well who Armand was. He was the scourge of the earth—the man he hated more than life itself. Though if Armand and his men hadn’t taken down his two predecessors, Statler might not be where he was today. On second thought, he wasn’t sure running this lab in this godforsaken cold wasteland was worth it just to be in charge of all the Colters.

  A knock sounded and his secretary peeked in. “Ah, Mr. Peters and Mr. Kahn to see you.”

  “Show them in.”

  Statler sat up straighter in his seat. The two men looked nervous. Good. “Put your phones on my desk.”

  They glanced at each other, shrugged, and did as he asked. He scrolled through the call log on Tony’s phone. The second name from the top was General Armand’s. Statler hadn’t wanted to believe it. Two of his men were spies—men he trusted and trained.

  “What did General Armand want?”

  Their faces turned red, but it was Dram who stepped forward. “I don’t know, sir.”

  “Don’t dick around with me. The head of The Pack called you. Why?”

  “I didn’t answer, sir. I have no reason to speak with him.”

  Likely answer. “How did he get your number?”

  Sweat beaded on Dram’s forehead. “I have no idea.”

  Statler hoped the man had left a message. “One of our security men overheard you discussing what the General had to say.”

  They both paled. “It’s a lie, sir.”

  “I want you two out of my sight.”

  “But, sir,” Dram said. “We aren’t traitors. What can we do to prove to you this isn’t what it seems?”

  “Do? You’ve done enough. Pack up your gear and get out of the lab. Leave your uniforms behind.” Killing them in his office would leave bloodstains. He’d order their death before they left the premises.

  Tony stepped forward. “Sir, there’s been a bi
g mistake.”

  “Yes, there has. I made the mistake of trusting you. Now leave. You both disgust me.”

  Dram stiffened. “I’ll prove to you that we aren’t Pack members. We’ll bring back that girl.”

  Statler stilled. “What girl?”

  “Bailey Nash. The woman with the special blood.”

  If only. “You didn’t hear? She’s dead.” He still hadn’t calmed down over that loss.

  “I saw her, sir, in the parking lot. Today. She’s alive.” Dram puffed out his chest. Defiant ass.

  “What kind of shit are you trying to pull?”

  Tony spoke up. “It’s true, sir. If we find her and bring her to you, will you believe us that we aren’t Pack members?”

  His pulse raced. What if it were true? He couldn’t chance not letting them try. He wanted Bailey, and these two did seem eager to locate her. He didn’t see the harm in having them search. If they failed, he might have to engage in a little battle—one he would win for sure. “It’s a deal.”

  “We won’t let you down, sir.”

  Statler didn’t know what kind of trick this was, but if he laid eyes on Bailey, he just might forgive them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ford wasn’t sure leaving Bailey alone was a good idea, but in order to divert the heat off them, they’d both decided that Ty should be the one to speak with Statler. That left him to take care of Bailey. Unfortunately, she needed clothes and Ford couldn’t let her go shopping with him. The town of Falling Pines was small, and he had no doubt someone would notice him with a woman if he brought her with him. All it would take would be one innocent remark to the wrong person, and Statler’s men would be all over the motel room like white on rice.

  His only choice was to trust her to stay put and pray nothing bad happened. Laying down the reality of her situation had been harsh but necessary. The vibe between them was still awkward, but there was nothing he could do about it. She didn’t want him, and even though he understood why, it was still miserably painful. A classy woman like Bailey wouldn’t accept the idea of being with two men, let alone men who were shifters. Secondly, she’d been brought up in a sophisticated environment and was used to nice things. While he and Ty had saved a lot of money from their days in the service, he wasn’t sure what he could offer her other than protection and a lot of good loving, and he doubted that would be enough. Besides, she had her whole life ahead of her to find the perfect man to love.


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