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The Venerate Redemption

Page 22

by Troy Dukart

  “Roya! I will tell the world about you baby! I promise my crown on it,” Rousseau sobbed.

  We stepped back and Roya began to charge the Cannon. There was a strange feeling that ran through my body and I could feel all the powers I had received transfer to her. Once she had absorbed all fourteen Emotions of Guardian, a force field formed around her, which pushed us back further towards the portal. Her hair became rainbow-colored like Guardian. She aimed the Cannon toward Nian and said,

  “One day, we will meet again in heaven Strafe. I love you, take care.”

  And with that said, she fired the blast at Nian which exploded like a nuclear bomb. It shot us through the portal and closed immediately after. The entire dimension we were in had been obliterated. Nian had been destroyed, and Roya vanished into the flames.


  Chapter 35


  After the portal closed, we entered orbit around Eternia, The Space-Cycles we used to get here had been trapped back in Guardian's dimension. I'd no idea how we'd get back to the planet.

  “You guys alright?” I asked them.

  “I don't know if I'll ever be alright,” Rousseau responded.

  “I can't believe she's gone,” I stated.

  “We can honor her sacrifice by making it back home and tell the world of her bravery,” Zon said.

  “How? We don't have our Space-Cycles?” I reminded him.

  “You think these things don't have radio communication?” Zon responded. He pushed a button on his helmet and talked with the Space Agency of Shinjo. After a short discussion, he said, “They have us pin-pointed. It's going to take them a few hours to get up here, but they're sending a shuttle up to get us.”

  “Damn. Well, at least we'll have a pretty view while we wait,” I smiled.

  “Best seats in the house,” Rousseau added.

  Floating in zero gravity around Eternia was frightening, but also so majestic. This is what it must've been like to be on the International Space Station. Zon and Rousseau pointed out the countries as we passed by. Shortly afterwards we noticed a Space Shuttle approaching. It reminded me of the Explorer. It was piloted by Shinjins.

  A giant claw extended out toward us to grab onto. Once we all had a hold, the claw retracted into the storage bay of the shuttle. The air pressure was restored and we made our way to the cockpit. We were greeted as heroes.

  The shuttle began its de-orbit and we safely made it back through the atmosphere. We decided to land in Yuwheria. As we cruised above the ocean toward the air-strip, Rousseau opened the hatch in the cargo bay.

  “C'MON MATES!” he yelled as he jumped out.

  “That crazy bastard,” Zon smiled as he followed, “Strafe, you coming?”

  I ran after Zon and Rousseau and jumped out over the ocean. We'd taken off our spacesuits so we could fly with our Tongwa. The Shuttle landed moments after we jumped, but we were still a couple hundred feet in the air. People had gathered in huge groups to come see us.

  “YEEEEEHHHAAAAWWWW!!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID ITTTTT!!!!” I bellowed with joy as I glided above the airstrip.

  Crowds of Yuwherians cheered as we landed. The sky had never looked so beautiful in all of my life. I'd never been so happy to be on solid ground. The only thing we felt somber on was the fact that Roya didn't make it back with us.

  “Goodbye my brave friend,” Zon said as he looked to the sky, “No higher level of Zen can be reached when one dies in battle.”

  “You know, it was her birthday today. That was one of the last things she told me before we began our assault on Miega,” I told them.

  “My country, and many others I am sure, will honor her,” Rousseau assuaged me.

  “I'm grateful to have had her as a friend. Her soul can rest in the peace she'd been questing for,” I looked up to the sky and blew her a kiss, “Roya, I'll never forget you. You will be with me, always.”

  Yessa and the crew had joined around us and we all took a moment of silence for not only Roya, but all those who had died fighting in this war.

  Rousseau's military came to take care of us. He commanded that we return to capital, Arrouegadin and invite all of the other nations, including Sentium, to negotiate a peace-treaty. I got my arm surgically repaired beforehand. The leaders from all the countries involved, President Lincovelt, the Prime Minster of Shinjo, the New Lady of Zindaqe, and many others came to finally end what we had worked so hard for.

  We were surprised to see the Senti representative was Taleri. It seemed that the government had decided her actions deemed her worthy as leader until after the peace-treaty was written. The Senti had fallen shortly after we entered the Zorakagami, and surrendered in full. Without Ganser to drive them further, there was no point in continuing the war.

  When we made it Arrouegadin, the citizens where cheering and celebrating. The smiles on their faces rejuvenated me as we pulled close and they waved to us. I waved back and smiled from ear-to-ear, and took a deep breath of relief knowing that the war was over. We paraded through the street on a Royal Float decorated with tons of Violet Roses.

  We were surprised that Rousseau had told us he was going to go back to his original name, to honor his family. Yuwheria was now officially welcoming their Prince's return, as commanded by the Queen, so spirits were jolly. Argenta was by the Queen's side, and once again tasked with protecting the crown. I hadn't seen her since Crotona.

  Yessa and Zixin rode with me on the Royal Float all the way to Castle Bell, where the bells were chiming and the leaders had waited to meet with us. I was worried that Zixin would be labeled a war-criminal, but he was exonerated of all crimes from Rousseau, aka Prince Aeileo Marmahere. Zixin wore a bright white suit with a pink handkerchief in the left breast pocket. He looked sharp. He said he never wanted to wear black again.

  Entering the castle was more refreshing than last time. We shook many hands and took pictures with the leaders before they proceeded into the Royal Garden where flowers of all colors and aromas awaited us. The view was breath-taking as we looked down on the city which was in mid-celebration. Balloons and confetti floated everywhere. Zon, Yessa, Zixin and I stood as witnesses, along with other nationals from around the world, of the conscription and signing of the peace treaty, which Taleri signed on behalf of the Senti, effectively ending the war.

  It made me smile and as I looked up to the sky I remembered all of the people that'd lost their lives in this struggle. Itust from Zindaqe, Captain Cali from Rodin, Gain, my father and Brutus from New Santa Barbara. After it was signed, President Lincovelt noticed it didn't have a title. Prince Aeileo suggested to his mother to call it, “The Treaty of Roya.”

  “That's a beautiful way to honor her,” I said to Zon.

  “Her name means 'to dream' in her language. The Treaty of Dreams, this is the gift she wanted to give the world her whole life, I am sure,” Zixin commented as he patted my shoulder.

  Besides a Senti surrender, the world reached a new agreement that acting in war would now be unlawful worldwide. Every country had the right to defend itself, but never to act in aggression. In light of discovering that an alien species was ultimately responsible for instigating the war, the leaders agreed to show more transparency and would all work together to help solve worldwide crisis and ensure the safety and care for all citizens.

  They understood that new threats could emerge again, and that new research and discovery would only be possible if we worked together. I couldn't believe that such a doctrine had been written, but was empowered by the fact that these worldwide leaders could find something beautiful to sprout out of this war. It was an even better treaty than back home on Earth.

  Commander Ganser, Taleri's father, was convicted of war crimes and his party in the government was to be dissolved and replaced with a new constitution. Hendrick Valender was to do life in prison, along with many other Senti leaders.

  Due to the extremity of his war crimes, including the human-to-Slate program, Tira
s was to hang in Crotona but I told them I wanted to speak with him. If it was true, and the Federation had my mother, I'd fight just as hard as I did here to save her. I'd have Zixin and Yessa by my side to help.

  Taleri was to serve for the rest of her life in world-community service and never be allowed into the military again. She was surprised by the verdict but graciously accepted her punishment as a way to make amends. Sentium was to enter a new age of peace, and that started by her leading a peaceful revolution of service to the greater good and selflessness.

  The Slates had unfortunately disappeared. Nobody around the globe had reported seeing them. It'd seemed that the Slates were also a creation of the Venerates, and without Guardian or Nian, they seized to be. It was a shame, because the abuse of one person caused an entire species to fade away.

  The Queen had requested that Prince Aeileo, Zon, and I speak to the world on what we experienced, and we were delighted to. We all moved down to the Royal Brave-Ball Stadium where we played in the championship to a sold-out crowd. Prince Aeileo spoke on tolerance, acceptance and to understand we all share a commitment to peace on Eternia, forever. Fellow leaders applauded and so did the people.

  Zon was up next and spoke about how grateful he was that the outside world had come to his country's aid and saved them from the Senti incursion. He said he was ready to start a new life and hoped that his people would follow him in the same path of openness and to never stop learning. After he sat down, they called me up. Zixin smiled and Yessa gave me a hug.

  I got up to the podium, which was flourished with a rainbow of flowers, took a deep breath and began my speech,

  “My name is Strafe Rocknus, and I'm just a kid from New Santa Barbara, California. I never thought that I would be on a different planet, in a position to help so many people like this, let alone get to know a future King,” the audience laughed, “I have lived and died for the day we could all come together and end this madness. Our history on my planet is the same as yours. Since the time of the first man, we've had our fair share of violence and malice, but thanks to the efforts of your leaders, I can rejoice in the knowing that war is a thing of the past for you!” The crowd went wild.

  I continued, “Along this journey I am sure many of you have had loved ones and friends pass away in this struggle, and my heart goes out to you. Prince Marmahere, Zon and I have all experienced loss with you. Our dear friend, Roya from Zindaqe, gave her life to ensure the safety of this world. While we can never replace these beautiful people from our lives, just know that their memory can never be vanquished and that they will always be with you. You now have the greatest gift mankind has ever bestowed to onto itself. I will tell your story to my planet! Thank you so much and take care of each other!”

  Chapter 36


  The only constant, is change.

  Easing back into the limelight of royalty was easier than I thought it'd be. Now that my bastard uncle was no more, my mum and I could finally begin again to give back to our people. Our bloodline had offered us a life that many around the world envied, who would even kill for, but even for us there are struggles. After announcing my return, my mum gave a public service announcement detailing what had truly happened between us and Othen. She also praised my friends and I for helping to save the world. She then grabbed me around the shoulder and looked out into the crowd, “Yuwheria, we must not hold the curtains of denial over our eyes any longer. We must become a tolerant and understanding nation. One that is open to all people, regardless of sex, ethnicity, creed, religion or sexual preference. It matters not to me what you believe, but how you act in your beliefs. We aren't going to get along all the time, and that's an important thing, but one thing we can all agree on I hope, is to treat each other with humility, dignity and respect.” The crowd erupted and then she looked into my eyes, “Aeileo, do you have anything you would like to say?”

  For a moment I paused, but there was something on my mind. So, I took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from my brow, and marched up to the podium, “Ha-ha, a-hem, dear friends, I come to you today with grand humility. To see all of your faces again is more welcomed than you can imagine. When my father was murdered and I was framed for it, you had no idea the pain in my heart. I had to run away from here to save myself, and part of me wanted to stay out of the limelight. As this war began to brew though, something deep inside me told me that I would one day return.” I could see the tears falling down some people's faces as they smiled, “All I wanted to say is that I couldn't have done this without my best friends in the world, Zon, Strafe as well as the Rodin Pirates.”

  There was a lump in my throat before I ended, “And, lastly, I wish to thank Lady Roya for being so compassionate and helping me to love who I am. Before, I was ashamed that I was gay, but she told me that we can't help anyone before we learn to love ourselves. I hope that I can serve you as Prince as well as you deserve. We've all been through much in this war, and I promise that I will never leave you ever again!”

  My mother hugged me as we looked out into the crowd. While embracing, she whispered, “Your father would be so proud of you. I love you, always have, and always will.”

  Chapter 37


  Living a life in service to others is a life worth living.

  Once all the pomp and circumstance had ended, I made my way back home. Just like Rousseau and Roya, my country had suffered immensely from this global war. Our capital, Naryo, was still in flames, and my village was in shambles.

  After a long ride back on the Mag-Cycle I was gifted by Rousseau, I found Atsushi placing pieces of wood into a pile. I landed near the Tendou Noboru. There was a twinkle in his eyes and he ran over to greet me. Usually, in my culture, we don't hug or show affection, but we broke that custom and hugged each other for a long time.

  “You are alive! You saved us all!” he smiled.

  “Yes brother, I am alive. It was not easy to survive all of this terror, but it was because of our teachings that I stayed strong,” I told him as I kept my hand on his shoulder.

  Looking around, a few of my fellow Whisper Warrior brother and sisters had made it. It was a delightful feeling, as I thought they'd been assassinated. To think that this'd all been a lie bothered me. Our Master, the one who trained everyone here since young children, had betrayed all of us. It went to show to never follow authority blindly. This journey had taught me to trust my instincts and fight for my own beliefs, and to always love myself. Ultimately, you are the only one who truly has your back. Never be afraid to say what is on your mind.

  “Yoichi,” Atsushi interrupted my train of thought, “Hanoka is doing fine, she is at the Emperor's palace receiving treatment. Longwei is there as well. It has been a while since I've talked to him. All of the wounded from Shinjo are being taken care of there.”

  “Oh,” my heart skipped a beat, “Let's go see our family.”

  We told the other Whisper Warriors that we would return soon. They seem to be looking at me as their Master now, but I felt that some changes in our clan would be necessary to protect it from falling victim to another person like our previous Master.

  In my life, I never had my mother or father around. They were killed when I was young while on a mission for the clan. All the family I had was in the Whisper Warriors. To prevent further tragedy, I thought it would be best if we disown our assassin heritage and become protectors of the people instead. Karma catches up to one that kills others for profit.

  We touched down in the Empirical Gardens. We were met by the Emperor's Elite Guardsmen, but when I told them who we were, they sheathed their swords and showed us the way to the hospital. The room was all white, a symbolic color of Shinjo, signifying purity. Sleeping in their straw mattresses on the ground, next to each other laid Longwei and Hanoka. I sat on my knees and put my hands on my thighs. She'd been wounded while defending Miega Village; I could see her leg bandaged up with some blood spots but she was okay. I was relieved.

  There was
a tap on my back, and I saw Longwei was awake. He looked tired. Marks from the shackles he was held in still branded his skin, but he was finally free.

  “Good to see you again my friend. I was afraid that you were to blame for Master's wronging. We have much to catch up on,” I said as I held his hand.

  “Brother, you saved us all. You are a hero,” Longwei told me.

  “I did nothing that anybody else wouldn't have done for his family. We have much to learn from this though brother,” I replied.

  Atsushi snapped to a bow, like everyone else did, as our Emperor Danja came into the room. I jumped to my feet and gave him a 90 degree bow, but his hand pulled me up. He had a big smile across his face as he looked into my eyes, “I have heard much about what you have done for our country and the world,” Emperor Danja said as he pulled out a box out of his pocket, “I came here to award you with the Symbol of Honor, representing my family and the kingdom of Shinjo. You are to wear it whenever you wish to show my appreciation on behalf of our people.”

  He opened the box and inside was a palm-sized medal in the shape of a flower rimmed in a gold trim. My body shook at the thought of this as only the greatest people in our entire history were awarded this, including my favorite philanthropist, Fukuzanza. I was at a loss for words.

  “The country has much healing to do, as do you after such battle. If you wish to help rebuild our nation, come talk to me when you are rested,” Emperor Danja told me as he bowed down to me.

  Getting bowed to by the Emperor was the ultimate honor. I felt unworthy. Slowly, he walked around to the other patients to check on them before he left. His presence was intoxicating.

  “This is incredible ! Wait until they hear about it back home!” Atsushi smiled.


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