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Page 18

by Sokrahnaluth TV

  “We must split up! I will go to Alan, the rest divide and set out for the group and Anika. One of us must stay here to open the doors and to monitor for incoming soldiers.”

  They left divided into three groups. The King headed towards Alan's cell. On his way, there was no one to stop him. Alan heard sounds from outside and jumped to the door. He saw Erion and his mood changed. There was hope for them, for all people. The Megor, who was in the command center, opened the cell's door.

  “Erion, I knew you would come back.”

  “Quick, there is no time. What is the current situation?”

  “They have captured all of us. Anika is locked in a separate room. However, I don't know where the rest are. They have retrieved information from my brain, which Alberi has hidden inside me and are proceeding with their second project. Unfortunately I don't know what that is.”

  “We saw you, Anika, and the rest of the group on the monitors from the command center. My people are on their way right now to save them. We must move and find whoever runs this show. We can't waste time.”

  Alan knew the way to the place where he met with Mr. Basilius and both headed that way. While the rest of the Megors were freeing the group, Mr. Basilius was busy monitoring the progress of the second project. Alan and Erion were reaching the main facility. They entered inside and saw just one humanoid, looking through a microscope. Suddenly from behind them, they heard Mr. Basilius's voice:

  “Ah, I see you are here to oversee the success of our second project.”

  “What do you mean “our” project?”

  “You still don't understand Alan. We are all here to observe how the experiment will be carried out. Based on the outcome, we will find out where this particular version of the world will go from now on. We are all part of this and we all depend on each other. We have been living our lives up to know counting on ourselves or other people. We are on a verge to change the face of this planet and the way it operates. If I were to choose, I would focus my attention on different aspects of the life, but it is not my decision to make. Thus, tonight we will be depending entirely on your instincts and knowledge about life,” he made a little pause. “I guess you might be experiencing little confusion as to what the second project is and what your involvement would be in it. I suggest you look back into the past and see, feel, and smell everything that you remember, because it might never come back. However, let us not talk anymore. I would like you to meet our special guest,” and he made two steps back.


  The Second Project

  “Everything which will be said in this conversation is quite private and we would like you to keep it that way,” said Sokrahnaluth.

  Alan and Erion heard that voice but were not able to recognize the direction from, which it was coming.

  “Ah, excuse me. I must have forgotten to introduce myself.” Out of thin air, she materialized herself in front of both, slowly looking in their eyes. Alan and Erion felt the tension in the air. The sight of this cat—like creature made them feel uneasy.

  “Oh, please there is no room for worry. Accept me as someone who is part of the Galactic Union and your friend. I am here because of an experiment. We have been monitoring your race and the way you have evolved technologically as well as spiritually. Based on our data I must say that I am not quite impressed with the results. As much as I can say that you exceeded your growth physically in terms of scientific discoveries and the creation of different crafts, spiritually your development has not evolved much. We sense that based on these results, your species are in danger of self—destruction due to the inability to understand the implications of using these … toys. That's why we came here to help you understand the true goal of existence. We don't want this experiment to fail twice. We want your species to evolve, to become advanced, and to be able to join the Galactic Union. Unfortunately, with this level of global consciousness you are not qualifying to be so. Mr. Basilius has been appointed to oversee the second project, which is of extreme importance for our development. You may think of it as a second chance. The results of it will determine the course of this planet as a whole. Whether the human population will self—destruct or not we shall find out in the recent future. Unlike most of our experiments, which you have been witnessing by now, this one will not include mass slavery of the little human beings. In fact it will not take place in this timeline.” “We will need only the human for the project. Please send the Megor out of this room,” Sokrahnaluth instructed the guards and they took Erion away. “Let us continue,” Sokrahnaluth made a little pause. “Everything in this particular vibration has been misunderstood by your society. There are many wrong ideals, corruption, and sickness. That of course is not the problem. The real problem is that very few of you have connected with the source. The majority is shooting blindly in the dark with the hope that they will one day find their purpose. Most of you are not even trying. You humans follow this false idea that the people live only once,” Sokrahnaluth laughed very loud after her last statement wanting to underline the ridiculousness of it. “Your world has become a source of many illusions and unreal existences. You must understand that there are infinite worlds with infinite choices to make. Many people think that there is only one version of what could be possible. In fact, these men and women are changing, shifting through different worlds every second without even realizing it. Luckily, you are not like them. We have been monitoring you since Alberi have started his project. We think that you will give us the answers we seek. Please, come with me to the place where I will explain to you more about the experiment.” They walked out of this room and entered a long tunnel at the end of which Alan saw an opened door with a guard standing next to it.

  “What is this project about?” Alan asked.

  “Patience, soon you will understand.” They entered through the door and found themselves in a room. At first, Alan thought that this is some kind of a lab, but later he understood it was much more than that.

  “Please sit down and relax.”

  Alan sat on a seat attached to the wall and the cat looking being did the same.

  “Hold on tight!”

  Before Alan had the chance to say something, a strong high pitch sound was heard, together with a strong shaking of the room. Alan did not know what was happening.

  “Don't panic, soon the shaking will be over. Just relax and close your eyes.”

  Alan was almost sure that he was on a space ship. Seconds later, he felt a strong gravitational pull and soon he felt weightless.

  “Where are we?”

  “Right now we are just above your planet flying towards our base station located on the dark side of your Moon.”

  “That is insane! What are you planning to do with me? I already gave the information to Dr. Basilius. What else do you need from me?”

  “Maybe I was not clear earlier. You are going to be the person who will be part of the second project. For now, I cannot tell you more about it. We will land in a couple of minutes. You may think about your previous life because soon it will be forgotten.”

  Alan did not foresee this outcome from the mission. What would happen to him? Where were his friends, Anika…? What would happen to the Earth? He had no answer to these questions. He decided to relax and see where his destiny would lead him.


  It has Begun

  While the guards were escorting Erion, Anika was freed together with her friends. They did not know that Alan was not there anymore and Erion was going to be put in a cell. The Megor who was in the command center was desperately trying to contact Alan and Erion but without success. He was not sure whether to go or to stay and be point of contact. On the monitors, he noticed that Erion was captured. He decided to stay there a little longer. The group returned to the command center:

  “I am so glad to see you here. Where are Alan and Erion?” Kane asked the Dorg in the command center.

  “I have not seen Alan since he entered a room without surveill
ance cameras.”

  “I have the feeling he is not in the building. I hope I am wrong,” Anika said.

  “What about Erion?” asked Azmo.

  “I just saw that he has been captured and locked in a cell.”

  “Ok, we need to come up with a plan to save both,” said Adonis.

  “All right, let's split in two. From the map, I see there are two routes leading the room where Alan was last spotted. If we go through them, we have a better chance in case one of the groups is captured,” Heops suggested.

  “I agree, let's move. We don't have anything to lose. Can we open Erion's cell from here?” asked Azmo. The Megor who was monitoring the screens shook his head:

  “I tried but it doesn't work. The cell is not connected to the mainframe and must be opened manually.”

  “Ok, one of the groups should go free Erion and continue with the plan. Agreed?” Kane suggested. Everyone nodded and quickly divided into two groups. Kane took with him a couple of devices, which he hoped would help him open Erion's cell. Suddenly they heard an evacuation alarm. Kane's group reached Erion's cell. One of the devices worked and they opened the cell.

  “I thought you will never show up,” with a smile on his face, the King tapped Kane on his shoulder.

  “Glad to see you too. Let's move we don't have much time.” They run towards the room. At the same time the whole building was evacuating. Soon the two groups reached the room where Alan was last seen. After opening the door, they saw a big craft taking off with a couple of people still boarding. They tried to catch them, but it was too late. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Alan. Erion contacted the command center:

  “One ship is taking off. Can you track it?”

  “It should be possible,” the Megor managed to lock its energy signature. “It's being tracked now.”

  “Good work. Leave the premises and meet us at the rendezvous point.”

  “Copy that.” They heard through voice speakers attached to the walls that the buildings would self—destruct in ten minutes. Erion rushed everyone:

  “Quick, we must move!” They started running through many corridors going down to the canalization. From there Erion had no problem finding the way to the underground tunnels. Even though they were safe, Erion kept running a little longer to make sure they were at a safe distance from the building. He stopped in something like a junction holding his knees with his hands breathing heavily. Everyone else was feeling tired and alert from the adrenaline rush. Soon enough the Megor from the command center joined them.

  “It seems we are starting from scratch. There is no sign of Alan, we have no information about their second project… we can only wait. For now, we need to stay underground. From here we will go to Keran and stay there for a little while,” suggested Erion.

  Sokrahnaluth's ship was docking to one enormous space station. She made a sign to Alan to be ready to leave the ship. Two aliens were escorting them, making sure that nothing unexpected happens. Alan has never been on a spaceship, not to mention extraterrestrial craft. Its interior design was minimalistic — as less objects as possible. The corridors were compact, it seemed to him that the space was of big importance and the location of every object was carefully chosen. He saw a path, which was leading to a lower level, but they did not go down. Soon they reached the connection tunnel. A door opened and Sokrahnaluth moved in front of him. ” She is strange,” thought Alan. Sokrahnaluth seemed cruel and yet was concerned for the human beings. After a couple of minutes, they reached a middle size chamber and Alan was instructed to sit on a special chair located in the middle of the room.

  “Here is where we will commence the project.” She pressed a button on the wall and spoke to a language Alan could not understand. Seconds later, two short cat—like figures came into the room. One of them was holding a special device, with which she scanned Alan's body from head to toes. The second one put two strange things and one band on his head. When they finished, they made a sign to Sokrahnaluth that everything was ready. She nodded with her head to let them know they could leave the room.

  “Everything is prepared.” Sokrahnaluth took a little device, looking more like a pen. “Before we commence I will explain what the project is about and what you can expect from it. The experiment involves you going thirty years back in time. Don't be surprised, timelines can be crossed easily. As you are unable to accomplish that consciously, we will help you by increasing your vital power and the connection with Source. Human beings have been designed as we say… unfinished. I am not sure if it was intentional or not, but you keep inside yourselves keys, which if used can unlock endless possibilities. One person who has unlocked some of them was Alberi. Unfortunately, when you unlock the secrets within yourselves you will start realizing the truth and immediately will stop playing the game. That's why you were left crippled if we may say so. In fact, Earth itself was created as part of an experiment for other superior beings who wanted to use it as a playground for their studies. They have also created you from their genes. They… disabled, some of them and left the ones, which were enough for you to be consciously aware, and at the same time blind for the truth. If you had all genes unlocked, the experiment would have been impossible to happen. Many of you have started to reconnect those links and slowly started scratching the surface of the enormous amount of information. However, the majority are not even aware of their own existence, not even knowing, which life they are living. Now, we will be able to monitor what you see and feel. If you manage to create a life without suffering for yourself, to create balance, to find the vibrational pattern of harmony and love, we will consider this experiment as successful. You will have no second chance to create your life twice. You may ask yourself if you are the first one to be put to this test… the answer is no. We have been experimenting with other subjects, but without success. Now, is everything clear?

  “Yes.” Sokrahnaluth went to Alan and pinned him with the device she was holding. He closed his eyes and his body relaxed.


  Project Status

  From his birth up to now, everything was leading to this moment. Alan was in fact ready and willing to do this. When he closed his eyes, for a second was dark, but then he saw a bright light. He found himself standing in an empty space when he heard steps approaching him — it was the being, which spoke to him in the forest. It stopped in front of Alan and looked him in the eyes. He was silent. Alan saw something very strange. He saw himself in his eyes. As if, he was standing in front of his reflection. Never mind the physical appearance, the soul he felt was actually him. In a calm and firm voice the being spoke:

  “We meet again. I am glad we have reached the point where we can stand freely and feel the environment around us. This is a transitional field where many beings pass when they move from one to another vibrational level. Man's life on Earth has reached a point where he is most dangerous to himself. Technologically humans have evolved but internally you are still at infant level. Both must be going side by side, otherwise you will not have the wisdom to know how and when to use the weapons you are constantly creating. You see, your internal developing has not even reached the point to realize, that by fighting or hurting someone, anyone, be on smaller or larger scale, you are fighting and hurting yourselves. That is the main reason for us to interfere, because you have already destroyed yourselves once. We would not allow that to happen twice. Unfortunately, there are billions simultaneously coexisting earths at the same time and it is not possible to monitor all of them. We just choose the ones, which are most advanced. You can be sure that right now there are Earths, which are very, very quiet. These planets are dying and the people are dying with them. The earth is part of you. It is not something you are occupying. It is a reflection of all of you. Every single person in your life is a reflection of yourself. Every human being has its own Earth with its unique individuals populating it based on his consciousness. Understand that you are alone. Yes, there are different people but they are just there
because of you. They appear and disappear based on your wishes and lessons, which you have to learn. They are the consequence of the cause and effect rule. Don't be surprised when you are in trouble, don't be surprised when you have a hard life, don't be surprised when you feel like the weight of the earth is on your shoulders. Because everything is your creation and until you take hundred percent responsibility for it, you will never move on… or be free. I am here to help you find your way and guide you to stay on the path of self—realization… I am you. You can always ask me questions and I will always answer. Just remember to always be tuned to your true vibration by following your curiosity. We have had many people like you, walking this path. Some of them managed to survive and some of them didn't. It is not easy. We understand that. We want you to succeed because if you manage to come on top, we come on top. As well as I am your reflection, you are part of me too. We are all part of the one. If something changes in any particle of this world, this change will be reflected to all other particles because the world is holographic. Humanity as a whole has a chance of surviving this game, but to do so you must do one thing, which is the only way to overcome the evil and to turn the page, to start a new chapter full with excitement and new experiences. You will be able to see the world from a different point of view and will evolve as a species faster than you can imagine. But that to happen, you must unite first. Not as a country but as a whole planet, because you are the planet, you are one entity. It is unwise to divide yourselves especially based on different geographical locations. The universe is endless and your inner conflicts, fighting between each other, seems like nonsense to us. Stop wasting your potential and start moving forward by uniting yourselves. Thus you will be ready to join the Galactic Union, which is waiting for you to “grow up”. Unfortunately no one else can walk your path for you. Now, take my hand and close your eyes. And one last thing: we are always connected, don’t forget that.”


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