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The Venerate Redemption

Page 23

by Troy Dukart

  “After we rebuild our village, we are to disband our assassin heritage,” I said to the other's surprise. They didn't know how to respond.

  “But, Yoichi, it is our history. Without the Whisper Warriors, we are nothing,” Longwei responded.

  “We will always serve Shinjo, but on peaceful purposes. We are to only use our skills in the defense of our nation, never for profit. You don't need to hold a sword to be a respected man Longwei. The ones who solve their differences through peace are the true warriors. We will keep our sword art alive, but teach it to be not a means to an end, but what keeps us from turning into savages. We must learn to love each other,” I proposed to him; he nodded in agreement.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Hanoka whispered with her eyes closed.

  “Hanoka,” I said.

  “Yoichi, don't wait on me to start your new journey,” she told me.

  “No Hanoka, you see, we must have each other's back. We will begin this new journey together,” I comforted. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. I had my family back.

  My other family, the group of people I traveled with, would also always be with me. I knew there would be a day, once again, when I would see the powerful Strafe from New Santa Barbara, the quick-witted Prince Aeileo from Yuwheria and the angel that can finally rest in peace, Roya from Zindaqe. They helped give me my life back, and the rest of my days would be dedicated to doing the same to others. There was no other way.

  Chapter 38


  I would dedicate my life to the betterment of all.

  President Lincovelt hugged me as I sat down next to her. After celebrating for the rest of the day, taking pictures and signing autographs, I got on a ship back to Soria with the President. I said my goodbyes to Zon and Rousseau who both had a lot to attend to in their own lives. We knew we'd always be close, because fighting side by side makes you family. It was hard saying goodbye to people you may never see again.

  Before I left, I went to see Tiras. He was held in the dungeon under Castle Bell. Yessa and Zixin stayed behind. As I approached his cell, it was heavily guarded and he was separated from all the other prisoners. It was a bright white cell and he wore a white button down shirt, white pants and shoes. He was sitting on his bed, head to the floor. I stared at him for a while before he spoke, “You see how close we were Strafe? How close I was?”

  “I didn't come here to talk about that Tiras,” I stated, “You'll have plenty of time to think about that here.”

  He laughed as he looked up at me. He stood up and walked toward the bars, “Ah, you want to know where your mother is don't you? Hmm, well, I wanted to free Nian. We don't always get what we want do we?”

  I shook my head and then looked into his eyes, “Tiras, you were not always a monster. I know, somewhere deep inside you, there was a good man. Please, if you have any soul left, tell me. Where is my mother?”

  Tiras pushed off the bars and turned his back on me. He sighed and said, “I don't have any soul left Strafe. I lost that a long time ago.”

  He didn't say anything more.

  “Are you done here?” a guard asked me and Tiras answered, “Yes he is. And so am I.”

  I shook my head and turned toward the exit. It seemed that he had fallen too far to have any room in his heart for repentance. The timbre of my footsteps echoed the hallway but then I heard him yell to me, “Strafe! She's in Europe! If you want to save her, that's where you'll find her. The Federation will push you to your limits!”

  “Can't be worse than a living God can they?” I replied as I exited.

  There had been reports of a strange looking portal that had opened near Mylintus, the place I first came to on Eternia. It could've been the way back home. President Lincovelt offered Zixin, Yessa and I a ride there. We traveled back with her to Soria on her plane. During the flight, I heard the sound of a puppy barking. Major Ghennon was on the flight and walked up to me, holding three wolf pups.

  “What's that?” Zixin commented.

  “My Darkcloud had a litter of wolf pups. She was always very picky and I could never find a mate for her, until we took care of Brutus while you were gone,” Major Ghennon gleamed, “I want you to each have one of them.”

  “This…is…” I surmised.

  “Yes, this is Brutus' litter. She had six pups, so I thought it was right to share. I hope you will take good care of them,” Major Ghennon requested.

  “We'll love them with every ounce of our being sir,” Yessa replied.

  I couldn't have been more grateful and began to squeeze Major Ghennon as hard as I could. He gave Yessa, Zixin and I a new wolf puppy. When I looked into the little wolf's eyes, I could see Brutus looking back at me. He had rare black spots over his body, and he was big! I named him Goliath.

  We arrived in Mylintus and were dismissed from Active Duty Service in the Sorian Aero Force. President Lincovelt said we deserved to return home if this portal could take us there. We saluted her as she took off with Major Ghennon back to Dhenfen'Ce. There were a few people around the portal admiring it but it was guarded by the Sorian military.

  They parted the way and led us to the portal. Interestingly, the God Blade was floating in front of it and started pulsing blue light. I handed Goliath to Yessa as I went to grab the God Blade. When I held it, the portal flashed and when I opened my eyes I could see New Santa Barbara on the other side. We were about to go through, but I noticed Zixin had held his ground. I turned towards him,

  “What's wrong Zixin?”

  “Strafe, I've gone through so much and I don't know if I'll ever be right in the head. My home is here. I don't want to destroy any more lives than I have,” Zixin lamented.

  “Zixin, you didn't kill those people! It was that monster, not you! I need you my brother, I've felt like a part of me has been missing my whole life until I got you back. You can start over with us. I need you…and mom will need you too,” I told him.

  “I feel so bad about dad; how can she look at me knowing I killed him?” Zixin asked me.

  “That part of you is gone, we destroyed him, for good. If you want to make up for it, I know a way. I found my faith here Zixin, maybe you can find yours back home. The only place I want to be is by your side. We have a lot to catch up on.”

  Yessa, Zixin and I hugged as he nodded his head. We held our wolf pups as we walked toward the portal to return home. I knew there would be a deep struggle on the other side. The Federation still had my mother, but I wouldn't have to fight that fight alone. We would tell this story about Eternia and all the lessons we learned. Maybe then, we too could finally have some peace. We walked through, and the portal shut close behind us. Our duty to Eternia had been completed.

  In my life I had learned that throughout struggle we can emerge better than ever. I'd accepted the fact that while we could be bitter toward our enemies for what they had done, it was better to try and reach our hand out to bring them back up.

  The longing for Brutus and my father would always be something I thought about, but I knew that they would never be very far away. A part of me still mourned for my father but I remembered what he had told me as he waved goodbye, “Enjoy your life Strafe! That is all I ask, because you deserve it. If you ever want to speak again, all you have to do is close your eyes! I will always be in your heart! Be strong my son and trust your instincts!”

  Chapter 39


  I awake into a field of flowers. I am in Falco's arms. We are together again, in heaven.

  Zon, Rousseau… Strafe, thank you so much. I am at peace right now, we saved the world. If you ever need me, I will be there for you. Because of you, I am finally free.


  First and foremost I need to say that the life I live was made possible by my mother, Amy. Without your dedication to my success and well-being, I wouldn't be the man I am today. I love you SO much and you know I'll always try to make you proud.

  My Dukart family for giving me such a strong fo
undation and so much love throughout my life. It wasn't always easy growing up without a father but you were all I ever needed to be happy. I can't tell you enough how much you influenced me to be a good person.

  My friends in the B-Town Crew, the most gangster and exclusive club in the world! You know who you are. Thank you for being my brothers growing up and going on so many journeys with me via online or offline. Disc Golfing, going out to eat and traveling with you are some of my most cherished memories and you guys will always be my Day-One friends. We may be on different roads now, but B-Town is 4 Life!

  The Creativia team for taking a chance on a new author and helping me shape these books into what they are. You all are amazing! Thank you!

  Tate, for being like a big brother to me. You were always there to give me advice and to play online with. Whether it was at work or play, we made the best of the time we had together. I'm so happy for your success and look forward to seeing what's next for you. I'm just trying to keep up!

  My 5th Grade teacher, Mr. David Jones, for encouraging creativity and for putting up with all of us. Throughout all my years as a student, yours was my favorite and I wish you nothing but the best.

  My college buddies, Dennis, Mike and Magnum for being so awesome and inviting. Japanese class with Satoh Sensei was always a blast. Smash Mondays were unforgettable and I've enjoyed seeing you guys find your success throughout the years.

  My advisors, Ellen Hecht and M J Sewall, who really helped to turn these books around. Without your guidance The Venerate Order and The Venerate Redemption wouldn't be nearly as great as they are now. You both helped bring out my best and challenged me to think differently. Check them both out on

  My California friends. You guys share that same passion of living to the fullest. We still have so many adventures to go on. I'll see you at the volleyball court!

  To Ron Cockrell, for being the closest thing to a father I've ever had.

  To the Lompoc Valley of Flowers Toastmasters Club. You all welcomed me with open arms and introduced me to something that will be with me for the rest of my life. You all are my family in California and I look forward to growing with you.

  Last, and again not least, is to my doggie Brutus. When you first came into my lap as a puppy, all the way up until I hugged you for the last time, you always greeted me at the door with so much love. Whenever I would come home, seeing you right away was one of my greatest joys. You taught me how to love dogs and were there for me when I needed someone to hug. It was the most painful day of my life when you passed away and yet I want you to know I am forever grateful to have had you for fourteen years. I can't wait to see you again baby.

  About the Author

  Troy grew up in Bloomington, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. He's a graduate of the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities with a BA in Asian Languages and Literature: Japanese. Go Gophers!

  Throughout his entire life, he dreamt about creating new worlds much like the ones he enjoyed in his favorite video games and movies. His passion for the fantasy and sci-fi genre is unwavering and while living in Japan in 2012 he started writing this series.

  Troy credits the completion of The Venerate Order and The Venerate Redemption to be his finest accomplishment. He is recognized by Toastmasters International as an Advanced Communicator Bronze and Advanced Leader Bronze . Troy is a NFL and NBA fan and wishes to travel the world. Throughout his life he's searched for what truly makes him happy and he found that's his love for people and building connections. He hopes that you enjoyed these books and connect with others who do as well.

  He wants the people of the world to know they should open their hearts to change and to seek out love and connection in their local communities. The world is a better place when you have someone to share it with. He currently lives in Central California.

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  Thank you for taking time to read The Venerate Redemption. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.




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