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Don't Look Back

Page 1

by Wendy Vella

  Table of Contents




























  By Wendy Vella

  From #1 bestselling author Wendy Vella comes another outstanding read!

  “I want to live in Lake Howling!!”

  Unexpected but Undeniable

  After a disastrous marriage, Macy Reynolds has picked up the broken pieces of her life and moved on. She’s sworn off men and is building a new life in the safe haven of Lake Howling, Oregon with her son, friends, and her boutique business. So why now is she suddenly distracted by the seriously sexy Texan, Brad Gelderman? The man spells d-a-n-g-e-r, in large flashing, neon letters and Macy’s had more than enough of that in her life. Macy swears she won’t fall for Brad … but the heat between them is irresistible.

  Brad Gelderman has come to Lake Howling to lay ghosts to rest from the past, and he’s definitely not planning on sticking around. What he hadn’t expected was this quirky little town filled with people who thought it was okay to interfere in his life, and one captivating firecracker called Macy Reynolds, who is sweet, sexy, and as messed up emotionally as him. She got to him, touched something inside him that was both terrifying and wonderful.

  Lake Howling is healing their pasts; can it hold a beautiful new future for Brad and Macy?

  Would you like to know when my next book is available? Sign up for my new release mailing list at visit me on Facebook

  Don’t Look Back, is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Don’t Look Back, published by Wendy Vella

  Copyright © 2016 Wendy Vella

  ISBN: 978-0-9941388-2-8


  For Moll Moll

  The best dog ever.

  I miss your hair all over the furniture.

  I miss your crazy solo games.

  I miss your cuddles

  In fact, I just miss you.

  Gone, but there is no way you will ever be forgotten.


  The lake sparkled like cut diamonds as Brad rode his Harley into the town of Lake Howling. His gaze switched to the line of the tall Redwood trees that framed the main street and towered over the quaint shops beneath.

  Picturesque was probably the best description, he thought, reducing his speed as he rolled slowly down the main street. It was busy, but he found a gap and parked before a café called the Hoot. Swinging a leg over the seat, Brad then removed his helmet. Stretching, he felt his muscles sigh as he straightened after hours of riding.

  “Nice bike.”

  “Thanks.” Brad nodded to the man now standing before him. He had a head full of snow-white hair, wore a neat, pale blue suit, and looked a little overdressed for window shopping.

  “You here for the wedding?”

  “No.” Brad pocketed his key and now understood the suit. “Just passing through.”

  The man chuckled, a surprisingly deep sound for the size of him.

  “Son, there’s only one road in and out of Howling, so it’s not really the place to pass through on the way to anywhere.”

  Brad didn’t want to get into why he was here; he wasn’t entirely sure he knew the answer to that himself.

  “I can’t stop to chat, I'm late. I had to hurry home and take my medication, which I forgot this morning. Don't want my heart to give out during the service.”

  Brad had no answer to that so he nodded.

  “Can't let Annabelle down, so I better get a move on.”


  “Annabelle and Ethan. They're getting married today, and by the sound of you, I think you should be attending too, young man.”

  “Why do you say that?” Brad had arrived the day his brother was getting married. What were the chances?

  “You have the look of Ethan, and there's that drawl too.”

  “True, and yes I am related to him, but I hadn't realized today was his wedding.”

  “Walt Heath.” The man stuck out his hand.

  “Brad Gelderman.”

  “The invite must have got lost in the post, or maybe the e-mail’s still sitting in your spam folder.”

  “Highly possible,” Brad said, not surprised the man knew about spam folders. His eyes were sharp.

  “Well then, let's go.”


  “To the wedding, boy. Hustle along now, I'm already late.”

  And just like that, Brad found himself walking beside Walt Heath down the street to where the little white church stood at the end.

  “You're definitely a big one like your brother.”

  “I didn't say I was his brother.”

  “I know who you are, boy.”

  Brad lengthened his stride to keep up with the man. Half a head shorter, he was outpacing him.

  “Ethan talked about me?”

  “Annabelle is kind of a surrogate daughter to my wife and me.”

  Not his brother then.

  “I'm not really dressed for a wedding, Mr. Heath.”

  “From what I've noticed, Brad, anything goes these days. Now pick up that pace a bit, I can hear the ‘Wedding March’ starting.”

  He'd travelled a lot in the last two years, been in dangerous situations, slept rough, but nothing terrified Brad more than the prospect of stepping into that church and witnessing the man he'd once called brother marry. A man he hadn't seen in two years, and then it had been an angry, aggressive confrontation.

  “It's time, Brad.”

  “For what?” They'd stopped at the bottom step.

  “For you to make the first move.”

  “How do you know that?”

  The old man smiled. “I know things, boy. Now up you go, and I'll be behind you.”

  He felt it again, the crippling uncertainty of his teenage years, the need to be accepted and loved.

  “You got this, son.”

  “It sure as hell doesn’t feel like it.”

  With another chuckle, Walt Heath gave him a firm shove that had him moving. Sucking in a deep breath, Brad wondered if he was about to ruin his brother's wedding day.


  Macy Reynolds stood silently beside her friends as they took their vows in the church she'd first entered as a newborn. Both were tall and ridiculously good-looking, the bride in a cream satin sheath Macy had selected for her, and the groom wearing a black suit with gray waistcoat. Looking at his feet, she saw he had on his favorite cowboy boots.

  “I, Annabelle Mary Smith….”

  The bride’s voice didn’t waver. Her vows would be delivered clear and strong. Everything about Annabelle was strong, and she would never let anyone control her, unlike Macy, who let far too many people do just that.

  So much had changed since she'd stood in this church exchanging vows as her friends were, marrying the man she'd believed loved her. She remembered the heady feeling, the little bubbles of excitement about what the
future held. God, what a fool.

  “In sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live.”

  Beside her, Branna McBride sniffed. Macy and Branna were bridesmaids, and Branna's husband, Jake, and Buster Griffin were groomsmen. All locals, all her friends, all people she loved.

  Jake was tall and dark and had eyes only for his wife. Beside him, Buster Griffin was shorter, with a solid, muscled physique. Following his gaze, she found it focused on Willow Harper, the love of his life.

  Everyone was getting loved up; only a few of her friends left in Howling were single now. She wasn't jealous, not really. It was just that her marriage had been such a train wreck and she wanted to experience this love too. But then, maybe she couldn't experience it because of what she'd endured. Perhaps she had some kind of defective thing inside her now, and the result was that there would be no deep, everlasting love of the “you are my soul mate, and I would die without you” kind.

  A man had tried to get close to her two years ago, seemingly a nice man, and at first she’d been flattered and receptive, and then she'd walked the other way... fast. The panic had come on quickly and left her reeling. She hadn't been ready, and now another two years on, she wasn't sure she ever would be.

  Macy let her eyes wander over the guests. Cooper and Zach Smith, Annabelle’s brothers, sat together, looking pleased at what was unfolding. Across from them were Jake’s parents and Branna’s dad. She could go down each row and name everyone if she wanted to. All dressed in their best, to witness the wedding of one of theirs to an outsider, who in ten years just might be considered a local.

  Gaze reaching the door, she watched a man slip inside the church. He was tall and had wavy dark hair. Aviators hid his eyes, and something about him made her stomach flutter. Or was that because she hadn’t eaten breakfast?

  His jaw clenched as he briefly looked down the church before making for the empty pew at the rear. Jeans, white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket suggested he hadn't been invited to the wedding, but had decided to come anyway.

  Was he a wedding watcher? Macy had heard of people who enjoyed that occupation. If she was honest he didn't seem like the kind, even with only a brief glance, who would languish in pews for a hobby.

  She shot him another look and the feeling in her stomach had not eased. It was a strange reaction to a man she was sure she’d never met before. Dragging her eyes away, she checked on her son, Billy, who was sitting with Millicent Lawrence, a local, and Willow Harper. Love filled her chest as he gave her a smile. This was all she needed in her life for now, her little boy.

  “You may now kiss the bride.”

  “Oh, that was lovely.”

  Beside her, Branna was wiping away tears, her green eyes swimming as she dabbed a tissue on her cheeks. Thick dark hair and those green eyes showed her heritage, and the soft Irish brogue merely confirmed it.

  “Yes, it was beautiful.”

  “You weeping again, rosebud?”

  “No.” Branna sniffed as Jake took her hand so they could sign the register together.

  “Right, must be something setting you off in here then,” he drawled.

  “So my guess is that you're next, Buster.”

  Buster moved to Macy’s side while the formalities were concluded.

  “The hell you say!”

  “You're so far under, Griffin, there is no hope for you but to marry that beautiful girl.”

  “Willow is the best part of me, Macy, and I'll thank you not to tell her that.”

  “Oh God. I held it together through the service and then you go and say something like that.”

  “What can I say, I'm a romantic.” He gave her a small smile. Buster was not one for big anything. He was contained, spoke when he had something to say, but was rarely demonstrative unless Willow was around.

  “It's wonderful is what it is, Buster.”

  He touched her chin.

  “I want it for you too, sweet cheeks, and I know it will happen when the time's right.”

  From anyone else she would simply shrug or laugh it off, but not this man. When he spoke, most people listened.

  “I was thinking Newman?” Macy tried to lighten the moment, because she wanted it too, more and more lately, no matter how hard she told herself she didn't or couldn’t have it.

  “Nah, he's a lightweight.”

  “I'm telling him you said that.”

  “The guy has an ego on him, Macy, nothing can dent it.”

  “That’s true.” Newman was another friend, and like her he was still single.

  She found the man in the aviators again. He was still there in the back pew.

  “Did you see that guy come in? Do you know who he is, Buster?”

  He followed her eyes.

  “No, never seen him before.”

  “He's wearing jeans and a white t-shirt. Don’t you think that’s odd?”

  “Very odd, but then this is Howling, no saying what people get up to here.” As the bride and groom were now ready to leave, he held out his arm to her. “Takes all kinds I guess, and he could just be a nosey tourist.”

  “True.” But for some reason Macy doubted that.

  Billy leapt out of his seat and took her hand as she reached him.

  “Can I walk with you?”

  “Counting on it, buddy.” Macy settled him between them.

  They walked out into the sunshine and pretty much everyone who hadn't been in the church was out there to welcome the new Mr. and Mrs. Gelderman.

  “Only in Howling,” Buster said as everyone started to clap and cheer loudly.

  “I love this town.”

  “Me too. No place I’d rather be.”

  “Can I go see Mikey, Mom?”

  “Sure, but don’t go too far, okay?”

  Billy nodded and then ran through the guests to find his friend.

  Rose petals were thrown, and Macy managed to reach the newlyweds before the crowd of well-wishers arrived.

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Gelderman.” Macy hugged her friend.

  Annabelle's golden-brown hair was styled in a mass of tumbled curls, and she wore a small circlet of flowers on top. Her eyes sparkled, and her smile was wide.

  “I'm so happy!”

  “As you should be, look at that man,” Macy said.

  “He has faults, Macy, but damn he's fine.”

  “I heard that.”

  Ethan's blue eyes twinkled as he looked down at Macy. Slipping a hand around Annabelle, he pulled her close, kissing her softly on the lips.

  “How's my other girl doing?”

  “Good, Ethan. I managed to stay dry-eyed during the service but Buster made me cry after.”

  “Want me to hurt him?”

  Shaking her head, Macy then hugged him hard.

  “You know I love you guys, right?”

  “Right back at you, baby.”

  “Same goes.”

  And she had this too. The love of her friends, and that should be enough.

  “Who is that?”

  Macy turned as Annabelle whispered the words, and saw the man from the church. He was heading their way.

  “Damned if I know,” Ethan said.

  “Not sure,” Macy added, and wondered why her heart had suddenly picked up its pace.

  The man pushed his glasses to the top of his head, and the breath hissed from Ethan's throat.

  “No way!”

  “My god, is that Brad?” Annabelle looked stunned.

  Ethan nodded.

  “Brad your brother, Ethan?” Macy asked.

  “The very one.”

  He had the Gelderman blue eyes, Macy realized as he drew closer, and the long dark lashes and brows. His face was made up of the same angles and planes as Ethan’s, but on this man, Brad, the result was more fierce than handsome. The word warrior slipped into her head.

  “Wow,” Annabelle whispered. “He's gorgeous.”

  “He is,” Ethan whispered back, apparently unconcerned that his new
bride thought another man gorgeous.

  “Ethan.” Brad held out his hand, and his brother took it, shock clearly evident on his handsome face.

  “Two years, Brad. I haven't heard a word for two years, and then you suddenly appear.”

  Brad's smile was small, and added a whole new level of disturbing as far as Macy was concerned. She was sure that for some women, the man was a walking fantasy. Scuffed and worn leather boots on his large feet, faded jeans hanging low on his hips, and the white t-shirt hugged some serious muscles.

  Swallowing, Macy tried to drag her eyes away but couldn't manage it. When was the last time a man had made her react this way? It was as if someone had reduced the oxygen available by half, and she was struggling to inhale.

  Was she coming down with something? Billy’s day care had told her there was a stomach flu going around. She hoped this wasn’t the onset.

  “I lost my phone, and when I replaced it I didn't have your number.”

  His voice was deep and sexy. Not sexy, Macy silently amended. Just deep.

  What the hell is the matter with me?

  “I'm sure one of the family had my number,” Ethan said.

  “Now is not the time for this conversation, Ethan. I came to Howling because I thought it was time to reconnect, and as it happened it was your wedding day, so I'd say that was pretty good timing, wouldn't you?”

  Macy's eyes reluctantly switched to Ethan, who was struggling with the reappearance of his long-lost brother.

  “You're right, and I am glad you’re here. Hope and Taylor are around somewhere.”

  “A real family reunion.”

  Brad had his brother's silky Texan drawl, and it traveled up and down Macy's spine like liquid honey.

  Liquid honey? Surely she was sick?

  “They have to head out later, as Taylor has work and Hope needs to get back, but I’d like you to stay, Brad. Will you?”

  Brad nodded. A lock of black hair fell over his eyes, and she watched a large hand push it back.

  “I can do a day or two.”

  His eyes moved to Macy next, brushing over her face before returning to Ethan, and only then did she exhale.


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