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Page 17

by Sokrahnaluth TV

  “Me too,” added Mr. Elred.

  “When do we start?” Mr. Basilius anxiously asked.

  “Follow me.” Both men followed the being. Unlike the others they have seen so far, this one was around five feet tall with oval head and small slanted eyes. Its skin color was a mix between light green and gray. Its mouth was very small and the nose was almost inconspicuous. The gentle movements and the grace of its moves were distinguishing it from the rest of the inhabitants of the ship. The three of them continued walking towards the end of the hall. They passed by the huge tiger—like creature and at the very end they saw a little door. As they were getting closer, they realized that to enter, all of them had to bend a little bit. They passed through the small entrance and saw a middle—sized figure standing with its back to them. Mr. Elred was looking at the being, slowly turning its body, inch by inch revealing its face. ” That's more than I can take,” thought Mr. Elred when he saw what stood in front of him. The creature standing there was very exotic and at the same time scary. The face was humanoid and yet it had light blue cat—like eyes, human skull, and a very elegant skinny figure. It was the only one, up to now to have human looking legs. The arms were slightly elongated, but her hands had only four fingers ending with two centimeters long nails. The being spoke in a language both men could understand:

  “We finally meet. My name is Sokrahnaluth. Please be at ease, I feel you are both tensed.”

  “Yes I am, being here makes me nervous,” said Mr. Elred.

  “What about you, do you feel the same?” Sokrahnaluth asked Mr. Basilius.

  “No, I am ok.”

  After that, Mr. Basilius noticed that the right hand of Sokrahnaluth started changing. It elongated a little bit and the nails of her hand started growing. As soon as the transformation finished she made a lightning move, with which she cut the throat of Mr. Elred. It was so fast that for a second he looked ok, then blood started coming out and he collapsed in front of them.

  “All right, we do not want tensed feelings here. I hope this did not change your mind Mr. …. mmm,” she forgot his name but then quickly corrected herself. “Mr. Basilius! It's a strange name don't you think?” Mr. Basilius did not say anything, just shredded his shoulders in an attempt not to aggravate this creature.

  “Well now. Let us sit down and talk about your mission.” She pointed to Mr. Basilius his seat and both sat opposite each other on a table made of dark brown—red material.

  “How is the plan progressing? Is everything ready for our second project?”

  “Yes. The subject was captured and everything, which we need, is in his head. We can commence with the plan very soon. Our scientists need to finish some final calculations and then we will be ready.”

  “I think that is all I wanted to hear. Don't forget that we need the subject to be alive.”

  “I will inform you immediately when we are ready to begin. Is there anything else that you want us to do?

  “Not for now. Now leave.” Mr. Basilius bowed and left the room. He was walking through the huge hall not turning his head, but actively looking around. He could not stay there any longer. All these creatures, the energy, the tension in his chest… He came out of the huge hall and headed to the exit of the ship. He reached the point where they came from but there was no door. Out from nowhere, the same floating creature appeared behind him and the door materialized. Mr. Basilius quickly walked outside relieved. Now was the more difficult task. He had to get the information out of Alan's head and to use it for the second project.


  The Captured

  Her eyes opened slowly. She found herself lying handcuffed next to a long pole. ” I am alive,” she thought. Anika strained her eyes, trying to focus at the place she was in. She lifted her head and looked around. There was no one and nothing there, just an empty space. With little struggle she managed to lift herself up and lean back against the pole. Anika looked at her handcuffed hands and sighed. She did not remember what happened, only that they were running through the underground tunnel. Now she had to find out where she was and how to escape. ” I must be somewhere in the “Company'” buildings. Where is everyone else? And the plan? I must get out of here!” she thought.

  The pole she was handcuffed to was no more than five meters high. She lifted herself up and started climbing, when at the middle, she felt extremely sharp pain in her back and fell down unconscious. Two soldiers sedated her before she managed to escape.

  “She is more persistent than we anticipated. Let's move her to a more secure place.” They grabbed Anika for the legs and dragged her out of this place.

  Erion and his fellow Megors were locked in an underground chamber.

  ” I am going to do what needs to be done,” thought Erion. “Everyone, let's do what we have been made for. We must combine our abilities to defend our world. We can't stay here and do nothing. Gather in a circle!” All of them sat down and formed a circle. “We are enough to change the frequency signature of this place and to communicate with our creators. Now, let's focus!” He closed his eyes and everyone else followed him. All Megors were sitting when the holographic reality around them started to dissolve and they found themselves in an empty space. From all parts of this place, slowly walking humanoid figures were getting closer until they stood behind each of the Megors. All of them placed a hand on the head of the Megor in front of them. Strange blue light started emanating from underneath their palms forcing the Megors to open their eyes. The beings made one—step backwards allowing the energy to fill their bodies. Another figure appeared from one side. It was slim, tall creature who looked very much like Erion. He made a sign to the King to stand up and spoke:

  “At last… we have been observing the situation on this planet for so long. We wanted to help you, but unfortunately, we could not interfere in your lives. It had to be your conscious decision to contact us. We are glad that you still believe in something,” said Lanath.

  “Yes, we have been created for a reason and we cannot give up our freedom. We are living creatures, having the right to live as much as everybody else does. We are here to ask for your help, to fight with us and save the planet.”

  “As one of your creators I am pleased that you found a way to come to us. However, we cannot help you fight your war. We can only assure you that we believe in your skills and your ability to survive. We are always watching upon you, even when the things go worst. That is your reality and it is time to take full responsibility for your actions. It is your destiny to fight this war.”

  “I feel your emotions and intentions. Now that we managed to connect with you, I believe everything is possible. Reality is malleable.”

  “That is correct. Use that to your advantage. If you want to win this war, move to a place where this war does not exist. This war is just a probability on this particular frequency range. You all have the power to change the circumstances by changing yourselves,” Lanath paused for a bit. “Now it's time for you to return. And remember, we are with you at all times, even when you die.”

  Erion looked the being in its eyes and then moved his focus on his brothers. He sat back next to them and closed his eyes. In a couple of moments, they found themselves back in the place they were before. Acting as one, they slowly opened their eyes and knew exactly what they had to do.

  Anika was lying on a bed in something like a prison cell. She stood up, and started banging on the door, but there was no reaction from outside. This cell was sound proofed and extremely solid. Anika sat on the bed with despair, thinking that she would never get out of there. Her head was full with thoughts about everything: “Was Alan alive, what happened to the mission? Where is everyone?” She had many questions, but no answers. Anika crossed her legs in a lotus position, and became silent. That was her way of releasing the tension and letting go of everything that was around her.


  Where all Hope goes?

  It was autumn and the year was 2039. Alan was on his wa
y to Karash University for his first day. He was a little excited and maybe impatient to start with his education. There were many leaves fallen on the ground, portraying the always changing Mother Nature. He was walking through a park where many people had their mini vans turned into little restaurants, selling different kind of food. Alan decided to look at one, which was offering ice cream. He was talking to the seller when for no reason he turned his head to the left. At the same time, a girl who was passing next to the van turned her head in his direction and their eyes met. It was just for a second but it made a big impression to him. The girl turned her head and continued walking while Alan was still looking at her. She was wearing a dark brownish hat, big scarf wrapped around her neck and shoulders, brownish light jacket and a black skirt up to her knees. After this little moment, he bought his ice cream and headed to the University. Its building was huge. Alan had to find the reception from where he was going to pick up many brochures and different guides with information about his studies and lectures. After having all these picked up, he headed for his first class on the first floor. He was looking for room number one. ” It should be somewhere here,” he thought. However on his floor were only rooms with numbers starting with two. After a little bit of confusion he went one floor down and finally was in front of his room. He knocked and opened the door. The professor checked his name in the list of the students from this group and instructed him to sit on his desk. When Alan started unpacking his bag, he looked at a girl sitting next to him. Because her hair was covering her face, he did not pay too much attention and return to his tasks. Nevertheless, that girl looked familiar to him. She lifted her head and for his surprise, it was the girl he saw in the park, while he was buying his ice cream. Now he realized how beautiful she was and decided to introduce himself:

  “Excuse me, my name is Alan,” he said, looking straight into her eyes.

  “I am Anika, nice to meet you.” She smiled, looking at him, materializing the next chain event in their lives…

  Memories like that kept Alan strong. He was sitting in his cell, remembering moments from the past with Anika. It was hard not to think of something that changed his life. Shortly after his daydreaming, the door opened and two soldiers took him away. In her despair, Anika was trying to think how to escape. While looking through the little window of the door, she saw Alan and the two guards walking through the corridor. Immediately she started banging, kicking and punching the door with all her strength. Alas, the room was isolated and no sound could be heard from outside. The situation she was in was one of the things she hated the most. Nothing and no one could conduct her life. Not now, not this time.

  Alan and the two guards entered a huge room in the middle of which was Mr. Basilius. Behind him, there was a medical chair and next to it was a man, dressed with white overall adjusting few devices. The shape of the seemingly humanoid creature with the overall was a little strange. ” Another genetic experiment,” thought Alan.

  “I apologize for the escort but we needed to make sure that you are safe,” Mr. Basilius made a little pause. “We both know, or should I say… I know that Alberi left secret codes mapped inside your head, which we need for our second experiment. I only want to copy them in order to commence with the plan as scheduled. I believe you are a reasonable man and we could finish with that task shortly.”

  “I am not aware of any codes in my head left by Alberi. I doubt that someone could leave secret codes in the head of a dying man.”

  “My dear Alan, you are not dying. It looked so to the doctors because they had nothing else to conclude based on what they saw. What they could not explain they marked and let's say generalized as cancer. You only have modified cells, which they have never seen before. In the past Alberi injected you with a serum, which altered your cellular structure. It was done to see if your cells would accept the change. If successful, your body would be free of sickness. You are practically immortal. Your cells are regenerating with rates unknown to the humans. Being in the hospital was the easiest way for Alberi to monitor you. Because of the serum, your cells changed and were capable of storing not only genetic but also human readable information. Alberi was able to control how the cells were developing… You are extraordinary being Alan. We conducted several experiments on you and they were all successful. We were wondering whether you are in fact hundred percent human, but that is a different topic. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Our colleague scientist will perform the operation after which you will be as good as new.”

  Alan was confused. ” I am not dying? Alberi made me even stronger? What was their second project?” he thought. Obviously, he was the key to their success. He needed to act. He could not let them start the project. But what could he do? He was alone against many. He did not know where his friends were and what happened to Anika. There was no other way but to allow them to take the information they needed.

  “Ok, do what you must,” Alan sat on the chair. The doctor placed his head to rest backwards and strapped his hands and legs with different electronic devices. After he finished, he made a sign to Dr. Basilius that everything was prepared and ready to proceed. Mr. Basilius went close to Alan and looked at him.

  “You see, our cells are like living repository. Every cell has its own consciousness with storage not only to sustain life, but information too. One can map the human body into many sectors and mark them with different signature codes. Then store information in any cell of the body and then retrieve it. That is what we are going to do right now. We have the coordinates of the cells containing the information for our second experiment and soon we will be ready to begin,” he waited a little bit and then shouted: “Proceed!”

  When the machine was turned on, the scientist injected Alan with green substance. He clenched his teeth in response to the headache caused by the green liquid running through his body. There was a big monitor, on which the humanoid was monitoring the process. They saw the green substance aiming at specific cellular coordinates. When it reached its aim, it penetrated the selected cells and allowed the information to be retrieved. The procedure took around five minutes. Alan was exhausted. The doctor removed everything from his body and untied his legs and arms.

  “Check if the information has been retrieved and is readable,” Dr. Basilius said.

  “The information has been retrieved and is readable. The operation was a success.”

  “Excellent news doctor! Guards, take the subject to his cell.”

  Meanwhile in building S3 the rest of the group was discussing the situation:

  “What should we do?” asked Azmo. “Alan has been captured, Anika might be alive and we don't know what happened to Erion.”

  “There is nothing to do. There is nowhere to go from here. The “Company“ won,” Heops noted.

  “That's not what we should talk or think. There is always a way out of every situation,” Adonis took the current mood in his hands and tried to change it. The Dorgs were sitting silently not moving or saying anything. Only one of them spoke to the rest in his language.

  “We should be patient, help is coming.”

  “How do you know that?” asked Azmo.

  “I can feel it. Many things have changed and we need to wait. Soon we will act.”

  “Azmo, I think he might be right. After we are all locked here, there aren't many choices but to wait and see.” Kane remarked.

  “You might be right,” Azmo sighted and looked at the ground.



  Erion and the rest of the Megors were in their cell, discussing a plan to escape. Suddenly they heard sounds from outside. All of them stood up and focused on the noise. Not long after that, their cell door opened. It was Keran and Solomon.

  “I am sorry for the delay brothers. We realized the time window for us to act was going to close shortly. That's why we are here, doing our part.”

  “It was about time Keran. We are much grateful for your help.”

  “There is no time, follow u
s.” They ran through the corridors and went outside. Keran led them to an underground tunnel, which he and his fellows dug for their rescue. It was just an extension of one of the old corridors, changing its direction to the middle of the ground level. Quickly all of them jumped into the tunnel. Solomon left a little explosive outside and a minute later, it blocked the entrance. Soon they reached the place with the little lake and the three tunnels. After walking couple of meters into the middle one, the group stopped. With a strong move, Keran opened a door, which was at the left side of the tunnel. When they entered inside, the Megors that were living underground greeted them. Keran made a sign to bring the saved to the arms depot to choose weapons.

  “Although we have spent long time underground, we still keep some of the weapons that we managed to take from the “Company“. Choose what you need.” The Megors were not much of weapon users. They were relying mostly on their other skills, which made them unique creatures.

  “Thank you for your kindness and help. Right now, however we must leave. Our friends need us. We fear they are in great danger,” said Erion.

  “I am afraid I feel the same. Our brother Naz has turned his back on us and is now helping the enemy. We felt his presence and his thoughts are strongly connected to the men from the “Company.”

  “We must go.”

  “The path, which we used to escape, is now blocked. One of my men will show you an alternative way.”

  Erion's group left with the Megor, which Keran assigned to them. They started running knowing they could be late. The guide led them to a tunnel, which was leading to the “Company'” premises. It wasn't long before they reached one of the sewers from the west side of the main building, above which was the command center. They made their way up cautiously without making any noise. Three of them stormed the command center. Two men were sitting there but were quickly eliminated. All of the Megors gathered inside and started looking at the security monitors when Erion noticed Anika, Alan and the rest of the group. ” They are all locked up,” thought Erion.


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