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Golden Warrior, The

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by Lawrence, James

  43 I am indebted for this and many other clinical observations in this chapter to Dr Martin Schild.

  44 K.S., Box 3, private information.

  45 O‘Prey, Between Moon and Moon, 132–3.

  IV Betrayal

  1 Clayton, 693/11, 7.

  2 Kedourie, Chatham House Version, 23.

  3 Friedman, 298; Letters, ed. Brown, 112.

  4 FO 371/3381,123686.

  5 Hogarth, 10.1.18.

  6 Yale, 25.2.18, 11.3.18.

  7 FO 371/3381, 115783.

  8 FO 371/2492, 201112, 201528; Weber, 136,153–4.

  9 WO 106/1514; ibid., 1516, 5; Friedman, 218-20.

  10 WO 33/935, 8350.

  11 S.P., 543.

  12 FO 141/430/5411; Yale Report, 21.1.18, 3, 5-6.

  13 Yale Report, 21.1.18, 3, 5-6; FO 141/430/5411.

  14 FO 141/430/5411; Wingate to Foreign Office, 23.3.18; FO 3741/3381, 146256.

  15 FO 141/430/5411, Joyce to Arab Bureau, 9.1.18.

  16 Ibid., Foreign Office to Wingate, 24.4.18.

  17 Ibid., Wingate to Foreign Office, 8.4.18.

  18 FO 371/3381, 143456.

  19 Wingate 144/1, 2, 3; FO 882/14, 72.

  20 Friedman, 219.

  21 Clayton 693/11, 4–5.

  22 Yale, 25.2.18. 11.3.18.

  23 Meinertzhagen, 99.

  24 Tabawi, 158-9; FO 882/14, 364-5. For Lawrence’s movements: WO 95/4415 [O.C. Northern Hejaz] 4.6.18, 12.6.18.

  V War’s Mischances, November 1917–July 1918

  1 Stirling, 494.

  2 Kirkbride, Awakening, 19.

  3 Ibid., 118–19.

  4 Young, 163.

  5 Birkinshaw.

  6 Rolls, 155.

  7 Joyce, 2.

  8 Stirling, 497.

  9 W O 33/946, 8547; Dawnay, Arab Bureau to DMI, 15.11.17.

  10 Yale, 4.3.18, 6; 11.3.18, 4–5.

  11 WO 33/946, 8899.

  12 Hogarth, 25.2.18.

  13 Young, 142.

  14 WO 95/4415 [O.C. Northern Hejaz]; Ops summary, March 1918; WO 33/946, 9209; 17N 498 Sommaires &c., 7.3–7.4.18; Brémond, 237; WO 158/635, 21A.

  15 WO 33/946, 9308.

  16 Liddell Hart, 289–90

  17 WO 33/946, 9413.

  18 Massey, 58.

  19 WO 95/4415 [O.C. Northern Hejaz], 6.4.18.

  20 Ibid, 13.4.18; Young, 164–5; Brémond, 236.

  21 WO 95/4415 [O.C. Northern Hejaz], 15.4.18.

  22 Ibid, 13.4.18; MacMunn and Falls, II, ii, 406–7.

  23 Air 1/2360/226/6/3, 27.4.18.

  24 WO 33/946, 9485.

  25 Young, 173, 175.

  26 WO 95/4415 [A.C. Section], 18–22.4.18; MacMunn and Falls, II, ii, 408.

  27 Air 1/2360/6/3,21.4.18.

  28 Hogarth, 4.5.18.

  29 WO 33/946, 8935A; WO 95/4415 [RFA], 21–22.1.18; Kirkbride, Awakening, 51.

  30 Wavell, 253.

  31 WO 95/4415 [RFA].

  32 FO 882/2, 70.

  33 WO 95/4415 [A.C. Section], 26.7.18.

  34 WO 33/960, 9977, 9886.

  35 Air 1/2360/226/6/4, 25.5.18.

  V Damascus: Flawed Triumph

  1 Falls, 103; Kirkbride, Awakening, 57.

  2 Milner 452, 51–2.

  3 Kedourie, Chatham House Version, 34–5.

  4 Hill, 174–5.

  5 WO 33/960, 10099; WO 95/4371 [GS Ops] App B, 2.9.18; WO 106/619, 29; Milner 452, 51.

  6 Jarvis, 41-2, 44.

  7 Jones, V, 212-3.

  8 Ibid.; WO 95/4371 [GS Ops] App B, 16.9.18.

  9 Jarvis, 49; Kirkbride, Awakening, 66.

  10 Ibid., 45–6.

  11 MacMunn and Falls, II, ii, 565; von Sandars, 288–9.

  12 Jones, V, 230, 232; Air 1/2329/226/1/16.

  13 Ibid.; Massey, 323–4.

  14 MacMunn and Falls, II, ii, 555.

  15 WO 95/4371 [GS Ops] 29.9.18; Massey, 217; Guy Powles, 244–5.

  16 Air 1/2329/226/1/16.

  17 WO 95/4510 [4th Cavalry, GS] Narrative, 9–10; WO 95/4511 [20th RHA Battery] 28.9.18. For other cases of Arab plundering see: Massey, 193–4, 233–4; von Sandars, 297–8; WO 95/4725 [Lines of Communication] Military Police reports March and June 1918; WO 95/4515 [5th Cavalry GS] 22.9.18; WO 154/164 [ANZAC Mounted Division Asst Provost Marshal] 5, 7, 31.10.18, all involving Beduin looting in eastern Jordan.

  18 WO 95/4513 [2nd (Indian) Cavalry] 28.9.18.

  19 Barrow, 210–1.

  20 WO 95/453 [2nd (Indian) Cavalry] 28.9.18.

  21 Letters, ed. Garnett, 253-4.

  22 Allenby [LHC] 1/9, 12.

  23 Mack, 237–8.

  24 Cab 45/80, Major G. White, 21st Lancers. White was brigade major for the 14th Cavalry and an important and hitherto unknown eyewitness to the controversial events of 30 September-1 October.

  25 Kirkbride, Awakening, 81–2.

  26 Winterton, Fifty Tumultuous Years, 71–2.

  27 Massey, 234.

  28 Busch, 198-9; FO 371/3381, 123868; FO 371/3384, 171564; WO 33/960, 10218.

  29 Hill, 173–4.

  30 Ibid.

  31 Milner 452, 53–4.

  32 Cab 45/80, Major G.White.

  33 Kedourie, Chatham House Version, 38; see also: WO 33/960, 10185; WO 95/4371 [GS Ops] Apps M, O.

  34 Hill, 178; Gullett, Barrett and Barker, 43–7. Chauvel was naturally keen to record that Damascus had surrendered to Australian troops and he was justifiably angered when, in a report of 10 October, Lawrence insisted that the city had fallen to the Arabs. (J. Wilson, Wilson, 560–1, 1107–8). Lawrence’s claims gained wide circulation when published by Lowell Thomas, although the Australian version had been printed (see above) in 1919. The affair mattered greatly to Lawrence which may explain his unfair treatment of the Australians in the Seven Pillars; obviously a case of sour grapes.

  35 Milner 452, 54.

  36 WO 95/4510 [4th Cavalry GS]. Narrative, 11; Cab 45/80, Major G. White.

  37 Ibid.

  38 Hill, 178–9, quoting Chauvel’s statement of 1922.

  39 Ibid., 179.

  40 Ibid., 180–1; Massey 261–3.

  41 Hill, 182–3.

  42 Allenby (LHC) 1/9, 12.

  43 Kirkbride, Awakening, 126–7; Crackle & c., 8–9.

  44 Letter from C.L.A. Abbott, Sydney Morning Herald 20.7.68, quoted in T.E. Notes, Sept 1994. WO 95/451 [Asst Director of Medical Services] 2.10.18.

  45 WO 33/960. 10185.

  46 Ibid., 10177, 10166, 10178.

  47 Hill, 184–5; Allenby, Chauvel to Allenby, 22.10.29, attached narrative.

  48 WO 33/960, 101209.

  49 Milner 452, 53.

  50 Mousa, ‘Arab Sources’, 166.

  51 Milner 452, 67.

  52 Mousa, ‘Arab Sources’, 167.

  53 Ibid., 165.

  Part Five: The Legend of Lawrence of Arabia

  I Achievement

  1 Butler, 219.

  2 FO 882/14, 205, 4 ff.; Vickery, 62–3.

  3 FO 371/4159, 146374; WO 33/981, 11234.

  4 Ibid., 11124. See also WO 33/969 passim.

  5 WO 95/4515 [5th Cavalry GS], Intelligence Report, 7–12.7.18.

  6 Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the US, XII, 778.

  7 Massey, 61. This balanced account of the 1918 Palestine and Syrian campaigns also gives credit to Lawrence’s brother officers [250—1].

  8 Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the US, XII, 727; WO 95/4373 [GS Ops], July 1919, App A [2.7.19]; ibid., 4374, Apps 20.9.19, 20.12.19.

  9 WO 33/981, 11686.

  10 Von Sandars, 145, 263.

  11 FO 141/430/5411

  II The Making of the Legend, 1918–1935

  1 Wrench, 361.

  2 O’Prey, In Broken Images, 262.

  3 Ibid., 248–9, 252, 257.

  4 Ibid, 251.

  5 Spectator, 24.5.35.

  6 Sergeant W.C. Noble, quoted in Edinburgh Evening News, 22.5.35.

  7 Wingate 148/12, 29.

  8 Sachar, 294

  9 Bullard, 158. A short newsreel with wartime footage was distributed in British cinemas soon after Lawrence’s death with a commentary by Storrs.

  10 FO 371/16188, 87–8.

  11 Read.

  12 Caudwell, 101.

  13 FO 371/18925, 224, 227, 230–1, 236A.

  14 Richards and Hulbert, 166–7.

  III Living with a Legend

  1 Meinertzhagen, 32.

  2 Vansittart, 205.

  3 Storrs, 451.

  4 A.W. Lawrence (ed.), T.E. Lawrence by His Friends, 105.

  5 Lloyd 1/22, Lawrence to Lloyd, 22.1.29.

  6 Namier, 380.

  7 Lloyd 1/22, Lawrence to Lloyd, 22.1.29.

  8 Meinertzhagen, 31.

  9 A.W. Lawrence (ed.), T.E. Lawrence by His Friends, 106–7.

  10 Tarver, passim, but especially p. 599, which quotes the entry from the Arab Bureau’s official bulletin of 22.10.18.

  11 Vansittart, 166.

  12 A.W. Lawrence (ed.), T.E. Lawrence by His Friends, 106.

  Part Six: Making the Best of it: 1918–1935

  I Diplomat, 1918–1919

  1 O‘Prey, Between Moon and Moon, 137; Vansittart, 260–1.

  2 Lloyd 9/13.

  3 FO 608/92, 382–3.

  4 Ibid, 382; Documents on British Foreign Policy, 370–1; Vansittart, 205.

  5 Vansittart, 354–5, 370.

  6 Busch, 199–200; FO 371/3384, 181025.

  7 FO 608/92, 225, 227, 343; WO 95/4374 [GS Ops], 30.11.19; Kirkbride, Awakening, 46.

  8 FO 608/93, 73, 94.

  9 Weizmann; Tibawi, 151 ff.

  10 FO 608/93, 192.

  11 Documents on British Foreign Policy, 447–8.

  12 FO 608/93, 195; WO 33/981, 11138; Evans, 148; Sachar, Emergence, 261.

  13 WO 33/981, 11098.

  14 Documents on British Foreign Policy, 265 n.1; FO 608/92, 306.

  15 FO 608/93, 76; WO 33/960, 10842.

  16 Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the US, XI, 123.

  17 WO 33/981, 11144, 11232; FO 141/453/6347.

  18 FO 608/92. 383: Documents on British Foreign Policy, 315, 370.

  II Kingmaker, 1919–1922

  1 Letters, ed. Garnett, 322.

  2 WO 33/969.

  3 WO 33/981, 11390, 11512, 11671; FO 371/4159, 139090.

  4 Letters, ed. Brown, 163.

  5 Wilson, ‘Revolt’, 282.

  6 Gilbert, 534; Lloyd 1/22, Lawrence to Lloyd, 30.9.34.

  7 Gilbert, companion volume 2, 895.

  8 Moran, 124–5.

  9 Gilbert, 515–16.

  10 Letters, ed. Garnett, 290: Noel’s views of Kurdish national feeling are in FO 608/95; several items have been officiallv removed from this file.

  11 L. T. B., 1, 190–1.

  12 Ingrams (ed.), 127.

  13 Meinertzhagen, 127.

  14 Lawrence’s despatches are in FO 686/93; some are quoted in Letters, ed. Brown, 188–91.

  15 FO 686/93, 12–13.

  16 Letters, ed. Garnett, 336.

  17 Clayton 693/11, Lawrence to Clayton, 9.10.28.

  18 Spectator, 27.8.27.

  19 Sachar, Europe Leaves the Middle East, 159, 289, 292.

  20 Abd-Allah, 38.

  21 Lloyd 1/22, Lawrence to Lloyd, 30.9.34.

  22 Kirkbride, Crackle, 62. The Arabs noticed that Glubb Pasha, commander of the Jordanian Arab Legion, was half Irish, half Scottish; Lawrence of course was half Anglo-Irish as opposed to Gaelic Irish.

  III Man of Letters

  1 O’Prey, In Broken Images, 298.

  2 Clayton 693/11, Lawrence to Clayton, 22.8.22.

  3 Lawrence in review of an edition of Hakluyt’s Voyages, Spectator, 10.9.27.

  4 Hartley.

  5 O‘Prey, In Broken Images, 260, 262.

  6 Spectator, 27.8.27.

  7 Payn and Morley, 261.

  8 Durrell, 36.

  9 MacPhail, 195–235.

  10 The Times Literary Supplement 21.1.77.

  IV Gentleman Ranker, 1922–1935

  1 Boyle, 384.

  2 Forster, “The Mint”.

  3 Seymour-Smith, 258–9.

  4 Boyle, 428.

  5 See pp. 258–9.

  6 Letters, ed. Brown, 227–8, 232–4, 236-7, 239–43.

  7 Ibid., 389.

  8 Stewart, 284.

  9 W.C. Noble in Edinburgh Evening News, 21.5.35.

  10 Stewart, 276.

  11 D.H. Lawrence (ed.), 829.

  12 K.S., 196–7.

  13 A.W. Lawrence (ed.), T.E. Lawrence by His Friends, 557–8.

  V Death of a Hero

  1 Nicolson, 124–5.

  2 Lord Rennell to Liddell Hart, 5.4.34 [Lawrence Collection, St Antony’s College, Oxford].

  3 Stewart gives an examination of the evidence and hints at foul play or at least the suppression of evidence after suggesting that Lawrence was seriously flirting with Fascism. This is highly unlikely and, even if he had been, who would have had him killed and how? No answers are given nor could they be found outside the world of thriller fantasy [pp. 300–5].

  Part Seven: The Bubble Reputation: 1935–1995

  I Orthodoxy and Revisionism, 1935–1955

  1 London Mercury 188 (June 1935).

  2 Forster, ‘The Mint’, Listener, 17.2.55.

  3 Times Literary Supplement, 2.10.68.

  4 Letters, ed. Garnett, 728.

  5 I am indebted to Andrew Lownie for this quotation which comes from the Buchan letters in the National Library of Scotland.

  6 Private information.

  7 The Times, 19.2.94.

  8 The Times, 22.11.69.

  9 For this and many other points on Aldington I am indebted to Professor Fred Crawford.

  10 Crawford, ‘How Aldington came to write &c.’, T.E. Notes, 4, ii (February 1993).

  11 Ibid.

  12 Woodhouse, Twentieth Century, 228.

  13 Holden Reid, passim.

  14 I am indebted for this point to Professor Fred Crawford.

  15 Crawford, London Magazine, 49, 51.

  16 Spectator, 4.2.55.

  17 Punch, 2.2.55.

  18 Daily Telegraph, 31.1.55.

  19 Ibid., 2, 3, 5 and 10.2.55.

  20 See page 224.

  21 Daily Telegraph, 12.2.55.

  22 Illustrated, 5 and 26.2.55.

  23 Crawford, London Magazine, 55—6.

  24 Private Eye, 1.8.69.

  II The Legend Reborn, 1956–1995

  1 Listener, 18.10.69.

  2 B.A. Young, 152.

  3 Ibid., 153.

  4 Virginia Quarterly Review, 52, iv, (1976).

  5 B.A. Young, 143.

  6 Spectator, 20.5.61.

  7 The Times, 19.12.62.

  8 I am indebted to Mrs William Roberts, her son John, and Ernest Dashwood-Evans for their recollections of Lawrence’s manner of speech and accent. To judge by what they remembered, had Leslie Howard played Lawrence his voice would have been a good approximation.


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