The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 234

by Stephen Jay Gould

Lepidoptera. See butterflies

  Lerner, M., 570-571, 879

  Leroi-Gourhan, A., 953-954

  levels of selection. See also germinal selection; hierarchy theory; organismal selection; punctuated equilibrium theory; selective agency; species selection

  cell-individual and, 695-700

  characteristic properties of, 73-74, 683-714

  clade-individual and, 712-714

  Darwin’s struggles with, 135-136

  Dawkins and, 136

  deme-individual and, 603-604, 701-703, 882-883, 920

  differences in causal mechanisms and, 73

  Dobzhansky and, 545-546

  ecological units and, 612-613, 916-922

  expansion of individuality to, 599-602

  focal level and, 674, 807-810, 887

  gene-individual and, 683-695

  Haeckel and, 209-210, 223

  hardening of Modern Synthesis and, 544-556

  higher-level extensions and, 916-922

  independence of, 221-222

  interactions among, 73, 677-679

  Mayr and, 546

  meaning of parallelism and, 1078-1079

  nesting property of, 682-683

  number of, 73, 681-682

  organism-individual and, 700-701

  scaling in nature and, 674-677, 704

  spandrels and, 1266-1270

  tiers of time and, 1322, 1327-1330, 1339-1340

  Levin, H. L., 995

  Levine, D., 978

  Levinton, J., 789, 792, 793

  Levi-Setti, R., 844-845

  Levi-Strauss, C., 598n, 1265

  Lewin, R., 877, 983, 1022

  Lewis, E. B., 84, 1096-1098, 1099, 1102, 1143, 1148, 1163

  Lewontin, R. C., 27, 43, 86, 657, 659-666, 707, 1027, 1054

  lice, 265

  Lidgard, S., 892-893

  Lieberman, B. S., 78, 865, 881-883, 884

  Liem, K. F., 740

  life, conceptualization of history of catastrophic mass extinctions and, 1314-1320

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  as “paradox of the first tier,” 1320-1332

  punctuated equilibrium and, 893-894, 895, 897-901, 948

  life, origin of, 1211

  Life on Earth (text), 583-584

  “life’s little joke,” 905-908, 909

  Lillie, F. R., 383

  Limulus (horseshoe crab), 816

  Lindberg, D. R., 1259-1260

  lineages. See also mammalian lineages

  punctuational analogs in, 939-946

  similarities in (see convergence vs. parallelism; deep homology; evolutionary developmental biology; homologies across phyla)

  stasis in unbranched segments of, 824-839

  Linepithema humile (Argentine ant), 52, 1282-1284

  Linnaean Society journal, 228

  Linnaean system

  nesting of levels of selection and, 682-683

  species for de Vries and, 431-433

  linneons, 432-433

  Lapps, J. H., 1309-1310

  Lister, A. M., 832, 852

  literary criticism, 978


  contingency in, 1340-1342

  punctuated equilibrium in, 973-974

  living fossils, 815, 816-817

  living organisms, as data for Darwin, 102-103

  lizards, 1235-1238

  Lloyd, F., 29, 663, 671, 705

  emergent fitness approach and, 657, 659-666, 667

  “Lloyd-Vrba Debate,” 656-666

  logical coherence gene selectionism and, 625-632

  nineteenth-century critiques and, 588-589

  organismal exclusivity and, 596-597

  loi de balancement, 300-301

  Lombard, G. F. F., 978

  longitudinal stripes, law of, 362, 363

  Lorenz, K., 547

  Louisiana creationism law, 989

  Lowe, C. J., 1122, 1162

  “Lucy.” See Australopithecus Lufkin, T., 1104, 1164

  Lull, R. S., 1331-1332

  Lumsden, 1114-1115

  lungs, evolution of, 560

  Lyell, C., 228, 455. See also uniformitarianism on Cuvier, 292

  Darwin’s methodology and, 468-470, 491-492

  geological data and, 485-486

  Kelvin and, 494-496

  Lamarckism and, 93, 174, 176, 195-196

  missing interval hypothesis and, 1304-1305

  natural selection and, 139-140

  The Principles of Geology, 174, 175, 195-196, 468, 480

  rhetorical features of, 479-484

  uniformitarianism and, 94, 176, 757-758, 1304-1305

  Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth), 453, 459

  MacGillavry, H. J., 752-753

  Mach, E., 482

  MacLeod, N., 831

  macroevolution, 22-23. See also hierarchy theory; macroevolutionary theory; paleontology; scope, as Darwinian principle

  chart for distinctiveness of, 716, 718-720

  conceptual development and, 26-29

  Darwinian minimal commitments and, 167-168

  De Vries and, 446-451

  hardening of Modern Synthesis and, 556-566, 579-584

  small-scale mechanics and, 22-23

  speciational basis for, 714-744, 781, 78.3-784, 796-802

  speciational reformulation of, 893-916

  as term, 38n

  macroevolutionary theory. See also hierarchy theory; paleontology; punctuated equilibrium theory

  criteria for individuality in, 717, 718, 721

  debate about species selection in, 661-666, 704-709

  decoupling of levels and, 715-716

  “grand analogy” and, 74-75, 716, 718-720, 885-886

  implications of punctuated equilibrium for, 781-784

  internal constraint and, 739-741

  key features of, 716-744

  Modern Synthesis and, 566, 699-700

  modes of change in, 718-719, 721-722

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  macroevolutionary theory (continued)

  ntogenic drive and, 722-724

  reproductive drive and, 724-731

  scaling of external and internal environments and, 738-741

  structural basis of, 716-717, 718

  use of heterochrony in, 1039-1040

  macromutationism, 68, 383, 391

  Maddux, J., 924

  Maizels, N., 1240-1241

  male preponderance, law of, 362-363

  Malmgren, B. A., 831, 836-839

  mammalian lineages. See also hominid evolution; horses

  gradualist claims and, 830, 832-834

  punctuated equilibrium in, 845-846, 852, 861-864

  success of, 1320, 1330, 1332

  Mammuthus species, 845

  Manak, J. R., 1100

  Mandelbrot, B., 922

  Mann, R. S., 1105

  manumissions, 1280, 1281-1282

  Markey, T., 1238-1239

  Marrella, 1169

  Marsh, O. C., 905, 907, 1331-1332

  Marshall, A., 576, 956-957, 959

  Marshall, C. R., 843

  Martinez, D. E., 1152-1153

  Marxism, 984-985, 1017-1019

  mass extinction. See catastrophic mass extinction

  mass media, 982-985, 1001-1002. See also journalism

  “master control” gene data on, 1123-1127

  theoretical issues and, 1127-1130, 1131-1132

  mathematical modelling. See also complex systems theory

  cladogenesis and, 813-822

  duration of stasis and, 877

  explanation of stasis and, 883

  generality of punctuational modes of change and, 79, 922-928

  higher-level selection and, 648, 663

  of selection, and reductionism, 663-664

  tests of punctuated equilibrium and, 812-822

  Matthew, P., 137n-138n

  Matthew, W. D., 905, 906

  maximization of life, concept of, 229-232

  Mayden, R. L., 812

  Maynard Smith, J., 256n, 879, 994, 1023,

  Chicago Macroevolution meeting and, 1046, 1065-1066

  “consensus paper” of, 1030, 1037

  Szathmary, E., 1321

  Mayr, E., 160, 227, 519, 1003-1004, 1123

  allopatric speciation and, 992

  Animal Species and Evolution, 535

  de Vries and, 451

  “founder effect” and, 535-736, 737, 797

  “genetic revolution” in speciation and, 797-798, 879

  hardening of Modern Synthesis and, 531-541, 546, 556-557, 559-560, 563-564, 571, 572-573

  homology across phyla and, 84, 539, 1066, 1067, 1088, 1092, 1122, 1175

  neutralism and, 521n

  peripatric theory of speciation, 779-780, 791, 797

  speciational reformulation of

  macroevolution and, 893-894

  “species” as term and, 599

  stasis and, 760

  Systematics and the Origin of Species, 70, 531-535

  unity of science movement and, 503

  Mazur, A., 953

  MacFadden, B., 905, 907

  McCosh, J., 116-117, 280

  McCulloch, J. R., Principles of Political Economy, 123

  McFall-Ngai, M. J., 1245-1246

  McHenry, H. M., 796, 834, 845-846

  McKinney, M. L., 824-825, 1039-1040

  McLaren, D., 1306

  McNamara, K. J., 1039

  McPherson, J. M., 1338

  McShea, D., 901

  Medawar, P. B., 1183

  Megaloceros giganteus (“Irish Elk”), 762-763, 1260, 1261

  Meinke, D. W., 1093-1094

  meiosis, 691

  Mendelism. See also Modern Synthesis

  Bateson and, 67, 409-410

  copiousness and, 143

  Darwinian minimal commitments and, 166

  De Vries and, 417-418, 425

  in Modern Synthesis, 506-507

  segregation laws, 418-419

  meristic variation, 400-401

  Merton, R. K., 208

  Merycoidodon, 862, 863

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  Mesozoa, 753-754, 1150

  metaphor in science

  Cuvier’s hostility to, 297-298

  Darwin and, 340-341

  Dawkin’s “selfish gene” and, 618-619

  sieving and, 621-622

  weightings and, 364-365

  metastasis, concept of, 320

  metazoan species, stasis in, 805-806, 807

  methodology. See also dominant relative frequency; empirical issues; historical method; relative frequency; terminological issues

  Bateson and, 399-400, 406-407, 408-409, 413

  ease study approach and, 773, 803-805, 822-824, 830

  catastrophists and, 484, 485-486, 489-490

  choice of scale and, 934

  components of higher-level selection and, 663-664

  correlated variability and, 337

  Cuvier and, 488, 489-490

  Darwin’s approach and, 97-116, 557-558

  Darwin’s procedures and, 59, 103-116

  De Vries and, 420-421, 426

  documentation of punctuation and, 769-772, 774, 859-861

  estimation of biospecies by

  paleospecies and, 790-792

  explanatory modes in science and, 1332-1342

  formalism and, 324-326

  Lyellian uniformity and, 468-470, 481 -482 (see also uniformitarianism)

  necessary vs. sufficient conditions and, 619-620

  Origin as one long argument and, 97-99

  paradoxes of gradualism and, 755-765

  parsimony and, 552-554

  problem of history and, 99-103, 158

  spandrels and, 1254-1258

  study of genetics and, 804-805

  testability criterion and, 75, 790-791, 811, 839-840, 841

  textual comparison as, 521-522, 625n

  treatment of biases in science and, 791-792, 795

  Metrarabdotos species, 78, 786-789, 796, 827, 843, 844, 867-870

  Mettler, L. F., 996, 1016

  Mexican axolotl, 360

  Meyer, C. J. A., 793

  Meyerowitz, E. M., 1093-1094

  Meyranx, M., 306-308

  Michaux, B., 786, 787

  Michener, C. D., 1088

  microevolutionary mechanics. See evolutionary mechanisms; natural selection; organismal selection

  Mies van der Rohe, 2

  migrational incursion of species, 748, 840, 841, 842, 852, 919

  Milan Cathedral, 2, 3-6

  Miller, A. I., 950-951

  Miller, H., 116

  Milne Edwards, H., 230-231

  miltons. See also spandrels

  inherent potentials vs. available things and, 1279-1280

  subcategories of, 1280-1284

  Mindel, D., 812

  minimal commitments of Darwinism, 11, 12-24, 124-125. See also agency, as Darwinian principle; efficacy, as Darwinian principle; scope, as Darwinian principle

  assessment of challenges to Darwinism and, 165-169, 439n-440n, 584-591

  challenge of punctuated equilibrium for, 886, 970-971

  defined, 14-15

  as essence, 11, 12-24, 165-166

  hardening of Modern Synthesis and, 521, 543-544 (see also Modern Synthesis, hardening of) history of debate and, 12-13, 35-36, 353, 585-586

  inadequacy of defenses of, 585-587

  persistence of critiques of, 586-591

  revisions of, and Zeitgeist, 29-33

  species selection on variability and, 666

  thesis, antithesis, and synthesis and, 23-24, 590-591

  twentieth century challenges to, 13, 584-591

  Mivart, St. George, 107, 329, 344, 352

  Darwin’s rebuttal of, 85, 342, 1218-1219, 1222-1224

  The Genesis of Species, 342, 1219-1222

  Modern Synthesis, 70-71, 503-591. See also Modern Synthesis, hardening of

  Darwinian minimal commitments and, 160, 167

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  Modem Synthesis (continued)

  data for, 564-566

  “death” of, 1003-1004

  demotion of internalist theories by, 70, 507-508

  dismissal of Lamarckism by, 507

  early pluralism of, 70, 514-518, 521, 533-535

  formalist themes and, 395

  fusion of Darwinism and Mendelism in, 504, 506-507, 508-514

  gene selectionism and, 634-635

  later goal of, 518-524

  linking of subdisciplines and, 504

  macroevolutionary theory and, 566, 699-700

  naming of, 503-505

  punctuated equilibrium and, 983

  restriction phase of, 70, 505-518

  structuralist-functionalist dichotomy and, 261

  as two-phase process, 70, 503-505

  Modern Synthesis, hardening of, 51, 70-71, 165, 312, 505, 518-543

  agency and, 71, 544-556, 585

  comparison of centennials and, 566-576

  development of notion of, 522-523

  Dobzhansky and, 524-528, 532-533, 541-542

  efficacy of Darwinism and, 70-71, 518-543

  exaptations and, 1232-1233

  levels of selection and, 544-556

  Mayr and, 531 -541

  Olson’s critique and, 574-576

  power of selection and, 518-524

  reasons for, 541-543

  scope and, 71, 556-566, 578-579

  Sewall Wright and, 522-524

  Simpson and, 522, 528-531, 578

  textbooks and, 576-584

  Mokyr, J., 959-960

  mole, 268-269

  “molecular clock,” 810-812

  molecular evolution, exaptation as term in, 1239-1246

  mollusks. See also African lake mollusks; Cerion; Gryphaea

  clade selection and, 1318

  larval strategies in, 659-661, 709-710, 729-730

  morphometric analysis of, 853-854

  orthogenesis and, 365-383

  relative frequency studies and, 856-861

  species selection and, 709-710, 729-730

  stasis in, 763, 855

  vertebral archetype and, 306-308

  Montgomery, M. K., 1245-1246

  Moore, J., 1107

  morality, and Darwin, 133-136

  “more-making.” See plurifaction

  Moretti, F., 978

  Morgan, B. A., 1104

  Morgan, C. L., 553

  Morgan, T. H., 203-208, 532-533, 569

  morphology. See also arthropod and vertebrate developmental homologies; deep homology

  in Darwin, 112

  pace of change in, 939-946

  properties of taxonomic groups and, 807-810

  quantitative study of, 822-824

  stability and, 347-350

  as term, 283

  morphotypes, 348-349

  Morris, P. J., 920

  Muller, M., 143, 1110-1111

  “multiple adaptive peaks,” 348

  multiregional hypothesis (“tendency theory”), 911-912

  “mutable period,” 435-436

  mutational variation, 430-431. See also Antennapedia mutant; bicalyx mutant

  spandrels and, 1275-1276

  mutation theory, 425-438

  Darwinism and, 439-446

  sources of, 417-425

  Myriapoda, 1169

  Nägeli, K. V., 358, 359

  Nannippus, 907

  Napoleon, 173-174

  Nasonia vitripennis (parasitoid wasp), 692

  National Center for Science Education, 976

  national traditions, 65, 252-253

  natural history. See also systematics

  Dobzhansky and, 532-533

  hypothesis testing in, 823, 854-856, 945-946

  scientific modes of explanation and, 1333-1338

  Natural History Magazine, 34, 46, 1002

  Natural Inheritance (Galton), 344-346

  natural law, 328

  natural selection. See also adaptationism; Allmacht of selection; alternatives to natural selection; minimal commitments of Darwinism

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  aptive triangle applied to, 1052-1053, 1059

  basic formulation of, 13-14

  Bateson and, 402, 406, 412-415

  categories of constraint and, 1027-1032

  De Vries and, 427-428, 429, 442

  gradualism as prior to, lor Darwin, 148-149, 154-155

  hardening of Modern Synthesis and, 518-524, 577-579

  historical origin vs. current utility and, 85-86, 671-673

  lack of definition of, 545

  large- vs. small-scale forces and, 23, 93-97, 175

  levels in, as issue, 136 (see also agency, as Darwinian principle; hierarchy theory; levels of selection; organismal selection; species selection)

  macroevolutionary change and, 15, 1322 (see also scope, as Darwinian principle)

  as nonexclusive, 254-255

  novelty and, 14 (see also efficacy, as Darwinian principle)

  organismal locus of, for Darwin, 14, 60, 125-137, 597 (see also agency, as Darwinian principle; organismal selection)

  origin of concept of, 122-125


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