ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3

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ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3 Page 12

by Silver, Jordan

  Without thinking, my hand came up and started to knead the other tit. I was fascinated despite myself. I watched my little girl suckle until she fell asleep, and without giving it any thought, my head lowered to the untouched nipple and I took her into my mouth and pulled. I wrapped my arm around them both holding them in place as I fed on her. When her body shook in climax I came back to my senses.

  Getting up from the bed I removed the baby and left the room. Holding her close I walked her into the other room. I had a moment of conscience when it hit me that I was doing this shit to her mother, but that shit didn’t last long. I returned to the room where her tits were bare and still leaking and fell on her. There was no other word for it. I pushed my dick into her already wet pussy, latched onto her tit while kneading the other with my callused hand and started to fuck.

  I liked the feel of her warm milk leaking all over my hand and was soon moving back and forth between nipples as I fucked into her uncontrollably. No matter how hard I tried it was no use, her pussy fucking sucked me in, and all the mattered was the pleasure. I hated it, hated the hold she had on me after all that she’d done and so I lashed out. “If I could destroy you without hurting her I would.” It was a fucked up thing to say to her while I was inside her. She struggled beneath me but all it took was my teeth in her neck to bring her to heel.

  I wrapped my hand around her neck and squeezed. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” I fucked into her harder not giving any care to how deep I was going. One quick look showed there was no blood on my dick so she was fine. I went after her tits next, mauling them with my teeth as her milk sprouted all over the place like a fountain. I lapped that shit up as my cock grew even harder inside her. I felt her quickening around me as she cried out and moved on my dick. I was too far gone to remember that I didn’t want her to take any pleasure from me.

  She tried holding herself back but it was no use. Before I could stop it, she was cumming on my cock again. I bit into her nipple as I offloaded inside her. “If you’re not bred in the next two days it’ll be a miracle.” I pulled out and pushed my fingers in her to push the cum deeper inside. “Have you resigned yourself to your plight as yet? Are you looking forward to being my handmaiden?” I left before she could answer me, because I really wasn’t interested.


  I took her three more times for the day, each time cumming deeper inside her, giving my seed a better chance to breed her. No matter how I tried not to give her any pleasure she still came on my cock. It was now the end of the night and the baby had just had her last feeding. The others had kept their word and stayed away from the house. I was hard and hurting like I hadn’t had her a few short hours ago.

  The situation for all that it was fucked made for some erotic visions in my head. That’s why I’d hightailed it back here as soon as it was possible to call it a night. “It’s time for your bath. I’m going to untie you; it’s up to you if you behave or not, just be forewarned, I’m not in the mood for your shit.” I untied her and lifted her after her limbs refused to cooperate. I’d started the bath running and since she was already naked, all I had to do was lift her into the water.

  I’d climbed in first and lifted her in and sat her on my rod. “Umph.” I swallowed the sound as my cock pierced her sore pussy. I figured the water would help ease the sting. I let her rest on my chest for a minute before taking her hips in hand and moving her up and down on my iron hard cock. Her pussy clung to me as she wept from exhaustion. I knew she had to be tired, each time I’d fucked her I’d drawn that shit out for as long as I could, not letting her cum until the very end when she was all but pleading with me to let her get off.

  “Fuck me.” I murmured the words in her ear and held still to see what she would do. She buried her face in my neck and I felt her body shake before she started riding my cock. She cried the whole time and my heart ached, but because I was beginning to soften towards her so soon, my ire was ignited and I grabbed her hair, pulling her head back. “Cut that shit out, it’s only been one day. You deceived me for two fucking years.”

  “Please Zak, I can’t bear anymore, I’m sorry.” I shut my ears and my heart off from her words and since it was the only way I could think of to shut her the fuck up, I covered her mouth with mine. That’s all it took for her to cum and cum hard, crying out in my mouth, which caused me to jet stream after stream of hot jizz up into her.

  She fell like a limp rag against my chest and sap that I am, I bathed her and put her to bed. Tying her down but still lying beside her with my arm thrown around her middle. Offering her comfort because I couldn’t help myself.


  The next morning after the baby had been bathed and fed I took her outside for the first time because I was sure if I didn’t Ty would come looking for her. He’d already been acting like he was going through withdrawals or some shit the night before when I wouldn’t let him come see her. I wasn’t ashamed of what I was doing I just didn’t want anyone seeing Vanessa like that or even knowing of her humiliation, that was between us.

  The women fell on the baby like she was the first one in creation. Ty was not happy that he had to share but Zakira made her choices known, she clung to me and refused to go to anyone else except Ty and that was only after he bribed her. “Where’s Vanessa, how’s she doing?” I looked at Gaby ready to snap her head off, but then I realized it was just an innocent question and one she had every right to ask.

  “She’s fine she was asleep when we left. Connor where are we on the run anything?” I changed the subject before any of the other nosy fucks could stick their noses in. “No we were gonna head on over there as soon as breakfast is over.” I just nodded my head and took the baby back from Ty. “I’ll meet you guys over there I already ate.” I’d made breakfast for me, and Vanessa after I’d emptied myself in her again first thing this morning. I’d like to believe I was still working on my breeding program but I knew no man got that hard that often for a woman, unless there was some serious emotional attachment involved.

  Zakira looked around at her new surroundings pointing to things and asking her daddy a million questions; at least I think that’s what she was doing. Without the strain of whatever the fuck was going on between her mother and I weighing me down, it was fun and relaxing to be out and about with my daughter. I was really beginning to feel like a dad, enjoying the way she already seemed to trust me, the way she held onto me. I knew she could walk a little, I’d seen her toddling across the living room floor earlier when she was trying to get away from me when it was time to get dressed, cutest thing I’d ever seen.

  We’d almost had a little mishap when she toddled towards the bedroom where her mother was tied up. I don’t know why I thought it was different for her to see her that way when she was nursing, for some reason I had gotten it into my head that she didn’t notice it then, but I didn’t want her seeing her like that otherwise. Daddy did not want to be explaining that shit at some later time in life.

  I set her down in the old man’s office and closed the door so she couldn’t pull a runner as I went to the computer. We had three hits on a variation of the account number. Could be nothing, could be something. “Whoa check this out.” The others weren’t too far behind me and came to look over my shoulder. “That’s a lot of fucking money is it theirs?” Lo bit into an apple as his eyes scanned the screen and all the zeroes in each account.

  “That’s what I’m about to find out. No baby don’t put that in your mouth.” I didn’t mean to scream at her but it came out that way. Her lip trembled and her eyes filled up with tears. “No-no-no baby.” I was out the chair and kneeling on the floor in front of her with my arms around her. “I’m sorry baby daddy didn’t mean to yell.” She sobbed into my chest and clung to me while I looked around at the others for help.

  Ty the fuck looked like he wanted to throat punch me, like I wasn’t feeling bad enough about myself already. She sniffled and stopped but I felt like an asshole for a long time after. The oth
ers did everything they could to cheer her up after I sat with her on my lap and she was soon over it, but I was left with a hole in my gut. I found myself wanting to call her mother and ask if she’d ever had to deal with this shit and how she did it.

  “Cheer up bro, that’s the first of many.” Connor clapped me on the shoulder as he ran his hand over the baby’s hair.

  “I hope the fuck not.” That shit was heart breaking. I could see it now, she was gonna run circles around my ass. I found myself wanting her mother to be there to see that too and squashed the thought. What the fuck was wrong with me today anyway? From the moment I woke up, my mind has been on this one track. Like something unseen was forcing me to look deeper.

  I’d awakened with the scent of her in my nose and a raging need to be inside her. I was halfway into fucking when I realized the I wasn’t thinking about breeding her, my only interest was in the pleasure that I derived from her body. Maybe it was the way her body answered mine without hesitation, or the way she just gave in without a fight.

  Yes she was tied down to my bed, but there were other ways for her to fight me and she hadn’t. It looks like she had found a way to defeat me after all; her compliance shamed me. Still I couldn’t give in that easily, it was my stupid pride I know, but I just couldn’t let go that easily. She’d wronged me, even she admitted it, so why should I feel guilty for wanting to exact vengeance?



  I think Zak might be wearing down, at least I hope he is. I know he thinks that this is what he wants, but I’ve had a lot of time to think while I’ve been lying here for the last day and a half, and I know that in the end it will only destroy him. I know this because I know that already he loves our little girl, and I know him. One day he’s gonna look back at this and hate himself.

  I wanted to hate him for it, wanted to fight him every step of the way, but I realized that that wasn’t the way. The truth is that we were both to blame, maybe me more than him, but we both played a part. And when it was all said and done, I still loved him, and if I could say that after the last few days well then. But I had to find a way to get through to him before his hate consumed him. Our little girl needed her daddy and I needed him, if he’ll have me.

  This morning I had felt the difference in his touch. He’d caught himself eventually, but for those first few minutes he’d been my old Zak. He was still in there somewhere. As long as I knew that, there was hope. I hoped he did get me pregnant, it would mean being here with him a little longer. I was desperate enough to settle for even that. I just had to find a way to get him to trust me enough to untie me. I’m sure he knew he couldn’t keep me here like this for much longer, that it was just his hurt and anger fueling this behavior, but Zak danced to the beat of his own drum and he’d give it the old college try until something else came along.

  I grew tired from the heat and my limbs hurt a little from inaction, I should probably tell him, but I was afraid that my complaining might send him off on another one of his rants. The last thing I wanted to remind him of was how long I’d kept his daughter away from him. I fell asleep with his name on my lips and an apology in my heart. Poor Zak, it looks like every time I come into his life all I do is destroy it in some way.

  Chapter 13


  She was asleep when I finally made it back. It pissed me off that I’d spent the whole time I was away thinking about her here waiting for me. It seemed whether I wanted it or not her pussy had a hold on me. I didn’t want to think about her, didn’t want to second-guess myself about what the fuck I was doing. But as time went on I found myself questioning my actions. When it got to be too much, I made my excuses and came back because I couldn’t fucking stay away, and I hated her even more for it.

  The baby had taken a bottle of formula for the first time, but I couldn’t even find any comfort in that. The book said her mother’s milk is what was best for her, and I wanted only the best for my little angel. I’d put her down for her nap, using that as my excuse for coming back here so soon. We were finally getting somewhere. The string I’d tugged on had started unraveling and so far we’d found four other accounts. Quinn was busy moving cash around right now, which I was sure was going to anger these fucks and make them come after us.

  We’d already done all the we could to ensure that the place was safe, and like I’d said it was time we went on the offensive. Taking their money was only the first strike, if we kept hitting at them, in time we’d expose the fucks hopefully. With the amount of money we’d moved today there was no doubt they were gonna feel that shit, it was left to be seen what form of action they were gonna take in retaliation.

  Lo had already contacted the chief with our new findings and for the first time we’d shared the name of the family with him, something he said the old man had not gotten around to sharing with him, but something he claimed not to be too surprised about. He’d made some of the same accusations the old man had made in his files, about this shit going back to Vietnam.

  We’d run as far as we could on that for today, and now it was time to switch gears again for the next few hours before we had to get back to work. I stood looking down at her, at all that beauty that had once belonged to me, that still fucking belonged to me. She had circles under her eyes and there were tear tracks running down her cheeks. Her breasts, my new fascination, rose and fell beneath the sheet and my dick flexed and grew with the memory of the pleasure to be had from them. She was a little sticky from before but I wanted her nice and clean for what I had in mind. I’m not fond of tasting my own jizz.

  I got a wet cloth and cleaned her up while she came slowly awake. Her eyes flew to mine, as I unzipped and shed my pants. She looked away from me but I didn’t care. I wasn’t interested in her enjoyment, even though I knew she would. Instead of climbing between her legs and fucking my way to orgasm like I’d planned, I decided to fuck with her.

  She wanted to pretend she didn’t enjoy my touch, we’ll just see about that shit. I knew what she expected, knew what she needed to feed her hate and justification, but there was no justification for what she’d done.

  I laid flat on the bed between her thighs. Her eyes flew down to where I was. “What are you doing? No Zak.” I licked her first, one deep long stroke with my tongue, ignoring her pleas. I know why she was doing that shit, she wanted to pretend she didn’t feel, wanted to keep this part of herself away from me. Too bad for her I wasn’t about to let that shit happen. I worked one finger into her, then two, as I went after her clit.

  She juiced up real nice even though I could feel her trying to tense up to hold off her orgasm. When it hit her, I let her ride it out on my tongue, before climbing up over her with my dick hanging over her mouth. “Open.” She gave me a look that would peel paint and refused to budge. That was fine by me I wasn’t interested in her making it too easy for me anyway.

  “I said open your fucking mouth.” She flinched at my harsh tone but I still had to squeeze her jaw to get her to obey. As soon as her mouth opened a little I forced the tip of my cock inside. “You bite me, you’ll be the first woman in history to choke on a dick.”

  That got her attention, and I teased my cockhead across her lips, painting them with pre-cum. Pretty soon I was fucking her face until the shit was running down the sides of her face. When she started making choking sounds I pulled out, got between her legs and fucked into her. “Don’t do this Zak please it’s not what you want.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” I was pissed that she was right. Why couldn’t she let me enjoy my mad? Why did she have to make me fucking feel when I didn’t want to? “Move with me.” I both hated and reveled in her compliance. Her pussy pulled at me milking me like she was enjoying what I was doing to her. “Untie me Zak, I want to hold you.” Seriously, what the fuck was she trying to do to me? what game was she playing now?

  I lifted up and away so that I could look into her eyes and what I saw there almost weakened me. I closed my eyes against the emotion. No, don’t fa
ll for that shit she’d only gut you again, she’s fucking poison. She moved her body like she wanted me, like she wanted this, fucking with my head. “I want you to cum inside me Zak, give me your son.”

  “Fuck-fuck-fuck.” I came in a never-ending stream of hot thick cum deep in her belly. My body jerked with the force of the climax that took everything out of me. I flopped down beside her with an arm over my eyes. “Don’t try to play me Vanessa, it won’t work this time. I’ve fallen for your lies for the last time.”

  “It’s not lies Zak, I love you.”

  “You have a fucked up way of showing it.” I rolled out of bed because she was getting to me.


  I had to get back but she stayed on my mind. Before this shit had transpired, I’d been well on my way to reclaiming her. I’d pushed aside a whole lot of shit from our past, came to terms with most, and now I felt like we were back to square one. The others weren’t back as yet, so I pulled the baby book I’d brought with me and started to read. I went to the section about nursing and was glad I did, because I learned something. Although a nursing mother could get pregnant, it was much easier to breed her if she wasn’t breastfeeding the baby.


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