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All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Rose Nickol

  Tammy defiantly spit her gum into his towel-covered hand and stuck her lower lip out in a pout. She put her leg down and crossed her arms over her chest, playing the hurt school girl part to the hilt.

  “Mr. Thomas, what can I do to get out of this? My family will be so upset if I get expelled. Isn’t there something I can do?” She let a tear fall and tried to give him her best little girl look.

  “Ms. Masterson, there is a thing or two, but I’m not sure you would be comfortable doing those things.”

  “Anything rather than shame my family. Anything,” she answered excitedly.

  “You would have to accept punishment.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And I may need something else from you, dear.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Not totally faking the anxiety in her voice, she answered, “Sir?”

  “Let’s proceed with your punishment, Ms. Masterson, and see what happens from there. I want you to stand and remove all your clothes. You are to fold them neatly and place them on the desk.” He instructed her.

  “All my clothes, sir?” she asked with a tremble in her voice.

  “Yes, my dear, all of them. Leave your shoes and socks for last and bend over when you remove them.”

  “Okay.” Tammy started with the tie slowly pulling it around her neck before folding in and laying it on the desk. Then slowly, one by one, she unbuttoned the shirt. It fell open before she shrugged it from her shoulders. Running her hands over her body, she cupped each breast offering them to him, before moving to her skirt. Shimmying to lower it on her hips, she turned her back to him and bent from the waste to pull it down over her feet, making sure to wiggle her ass in the process. Then she removed the shoes and socks. When she was done she turned to face him and crossed her hands protectively over her body.

  “Hands at your sides, Ms. Masterson,” he said, walking around her, inspecting her. He pinched a nipple and pulled it towards him, then reached down to the hair between her legs, shaking his head.

  “This must go.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll take care of it the minute I get home.” She breathed as he slipped one finger into her folds, and she raised up onto her toes when he pressed into her clit.

  “No, Ms. Masterson. I will be taking care of that right now, before we proceed.”

  Tammy didn’t say anything, just hung her head and shivered.

  Tyler led her to the headmaster’s desk and with one sweep of his arm, cleared the contents from it. Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her to sit on the desk and pushed her into a lying position.

  Fastening her arms and legs with rope she hadn’t noticed before, he quickly had her tied with her legs spread wide. He slipped his fingers between her legs, liking what he found there. She was dripping.

  “I see you like this, Ms. Masterson. Very interesting,” he said, taking his finger and painting her lips with her juices. He kissed her juices from her lips and left her to get what he would need to shave her.

  Walking back to her pushing a cart before him with all he needed, he lifted her by the waist and put a towel under her. Then he took two clamps from his pocket.

  Leaning down, he prepared her nipples with his mouth and tongue, then applied the clamps. Tightening them a little more than he had the last time and attaching a chain between them.

  Once he had the clamps where he wanted them, he got ready and started shaving her, whistling all the time.

  Tammy tried her best to stay still, afraid if she moved too much he might cut her. The sensation was strange, she had never shaved down there before. The shaving cream was cool and tingly. He kept spreading it further and further into her. She was sure she didn’t need shaved in all the places he was putting the cream. When he spread some over her bottom hole, she couldn’t help arching her back with the sensation.

  “Do you like that, baby? Interesting, isn’t it?” he asked as he used the foam to slip his finger further in, knowing the menthol in the cream would cause a tingling.

  “Oh God, I don’t need shaved there,” she sputtered when he inserted two fingers.

  “Baby, you don’t know what you need,” he told her, laughing and thrusting his fingers in and out. He needed to get on with it. It was getting difficult to walk with his raging hard-on.

  Adding a third finger, he thrust in and out, stretching her. After he finished punishing her, he was going to take her to the suite and take her ass.

  Finishing her shave and cleaning her up, he unfastened her restraints and sat her up for a little water before laying her back on the desk, face down and ass up.

  Running his hands over her ass, he brought the things he had gotten to punish her with closer so they were within easy reach. The ruler, the paddle, and the pointer. He planned on leaving a few nice stripes across that little ass before he took it.

  “I’m going to warm you up with a few spanks first before I use the ruler on you. You don’t have to count, and no talking unless you want more. Why do I have to do this?” He wanted to make sure she understood why he had to.

  “Because I interrupted the scene and because I ran from you,” Tammy answered and started to cry.

  “Baby, I won’t give you more than you can take. I’m not going to lie, it will hurt, but you can stand it. Be brave for me.” Tyler told her as he leaned over and kissed her.

  He went to the cart and got the plug he was going to use in her ass. Lubing both her bottom and the plug, he slowly pushed it in. It was bigger than what he had used before, and would stretch her nicely for him.

  Once the plug was seated, he began, laying medium to hard slaps all over her ass until it was bright pink. Tammy was arching and moaning, making the sweetest sounds. He ran one hand through her folds. Perfect.

  Once he had her ass the way he wanted, he picked up the paddle. He planned on giving her two with the ruler, two with the pointer, and five with the paddle. Not too many for her first time but enough that she would feel it.

  Giving her one final slap with his hand, he laid one on her with the paddle.

  “Oh my holy fucking God, what the hell was that? It feels like you hit my ass with fire.” She screamed.

  “Just a few more, baby,” he said as he struck her again in a different spot.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed.

  “Tammy, you were told to be quiet. I’m not done yet,” Tyler said, letting her have five more because she had disobeyed. It couldn’t be said that he wasn’t flexible and willing to change a plan on the spot.

  “How the fuck do you expect me to be quiet when you’re doing that,” she cried.

  “Oh, baby, it could be much worse,” he told her.

  After applying the final swat, he ran his hands over the welts he left. Perfect, they would fade in an hour or two, but she would remember. Slipping his fingers into her slit, he found she was still wet. Her body was responding, even if her mind wasn’t.

  Putting the paddle down, he walked around to her head to check on her. “How are you doing, baby?” he asked, leaning down and wiping her tears with his thumb.

  Tammy looked up at him, with anger and hurt in her eyes. “That fucking hurt, how the fuck do you think it felt?” She couldn’t believe he would do that. When she had talked to Dottie, Dottie acted like a punishment was no big deal. The spanking he had given her was nothing like this. This hurt. This was not playing.

  “Tammy, first, I don’t like your cussing, if you keep it up, I’ll add to your punishment. Second, if you thought this was going be like playing and I was going to let you off easy, you were wrong. Baby, if I go easy on you and make it like playing, you won’t learn anything. Get through this, and I’ll make it worth your effort. I know it isn’t pleasant, but we don’t have much to go. I can’t have you coming to the club and causing a disturbance or have you running from me. We are almost done,” he told her, cupping her face and placing a sweet kiss on her lips.

  Walking back around her, he picked up the fiberglass pointer and laid three stri
pes below the marks he had made with the paddle. Standing back to admire his work, he nodded to himself. Beautiful, exactly how he wanted it to look.

  He knew she wasn’t going to like the ruler, especially since he planned on placing a couple stripes crisscrossing the welts already there. She wasn’t going to be sitting for a day or so, but he had seen and done worse.

  Snapping the ruler against his hand a couple times, he took position and let her have it, the last strike hitting her pussy lips and distended clit as he commanded, “Come for me, Tammy.”

  She did, screaming and crying his name, shocked at her response. It hurt, but not as bad as she had thought it would, and with each smack, she felt it all the way to her clit. She didn’t know she could respond to pain this way.

  It wasn’t really pain, but she didn’t know how to describe it. She knew she was going to be sore, but it also felt good. She felt like she was drifting on a float in the ocean. She could almost hear the water and feel the breeze. Was this what they called subspace? She would have to ask Dottie.

  Still drifting, she didn’t realize that Tyler had unfastened her and had wrapped her in a blanket. He was carrying her out of the room before she realized what was going on.

  “Where are we going? Are you done?” she asked, confused.

  “Honey, I’m taking you back to our room. We’ll soak in a hot tub and relax for a while, and then I’m going to take your ass,” he told her as he continued carrying her down the hall.

  When he had her in the suite, he laid her on the bed while he filled the tub. She needed to soak a while before the evening continued.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tammy was almost asleep by the time Tyler came back to her. He lay beside her in the bed, talking gently to her and stroking her skin to bring her back to him,

  Tammy woke and turned stiffly to look at Tyler. She could feel the love in his touch and words.

  Looking into his eyes, she smiled and reached to cup his face with her hand. “I love you,” she told him quietly, scared to say it too loud.

  “I love you, too, baby,” he answered her, leaning down to give her a sweet kiss full of passion. Lying back on his side, he pulled her to him and just held her for several long minutes, running his hands over her skin and basking in the moment.

  After a few minutes, Tammy looked up into Tyler’s soft golden-brown eyes and asked, “Do you really love me?” her voice full of awe and disbelief.

  “Yes, baby, I think I fell in love with you the minute I found you on the road. I’ll never let you go,” he affirmed.

  “Is this real or am I dreaming?” Tammy wondered out loud, her voice soft and breathy.

  “No, baby, you’re not dreaming. This is as real as it gets. I love you and you are mine. Forever.” He told her, holding her closer if possible. “I’m going to keep you for the rest of my life and will work all my days to convince you how much you mean to me.”

  Tammy couldn’t respond, so she just let herself melt into him, showing him with her body how much he meant to her.

  Tyler held her a few more minutes before getting up and taking her to the tub. He knew she was going to be stiff and sore and the warm water would ease the welts and relax her for what he had planned next.

  They sat in the huge jetted tub and Tyler held her between his legs, letting the warm water wash over them both.

  “Close your eyes and rest a while, baby, I’ve got you. We’re not done tonight, and you need to rest a little before we start again,” he whispered over her head, tucking her under his chin and swirling the warm water over and over her.

  Tyler leaned back in the tub and hit the button that would keep the water at a comfortable temperature for as long as they chose to stay in the tub. He planned on keeping her here for an hour or so, until she was completely relaxed and ready for what he planned next. Her ass was so his.

  * * * *

  After sitting for a while and just holding her, Tyler was ready for the rest of the evening. It had been all he could do just to sit there with her, but he knew better than to push too much.

  Lifting her out of the tub, he dried them both before taking her back to the bed. Laying her in the center, he placed several pillows under her to raise her bottom up where he wanted it.

  Slowly, he started kissing and touching her, playing her body like it was his instrument and fine tuning her to his touch.

  When he had her humming and primed to his touch, he donned a condom and started preparing her ass.

  Flipping her to her stomach, he grabbed the scarves he had attached to the bed and quickly restrained her arms and legs.

  “Baby, I’m going to take this ass now. It will sting and be uncomfortable at first, but just go with it and before you know it, it will be the most awesome experience of your life. Just relax and let me in,” he told her as he slowly inserted one, then two and finally three fingers inside her, stretching her for him.

  He knew even after stretching her, it would still be tight and that she was still tender from her punishment earlier, but he couldn’t wait any longer. He had to have her or he would burst.

  Once he had her as ready as he could, he slowly started pushing his way in, an inch at a time until he had his mushroom-shaped head just past the first ring of muscle. Holding himself there was torture, but he knew he had to give her a minute to get used to him.

  “Oh…oh…oh, I don’t know if I can do this,” she panted.

  There was no way he was stopping now. “Just hold on, baby, it’ll get better,” he told her as he reached around and started playing with her clit.

  Tammy’s bottom was on fire and it felt like someone was shoving a baseball bat up her ass. She had never felt some of the sensations she was feeling before. The burning was the worst. All her body wanted to do was push the thing in her ass out. Nothing he had ever put back there had caused the feelings she was experiencing.

  As she lay there panting, the burning and discomfort started to morph into something different and she needed more. He needed to move, go deeper or something.

  “More, I need more, please move or something,” she cried, trying to lift her body to meet his, but between the restraints and his weight, she couldn’t move.

  “Oh…Please, do something.” She begged.

  Tyler could tell by her body’s responses and her words that she was ready for more and he slowly pushed his way in until he was as far as he could go. Again, he held himself still, letting her adjust and working her little clit, pushing her further and further.

  “Oh, yes, now move, please, move,” she pleaded, needing so much more than he was giving.

  Tyler slowly pulled out until just the head of his penis was inside her before pushing in just as slowly.

  “More, faster, please,” she again cried.

  “Hold on baby, give it time,” he said softly in her ear, being careful to let her adjust before he started really moving. He knew if he didn’t let her adjust he could tear the delicate tissues in this region and, having seen the results of that once in the club, there was no way he was going to be responsible for doing that to someone.

  Easing himself slowly in and out until he felt some of the tension go out of her body and the muscles holding him relax, he gently increased his speed until he was moving at a pace to bring them both to completion. Pinching her clit, he commanded, “come” just before he did himself.

  Collapsing on the bed next to her, he pulled her to him, still lightly fingering her clit, until he felt her body stop its spasms and knew she was beginning to come down.

  Once he felt her breathing change, he lifted himself out of the bed and went to dispose of the condom and bring a rag to clean the lube and her fluids from her, not wanting her to wake stiff and sticky in the morning.

  “Tyler, is it always like this?” she asked, in awe of what had just happened.

  “No, baby, what we have is special. Not everyone has what we do.”

  “Do you think it’s like this for Derek and Dottie?” She w
anted her new friend to be has happy as she was.

  “Yes baby, Derek and Dottie are just has happy, if not happier than we are,” he reassured her.

  “Nobody can be as happy as I am.” Tammy giggled. “Come back to bed, I need you to hold me and never let me go.”

  “Baby, I’ll never let you go,” Tyler promised as he crawled back in the bed and pulled her to him, fitting her little bottom to his pelvis.

  Tammy wiggled to get in the perfect position and pulled one of his big hands to cup one of her breasts before sighing and closing her eyes. She would never sleep safe again unless he was with her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When Tammy woke the next morning, Tyler was still sleeping. Quietly turning on her side, she studied him. His skin was smooth and soft, his face chiseled as if from stone, but not as harsh. He could have been molded from one of the Norse Gods. With his long blond hair, he came from a fantasy, and he was hers, all hers. What she had done to deserve this man, she didn’t know, but she was going to do everything in her power to keep him.

  She wondered if he wanted children. They hadn’t talked about it. She did. She wanted a houseful. She wanted the life she didn’t have growing up. A place like Derek and Dottie’s would be perfect.

  Then she thought she had to put the threat of her father and the men behind her before she thought about starting a family. As long as they were after her no one she knew was safe. She wasn’t worried about Dottie, Derek would make sure nothing happened to her, but if she had children, they would be vulnerable and she couldn’t live with that. She resolved to ask Tyler what they could do sometime after he woke up. He would know what to do and how to help her.

  She was still watching him when he opened his eyes. He came instantly awake and smiled at her.

  “Hey beautiful, how are you feeling this morning?” he asked, pushing her to her back and crouching over her.

  “Wonderful. I feel wonderful. Last night was amazing. Can we do that again?” She really did want to do it again. Even though she was stiff and sore and her bottom was very tender, she was happy and felt cherished and loved for the first time since her mother had passed.


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