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The Alpha's Mate:

Page 9

by E A Price

  “Does Dennis have magic?” Asked Adam lowly.

  “No, definitely not.” Liv looked at Dennis thoughtfully. “If he has been under a spell someone else cast it, and if he was the one breaking into Rosalee’s house then it’s possible that he didn’t know what he was doing. From the way he’s reacting I think it’s a manipulation spell, it turns people into puppets.”

  Alec exhaled loudly. “I hope you’re right, his sister Dee is training to be a Deputy. I wouldn’t want to have to arrest her brother... again. Gabe could you call Dee and get her in here, Dennis could use her support right now.”

  Gabe nodded and making sure Dennis wouldn’t slump over left the room.

  Adam looked to Liv. For Alec’s sake he was pleased when Liv had joined the pack. The first witch to ever join the pack. But now he was starting to think her help could be invaluable. “Who could have done this?”

  Liv creased her forehead thinking and sighed. “I’ve no idea, I wouldn’t have thought anyone in this town would be low enough to cast a manipulation spell. But then again I used to think Iris Bennett was a nice person and look how that turned out...”

  Alec tightened his grip on her hand and she smiled weakly at him. “They’re really awful spells, people affected by them can see and understand what they’re doing but are powerless to stop themselves, and it’s a real drain on them... unless the spell is broken the person affected dies.”

  “What can we do for Dennis?”

  “We need witches, to try and break the spell.”

  Don cocked his head. “Witches plural?”

  “Umm hmm, breaking another witches spell is difficult and requires a lot of energy, and if it goes wrong it can seriously hurt those trying to break it. We need witches who will be willing to help. Agatha is still the most powerful witch I know.”

  Alec nodded. Agatha was an elderly witch who adored Liv and Alec, they visited her regularly and helped her out round her little cottage. “She’ll help, definitely.”

  “If I ask Melody and Kayleigh they definitely will too... maybe I could ask Dena although I suspect she’d say no, the risk is too great...”


  Liv started at the sound of Dennis’ strangled voice and Alec growled menacingly at the boy in the cell.

  “Dena... must obey Dena...”

  Everybody froze staring at Dennis.

  “Anybody wanna take a wild guess at who cast the spell yet?” Don’s Texas drawl cut through the silence.

  “Why though?” Asked Alec puzzled. “Why force him to break into Rosalee’s house?”

  “Fuck!” Liv blushed and immediately covered her mouth. She generally didn’t swear. “A week ago Dena was asking me about Iris’ Grimoire...”

  She was met with blank looks. “Her spell book, Dena wanted to know what was going to happen to it. She told me the spells belonged to all of us and that it should be shared but I disagreed, there was too much black magic in it. I didn’t tell her but I gave both Iris and Emerald’s Grimoires to Agatha to destroy right after Emerald died.”

  The truth dawned on Adam. “That’s why Dennis kept going back to the house, she wanted him to find something that wasn’t there. Which means she’s still looking for it...” He looked at Alec. “We need to find Dena right now.”

  He fished out his phone and called Rosalee, as Liv tried to call Dena on hers. No answer.

  He tried Rosalee repeatedly while Alec and Liv tried calling Dena and the boarding house where she lives. Liv managed to get hold of Kayleigh who also lived at the boarding house. Nobody had seen Dena all day. Liv asked Kayleigh to find Melody and come down to the station.

  Adam’s wolf prowled his mind. Why wasn’t Rosalee answering her phone?

  Adam angrily clicked his phone off. “Rose isn’t answering her phone, I’m going to her house. Alec, Don with me.” Gabe came back into the room. Adam pointed at him. “You stay here with Dennis.”

  Liv hugged Alec. “I’m going to fetch Agatha, and she can start working the spell for Dennis as soon as we can. Stay safe my sweet.”

  “You too angel.” He kissed her quickly and followed the Alpha and Don as they strode from the room.

  Adam felt his skin tightening, itching. His wolf was restless, keen to be free. Desperate to find their mate.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rosalee’s head was pounding. Really pounding. It was like someone was playing a steel drum in her head on a loop. Her eyes felt heavy and her mouth was woolly.

  She tried to touch her head but her arm didn’t want to co-operate. What’s with that? She tried both arms but felt resistance.

  Gingerly she licked her lips and forced her eyes to open. Everything was blurry for a few seconds but eventually she managed to focus. Looking down she saw what the issue was. Shit.

  Ugh! Tied to a chair. Fucking terrific!

  She struggled against the bonds trying to loosen them.

  “Don’t bother.” Came a frosty voice. “They’re tied with magic, no way a human like you could get out of them.”

  Rosalee looked around see one of the witches from the bar walk in. It was the dark haired witch who had been staring at her. Dena.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Screamed Rosalee with more confidence than she felt, and more volume than she probably should have used considering her head.

  Dena smirked at her.

  Rosalee scowled in return. “You can’t do this! People know I’m here, they’ll come looking for me... Adam will come for me.”

  Dena flinched at the mention of the Alpha but she gave Rosalee a chilly grin. “They don’t know I’m here though, by the time your boyfriend turns up I’ll be long gone and I’ll have covered my scent with magic.”

  “Adam was right behind me, he’ll be here any second.” Lied Rosalee.

  “Liar.” Crowed Dena. “He’s too busy dealing with your ‘burglar’.”

  “How do you know that?” Rosalee, in spite of what Dena told her, carefully tried to work her way out of her bindings.

  Dena saw what she was doing but ignored her. Stupid human. “How do you think? Dennis was getting nowhere finding it so I had him arrested so that he could distract that fucking mutt Alpha while we had a little... chat...” The corners of her mouth turned up grimly.

  “You had him arrested?” That’s it keep the crazy lady talking so help can arrive.

  Dean shrugged. “Simple really, I had him break in again and made sure that he left something behind. That dog, the tracker Don followed his scent, and hey presto! They found your burglar.” She actually looked pleased with herself thought Rosalee disgustedly.

  “They actually found him a lot quicker than I expected, but no matter. You’re here that’s what’s important.”

  Rosalee looked at her sourly. “Yes about that... why hell are you doing this? I assume there actually is a point and not just that you’re crazy beans...” What was with her big mouth? The pain she felt apparently made her even more sparky and irritable.

  Dena stormed over to her, violet eyes flashing furiously. She leaned over, her face inches from Rosalee. “Look I tried to make this easy, if Dennis had just found the book and brought it to me all of this could have been avoided. This really is your fault!”

  “What?!” Confusion and pain stabbed at Rosalee in equal measure.

  “You shouldn’t have hid the book.” Said Dena simply, like she was talking to a child.

  Rosalee started to shake her head and then decided against that. Best not to jar her brain more. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Dena stepped away and threw up her hands in disgust. “I don’t have time for your fucking bullshit!” She shrieked. “Just tell me where it is and I’ll get it and leave.”

  Rosalee felt like she was trying to do a jigsaw puzzle. Where you didn’t have the picture on the box for reference. And also half the pieces were missing. And also the pieces you did have didn’t seem to belong to the same puzzle.

  Dena was looking at her with
wild eyes. Rosalee had a terrible feeling that if the girl got what she wanted she wouldn’t just walk away. Even Dena had noticed the Alpha’s attachment to her, she had to know that the Alpha would hunt her down for hurting Rosalee. But if Rosalee weren’t alive to tell him who did this...

  “I’ve no idea...”

  Dena flicked her finger and a shot of electricity flowed through Rosalee’s body. She screeched and shook as tears flowed down her cheeks from the abject pain permeating her body.

  Dena sighed heavily. “Look be reasonable, you’re human. It’s not like you can even use the book.”

  Rosalee gritted her teeth. “Let me make it easy for you. I. Don’t. Know. What. Book. You. Are. Talking. About... Bitch”

  Dena tapped her foot. “The Grimoire of course. Iris’ Grimoire.”

  Rosalee screeched in exasperation. “You crazy loon! I don’t even know what a Grimoire is!”

  Dena sent another zap towards her. “Iris’ book of magic, I need it. Where the fuck is it?”

  Rosalee panted trying to get over the residual pain. “I don’t know.”

  “Bullshit! It has to be here somewhere.” Screamed Dena.

  “What do you even want it for? Don’t you have your own magic book?” That’s it get the supervillain to reveal her evil plan, now she’s definitely going to kill me!

  “I do, but Iris had a certain spell that I want.” Dena looked a little dreamy. “She had a spell that could make witches more powerful... and I want it!”

  Rosalee stared at her in horror. “You mean the spell where witches kill other witches to take their power? The spell that my grandmother was killed over?”

  Dena sneered at her. “You’re human, you wouldn’t understand.”

  Rosalee felt herself becoming more and more angry. “I don’t have the fucking book. The only things I’ve thrown out are the things that your helper monkey destroyed when he decided to slaughter a cow in my house.”

  Dena narrowed her eyes, watching Rosalee closely. She stood up and chewed her bottom lip. “You’re not lying are you?”

  Rosalee glared at her.

  “Where the fuck is it then?” Muttered Dena to herself stomping round the room, momentarily forgetting Rosalee was even there.

  Rosalee made a last ditch effort to loosen the ropes tied around her arms and legs. No dice.

  Dena stopped unexpectedly and stared ahead of her. “Fucking Liv... she must have taken it. Fucking hell!”

  Frustrated Dena sent a zap at the wall behind Rosalee’s head. Rosalee bit her lip to stop herself from crying out.

  Dena settled her vacant gaze on Rosalee, breathing hard. “I’m sorry about this Rosalee.” Her voice was hollow. She wasn’t sorry at all.

  She went out of the room and Rosalee struggled at the bonds with renewed vigour. Please Adam where are you?

  Dena came back into the room holding a knife. Where the fuck did that come from? Shit she brought it with her! Dena had a horribly serene expression on her face. She moved toward Rosalee.

  Panic gripped Rosalee who sobbed loudly. No, no, no, no no! This was not how she was supposed to die, shredded by a nutter!

  “Hey!” Yelled an irate voice behind her.

  Dena looked up, a ferocious look in her eyes before they widened in surprise. She threw up her hands in a futile attempt to protect herself before an enormous zap of lightening pulsated through her throwing her off her feet and slamming her into the wall.

  Heels clacked on the floor and soft hands gripped her shoulders.



  Chapter Fourteen

  Rosalee curled closer into Adam’s arms. They were snuggled up on his couch drinking tea. Or at least she was drinking tea, he was drinking coffee. He told her men drank coffee. She rolled her eyes and called him an idiot.

  Her mom Violet was nestled into an oversized armchair. Adam had insisted that both Rosalee and Violet stay with them. Rosalee had readily agreed, she was officially done with the Bennett house. After everything she went through in that house there was no way she was going back.

  Dena was in the hospital, the bolt of lightning sent through her had been agonising but not life threatening. Alec had called the Cos (Council of Supernaturals) and they had taken charge of Dena. Rosalee sincerely hoped a padded prison cell and life sentence were in the young witches future.

  The witches had thankfully managed to ‘unenchant’ Dennis, who was a little dazed and fuzzy about everything he had done in the last few days but generally okay. His sister Dee had taken him home to recover.

  Rosalee was thrilled at seeing her mother, and even more thrilled at her timing. Violet had been a little taken aback to find her daughter tied up and about to be stabbed by a crazed witch but had not faltered when her baby was in danger.

  Violet was even more surprised to learn that her daughter was apparently the mate of the Grey wolf pack Alpha.

  Violet however wasn’t particularly surprised to hear of the circumstances surrounding her mother Iris’ death, or Emerald Cole’s either for that matter.

  Things had finally settled and now they could relax and catch up. Rosalee kind of would have preferred a little time alone with her mother but she knew that Adam’s wolf was too on edge to leave her alone.

  “Oh mom, I’ve missed you.” Rosalee felt like she was a 6 year old little girl who had gotten lost in a department store and thought she would never see her mother again. She hadn’t realised how much she missed her.

  “Me too Ro.”

  Rosalee harrumphed. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone? I’ve been texting and calling you. For gods sake I was about to report you as a missing person!”

  “I’ve been in the Poconos, the reception wasn’t always great.” Said Violet testily, but then softened. “I came as soon as I managed to get cell reception again.”

  Rosalee bit her lip. “How come you never told me about Iris or this town?”

  Violet looked at her searchingly for a few moments, indecision was written all over her face.”Do you really want to know?” She asked quietly.

  “Yes, yes I do.” Said Rosalee quietly.

  Violet looked at Adam and sucked in a breath through her teeth. Rosalee looked at her pointedly. “Anything you have to say can be said in front of him.”

  Violet nodded and put her drink down on the coffee table. She stared at her hands for a few minutes whilst Adam and Rosalee waited patiently.

  “My mom, your grandmother, was always kind of... strict. I never really knew my dad, he left when I was 4, or at least that’s what Iris told me. All I know is that one day he was there and the next he wasn’t... with Iris who knows.”

  Violet wrapped her arms around her. “When I was 16 I met... I met your father. He was a boy in school, he came from Darlington. I knew the moment we met that he was my true mate, and it didn’t take long for him to realise it too. He was human though, and I knew Iris wouldn’t be happy about it. She hated humans and shifters... I was worried that Iris might try to break us up so we snuck around for a while.”

  “When I realised I was pregnant we decided to run away, but we needed help so I asked one of my friends, Emerald. At least at the time I thought she was my friend. I suppose you can guess what happened? Emerald told Iris what I was planning and Iris stopped us. One day your father and I were happy, and planning on spending the rest of our lives together, the next he was just gone.”

  “Gone?” Rumbled Adam.

  Violet nodded sadly. “All of a sudden he wasn’t in school, his parents had quit their jobs and his house was for sale. After a lot of digging I found out that apparently his family had moved to Alaska. Iris told me that it was just a high school crush and that I’d get over it. I knew she was wrong. He was my mate, he wouldn’t abandon me. I knew Iris had done something. But by that time I was fit to burst with you Ro, I wasn’t going anywhere. So I bided my time.”

  Tears rolled down Violet’s cheeks. Rosalee extricated herself from Adam’s arms and
went to soothe her mother. Violet clasped her hands. “When you were born it was the happiest day of my life, but I knew you were human. And I knew Iris wouldn’t accept a human granddaughter so I took you from the hospital and I left. I went to Alaska looking for your father, but it was hopeless. I knew it was hopeless but I still tried. Your father had never set foot in Alaska. I’ll never know what Iris really did but I knew whatever it was, he wasn’t coming back.”

  Rosalee clutched at her hands. “How can you be so sure? What if he’s out there somewhere waiting for...”

  “No, he isn’t. When he disappeared it was like a part of me died. I knew what it meant deep down, but I couldn’t bring myself to admit it. I guess I only really accepted it after you were born, because at least I still had a part of him.”

  Rosalee sniffled and Violet wiped away a few stray tears. “I hated my mother, but I loved this town and I loved your father. His name was Lee. That’s why I gave you your name, Rose – a – lee. I honestly never thought I’d come back though, when I left I thought it would be for good. It is nice to be home though.”

  “Yes,” agreed Rosalee, “it is.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  30th September

  Adam awoke to find his mate draped over his chest. He smiled contentedly as his wolf whimpered.

  Yesterday had been a damn long day, his mate had suffered at the hands of a demented witch and then found out some less than stellar home truths. By the time he had dragged her to bed she had been exhausted and he was satisfied just to have her sleep in his arms.

  He thought about Rosalee’s father mournfully. Sad that he had never seen what a wonderful daughter he had. Sad that Rosalee’s mother had lost her true mate. He could only imagine the hell of losing a true mate.

  When his mate had called Rose home it had given him hope. Hope that she wanted to stay and be with him. Forever.

  She curled her fingers into his chest hair and rubbed her cheek against him. “Morning.” She murmured.

  “Morning sweetheart.”

  She kept her eyes closed but yawned and asked “what time is it?”


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