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Delphi Septuagint

Page 690

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [10] διδοὺς δώσεις αὐτῷ καὶ δάνειον δανιεῖς αὐτῷ ὅσον ἐπιδέεται, καὶ οὐ λυπηθήσῃ τῇ καρδίᾳ σου διδόντος σου αὐτῷ· ὅτι διὰ τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο εὐλογήσει σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς ἔργοις καὶ ἐν πᾶσιν, οὗ ἂν ἐπιβάλῃς τὴν χεῖρά σου.

  [10] Thou shalt surely give to him, and thou shalt lend him as much as he wants, according as he is in need; and thou shalt not grudge in thine heart as thou givest to him, because on this account the Lord thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all things on which thou shalt lay thine hand.

  [11] οὐ γὰρ μὴ ἐκλίπῃ ἐνδεὴς ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς· διὰ τοῦτο ἐγώ σοι ἐντέλλομαι ποιεῖν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο λέγων Ἀνοίγων ἀνοίξεις τὰς χεῖράς σου τῷ ἀδελφῷ σου τῷ πένητι καὶ τῷ ἐπιδεομένῳ τῷ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς σου.

  [11] For the poor shall not fail off thy land, therefore I charge thee to do this thing, saying, Thou shalt surely open thine hands to thy poor brother, and to him that is distressed upon thy land.

  [12] Ἐὰν δὲ πραθῇ σοι ὁ ἀδελφός σου ὁ Εβραῖος ἢ ἡ Εβραία, δουλεύσει σοι ἓξ ἔτη, καὶ τῷ ἑβδόμῳ ἐξαποστελεῖς αὐτὸν ἐλεύθερον ἀπὸ σοῦ.

  [12] And if thy brother or sister, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, be sold to thee, he shall serve thee six years, and in the seventh year thou shalt send him out free from thee.

  [13] ὅταν δὲ ἐξαποστέλλῃς αὐτὸν ἐλεύθερον ἀπὸ σοῦ, οὐκ ἐξαποστελεῖς αὐτὸν κενόν·

  [13] And when thou shalt send him out free from thee, thou shalt not send him out empty.

  [14] ἐφόδιον ἐφοδιάσεις αὐτὸν ἀπὸ τῶν προβάτων σου καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ σίτου σου καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς ληνοῦ σου· καθὰ εὐλόγησέν σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου, δώσεις αὐτῷ.

  [14] Thou shalt give him provision for the way from thy flock, and from thy corn, and from thy wine; as the Lord thy God has blessed thee, thou shalt give to him.

  [15] καὶ μνησθήσῃ ὅτι οἰκέτης ἦσθα ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτου καὶ ἐλυτρώσατό σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐκεῖθεν· διὰ τοῦτο ἐγώ σοι ἐντέλλομαι ποιεῖν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο.

  [15] And thou shalt remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God redeemed thee from thence; therefore I charge thee to do this thing.

  [16] ἐὰν δὲ λέγῃ πρὸς σέ Οὐκ ἐξελεύσομαι ἀπὸ σοῦ, ὅτι ἠγάπηκέν σε καὶ τὴν οἰκίαν σου, ὅτι εὖ αὐτῷ ἐστιν παρὰ σοί,

  [16] And if he should say to thee, I will not go out from thee, because he continues to love thee and thy house, because he is well with thee;

  [17] καὶ λήμψῃ τὸ ὀπήτιον καὶ τρυπήσεις τὸ ὠτίον αὐτοῦ πρὸς τὴν θύραν, καὶ ἔσται σοι οἰκέτης εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα· καὶ τὴν παιδίσκην σου ποιήσεις ὡσαύτως.

  [17] then thou shalt take an awl, and bore his ear through to the door, and he shall be thy servant for ever; and in like manner shalt thou do to thy maid-servant.

  [18] οὐ σκληρὸν ἔσται ἐναντίον σου ἐξαποστελλομένων αὐτῶν ἐλευθέρων ἀπὸ σοῦ, ὅτι ἐφέτιον μισθὸν τοῦ μισθωτοῦ ἐδούλευσέν σοι ἓξ ἔτη· καὶ εὐλογήσει σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐν πᾶσιν, οἷς ἐὰν ποιῇς.

  [18] It shall not seem hard to thee when they are sent out free from thee, because thy servant has served thee six years according to the annual hire of a hireling; so the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all things whatsoever thou mayest do.

  [19] Πᾶν πρωτότοκον, ὃ ἐὰν τεχθῇ ἐν τοῖς βουσίν σου καὶ ἐν τοῖς προβάτοις σου, τὰ ἀρσενικά, ἁγιάσεις κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου· οὐκ ἐργᾷ ἐν τῷ πρωτοτόκῳ μόσχῳ σου καὶ οὐ μὴ κείρῃς τὸ πρωτότοκον τῶν προβάτων σου·

  [19] Every first-born that shall be born among thy kine and thy sheep, thou shalt sanctify the males to the Lord thy God; thou shalt not work with thy first-born calf, and thou shalt not shear the first-born of thy sheep.

  [20] ἔναντι κυρίου φάγῃ αὐτὸ ἐνιαυτὸν ἐξ ἐνιαυτοῦ ἐν τῷ τόπῳ, ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται κύριος ὁ θεός σου, σὺ καὶ ὁ οἶκός σου.

  [20] Thou shalt eat it before the Lord year by year in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, thou and thy house.

  [21] ἐὰν δὲ ᾖ ἐν αὐτῷ μῶμος, χωλὸν ἢ τυφλὸν ἢ καὶ πᾶς μῶμος πονηρός, οὐ θύσεις αὐτὸ κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου·

  [21] And if there be in it a blemish, if it be lame or blind, an evil blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it to the Lord thy God.

  [22] ἐν ταῖς πόλεσίν σου φάγῃ αὐτό, ὁ ἀκάθαρτος ἐν σοὶ καὶ ὁ καθαρὸς ὡσαύτως ἔδεται ὡς δορκάδα ἢ ἔλαφον·

  [22] Thou shalt eat it in thy cities; the unclean in thee and the clean shall eat it in like manner, as the doe or the stag.

  [23] πλὴν τὸ αἷμα οὐ φάγεσθε, ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν ἐκχεεῖς αὐτὸ ὡς ὕδωρ.

  [23] Only ye shall not eat the blood; thou shalt pour it out on the earth as water.


  [1] Φύλαξαι τὸν μῆνα τῶν νέων καὶ ποιήσεις τὸ πασχα κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου, ὅτι ἐν τῷ μηνὶ τῶν νέων ἐξῆλθες ἐξ Αἰγύπτου νυκτός.

  [1] Observe the month of new corn, and thou shalt sacrifice the passover to the Lord thy God; because in the month of new corn thou camest out of Egypt by night.

  [2] καὶ θύσεις τὸ πασχα κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου πρόβατα καὶ βόας ἐν τῷ τόπῳ, ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται κύριος ὁ θεός σου αὐτὸν ἐπικληθῆναι τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ ἐκεῖ.

  [2] And thou shalt sacrifice the passover to the Lord thy God, sheep and oxen in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to have his name called upon it.

  [3] οὐ φάγῃ ἐπ’ αὐτοῦ ζύμην· ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας φάγῃ ἐπ’ αὐτοῦ ἄζυμα, ἄρτον κακώσεως, ὅτι ἐν σπουδῇ ἐξήλθετε ἐξ Αἰγύπτου· ἵνα μνησθῆτε τὴν ἡμέραν τῆς ἐξοδίας ὑμῶν ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου πάσας τὰς ἡμέρας τῆς ζωῆς ὑμῶν.

  [3] Thou shalt not eat leaven with it; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread with it, bread of affliction, because ye came forth out of Egypt in haste; that ye may remember the day of your coming forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.

  [4] οὐκ ὀφθήσεταί σοι ζύμη ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς ὁρίοις σου ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας, καὶ οὐ κοιμηθήσεται ἀπὸ τῶν κρεῶν, ὧν ἐὰν θύσῃς τὸ ἑσπέρας τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ πρώτῃ, εἰς τὸ πρωί.

  [4] Leaven shall not be seen with thee in all thy borders for seven days, and there shall not be left of the flesh which thou shalt sacrifice at even on the first day until the morning.

  [5] οὐ δυνήσῃ θῦσαι τὸ πασχα ἐν οὐδεμιᾷ τῶν πόλεών σου, ὧν κύριος ὁ θεό
ς σου δίδωσίν σοι,

  [5] thou shalt not have power to sacrifice the passover in any of the cities, which the Lord thy God gives thee.

  [6] ἀλλ’ ἢ εἰς τὸν τόπον, ὃν ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐπικληθῆναι τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ ἐκεῖ, θύσεις τὸ πασχα ἑσπέρας πρὸς δυσμὰς ἡλίου ἐν τῷ καιρῷ, ᾧ ἐξῆλθες ἐξ Αἰγύπτου,

  [6] But in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, to have his name called there, thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even at the setting of the sun, at the time when thou camest out of Egypt.

  [7] καὶ ἑψήσεις καὶ ὀπτήσεις καὶ φάγῃ ἐν τῷ τόπῳ, ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται κύριος ὁ θεός σου αὐτόν, καὶ ἀποστραφήσῃ τὸ πρωῒ καὶ ἀπελεύσῃ εἰς τοὺς οἴκους σου.

  [7] And thou shalt boil and roast and eat it in the place, which the Lord thy God shall choose; and thou shalt return in the morning, and go to thy house.

  [8] ἓξ ἡμέρας φάγῃ ἄζυμα, καὶ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἑβδόμῃ ἐξόδιον, ἑορτὴ κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου· οὐ ποιήσεις ἐν αὐτῇ πᾶν ἔργον πλὴν ὅσα ποιηθήσεται ψυχῇ. –

  [8] Six days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day is a holiday, a feast to the Lord thy God: thou shalt not do in it any work, save what must be done by any one.

  [9] ἑπτὰ ἑβδομάδας ὁλοκλήρους ἐξαριθμήσεις σεαυτῷ· ἀρξαμένου σου δρέπανον ἐπ’ ἀμητὸν ἄρξῃ ἐξαριθμῆσαι ἑπτὰ ἑβδομάδας.

  [9] Seven weeks shalt thou number to thyself; when thou hast begun to put the sickle to the corn, thou shalt begin to number seven weeks.

  [10] καὶ ποιήσεις ἑορτὴν ἑβδομάδων κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου καθότι ἡ χείρ σου ἰσχύει, ὅσα ἂν δῷ σοι, καθότι ηὐλόγησέν σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου·

  [10] And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks to the Lord thy God, accordingly as thy hand has power in as many things as the Lord thy God shall give thee.

  [11] καὶ εὐφρανθήσῃ ἐναντίον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου, σὺ καὶ ὁ υἱός σου καὶ ἡ θυγάτηρ σου, ὁ παῖς σου καὶ ἡ παιδίσκη σου καὶ ὁ Λευίτης ὁ ἐν ταῖς πόλεσίν σου καὶ ὁ προσήλυτος καὶ ὁ ὀρφανὸς καὶ ἡ χήρα ἡ ἐν ὑμῖν, ἐν τῷ τόπῳ, ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐπικληθῆναι τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ ἐκεῖ,

  [11] And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God, thou and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-servant and thy maid-servant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow which dwells among you, in whatsoever place the Lord thy God shall choose, that his name should be called there.

  [12] καὶ μνησθήσῃ ὅτι οἰκέτης ἦσθα ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτῳ, καὶ φυλάξῃ καὶ ποιήσεις τὰς ἐντολὰς ταύτας. –

  [12] And thou shalt remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and thou shalt observe and do these commands.

  [13] ἑορτὴν σκηνῶν ποιήσεις σεαυτῷ ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἐν τῷ συναγαγεῖν σε ἐκ τοῦ ἅλωνός σου καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς ληνοῦ σου·

  [13] Thou shalt keep for thyself the feast of tabernacles seven days, when thou gatherest in thy produce from thy corn-floor and thy wine-press.

  [14] καὶ εὐφρανθήσῃ ἐν τῇ ἑορτῇ σου, σὺ καὶ ὁ υἱός σου καὶ ἡ θυγάτηρ σου, ὁ παῖς σου καὶ ἡ παιδίσκη σου καὶ ὁ Λευίτης καὶ ὁ προσήλυτος καὶ ὁ ὀρφανὸς καὶ ἡ χήρα ἡ οὖσα ἐν ταῖς πόλεσίν σου.

  [14] And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-servant, and thy maid-servant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow that is in thy cities.

  [15] ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἑορτάσεις κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου ἐν τῷ τόπῳ, ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται κύριος ὁ θεός σου αὐτῷ· ἐὰν δὲ εὐλογήσῃ σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐν πᾶσιν τοῖς γενήμασίν σου καὶ ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ τῶν χειρῶν σου, καὶ ἔσῃ εὐφραινόμενος. –

  [15] Seven days shalt thou keep a feast to the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose for himself; and if the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy fruits, and in every work of thy hands, then thou shalt rejoice.

  [16] τρεῖς καιροὺς τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ ὀφθήσεται πᾶν ἀρσενικόν σου ἐναντίον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου ἐν τῷ τόπῳ, ᾧ ἐὰν ἐκλέξηται αὐτὸν κύριος, ἐν τῇ ἑορτῇ τῶν ἀζύμων καὶ ἐν τῇ ἑορτῇ τῶν ἑβδομάδων καὶ ἐν τῇ ἑορτῇ τῆς σκηνοπηγίας. οὐκ ὀφθήσῃ ἐνώπιον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου κενός·

  [16] Three times in the year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord shall choose in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: thou shalt not appear before the Lord thy God empty.

  [17] ἕκαστος κατὰ δύναμιν τῶν χειρῶν ὑμῶν κατὰ τὴν εὐλογίαν κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου, ἣν ἔδωκέν σοι.

  [17] Each one according to his ability, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he has given thee.

  [18] Κριτὰς καὶ γραμματοεισαγωγεῖς καταστήσεις σεαυτῷ ἐν πάσαις ταῖς πόλεσίν σου, αἷς κύριος ὁ θεός σου δίδωσίν σοι, κατὰ φυλάς, καὶ κρινοῦσιν τὸν λαὸν κρίσιν δικαίαν.

  [18] Thou shalt make for thyself judges and officers in thy cities, which the Lord thy God gives thee in thy tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment:

  [19] οὐκ ἐκκλινοῦσιν κρίσιν, οὐκ ἐπιγνώσονται πρόσωπον οὐδὲ λήμψονται δῶρον· τὰ γὰρ δῶρα ἐκτυφλοῖ ὀφθαλμοὺς σοφῶν καὶ ἐξαίρει λόγους δικαίων.

  [19] they shall not wrest judgment, nor favour persons, nor receive a gift; for gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous.

  [20] δικαίως τὸ δίκαιον διώξῃ, ἵνα ζῆτε καὶ εἰσελθόντες κληρονομήσητε τὴν γῆν, ἣν κύριος ὁ θεός σου δίδωσίν σοι.

  [20] Thou shalt justly pursue justice, that ye may live, and go in and inherit the land which the Lord thy God gives thee.

  [21] Οὐ φυτεύσεις σεαυτῷ ἄλσος, πᾶν ξύλον, παρὰ τὸ θυσιαστήριον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου, ὃ ποιήσεις σεαυτῷ.

  [21] Thou shalt not plant for thyself a grove; thou shalt not plant for thyself any tree near the altar of thy God.

  [22] οὐ στήσεις σεαυτῷ στήλην, ἃ ἐμίσησεν κύριος ὁ θεός σου.

  [22] Thou shalt not set up for thyself a pillar, which the Lord thy God hates.


  [1] Οὐ θύσεις κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σου μόσχον ἢ πρόβατον, ἐν ᾧ ἐστιν ἐν αὐτῷ μῶμος, πᾶν ῥῆμα πονηρόν, ὅτι βδέλυγμα κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ σού ἐστιν.

  [1] Thou shalt not sacrifice to the Lord thy God a calf or a sheep, in which there
is a blemish, or any evil thing; for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God.

  [2] Ἐὰν δὲ εὑρεθῇ ἐν σοὶ ἐν μιᾷ τῶν πόλεών σου, ὧν κύριος ὁ θεός σου δίδωσίν σοι, ἀνὴρ ἢ γυνή, ὅστις ποιήσει τὸ πονηρὸν ἐναντίον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου παρελθεῖν τὴν διαθήκην αὐτοῦ,

  [2] And if there should be found in any one of thy cities, which the Lord thy God gives thee, a man or a woman who shall do that which is evil before the Lord thy God, so as to transgress his covenant,

  [3] καὶ ἐλθόντες λατρεύσωσιν θεοῖς ἑτέροις καὶ προσκυνήσωσιν αὐτοῖς, τῷ ἡλίῳ ἢ τῇ σελήνῃ ἢ παντὶ τῶν ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, ἃ οὐ προσέταξεν,

  [3] and they should go and serve other gods, and worship them, the sun, or the moon, or any of the host of heaven, which he commanded thee not to do,

  [4] καὶ ἀναγγελῇ σοι, καὶ ἐκζητήσεις σφόδρα, καὶ ἰδοὺ ἀληθῶς γέγονεν τὸ ῥῆμα, γεγένηται τὸ βδέλυγμα τοῦτο ἐν Ισραηλ,

  [4] and it be told thee, and thou shalt have enquired diligently, and, behold, the thing really took place, this abomination has been done in Israel;

  [5] καὶ ἐξάξεις τὸν ἄνθρωπον ἐκεῖνον ἢ τὴν γυναῖκα ἐκείνην καὶ λιθοβολήσετε αὐτοὺς ἐν λίθοις, καὶ τελευτήσουσιν.

  [5] then shalt thou bring out that man, or that woman, and ye shall stone them with stones, and they shall die.

  [6] ἐπὶ δυσὶν μάρτυσιν ἢ ἐπὶ τρισὶν μάρτυσιν ἀποθανεῖται ὁ ἀποθνῄσκων· οὐκ ἀποθανεῖται ἐφ’ ἑνὶ μάρτυρι.


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