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The Devil's Eyes

Page 31

by Jennifer Loren

  “Name?” He asked with a long-drawn-out sigh.

  “Jayzon. Nicholas Jayzon.” I said trying to see onto his computer screen before he turns it away from me.

  “Nope, no Jayzon.” He said dismissing me with a disinterested glare.

  “I know it’s here.” I said as he shrugs chewing his gum with a slow draw. Thinking for a second, “try Aiden Bourghesie.” I said having to return a stiff glare back to the bothered man.

  Sighing impatiently he types in his computer, “His wife has already been here and paid the fees for the next year.” The man said.

  “I am his wife. I know I haven’t been here and I certainly haven’t paid any fees.” I said as he stares blankly at me. “There has to be a mistake?”

  “Lady, I don’t know what to tell you. The fees have been paid so there isn’t much I can do to help you unless you have a key. Come back when the fees aren’t paid and I will be glad to hand it over to you- for a price.” He said.

  “How about, for a price, you let me in and find something interesting to distract you for a while?” I asked waiting for his interest to peak. I take out my wallet and start laying down hundred dollar bills until his eyes twitch. “So, do you think you have something that might hold your interest for half hour?”

  “It takes fifteen minutes to cook my meal. In fifteen minutes, exactly, I will be back here to watch my monitors for any suspicious activity.” He said, beeping me in before I have a chance to leave.

  Rushing out to Lionel, I have him help with locating the storage unit which I find at the end of the aisle. Standing in front of the unit, I take out my gun and aim.

  “Whoa! What are you doing?” Lionel yells. Before I can answer, he gets a giant bolt cutter out of the trunk and snaps the lock in half. He smirks at me as he gets back into the car.

  I raise the door and find clothes, shoes, money and jewelry, all of which belongs to Nick. In the back, I find personal items and childhood items. There are several boxes of pictures of Nick and his father, his mother, and miscellaneous pictures of friends and family. I search quickly to find anything on his uncle, reading as best I can the barely legible handwriting on each photo. I find a picture of Nick and Ryan, when they were both young and adorable. They have their arms around each other’s shoulder and smile as if they were forced to do so. This one says my brother and the ones following were all of Ryan growing up with his mother and some including Nick. Then, there is another of Nick and a girl, she is hugging him while planting a heavy kiss on his cheek as he looks disgusted. She is taller than he and seems to be older, but the writing is tough to read. I assume she is some neighborhood girl or a girlfriend, but the caption seems to say differently. Struggling to read the writing, I continue to search for another and find a college graduation picture. I don’t have to decipher the name because I know her. “Lena’s graduation.” On the back is a handwritten note from her to Nick, reading simply, love you always, Lena. Running out of time, I take out a new lock and put it on the storage door. I think Lena Chambers and I need to have a conversation.


  This week has been successful. We have managed to put a sizable dent into Joseph Estrella, making it even harder for him to do business- but it was only a week ago that he put a sizable dent in to our business. I believe we are close to succeeding in our revenge against Estrella, but the process has increased his desperation to get to me. Ryan has demanded that I stay home or be closely guarded when I do leave. However, I need to talk to Lena and I can’t have a bunch of guards around listening in on my conversation or drawing attention to her. There is something about this woman that doesn’t fit and if she knows anything about Nick, then maybe she knows where I can find his uncle. At least tell me her true relationship with Nick and why my son seems to know her so well. I know Lena has been seeing Brady, so I waited until I knew he was working to ensure that she would be home alone. Her quiet, charming house is friendly and peaceful with its beautiful gardens. When she answers the door, she forces a smile and holds tight to the door, “I think we need to talk.” I said to her, holding my hand against the door.

  “This isn’t a good time, Kayla.” She said still trying to hold me back from entering her home.

  I pull out the picture of her and hold it up, “I need an explanation to why my son knows you and how you know my husband and I am not leaving here until I get it.” She motions for me to come in.

  “You shouldn’t have come here. My relationship with Nick is nothing for you to worry about.” Lena said with her arms crossed, looking at me disapprovingly.

  “Who said I was worried?”

  “Kayla, Nick and I are good friends. Nothing more.” She said with a sweet smile.

  “You mean were?”

  “What?” She asked confused.

  “You said … are … good friends. You meant were good friends … right?” I asked watching her become staggered. Letting my nitpicking ways go, I glance around the room studying who she is, “Did you and Nick meet in school?” She nods. “And you never dated?” She shakes her head looking away from me, squinting my eyes I watch her move around the room quickly, straightening it up. “Did you have company?” I asked noticing the two glasses she picked up.

  “You know, I don’t appreciate being questioned like a suspect of some kind. I was your husband’s friend-nothing more. I would meet with him for lunch once and awhile and sometimes he would bring Nicky with him. I am sorry Nick never told you, but considering how you’re acting right now I can see why he didn’t.”

  Tired of her games, I walk up to her with clear intent, “you’re hiding something and I know it. You better tell me what it is and you better tell me now!” I yell at her with clenched fists.

  “Back off, Kayla!”She said eying me down with darkening eyes. I step back, wide-eyed, “I would like for you to go now.” She holds the door open for me and stares hard at me with her blackened eyes. Without another word, I leave her and make my way back home in a daze. Before I can make it home, I get a text from Ryan and I assume I have been caught doing what I was specifically told not to do. Instead he requests for me to meet him at Hannigan’s wharf so he can show me something. I drive to the strange place and wait as I get a call.

  “Kayla, where are you?” Ryan yells at me.

  “I’m at Hannigan’s wharf, where you said to meet you.” I said frustrated.

  “Where I said? Get out of there! Somebody stole my phone, Kayla. I don’t know who you’re meeting with, but it is not me.” I start the car, back up and glance around quickly looking for anyone suspicious. “I’m on my way!” Ryan yelled hanging up before I can say another word. I speed out from where I am and run right into another car that blocks me quickly. I grab for my bag looking for my gun as a man gets out and rushes to the side of my car. Before I know it, he has crashed through my window and is dragging me out of the car. I nail him once in the jaw when I realize it's Dawson.

  “Get the fuck away from me!” I yell at him kicking him again and again. Suddenly, I feel a blow to my head and fall over waiting for the ringing to stop. I try to fight another man off me when Dawson paralyzes me with a taser.

  “Get her bag and check the rest of the car for anything we might need. What are you coming here for, Kayla?” I groan struggling against him as he ties my hands. “Joseph is going to be so happy to see you, especially since you are going to give us Nick’s books, right?”

  “Fuck you!” I said

  “I wouldn’t speak to me that way, Kayla, I am, after all, the one holding your life in my hands right now. How about you and I take a walk?” He drags me to my feet and forces me down a path, “You see, I think they are here somewhere and I think you are going to tell me where they are.” He said tasering me again and laughing as I crumble against him. “Hurts, huh? Well, I could stop. Just tell me where his books are!” I stay silent, “Very well. Let’s try something else.” He picks me up off the ground and bends me over an old picnic table.

  “No!” I yell str
uggling against him as he pushes me down and rips at my clothes.

  “I know you have been after me since we first met. Since you will soon be Joseph’s, I should probably get some while I can.” He said before I can get in a good kick and push him backwards. I manage to free my hands and run down the dock with Dawson chasing after me. I notice a boat off in the distance and decide that’s my only hope at this point. Jumping into the ice-cold water I swim as fast as I can. Dawson jumps in after me, still weak from his taser I cannot outswim him. Dawson takes hold of me and continuously pushes me under water while I try to fight him. “Wayne! Wayne, get your ass down here and help me!” He yells as the other man comes running down the path. “Finally!” As I choke on the water in my lungs he pulls me out and throws me onto the dock. “What the fuck? How….? Put your gun down or I will kill her right now!” Dawson yells as I try to crawl away from him. He grabs hold of the back of my head and tries to pull me up but drops me onto the hard surface of the dock as he stumbles backwards. My head spins, my heart pounds, and I begin to lose focus as the yelling increases around me. “I’m warning you! Stay back!” Dawson grabs hold of me again but suddenly, I hear a gun go off and Dawson releases his grip on me, screaming. When another shot rings out, Dawson falls to his knees next to me. “Please! Please! I had no choice. You have to understand! Joseph would have killed me. He …”

  “Fuck you!” I hear someone growl. Another shot rings out and Dawson falls backwards off the dock, gurgling his last breaths as he sinks into the water.

  Holding my head, I sit up trying to focus as the dark figure comes near me, “You got here quick. You must have driven like a madman.” I said as I watch him walk towards me. I swallow hard as he slowly comes into the moonlight, “Nick?”




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