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All the President's Men 2: Tyler's Tasty Treat (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 11

by Rose Nickol

  “Yes, baby, we’ll do it again. Maybe next time we play, there won’t be a punishment involved and we can both enjoy ourselves.” He told her still leaning over her.

  “You didn’t enjoy punishing me?” she asked. She had thought that he would have enjoyed everything.

  “Honey, I would rather play than punish. The experience would have been very different for you if we were playing. I will show you soon. I will use the same ruler, pointer and paddle and show you the difference.” He told her before taking her mouth in a scorching kiss.

  Reaching in the bedside drawer he grabbed a condom, and quickly put it on. Lifting her arms over her head, he fastened the scarves to her wrists.

  “Tyler, why do you tie me up?” she asked.

  “Because it gives me control baby. You don’t have to do anything or worry about anything. I am in charge. It’s what I need.”

  It was hard to explain to her, but knowing she was all his and controlling what she did gave him a sense of power. It was something his body craved.

  “Do you not want me to touch you?” She was curious.

  “Honey, I do enjoy your touch, and there are times when I will allow it— hell, I’ll encourage it— but right now this is what I need.” He leaned down and took her lips, fitting himself to her and plunging in, ending all conversation.

  * * * *

  A couple hours later, Tyler took Tammy to his condo. He wanted to get his laptop and a few things and check on the work that was being done. He was anxious to be home and didn’t want to stay in the club any longer than he had to. He traveled enough for work and liked being home when he could.

  He also thought Tammy would be more comfortable home also. He was wrong.

  “I think we will be able to come back here tonight, baby, the boys should have everything fixed and the security updated by then.” He told her as they left for lunch.

  “Couldn’t we stay at the club for a few days?” she asked. Tammy thought that since the men who were looking for her knew where she was staying, she would be in more danger at the condo. At least they didn’t know where the club was, unless they were following her. She quickly turned her head to look behind them. There were several cars. Could one of them be her kidnappers? She quickly locked her door and looked around.

  “Tammy, what’s the matter? Baby, calm down.” Tyler didn’t know how his suggestion that they return to the house could have upset her so. He had to find out what was going on in her head.

  “Is your door locked?” she asked him, still nervously looking around.

  Tyler locked his door and pulled into a parking lot, needing to find out what was going on.

  “Do you have your gun?” Tammy had almost worked herself into a full panic.

  “Yes, baby I have one in the glove compartment. What’s going on?” he asked her gently, pulling her into his arms.

  “What if we’re being followed? That car pulled in behind us, what if it’s the men that are after me?”

  Tyler watched an older couple get out of the car and go into the store at the front of the parking lot. He saw that Tammy did, too.

  “See, nothing to worry about,” he said, holding her tighter.

  “But now they know where I am, and they could be following me at any time. What if they try to get me again?”

  “That’s why I’m not going to leave you alone. I or a member of the team will be with you constantly, and I also have members of the team that will be sitting outside the condo watching. Nothing is going to happen, and no one is going to get to you. I won’t let anything happen, I promise.” He hoped he could keep that promise, but knew that sometimes things went bad.

  After he got her calmed down somewhat, he took her to eat, but could tell she was still nervous by the way she kept looking around and how tightly she was holding onto him. She jumped at every little noise.

  “Tammy, you need to relax. The FBI is close to closing in on the group and have planted people within them so they have a lot of information. No one is going to let anything happen to you.” He tried reassuring her again.

  Tammy tried to relax, but nothing seemed to help.

  Tyler could see he wasn’t getting through to her. Making up his mind, he decided to have Tracy, one of the FBI agents and a good friend, teach her how to handle a gun. Maybe that would reassure her.

  Tammy needed to use the restroom, so Tyler took advantage of her time there to make a couple calls. Wonderful, Tracy could meet them this afternoon. Now, to get Tammy to agree.

  Standing in the hall waiting for Tammy, he noticed someone putting something in her drink. Time to leave.

  He walked into the ladies room and hurried her up, while making the calls he needed to. He had a pretty good description of the man and they would wait outside the restaurant until he left and follow him if necessary. After his calls, the FBI was on route.

  “Come on, we’re leaving,” he told her, throwing some money on the table and walking her out the door.

  “But I didn’t…” she sputtered as he moved quickly.

  Putting her in the truck, he told her. “Just sit there, I need to watch the door. Do. Not. Move. Until I come and get you. Understand? I’ll explain as soon as I can, but for now. Do. As. I . Say. Or I’ll blister your ass so red you’ll think that last night was fun,” he threatened, putting her in the truck and locking the doors. She could get out by unlocking the door, but would be sorry if she did.

  Shaking with fear, Tammy sat watching the door to the restaurant wondering what she was looking for. Tyler had disappeared into the bushes and she couldn’t see him.

  Several people came out over the next few minutes, but nothing happened. Two black SUVs pulled into the parking lot, but the people stayed it their vehicles. Tammy could do nothing but sit and watch. She didn’t have the keys and couldn’t roll down the windows or turn the radio on, and had to sit there with her thoughts.

  A man came out the door Tammy was watching and suddenly there was a flurry of activity. Out of nowhere Tyler appeared and the people in the black SUVs jumped out and ran to both men. Before she knew what was going on, the man was handcuffed and Tyler was shaking hands with the people from the SUVs.

  He came back to her, strutting, and she heard the remote unlock the truck. He jumped in and quickly explained what he had seen in the restaurant and what had happened.

  “The FBI and Derek will interview the guy and we’ll get to the bottom of this,” he said happily .

  “But this means I’m in more danger,” Tammy protested.

  “Actually the opposite baby, now they know we are watching and will be on alert. I doubt they will try anything again soon. I’m pretty sure you are safe with me and at the house now.”

  “Okay.” Tammy was a little overwhelmed with all that had happened and just wanted to go somewhere quiet. “Can we just get some take out and go either home or back to the club?”

  “Sure, baby, I think the guys are done with most of the noisy stuff, so we can go back to the condo.” They drove through and got some food before they went back to the house. Tammy was tired, and Tyler settled her down for a nap after they ate, while he got their stuff from the club and checked on a few things.

  Making sure the people watching the house knew he was gone, he ran his errands before coming back to her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next several days were quiet, and Tammy and Tyler got into a routine. Derek and Dottie had invited them for dinner a few times and Tammy finally got to see Derek’s playroom.

  Then, it was the weekend and Tyler was taking Tammy to the club. They were going to play in one of the themed rooms and Tammy was excited.

  They dressed for the club and were walking out to the garage, when Tammy heard her name called. Looking around, she saw her father and the two men he had given her to.

  “Tammy, you have to go with them. They’re going to kill me,” her father pleaded.

  Tyler pulled his gun and Tammy stepped back to lean against him. She wan
ted to hide behind him. “Oh God, make them go away,” she cried, looking at him.

  “You know she can’t do that, Mr. Masterson,” Tyler answered for her.

  “Son, this is none of your business. This is between me and my daughter. Come along, Tammy. I owe these men and their bosses a lot of money. You have to go with them.”

  Tammy’s father looked worse than she had ever seen him. He had obviously been beaten. His arm was in a sling and he had two black eyes and his face was swollen so much she almost didn’t recognize him except for his voice.

  “Dad, do you know what they did to me? They beat me, and I’m sure they were going to rape me. They left me naked and beaten, lying on a cold floor,” Tammy cried.

  “You listen to me, girl. I’m your father and I supported you all your life, so you go with these men now!” And he started walking towards her as if to bodily give her to the men again.

  Tammy would have laughed if she hadn’t been crying so hard.

  “You what?’ she screamed, “You never worked a day in your life after mom died. I started working the minute someone would hire me to support not only myself, but your lazy ass, too. All you did was move us from relative to relative and friend to friend until we had nowhere else to go but sleazy motels. You took the money I brought home for rent and gambled it away until I got smart enough to pay the bills before you could find it. You tried to leave me with everyone we ever stayed with. All I was to you was a burden. You never wanted me. You made this mess, you clean it up. I’m done. I no longer have a father!” She turned and buried her face in Tyler’s chest, sobbing hysterically.

  Tyler had hit the panic button on his phone the minute they had heard Tammy’s name called and he knew the cops would be there soon. When Tammy’s dad started to walk away, he pointed his gun in the direction of the three men and said, “Anyone moves and I shoot.”

  As he was saying the words, Link and Dillon appeared out of nowhere and flanked him.

  “I suggest you listen to him,” Link shouted.

  It seemed like forever, but was really only a few minutes, before the police showed up and soon Tammy’s father and the two men were in custody.

  Tyler took Tammy into the condo to calm her down. He knew the next few days would be bad for her. The FBI and locals would need to interview both of them extensively, and Tammy needed to deal with what her father had done. He knew she had good coping mechanisms because of all she had been through and hoped they were good enough to deal with everything that was about to happen.

  * * * *

  It had taken Tyler hours to calm Tammy down. Finally he had called Link, who had been the medic on his team in Iraq and had him bring over a sedative. He didn’t want to take her to a hospital where they would want to admit her. It was just a very small one, but it worked and Tammy was soon sleeping. What a fucking mess.

  The whole thing had blown up before he could control it, but he felt that maybe some good would come of this.

  Tammy had gotten to confront her father and gotten a few things off her chest. Maybe that would help the healing process. It was going to take a long time for her to get past the guilt she would feel, but he would be there for her and support her through it all.

  He had already talked to Derek about bringing her out to use the horses more, knowing that would be good therapy for her, and Dottie was willing to support her in any way she could. The women had really bonded in the short time they had known each other.

  He wanted to ask Tammy to marry him, but wasn’t sure of the timing and he still needed to get a ring. He had been looking online but couldn’t find what he wanted. He wanted to go to a jeweler friend and have a ring designed. Now that the threat against her had been neutralized, he could.

  Sitting in the bed and watching her sleep, he made plans in his head. He would leave her with Dottie and take Derek with him when he went to get the ring. Even though he wasn’t worried about her father or the men now, he didn’t want her alone for a few days and Derek’s house was also a fortress. He was still going to have Tracy teach her to shoot. Never could be too safe.

  The rest of the week passed in a blur. Tyler and Tammy spent a lot of time at FBI headquarters and at the police station giving statements and such. By the time the weekend came, Tammy was exhausted.

  Tyler decided they needed to get out of town for the weekend. Derek had told him of a property close to Derek’s house that was for sale and the owner, who was also a friend of Derek’s, was willing to let them stay there for the weekend and see if they liked it. He also had horses and was looking to sell the whole thing, horses and all. Tyler was excited. He was going to propose to Tammy while they were there. He and Derek had looked at the house one afternoon while Dottie entertained Tammy.

  Tammy was excited. It had been a busy week, but Tyler had promised her a surprise for the weekend. She didn’t know what was going on, but he had promised to take her out of the city and told her to pack light and casual. He was taking her some place she wouldn’t need many clothes for the weekend. She wondered if it was the club or a hotel or what. They hadn’t been back to the club since that first night, and she was anxious to play. She knew he was up to something, since he had been spending way too much time with Derek and always had a shit-eating grin on his face. His lovemaking at night had become even more intense, and he had been talking more about the future.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Throwing their bags in the back, Tyler helped Tammy into the truck. After they had driven part way through town, he stopped so they could eat dinner before continuing their journey. When they got back in the truck, he put a blindfold over her eyes. He didn’t want her to know where they were going until they got there. This weekend was truly going to be a surprise.

  Dottie and Derek had been to the house earlier and had gotten it ready for them. The home owner was eager to sell and very cooperative with all of Tyler’s requests. All he had to do was get Tammy’s approval and then they could sign the papers.

  Tammy could feel the tension in the air and was practically squirming with excitement. The anticipation was killing her and she kept reaching for the blindfold.

  Tyler slapped her hand away from the blindfold for the third time in exasperation. “Leave it alone or you’ll get a punishment. We are almost there. I’ll tell you when you can take it off.”

  He was chuckling to himself. She was like a little kid.

  “Okay, but you don’t have to be mean about it.” Tammy pouted.

  Patting her leg, he grounded her with his touch. “Baby you’ll love it. Relax and enjoy the surprise I have for you.”

  He drove around to the back of the house, wanting to show her the horses first before he took her inside. Leaving the blindfold on, he walked her to the fence rail and the horses quickly came to greet them.

  “Horses,” she exclaimed before he could remove the blindfold. “Are we at Derek’s?”

  “No, baby,” he answered as he removed the blindfold and introduced the horses. “This is Mike, and his partner here is Shelby.”

  Both horses nuzzled Tammy and Tyler pulled some sugar cubes out of his pocket for her to feed them.

  After a few minutes with the horses, he took her hand and led her to the house. Unlocking the back door, he took her inside. Walking her through the mud room to the kitchen, he asked, “What do you think?”

  The house was similar to Dottie’s in layout, but the kitchen was plain and didn’t have the upgrades Derek had done.

  “Baby, if you like it we can do any changes you want.”

  “Where are we? What is this?” Tammy asked, too excited to hope.

  “Baby, this house is for sale. I’d like to buy it if you want it. Let’s look some more.” He took her to the bedrooms. The master was bigger than Derek’s and there was one fewer bedroom because of it. There was a huge walk-out patio off the bedroom and Tammy could tell it would be a great place to sit in the evening or have coffee in the morning. The entire house had the feel of home.
/>   Tyler took her down to the unfinished basement and told her his plans to put a family room with a fireplace, two more bedrooms and a playroom down there, showing her each space he planned to use for each room.

  Holding her hand he led her around, talking excitedly the whole time. He then led her back to the living room, where Derek and Dottie had already lit the gas fire and set a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table.

  Sitting her down on the couch, he poured them each a glass of wine and again asked, “What do you think?”

  “I think I’m overwhelmed. Do you want to buy this?” Tammy sat back sipping her wine. She couldn’t believe it. Maybe her dreams would come true.

  “Yes, but only if you like it and agree to live with me here.” He hoped she would say yes.

  “Tyler, it seems perfect and the things you want to do in the basement are wonderful, but why do we need all the bedrooms? There are two upstairs, for us and a guest, so what more do we need?”

  “Children. I want to have children with you. I was going to wait,” he said and moved to one knee in front of her. “Tammy, will you marry me, live in this house with me, and have my children? I want you for the rest of my life. I can’t imagine being without you.”

  He pulled the ring out of his pocket and took her hand in his. He had had to pay dearly to get his friend to get the ring done in time, but it was worth it. The ring was perfect, and he was proud to give it to her.

  With tears in her eyes, Tammy looked down at him and smiled tenderly. “Yes, yes, yes to all of it. This is what I’ve wanted for a long time. Please tell me it isn’t a dream.”

  Tyler slipped the ring on her finger, then standing and pulling her into his arms, took her in a passionate kiss meant to show his love for her.

  When he broke the kiss, they sat on the couch and Tammy admired her ring.


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