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The Alpha's Mate:

Page 8

by E A Price

  Adam released her neck and shuddered as he swallowed her sweet blood, his wolf howled at the success in marking his mate. He slowed his fingers and removed them from her, licking the honey off them.

  Before she could recover he knocked her hands away from his penis and immediately plunged inside her. He slammed inside her to the hilt. She threw her head back and screamed at the sudden fullness. The feeling of pleasure mixed with a twinge of pain.

  He pulled back and drove inside her again and again. His enormous girth rubbing her inner walls. He gripped her ass tightly, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh. She wrapped her arms and legs around him.

  Her breathing began to hitch. “Faster.” She breathed. “Harder.” She was so close to another wonderful release, she just needed a bit more. She felt a bubble of ecstasy growing in her womb growing, growing, almost there...

  The machine jerked underneath her, sending delicious vibrations through her and she burst. She screamed at the powerful orgasm and jerked beneath him.

  He gripped her even more tightly, keeping her in place while he crashed against her. She was clutching his cock and trying to milk him and she was even tighter than before. God he couldn’t last much longer.

  His movements became erratic. He seemed to grow inside her, even wider, even longer and her body delighted in the feel, and started to climb towards another release.

  “Fuck... yes... ” he cried, his voice hoarse. His wolf roared within him, urging him on, urging him to take his mate.

  She smashed her mouth to his in a feral kiss and he exploded. Ripping his mouth from hers he bellowed “Mine”. He continued to pump his seed into her body and she cried out as another release rolled through her.

  His movements began to slow until finally he stilled. His soft cock was still buried inside her, he marvelled at the feel of her sex throbbing around him.

  She leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes. They both panted heavily. She leaned against him, her body too languid to move.

  She giggled. “What?” He asked, his breath hot against her cheek.

  “You weren’t kidding about multiples...”

  He chuckled. “I would never kid about that.”

  “Hmmm, that was really nice, a good effort.” She said teasingly. She was exhausted, but not too exhausted to torment him.

  A sound like thunder emanated from him. “You’re a devil woman.”

  “It’s really not a problem that you needed help from the washing machine...”

  He kissed her forcefully and she felt his shaft harden within. She pulled back to stare at him wide eyed. He swiftly picked her up and pushed her back against the wall. “I’ll show you who needs help...”

  Chapter Eleven

  A large hand clamped over Rosalee’s mouth. She tried to scream but they held her too tightly, their arm snaked around her bare waist and... the loud rumble of laughter told Rosalee who her assailant was.

  Adam’s arms slackened and she whirled round to face him, her face red with fury. She tried to look threatening. Not easy given that she was only wearing a pink bra and panties, and that he had a foot and a hundred pounds on her.

  He tweaked a lock of her hair. “Sorry couldn’t resist.”

  “You scared the shit out of me!” Tears prickled at her eyes. “I thought... I thought you were going to hurt me...after what happened at my house...” A sob racked through her small frame.

  “Oh my god! Sweetheart I’m so sorry, please I... I didn’t think... please don’t cry... I’m such an idiot...”

  The mingled look of horror and shame was priceless and she couldn’t help but snigger. “Sucker!”

  The look of confusion was even better. “Aww, you’re such a dummy, thank god you’re pretty.” She slapped his cheek playfully.

  “You’re a devil woman.” He said darkly.

  She turned away and started pulling on a turquoise dress. “Mmm, you’ve already told me that, and besides you were the one who pretended to attack me, you’re lucky I am such a fun person or I might have taken offence.”

  She turned from side to side looking in the mirror. Studiously avoiding the death glare Adam was shooting her. She turned back round to him. “What do you think?”

  His anger quickly evaporated to be replaced by lust. He fingered the straps of the dress. “I liked it better before...”

  “You mean the purple dress?”

  “No, when you were just in your underwear, although no underwear would be preferable.” He began sliding the straps off her shoulders.

  They were in a clothing shop in town, the only women’s clothing shop in town. It was called Charlotte’s, named after the tiger shifter who owned it. Thankfully the clothes she sold were gorgeous, although somewhat pricier than Rosalee was used to.

  The cleaners and her wolfy helpers had left for the day, they had done a great job. Tomorrow her helpers were coming back to start painting the walls. They had insisted. They looked to their Alpha for approval like two little puppies, it was adorable.

  Adam had insisted on buying her some new outfits. The stubborn, wilful part of her had tried to object, but once she saw the clothes the part of her that liked pretty things soon took over. She reasoned that of course she could always pay him back just as soon as she received her inheritance money.

  Rosalee had been trying on clothes and modelling them for Adam. Apparently he had become bored and had decided to join her in the changing room.

  “Stop, we can’t do anything in here.” Her mind said no but her sex had already started to weep at the thought of taking him inside again.

  She tried to push him back but he didn’t budge, instead leaning down and nuzzling at the mark he had given her earlier.

  She tried to hold on to some self control but having him so near made it difficult. “Adam, Charlie will hear...”

  “She’s a friend she won’t mind.” He cupped her ass and rubbed his bulge against her.

  “Oh yes? Another one of your friends...” Her tone was playful but he still pulled back to glare at her in disapproval.

  “What do I have to do to show you that you’re the only woman for me?”

  She kissed him thoroughly. “What’s wrong Alpha? Sensitive?” She pouted her lips mockingly.

  “Charlie’s not that kind of friend, she’s a tiger souvenir a bear shifter friend picked up in the California.”

  “I heard that mutt.” The honeyed voice of the tiger floated towards them. “And you’re wrong, I will mind if you have sex in there.”

  “See!” Said Rosalee triumphantly.

  The sound of Charlie’s musical laughter filled the air. She was like an amazon warrior. The woman was tall, over six feet tall, with chocolate brown skin and sultry hazel eyes, her thick black hair was carefully braided and hung down her back reaching her waist. Her movements were so fluid that she seemed to glide around the shop. She oozed elegance and restrained sexuality.

  She wore one of the dresses that were for sale in her shop, a cream fitted mini dress with a tortoiseshell belt. Perhaps she was trying to advertise her shop. Anyone buying the dress in the hope of it looking as good on them as it did on her would be sorely disappointed. Nobody could look as good as her.

  Rosalee had felt somewhat intimidated on meeting her. But Charlotte, call me Charlie, had smiled widely and instantly put Rosalee at ease.

  “Just remember Alpha you rip it you bought it.” Called Charlie.

  Adam harrumphed and let go of the dress.

  Rosalee giggled. “Aww don’t look so pouty. Hand me that red one.”

  She shimmied out of the turquoise dress and started pulling on a daring red mini dress. She patted her shoulder, indicating she wanted him to zip her up.

  He did, slowly allowing his fingers to linger on her back. He planted kisses along her shoulders and she moaned lustfully.

  His hands reached round to cup her breasts. “We can’t...” She whined helplessly.

  He nibbled her ear. “I’ll be quiet...”
br />   “Ha! Yeah right!”

  He slowly unzipped her dress. “Fear of getting caught makes it even more intense.”

  She chuckled. “I think if it were any more intense my heart might actually stop.”

  Pushing his erection against her ass he groaned. “I wouldn’t allow that... I know CPR.”

  Rosalee snorted. “Wow that’s so romantic.”

  “I can hear everything Alpha.” Yelled Charlie none too delicately.

  Adam growled lowly and moved away from his mate, irritably rearranging the bulge in his pants. “How about we pay for these and hurry back to my place?”

  Rosalee bit her lip, Adam felt himself dangerously close to exploding. “I just can’t decide between these dresses... which one do you think?”

  His wolf was dancing up and down impatiently for their mate. “All of them.”

  “Isn’t that a bit...”

  Adam took the dresses out of her hands and swooped up the pile of clothes she had already decided she wanted. “All of them sweetheart, it’s best you have a lot of spare clothes, just in case I decide to rip them off you.” He winked at her and strode out of the changing room.

  “You won’t be doing that in public right? Right?!”

  The only answer she got was a bellow of laughter. That was no answer at all.


  Adam ensconced his mate into the passenger side of his truck, eager to get her back home and into his bed.

  His phone chirruped. Adam stared at it in frustration. Would it really hurt to send it to voicemail? The ringing stopped and then quickly started again. Deciding they weren’t going away he roughly answered.

  It was Alec.

  “Someone broke into the Bennett house again.” Alec said shortly.

  “Who? When?” Barked Adam seething with rage.

  “About half an hour ago, Gabe was watching the house but didn’t see anything ‘til the guy was already in the woods. I got Don to the house, he found a scent, and we got the guy. We’re taking him to the station now.”

  “I’ll drop Rose off and meet you there.”

  Adam clicked the phone off and sighed, a mixture of relief and annoyance. He pulled open the door to his truck and hopped in slamming the door behind him.

  “What’s up with you?”

  Adam gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Alec caught the guy breaking into your house.”

  Rosalee’s eyes widened. “Well that’s great right?”

  He looked at her and softened. “It is, it just means I have to go deal with them now.” And it also meant he didn’t have an excuse to keep her at his house anymore.

  She scooted over the seat and kissed his jaw. “Well the sooner you get there the sooner we can get back to what we started in the store...” She cooed at him as her fingers traced patterns on his shirt.

  “Well when you put it like that...”


  Rosalee hummed as she walked through her house. She looked around, somewhat at a loss.

  She’d made up her mind that she was going to sell the land to her sexy Alpha. Not that she had told him that, she thought it best to leave him to stew for a few more days or perhaps even weeks. She smiled wickedly at the thought.

  If what he said was true in that he wanted to get rid of the house there honestly didn’t seem much point in making it more habitable. If it is just going to be bulldozed who cares that the wallpaper is peeling?

  Rosalee smiled thinking of the money she would get. She’d never been particularly greedy about money, in general she just scraped by. When she had to she ate noodles for dinner, bought second hand clothes, crashed on friend’s couches. She didn’t need a lot of luxury.

  It was nice to think that she wouldn’t have to work at a temp agency for a while, photocopying and filing while fending off the unwanted advances of corporate buttholes wasn’t exactly her idea of fun. She could devote her time to painting for a while. She could go anywhere she wanted... Or she could just stay in Rose...

  She chewed her lip thinking of Adam. The last few days spent with him had been the happiest of her life, and she had to agree with Liv, Rose was a beautiful little town. If she truly looked she had no doubt she could find some sights worth painting. Not to mention a few subjects. She still needed to paint the Alpha in his wolf form...

  If she did stay, if they did bond, she could probably persuade the Alpha to leave Rose for a holiday now and then. Who knows? It might be good for him to get of town and see the bigger world. Not that Adam wasn’t already pretty worldly, but a wider perspective of what lay outside Rose couldn’t hurt.

  She could tell he was dedicated to his pack, and she wouldn’t want to take him away from that, but surely the pack would survive their Alpha taking a mini break in Hawaii?

  She smoothed her hands down the turquoise dress he had bought her, remembering the feel of his hands. The physical draw to him just seemed to get stronger every moment. Her eyes flicked to the laundry room, thinking of the steamy encounter that had taken place only a few hours before.

  She hoped that he hurried back, she wasn’t averse to repeating the experience...

  “About damn time.”


  Before Rosalee could say anything a sharp shock wrenched through her body. Everything faded to black.

  Chapter Twelve

  Adam pushed the doors open to the station purposefully. His wolf snarled viciously in his head.

  Liv was sat at the reception desk. She stood up as if to speak to him but seeing the deadly look on his face thought better of it and sat back down.

  At Rosalee’s insistence he had dropped her back at her house, now that they had arrested the person responsible for breaking into her house she felt easier about being back in the house alone.

  He’d much rather have taken her back to his house and argued that point with her. She countered that the quicker she sorts out the house the more time they spend together. He had reasoned that if she agreed to sell him the house and land she could set the thing on fire for all he cared. At which point she had huffed and made noises about how he was only after her land.

  His wolf had whined that their mate was hurt. He felt guilty and caved in, much to Rosalee’s delight. He had dropped her at her house and told her to stay put, he would be with her shortly.

  He wanted to deal with this quickly and get back to her. He had yet to persuade her to bond with him. The more she told him about her life the more he worried it was unlikely that she want to stay in Rose with him.

  She had lived like a gypsy, moving from place to place, never settling. She’d been all over the country and even outside the country. The fact that he had never lived anywhere other than Rose made him feel a bit inadequate, although he acknowledged that he wouldn’t have lived anywhere other than Rose even if he had the choice.

  The pack was his family. His life. The thought of living without his pack was troubling, but the thought of not being with his mate was intolerable.

  His wolf howled. Caught between a rock and a hard place. If Rosalee didn’t want to stay in Rose would he leave with to be with her? As difficult as it would be, yes he would. If she would have him. The pack would survive without him, but he wouldn’t survive without Rosalee.

  His wolf grumbled angrily at the thought of leaving his pack, but whined at the thought of losing his mate.

  Adam made his way back to the cells. Keen to sort out the asshole who had been scaring his mate and invading her house.

  He pushed the door open to find Alec and Gabe stood outside one of the cells, Don was sat at the desk idly leaning back in the chair twirling his Stetson in his hands. Gabe leant against a wall and Alec stood rigid, his massive arms folded over his chest.

  Adam looked past them to the crumpled man in the cell. The cell door was open, there was no way he would get past the wolf shifters so it made no difference. He was sat on the bunk cradling his head in his hands. He looked small and pathetic. Slowly he lifted his head. It was Dennis Hardison t
he bobcat shifter, who worked at the Diner and who was training to be an EMT.

  Adam was a little taken aback. He was aware that Dennis had been arrested a few times for underage drinking, but he knew Dennis had problems at home, and had actually been supplied the alcohol by his own mother. In spite of this Dennis had strived to be accepted onto the EMT training programme, often working two jobs to support himself and his brothers and sisters.

  Dennis’ eyes were red rimmed and didn’t seem to focus on anything. When he saw Adam Dennis stumbled to his feet swaying lightly, his face paling even more. Gabe strolled into the cell and gently pushed Dennis back down until he was sitting.

  Adam’s beast snarled. This man needs to be punished for hurting their mate. His fangs and claws lengthened. “Drunk?” Barked Adam, his voice deep and menacing.

  Alec shook his head. “Nope, doesn’t smell of alcohol, and he passed a breathalyser.”

  Adam paced up and down never taking his eyes off Dennis. “Drugs?”

  Gabe kept a hand on Dennis’ shoulder. “I don’t think so, it looks more like he’s been in a trance.”

  Don cleared his throat. “We found a candy bar wrapper in the Bennett house, led us to Dennis.”

  Adam stared at him, eyebrows raised. “A candy bar wrapper? After using wolfsbane and cows blood to cover his scent the first two times he broke in, he then gets caught out by a candy bar?”

  “Maybe he’ just really dumb...” Began Gabe.

  “I don’t think so...” Liv’s melodious voice floated to them as she entered the room.

  Alec immediately moved to her standing between her and Dennis, huffing at her. She grasped his hand and squeezed it to reassure him.

  “I think he’s coming down from a spell...”

  “Magic?” Don snapped to attention.

  Liv nodded frowning. “I can feel a little residual energy from him but,” she placed a hand over her stomach, “I can’t really do anything because of the baby.” Liv would only have limited magical abilities during her pregnancy, to ensure that the baby wouldn’t be hurt.


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