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The Romanov Sisters

Page 54

by Helen Rappaport

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  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Adalbert, Prince

  Albert, Prince Consort

  Aleksandriya (imperial yacht)

  Alexander I, Tsar

  Alexander II, Tsar

  Alexander III, Tsar

  Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro), Grand Duke

  Alexander of Serbia, Prince

  Alexander Palace


  arrival of Nicholas and Alexandra

  concern for Rasputin’s visits to

  departure of Romanov

  description of

  family home

  family life


  Kerensky’s visit

  last months at

  news of abdication

  news of Revolution


  tsar’s return

  visitors’ account of

  ALEXANDRA (Alix, Alicky), Tsaritsa


  aged and dignified


  costume ball

  ‘lovely fool’

  sad-faced woman

  seventeen years old

  Tsarskoe Selo

  wedding day

  arrival at Ekaterinburg

  arrival at Tobolsk

  Bad Nauheim visit

  Balmoral visit


  birth of daughter Anastasia

  birth of daughter Maria

  birth of daughter Olga

  birth of daughter Tatiana

  birth of son Alexey

  cemetery visit



  children’s illnesses

  Christmas at Tobolsk

  clothes for daughters

  concern for loyal troops


  Crimean visits

  daughter Olga’s first public ball

  daughter Olga’s marriage prospects

  daughter Olga’s sixteenth birthday

  daughter Tatiana’s marriage prospects

  daughters’ marriage prospects

  daughters’ St Petersburg debut


  departure from Tsarskoe Selo

  departure of Escort

  destruction of letters and diaries

  dismissal of Tyutcheva

  Easter celebrations

  education of children


  engagement to Nicky

  escape concerns

  evacuation plans

  Fabergé Easter eggs

  film of imperial family

  food rationing

  forty-sixth birthday

  French state visit

  Golden Ring tour


  bed rest


  continuing illness



  ear problems






  medical opinions


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