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WHO KILLED ME: The Strangest Whodunnit

Page 12

by Irfan Khan

  Karan replied “That’s why I gave you this.”

  I felt miserable listening to that conversation. She is okay with running away from me. She has become stone-hearted. There is nothing left between us now.

  Reema went straight home and now I switched back to the cameras at home. She went into the bedroom and opened her side of the wardrobe. She brought out the old jewelry box and then opened her purse. She pulled out a package wrapped in a cloth and kept it in the box. The box was kept back in the wardrobe and Reema went in for a bath.

  I was back with my LIITs and the car parked far away from the town. I was deep in thought.

  How does a person know, if the woman whom he is marrying, is doing it for love or simply because she has no other choice? This is true for both arranged and love marriages. In an arranged marriage, though it looks like a choice, since one can see many, reject and then select one. The process runs a little like a slot machine. All grapes may not align at the same time for the jackpot. She says yes, he says no and vice versa. How do they know that finally when they make the choice, it is the best or fatigue has lowered their standards? Then after marriage, are they living together as an ‘arrangement’ (oh, that’s why it is called arrange marriage) or genuinely in love with each other. If social hackles were removed, would they remain together?

  My life was spinning in a vortex and I don’t know how to blame myself. I want to take onus. They say one must take responsibility for whatever is happening. I am now convinced that Reema married me because at that time she thought she loved me. She did not realize that Karan was still her first choice. I became the victim of the rebound that was Reema’s break up with Karan. So, the period that we were together, she genuinely loved me and there was no other thought in her mind. Karan came back in her life just after we lost Aashar. Reema was most vulnerable. She got swept away in the tsunami of past love which was only dormant, never dead.

  Later that night I opened the wardrobe and retrieved the secret box. I took it to the washroom and opened it. I discovered that the package in cloth was a pistol ‘Smith & Wesson 9mm’ and it was loaded. This was the gun that killed me according to the autopsy.

  Now I had to decide the next course of action. I have a good amount of evidence against them. I have a video, audio conversation and now the presence of a pistol in the house. All these things prove beyond doubt about the affair taking place between Reema and Karan. What will these things get me? Maybe an easy and quick divorce. How will the divorce help the situation? It’s not as if I started gathering evidence because I had decided to divorce her. Divorce is not even the last thing that I want to happen. The reason I installed the camera and surveillance apps was not to just spy on my wife, I was hoping that by doing this I would probably discover the reason she is doing this. I hoped against hope that maybe this was a mistake and she wanted to undo it but was confused about how to go about it. If I could know that she needed some intervention then I would have made an effort. By spying on her I would probably listen to a conversation where she is sharing her guilt and remorse and wanting to reverse the damage. Reema did not do any of those things. She did panic but not in guilt but more in controlling any damage to her. She was not in love with me anymore. I don’t even know if she was in love with me ever. I was the rebound for her after Karan gave her a ditch. Her heart always belonged to Karan and the moment she saw an opportunity; it took very little persuasion to get her started.

  The pistol in the house was worrying me. The function of that instrument is to kill, either in self-defense or assault. I had to run the idea in my head whether Reema would, at some point, want to use the pistol on me. However rare the possibility in my head, it could be a reality. Many of my decisions were based on what I believed about Reema. But then I also believed that Reema loved only me and we were doing fine. What would I do to defend myself if the situation did materialize? I had no answer to that.

  . . .

  Day 6 After Death

  Sugaoni Police Station

  Madhav is a worried man. It’s that time when he has to send the report to the headquarter. He will have to list the ‘Nikhil Kumar homicide’ as ‘under investigation with no arrest or detention’, something he hates doing. The bland report springs up multiple questions from the bosses and he has no answers. Jagan has been relentless in his search but somehow the killer is still elusive. Madhav decided to go for a long walk to fill his lungs with clean Sugaoni air and get some exercise before Shiv arrives after an hour.

  Shiv arrived at the police station before Madhav was back from his walk. Jagan took him to Madhav’s cabin and called for some tea. Madhav was back in a while with some fresh samosas. This was his once-a-month indulgence.

  Madhav called out from the door “Shiv, I hope you like samosas? Who doesn’t like samosas”?

  Shiv hated samosas as they were deep-fried but today, he was in no mood to risk upsetting Madhav.

  Shiv fake enthusiasm “Of Course, sure… I love them.”

  Madhav sat down and started unwrapping the packet “They go great with the hot tea.”

  The tea arrived on cue. They started nibbling on the delicious savory samosa as they sipped the tea.

  Madhav started a conversation with no one particular “Do you know the samosas are originally from Persia which is now called Iran”?

  Jagan looked shocked “Really sir? This is so absurd. The taste of the samosa has suddenly gone away.”

  Madhav continued hoping the conversation grows “What to do? But it’s true. Did you know this, Shiv”?

  Shiv shook his head in disbelief “No. I have never been to Iran.”

  Madhav smirked “Even I have not been to Iran but I have read about this. You don’t have to go there to know this. I was not there at the spot when Nikhil was shot but I know who ordered the killing. Right, Jagan”?

  Shiv knew that the comment was for him. He was desperately trying to guess why he was summoned. Not to eat samosas or discuss its origin. Jagan nodded in response to Madhav and wiped his fingers on the wrapping paper.

  Jagan did a bottom up with his tea “Come Shiv, let’s meet your friend.”

  Jagan escorted Shiv out of the police station into the jeep as Madhav followed. They drove towards the timber market.

  . . .

  Sugaoni Lakda Bazaar

  Shaktidev Rawat was a tall well-built man, especially for his age. He ran an empire of everything illegal. He was dealing in drugs, guns, contract killing and kidnapping. His muscle clout was so good that all other smaller hoodlums that were running brothels and illicit liquor bars came to him to get protection. He operated out of this market as most of the dealers were of his caste.

  Madhav and party drove up to the cottage in the dense forest. They couldn’t have reached there if Madhav did not take a prior appointment with Rawat. I could see Shiv was clueless about where they were going. I was intrigued too.

  Madhav and the gang are escorted to the rear of the cottage. Rawat was cutting up a freshly slaughtered goat. He seemed to be an expert at doing this. Shiv froze when he saw Rawat and almost made a run for it. Shiv had never been to this den of Rawat. They had met at a restaurant in Sugaoni.

  Rawat nodded to Madhav as acknowledgement of his arrival. He continued the skinning of the goat “You know Madhav sahab. If the meat is not cut right then the recipe and cooking, all will fail.”

  Madhav did not know this and dd not have any interest in knowing this “Interesting.”

  They all sit on the chairs scattered around the barbecue pit that was being prepared.

  Rawat was now carving the hind legs of the dead animal “Shiv sahab! Did you know this? The meat from the top of front feet is called shoulders. This part is good for korma and biryani. But today we are cooking ‘Raan Musallam’, whole thigh barbecue.

  Rawat hands over the dismembered leg and the knives to his crony and washes his hands. He comes and sits on a sofa. A person appears with fruit juice for all. I guess the plot will unravel now.
br />   Madhav started the questioning before Rawat starts a new topic of discussion “Rawatji, I will ask you a direct question as we can do the chit chat a little later. Did Shiv approach you to get his son-in-law killed”?

  Rawat looked quizzically at Shiv “What Shiv sahab? Trouble at home? Madhav Sahab, Shiv did not come to me for any such request.”

  Shiv looked relieved and was smiling nervously but Madhav was puzzled “But he came to you, you two met”?

  Rawat was cool “He comes whenever he is in Sugaoni. We have old relations, so we had some tea together.”

  Shiv is jubilant and nods feverishly. Madhav is perplexed and he exchanges glances with Jagan. So, was Baldev lying to them?

  Rawat took a deep drag from the hookah that was brought to him. “Shiv sahab was shy. He did not want to tell me about his troubles.” Rawat was looking at Shiv and took a moment, “So, he went to my deputy, Bhajan Singh.”

  Madhav is shocked to hear that and looked towards Shiv. Shiv is looking like a car crash victim about to have a heart attack. I wish Reema and Hemlata were here to see and hear this.

  Shiv realizes that Shakti may not have taken that kindly. He had to save face “No, Shakti… I thought…. but you know…”

  Rawat waved his hand lazily “Relax, Shiv sahab. No problem.”

  Madhav wanted to act fast “Can we speak with Bhajan Singh”?

  “He is travelling but there is no need. After meeting Shiv sahab, Bhajan came to me. I told him to let it go. It’s a family matter and people do get angry sometimes.”

  Madhav was not ready to let it go “So, you mean, Shiv asked for Bhajan to get Nikhil killed but you stopped Bhajan Singh.”

  Rawat continued in his emotionless tone “I said it here, but I will not say this in the court.”

  I was quite shocked that Shiv did try to order a hit on me. This man wanted to satisfy his ego at the cost of turning his daughter into a widow.

  Madhav reasoned “But Nikhil did get killed and Shiv was looking for a hitman. Maybe he found someone else”?

  Rawat looks at Madhav in a condescending way “Shiv sahab was not the only one searching for a hitman”?

  Madhav's ears perk up and his attention is now super alert. I looked at this Rawat guy with admiration. He was the king of the underworld. He had a good grip on what was happening. Super updated.

  Rawat did not show it but he was enjoying Madhav’s befuddled expression “There was another person who came with Nikhil’s photo and a big amount.”

  “You have any details about this guy”? Jagan pulled out his note pad as Madhav looked at Rawat intently.

  Rawat (gesturing to his guy but speaking to Madhav) I have a system, where I make a record of such people who approach me. I have his video on this mobile.”

  Rawat’s guy hands over an iPad to Madhav with a video playing. Jagan also creeps up behind Madhav. They see a young man in the video, walking towards the mobile camera. The angle of the camera is such that the head of the person is out of the frame. The person, is not aware that someone is recording the video, sits on the chair. Once the person sits down his face is seen. Madhav and Jagan whisper together ‘Sid’.

  For the two of them everything has gone for a toss. All the theories and alibis they were pursuing. The case was more complex than ever or as they say ‘the plot thickens’.

  Rawat continued to fill in the details “When I realized the person that he wants to get killed is Shiv’s son-in-law, we refused the contract.”

  Madhav hates how the trail keeps going cold. “He must have gone to someone else? Who else is there in this area”?

  Rawat keeps away the hookah and stand up. “You are not the only one trying to find the killer.” Madhav also stands up “It’s a big jolt to my reputation also. Someone gets killed in my area and I don’t know who did it”?

  Madhav suggests “He must be a shooter from outside the state? The murder weapon is not commonly available in these areas.”

  Rawat holds the arm of Madhav “I have a request. When you find this guy, please give me some time with him. I have to teach this outsider bastard a lesson.”

  Shiv is stressed out and on the verge of collapsing. Madhav and team leave with him.

  . . .

  Sugaoni Police Station

  When Madhav got back he decided that he was done for the day and decided to wrap up and head home. He informed Jagan and went to his cabin to log out of the computer. A happy surprise was waiting for him in his email box. His face lit up when he saw that the mail was from that elusive anonymous account. Madhav clicked on the mail to open even as he remained standing. He wanted to glance at the content and then revisit it the next day. When the mail opened Madhav had to sit down as the monitor screen grabbed his attention. The mail showed a thumbnail from video recording of Reema and Karan. Madhav clicked on the attached file which popped open in the video player. Madhav was spellbound as he saw Reema and Karan enter the hotel and then in the room and the subsequent lovemaking.

  Now it was crystal clear. Here was the video evidence of their affair which could also be the motive. Madhav was suddenly very charged. Someone was providing evidence to implicate Reema and Karan. Madhav felt this was enough to get their custody for 7 days. The rest they would do while interrogation. He felt the adrenaline rush when you sense success coupled with the state of arousal, now his report will not be bland, but now he just wanted to head home.

  . . .

  Nikhil’s Office

  Reema is sitting in the main cabin of the office with Shishir and Jyoti seated across her. I am just floating around.

  Reema is taking them to task “I am disappointed. Nikhil cared so much for you people but you all don’t seem to care about who killed him. I asked for details on Sid and all you have given me is his resume.”

  Jyoti explains “We are trying all kind of things. We are searching for him on internet and tracking his mobile as much as we can.”

  Reema inquired “I believe Poonam was friends with him. What does she say”?

  Shishir soke up “Poonam says she has no contact with Sid anymore.”

  Reema was thoughtful and then said “Call Poonam. I want to talk to her alone.”

  Poonam enters the cabin as Shishir and Jyoti leave.

  Reema tries a different approach “Poonam, did you like Nikhil as your boss? Did he look after you well in the office”?

  Poonam smiled widely “No complaints Ma’am. Sir, was a wonderful man and the best boss.”

  “Good to know that. Will you us help find his killer”? Reema said it like a cry for help. “Right now, the police suspects Sid. He has been missing from the day of the murder. Please tell me whatever you can. Anything which can help us find Sid.”

  Poonam got emotional “Definitely ma’am. If I come across anything I will immediately contact you and the police. But believe me, I have no idea about Sid’s whereabouts.”

  Jyoti interrupts them,

  “There is one Mr. Sharma here to see you.”

  I smiled to myself. Just the man I was waiting for.

  Reema was in office today especially for this meeting “Oh yes, actually he wants to talk to everyone. Please ask all to assemble and I will be outside.”

  Jyoti gathers the staff. Reema welcomes Mr. Sharma and they occupy the chairs facing the staff. Reema addresses all of them.

  “Thank you, everyone, for your continued dedication and hard work. I am sure Nikhil must be very proud of his team. This is Mr. Sharma, Nikhil’s attorney for the company, he will be reading this document which is kind of a will about the company.

  The staff keeps looking straight. There is no expression on their faces. Reema stares at her fingernails and checks her mobile, all signs of nervous energy.

  The Attorney has a few papers in his hand. He gets up to speak “It is Nikhil’s instructions that I am reading for you. He has given me the responsibility to execute these directions. Mr. Nikhil wants that the company should be owned jointly between the staff members a
nd his wife Reema Kumar. The shareholding will be split 75:25 with majority stake to be with the Company staff.

  Reema feels sort of a hammer blow to her head. She keeps her composure and continues staring at the floor. The staff exchanges glance and look confused.

  The Attorney continues “There is a division of ESOPS, company held shares for employees, according to their designation and responsibility. If a person leaves the company, then the shares will go to whoever is replacing that person. All shares are now part of a trust. No one can sell their shares ever. The shares allow that person to get an equitable part of the profit.

  Reema by now wanted to simply walk out of the office. She felt that Nikhil has destroyed her for some reason. She was not far from the truth, I will take that accusation as truth and plead guilty.

  Attorney glanced towards Shishir “Shishir Chouhan will be the CEO of the company and Jyoti Beniwal will be the COO. I will be issuing the details to all of you since you all are beneficiaries. If you have questions, please don’t ask me now. You can contact me on my email.”

  The attorney packs up his files and murmurs a goodbye to Reema and leaves the office. Reema gathers her nerves and looks up to see the staff’s reaction. They all look stunned and remain silent expecting Reema to say something. I felt satisfied. The deserving got the right dues.

  Reema mustered up some courage and smiled benevolently “Congratulations to all of you. As you all can see Nikhil really cared for all of you. Probably more than his family. All the very best for the future. I will always be available if you ever need my help.”

  Reema turns around and goes back into the cabin. She gathers her stuff and walks out of the office thinking that this is probably the last time she is going to be here. As she walks out of the building, she sees Poonam waiting by her car.


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