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Golden Warrior, The

Page 61

by Lawrence, James

  9 The Times, 14 and 22.12.62.

  10 Listener, 20.12.62.

  11 The Times, 22.11.69.

  12 Middle East Journal 24 (1970) 520–1.

  13 Sunday Times, 2.6.68. I am also indebted to Phillip Knightley and Colin Simpson for their recollections of Bruce and the circumstances in which his story was published. Details of payments made to him and Professor Lawrence may be found in their papers now in the Imperial War Museum.

  14 T.E. Lawrence Papers, St Antony’s College, Oxford.

  15 Wilson, 1134–5; Wilson was and is highly sceptical of the Bruce material on the grounds that it contains fibs and is unverifiable. Given the nature of Bruce’s services to Lawrence this is not surprising and in this matter, Professor Mack was willing to take his word, which was corroborated by others involved. (Mack, 431.)

  16 T.E. Notes 4, v (May 1993).

  17 Sunday Times, 12 and 19.6.77 and 3.7.77.


  Lawrence and the Modern Middle East

  1 Private information.


  Aaronsohn, Aaron

  Aaronsohn, Sarah

  Abbas Hilmi, Khedive

  Abdul, Osman

  Abdullah, Amir


  forces of

  and Iraq

  and Jordan

  negotiations with British

  and TEL

  Abu el Jurdhan

  Acheson, Dean




  see also Royal Navy



  Agha, Busawari

  Aigues Mortes

  Ain Qadeis (Karnesh Barnea)

  Air Ministry

  see also Royal Air Force

  Ajaimi, Sheik

  Akle, Fareedah el

  al Ahd

  al Askari, Jafar

  al Atrash, Sultan Salim

  al Ayyubi, Shukri

  al Bakri, Dr Nasib

  al Faruqi, Captain Muhammad

  al Fatah

  al Fatat

  al Mizri, Major Aziz Ali

  al Murghani, Sayyid Ali

  al Qadir, Abdul

  al Qibla

  al Rikabi, Aziz al Ridha

  al-Umari, Subhi

  al Wajh

  Albert, Prince Consort

  Aldington, Richard

  Launence of Arabia: A Biographical Enquiry


  and Arab nationalist movement

  attack planned on

  British Consulate

  evacuated by Turks

  and Faisal

  and Kemal Atatürk

  TEL in

  TEL on

  Turco-German news agency in

  Alexander the Great

  Alexandretta (Iskanderun)



  Ali, Amir

  Ali, Sharif

  Ali Bey Wakkabi

  Ali Said Pasha

  Ali the Smuggler

  All Souls College, Oxford

  Allenby, General Sir Edmund

  Anglo-Arab offensives planned by

  and Arab warfare

  and capture of Damascus

  and capture of Jerusalem

  and defence of Mecca

  Dera campaign

  and Faisal

  and ‘Hedgehog’

  and Hejaz railway raids

  Jerusalem offensive

  1918 victory of

  resignation as High Commissioner in Egypt

  and subsidies to Hussain

  and Sykes—Picot agreement

  and Syrian offensive

  and TEL

  on TEL’s death

  Allenby, Viscountess

  Allenby’s Entry into Jerusalem (newsreel)

  Amanullah, Amir of Afghanistan

  American University at Beirut

  Amery, Leo


  Amman, Iskaner


  Andrews, Harry

  Anglo-French agreement see Sykes—Picot agreement

  Anglo-French declaration (1918)

  Anglo-Indian army

  Anne Rickmers




  expedition to capture

  TEL at

  in TEL’s newspaper articles

  Weizmann in

  Arab Bureau


  and Cox

  and Damascus campaign


  distrust of

  Hogarth at


  TEL’s reports to

  Arab Legion

  Arab nationalist movement

  Abdullah and

  ambitions of

  Arab Bureau and

  Bray on

  Britain and

  Cox and

  Hejaz campaign and

  Ottoman government and

  and Palestine

  TEL on

  TEL’s involvement in

  Zaid and

  Arab Renaissance Society (Jammiyat al Nahda al Arabiyya)

  Arab Revolt (1916)

  Damascus and

  propaganda value for Britain

  TEL and

  TEL on

  Arab Revolt (1936)



  army officers

  and Britain

  and British gold

  costume of


  and guerrilla warfare

  Marsh Arabs


  prisoners of war

  and self-determination


  in Turkish army

  war with Israel

  and Zionist movement

  see also Arab nationalist movement; Arab Revolt; Beduin; Hashemites



  as guerrillas



  Armitage, Flora, The Desert and the Stars: A Portrait of T.E. Lawrence

  Arslan, Shakib

  Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

  Asquith, H.H.

  Astor, Lady

  Astor, Lord


  Auden, W.H.

  Ault, Warren




  Awad, Serkis

  Awda Abu Tayi, Sheik


  Baker, Sir Henry

  Baldwin, Stanley

  Balfour, Arthur

  Balfour Declaration

  Balkan League

  Balkan Wars

  Bani Sakhr

  Baring, Maurice

  Barrow, General Sir George


  Basset, Major

  Beach, Colonel W.H. (‘Bill’)


  at Mafraq

  and British subsidies

  and capture of Damascus

  Faisal and

  homosexuality amongst

  and Korda film project

  Newcombe on

  sabotage by

  TEL’s affinity with


  Beersheba—Hebron road

  Beeson, C.F.C. (‘Scroggs’)


  Bell, Gertrude

  Belloc, Hilaire

  Bilbo, Jack (Bluebeard)

  Bir el Lasan


  Birkinshaw, Air Mechanic

  Biscuit (speedboat)

  Blackwood’s Magazine

  Bluebeard see Bilbo, Jack

  Blunden, Edmund

  Blunt, Lady Anne

  Blunt, Wilfred Scawen

  Bodleian Library, Oxford

  Bogarde, Dirk

  Bolt, Robert

  Born, Bertrand de

  Borton, Major Amyas (‘Biffy’)

  Bourchier, Colonel

  Boutargy, Charles

  Bovington camp

p; Boyle, Captain

  Boys’ Brigade

  Bradbury, Aircraftman

  Bray, Major N.N.

  Shifting Sands

  Breese, Squadron-Leader

  Brémond, Colonel Edouard

  Brian, Alan

  Briand, Aristide

  British Board of Film Control

  British High Commission

  British Military Mission

  British Museum

  British Union of Fascists

  Brodie, Lieutenant Samuel

  Brooks (Australian in Hejaz railway campaign)

  Brough motorcycles

  Bruce, John (‘Jock’)

  Buchan, John


  The House of Four Winds


  Burnham, Major-General Lord

  Burton, Percy

  Butler, Samuel

  Byron, Lord



  Groppi’s tea garden

  Savoy Hotel

  Shepheard’s Hotel

  TEL at


  Cambon, Jules

  Campbell-Thompson, Reginald

  Candler, Edmund

  Cape, Jonathan, Ltd

  Carcemish see Karkamis

  Carisbrooke, Marquess of

  Carrington, Lord

  Casement, Sir Roger

  Caspian Sea

  Catchpole, Corporal


  Catoni, Joseph


  Caudwell, Christopher

  Caxton, William

  Cecil, Lord Robert


  Chaignon family

  Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen

  Chambers, A.E. (‘Jock’)

  Channon, Henry (‘Chips’)

  Chapman, Elizabeth (née Hamilton Boyd)

  Chapman, Thomas Robert see Lawrence, Thomas

  Chapman family

  Chase, Harry

  Chauvel, General Sir Harry

  Chaytor, General Sir Edward

  Chesterton, G.K.

  Chetwode, Sir Philip

  Childers, Erskine, The Riddle of the Sands

  China, and TEL’s alleged spying activities


  Christopher, Canon Alfred

  Church Lads’ Brigade

  Churchill, Lord Randolph

  Churchill, Winston

  and Cairo Conference

  defence of TEL’s reputation

  and TEL


  Clayton, Colonel (later Brigadier-General) Gilbert (‘Bertie’)

  and al Faruqi

  and al Qadir

  and Alexandretta project

  becomes High Commissioner in Iraq

  and capture of Aqaba

  and Colonel Wilson

  and Egyptians

  and Faisal

  and France

  and Hejaz railway raids

  and Kitchener

  Lloyd’s report on TEL to

  and Seven Pillars

  and spies

  and subsidies

  and Syrian offensive

  and TEL

  TEL’s reports and letters to

  and Weizmann

  Clayton, Mrs

  Clemenceau, Georges

  Cloud’s Hill, Dorset

  Cobbold, Lady Evelyn

  Cockerell, James

  Cockerell, Sydney

  Collins (publishers)

  Colonial Office

  Middle Eastern Department

  Committee of Union and Progress (CUP)

  Congreve, Lieutenant-General Sir Walter

  Connolly, Cyril


  British Embassy


  Cornwallis, Kinahan

  ‘Corvo, Baron’ see Rolfe, F.W.

  Coward, Noel

  Cox, Captain C.H.F.

  Cox, Colonel Sir Percy

  Crane-King Commission

  Cranwell, Lincolnshire, RAF officers’ training college


  Cromer, Lord



  Ctesiphon, battle of

  Curtis, Lionel

  Curzon, Lord


  Dahoum (Selim Ahmed)

  Daily Express

  Daily Sketch

  Daily Telegraph



  Arab nationalism

  capture of

  conference on Arab—Ottoman alliance at

  and France

  and railway

  TEL at

  TEL on

  A Dangerous Man: Lawrence after Arabia (television drama)

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele


  D’Artigi de Foumeir, Admiral


  Dawnay, Lieutenant-Colonel Alan

  Dawnay, Colonel Guy

  Dawson, Geoffrey

  Dead Sea

  Deedes, Captain Wyndham


  al Qadir at

  attack on

  campaign of

  TEL at

  Dilke, Sir Charles

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  Doughty, Charles Montagu

  Travels in Arabia Deserta

  Doughty-Wylie, Major

  Douglas, Lord Alfred

  Downes, Colonel Rupert

  Dowson, Ernest

  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan


  and Faisal

  and France

  planned raids by

  in Syria

  Duff, Sir Beauchamp

  Dufferin, HMS

  Duke of Edinburgh, HMS

  Durrell, Lawrence

  Dyer, General

  Edinburgh, Duke of

  Edmonds, C.E. (C.E. Carrington), Lawrence of Arabia

  Edmonds, Major-General Sir Richard


  army of

  British High Commission intelligence section

  George Lloyd in


  TEL with Petrie in

  ‘Egyptian Boy’ (agent)

  Egyptian Expeditionary Force


  el Azraq

  Arab forces at

  TEL at

  and Yarmuk Valley mission

  el Fuweila

  el Idrissi, Sayyid

  el Maqale, Hassan ibn Hussain

  el Quweira

  El Tell el Ahmar

  Elgar, Edward

  Elizabeth II, Queen

  Empire News

  English Speaking Union

  Enver Pasha


  on Hussain

  and Turco-German alliance

  and Turco-German forces

  es Said, Nuri


  Euphrates, River


  The Evening News

  Evening Standard

  Fahreddin Pasha

  Faik Bey

  Faisal, Amir

  advised by Alan Dawnay

  and al Qadir

  and al Rikabi


  and Aqaba

  and Arab nationalists

  army of

  at Paris Peace Conference

  audience with George V

  and Balfour Declaration

  and capture of Damascus


  and France

  and French officers

  and George Lloyd

  gives rifle to TEL

  and Hejaz railway raids

  and Hussain

  and Lloyd George

  and Maan attack

  meetings with Weizmann

  Meinertzhagen on

  and Muhammad Said

  negotiations with Turks

  and Palestine Jews

  political attitudes

  promises made to

  subsidies to

  and Sykes-Pi
cot agreement

  and Syria

  and TEL

  on TEL

  TEL on

  and TEL’s proposals for Iraq

  and tribal groups

  Faisal II, King of Iraq

  Fakhri Pasha

  Falls, Professor C.




  fforde, A.B.

  Fiennes, Ralph

  Fisher, Admiral Lord

  Flecker, James Elroy

  Fletcher, Frank

  Flying Boat Squadron, Plymouth

  Foellner, Herr

  Fontana, Raff

  Fontana, Winifred

  Fonterevault Abbey

  Foreign Office:

  and Alexandretta

  and Anglo-French proclamation

  and Arab Bureau

  and Bilbo’s confessions

  Eastern Department

  and Faisal

  and France

  intelligence department

  and Jamal Pasha

  and Korda film project

  Lloyd on

  and propaganda film on capture of Jerusalem

  and subsidies to Hussain

  TEL on

  Foreign Office — continued

  and TEL’s alleged spying activities

  and TEL’s career

  and TEL’s excavations in Karkamis

  TEL’s reports to

  see also intelligence departments

  Forster, E.M.

  ‘Dr Woolacott’

  Frampton, Henry


  and Alexandretta

  and Aqaba

  and Arabs

  battlefronts in

  and Britain

  British promises to

  forces in Lebanon

  Franco-Syrian War

  French schools in Syria

  and Hitler

  and Lebanon



  subsidies to Beduin

  and Syria

  and Abdullah

  and Allenby

  Arabs’ knowledge of agreement on

  and Faisal

  French schools

  and Sykes

  TEL on

  TEL in

  TEL’s moral dilemma over

  see also Sykes—Picot agreement

  Freemantle, Colonel


  Gallipoli campaign

  Churchill and

  Deedes on

  France and

  Kitchener and

  prisoners of war from

  and Sinai maps

  TEL and

  Gandhi, Mahatma

  Garbo, Greta

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe

  Garland, Major Henry


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