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Champion Complete Series

Page 36

by Francheska Fifield

  I nod. Likely not. I am sweating from the exertion of trying to keep my magic under control. After Avren is done with us, I will eat lunch, then I get to work with my grandfather on control… most of my training is focusing on that. Once I am proficient, Talon is to teach me the spells to fight like a mage. I am not looking forward to the smug look that I am sure will cross his face, but I need to be stronger in my magic, so I will take it… and give it back to him tenfold during our hand-to-hand combat and weapons training.

  "Avren, how is practice going?"

  She is standing in front with Avren now, overlooking the group. Us poor fools that are wishing we could kill a dragon without dying ourselves.

  "They all need too much work. I might make them practice twice a day."

  She laughs. "Oh Avren, you will make far too many enemies that way. Let us keep it once a day, with some self-practice on their own. It can be mandatory for the ones that have the most trouble. "

  He sighs but bows his head to her. I hear so many sighs of relief in unison that it covers mine. I already have so many things to do.

  "The ones that are the worst should join the elders and Aldamon in their training of Viktor. Aldamon can work with your Kemp while the elders teach the young and inept."

  She looks thoughtful and looks towards the group that is having the least amount of trouble. The elders have so much more experience with magic, so they are adapting more quickly. They nod and she sighs, looking at Avren.

  "If you think it absolutely necessary, I will agree. Try not to push them too far though. You know they are not the ones who were taught to do this from birth. They are doing their best."

  "They need to be better. If you have to call upon them, they need to be useful, or they will be a hindrance."

  "It will likely be a couple of years before I need to call upon them. If I ever do. They have time. The children are starting early. They will be more proficient once they get into the habit of training daily. It will make the future of the group that much more stable. Hiding out here in your magical realm helps as well. They won't be punished for the deaths of anyone that tried to enter their territory while they had the barrier up."

  "When I leave with you, they will practice alone. I will have to return to make sure they improve. If they do not, they will find another place to live."

  The mages mutter to themselves while Elainne puts her hands on her hips and scowls at Avren.

  "I promised them a place to live. Do not make a liar out of me, Avren."

  You can hear the unhappy rumble in his chest, but once again bows his head.

  "As my queen wishes."

  She doesn’t pull her authority out often, but she won’t allow the mages to be tossed out after promising them a place of safety. She takes promises very seriously. As well as the safety of her people and the mages are now hers. Avren backed himself into a corner, telling her to make them allies.

  I rub my eye. It has been going dragon all morning. So much magic in one place has me seeing everyone's magical auras and heat signatures. I have managed to hold it in for quite a while, but halfway through practice, I lost the battle. I have managed to keep the dragon in the eyes alone and during the break, with Elainne so close and my Kemp bond calm to push it back, but it is twitching again. I look up and see. Elainne hadn't told me what to expect. She is covered in the silver that covers Avren. They are bonded. The light is pulsing, happy to have them close together, as the golden light had done with her and me last year in the Elvin kingdom.

  I must have made a noise because they look over and everyone stares at me. My dragon eyes are in full effect, which would normally upset me, but only Avren and Elainne can see it. Avren looks angry; this is exactly what he told me to never do. Elainne looks sad.


  I turn and make the motions to leave, but Talon stands in my way.

  "Hear her out. She is your superior."

  "Move, mage."


  Elainne comes over and squeezes between us.

  "Enough! Talon, stand down. Viktor, come with me."

  Neither of us moves until Avren roars. Everyone drops and covers their heads. We don’t, but we do flinch and quickly follow Elainne's orders.

  Once we get out of the hearing of the others, she stops and looks at me. She looks… sorrowful.

  "I know you are mad, but I didn’t tell you because so much was going on."

  She must catch my sneer because she looks exasperated.

  "I mean it, Viktor. When I came back, I had planned to tell you if Avren hadn't already. You were in no condition when I left, and then I came back and you were gone. You weren't yourself. I was going to tell you this morning but I was left to sleep in. The mages only know because I channeled dragon elemental magic to do the ceremony. I wanted to tell you myself, but your eyes flared up. I should have thought of that. That it would flare up when surrounded by that magic. I am not used to dragons, their blood, and all that entails. I'm sorry you found out like that."

  She has a point but I still don’t like that I had been the last to know.

  "So, how are you two bonded?"

  She fidgets, trying to look away but choosing to look me in the eyes at the last second.

  "Avren is my familiar. The naming completed the ceremony. I didn’t want to finish it and planned to let him go once the mage thing was done, but he insisted it be formalized. I did that part while gone, and you were already in the woods alone at the time."

  A dragon familiar. I have read about familiars before. Cats, horses, even the occasional wolf or bear. No one has ever heard of a dragon one. Well, there has never been a record of it happening.


  She nods.


  She smiles and hugs me. It is relaxing. She is near, safe, and whole again. It is the only time my Kemp bond has been able to let up a bit.

  "Thank you for understanding, Viktor."

  "I always do, don’t I?"

  She laughs pulling back.

  "Yes. It is a good thing too. As I said, I could never survive without you."

  She takes my hand; we walk back towards the mages and Avren.

  "Avren said you did well when going to the mages."

  She shrugs.

  "I suppose. I did what I had to. I wanted you to be proud of what I accomplished and I knew I needed to be gone for Avren to help you."

  I hadn't thought of any of that. I stop her and hold her so that she is looking me in the eyes.

  "I am always proud of you, Elainne. Everything you do is always the best course of action."

  She hugs me again, then starts us walking back to the group.

  "Thanks, Viktor. Your belief in me is what I need. More than anything else in the world."

  I squeeze her hand and go back to the group.

  "Avren, if I may, I would like to join training."

  He bows his head.

  "As you wish, my queen; but you and I went over this already."

  "Practice makes perfect."

  He grunts acknowledgment and we begin our lesson once again. I am not looking forward to this every morning. One day at a time. That is how we will survive. One day at a time.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I stare out of the cave, watching Avren teach everyone. Between him and my two champions, I am getting sick of this cave. Not that Avren hasn't made it comfortable, he has, but I am sick of being told to eat and sleep. I understand their worry, but I am fully recovered from all the high-level spells that I did. It has been weeks. I will need to lay down the law soon. I hate doing it, but if they make me eat and sleep anymore, I will gain so much weight that I will never be able to move from the cave.

  Avren really is a stupendous teacher. It is hard for him to show because he is so different from his students, but he manages to translate the differences and make everyone understand how something is to be done. Control is such a hard thing to learn. So much worse than the sp
ells themselves. Their daily meditation is going on and it is a silent, beautiful thing to watch. I can feel the magic weaving through the air in a protective wave. The even breathing, the sight of everyone breathing in and out together is a miraculous thing to behold. Even the children are getting it. They will be so amazing when they are older and have mastered their craft. They will be a force to be reckoned with.

  Looking at the sky, I see a swirl of greens and browns clashing with reds and greens. My father and aunt. They have received my messages and responded with their own. I have to know what they said.

  I race out of the cave, calling upon every drop of Elvin blood I have to get down the mountainside and past the group. This will likely not be pretty. If they are angry, the lash that the magic leaves will be very painful. I see Viktor rise and trail after me as I flash by, then I cease to notice anything else.

  Once out of sight and hearing range of the others, I stop and drop to my knees. The magic enters me and my brain automatically downloads the information, which is stored inside. My father's message rants, screaming in my head about the betrayal he feels. The mages are his enemies and I have made them my allies. No longer can he name me heir, even if I agree. This is a public affront.

  My aunt’s letter enters next; two messages. The first letting me know she received my message and is glad that I am safe, asking when I will be returning as uncle had invited his sort-of nephew to stay and he has safely arrived, despite the attempt on his life along the way. I want to believe that my aunt hadn't tried that, but I know better. The second is outrage as her brother sends her a message declaring that no longer will the humans and Elves hold a treaty. No longer is she welcome back home, and that if we continue on this path that there will be dire consequences.

  I need to go home. Now. The mages, they need to come with me. I need a magical army. Avren was right to worry. We will be testing this band of magical followers far sooner than either of us like.

  I come out of my trance and realize I am screaming. I let it wind down and fall over. My head hurts so much. It is not a nice way to send information, but it is fast and effective, as well as the safest way. The temporary damage can be mitigated a bit, but my father hadn't bothered. He wanted me to feel the full force of his anger. My aunt's second message, which she must have sent minutes after the first, was not much better.


  I take the skein from Viktor, guzzling down water.

  "What messages did you receive?"

  That is Talon. He followed as well. I pull myself up, refusing help from either. I get to a sitting position and decide that is far enough until my head stops spinning.

  "We must return home, now. My father is angry about my decisions and has banished my aunt, and threatened severe consequences. Once again, my throne is threatened. This time by my uncle's long lost relative. We have to stop a war and take back my right to the throne. The war must be decisive and quick, I fear the relative will be harder to deal with. It will take time and my vast knowledge of power struggles. I am not sure which problem I am most angered to have to deal with."

  "The court. I know how much you hate all those lying backstabbers."

  I take Viktor's hand, letting him pull me up while I laugh. "Of course, you are right. Once we decide on a course of action to deal with my father, I just have to have the nerve to hold out longer than he does. My uncle loathes me and sees no positive to me taking the throne. He and his doubters are much harder to deal with. It requires patience for prejudice and stupidity I sorely lack."

  I start to walk back to the camp and the boys each stepped up to one of my sides.

  "I do not think you are the one with a lack of patience."

  I smile at Viktor. "Ahh yes, our trip to the market, when I bought the mermaid princess a token of friendship. If I remember correctly, you threatened to cut out someone's tongue for calling me a half-breed bastard."

  Talon almost stumbles. His face is quite amusing; he looks like a bug with his eyes popping out.

  "You didn’t really do that, did you?"

  "I did. You will learn that loyalty means more than obedience sometimes. Once you are used to serving."

  I am not sure how I feel about Viktor telling Talon that. However, I want them to get along and work together; I want them to rely on one another, so this seems like a good time to let Viktor teach Talon about serving. Talon has little to no experience serving. Serving as a policing force is so different than being a champion living in court.

  "As long as you do not say this to anyone of equal or higher rank than myself, Viktor is right. I did not punish him for his loyalty, despite his threatening a lady, and I would not punish you either. I want obedience; I cannot have people who I cannot rely on. I do not, however, want blind obedience. I want to know you are loyal to me, even if sometimes that means our opinions clash."

  Viktor nods and doesn’t look at all shocked. Talon seems to have trouble wrapping his head around it.

  "How will I know which time is which?"

  "You will learn. Watching Elainne and me, you will learn. Your threshold might not be the same as mine. You might give in to her sooner. I doubt you will push the boundaries further than I do. A Kemp is different."

  Talon nods as I laugh. "Yes, please do not give me as much grief as Viktor. As supportive and wonderful as he is sometimes, things are so much more difficult because he refuses my orders since what I want to do is not safe for me."

  "Rulers are to be kept safe while champions and generals fight wars. If you are dead, you cannot rule."

  "I will not be the ruler that will demand anything of her people that she herself will not do."

  This is an old argument between us. We will never agree and we know it. We both accept it though. Viktor sighs and nods. No matter what he says, I have the final say on my limits, just as I give him the chance to make his own choices. We will never let it interfere with our friendship… or whatever it is we have, but we will never stop the argument either.

  "I think it is noble of you to say that…"

  "Oh, do not let Viktor's surliness fool you. That so-called noble stance is why he was willing to follow me in the first place. When we first met, I mean talked for more than an introduction, I healed him. I had almost no magic then. It caused me so much pain and drained me so badly that I passed out. He stayed with me because I had saved him from broken ribs, despite not needing to. He would have healed on his own, but I refused to let him suffer if I didn’t have to. We were almost inseparable from that moment on."

  "Would you have healed anyone?"

  "Of course."

  We walk on in silence. Talon looking thoughtful, Viktor looking forlorn and me smiling as I remember that no matter what we have suffered through, we always come out the other side still together. Now we have Talon to care for, or to care for us.

  "My Queen. When do we leave?"

  Avren often seems to know what is going to happen before we do.

  "We meet and plan tonight. The children and those caring for them will need to stay here, safe, no matter what we decide. The mages must prepare for a small war if need be. Hopefully, it will not come to that. Tomorrow we pack and finalize plans."

  Everyone bows in acknowledgment as I turn to return to the cave. I don’t want this. I don’t want to kill an entire generation. Half of the elderly will stay with the children and a few that are slow in the learning process. I need at least one elder that is a master to stay behind so that inept people won’t teach the next generation. Which meant I will be bringing everyone ages eighteen to forty. I will be killing the parents of all the people I am supposed to protect.

  I am royal, I know that people die for our wars, but I have never been in charge of that and I have never had to send people into battle. Even against Marina and her people, my father had been in charge and ordered his people into battle. I would have gone against them alone if need be, to keep anyone from dying. Viktor is right though, there will be times that are not an option a
nd I have to make sure to live. I have to find a diplomatic solution as often as possible, so I can avoid death whenever possible. When it is not, I need to ensure minimal casualties and keep it from happening again. I don’t want people dying for me. I know it is a large possibility but it is one I intend to avoid as much as possible.

  Where is the line? Protection and conquering. Two sides of the same coin. I can adopt the policy of not attacking until I am invaded, but then innocents on the border will die before I can be ready. I could attack first, but then I will be the one amusing the war. Where does one draw the line?

  "Elainne, we need to strike first. I know you do not want to hear it but…"

  "I know, Viktor."

  "Isn't that premature? Can't you negotiate with your father? You are family?"

  I would have laughed at Talon if it were any other situation.

  "Talon, this is the father that refused to make me his heir when my mother and I were both still alive and, in the kingdom, because I was a half-breed and not worthy. I wasn’t beautiful enough, I didn’t have enough magic, and I had the wrong mother. As soon as my aunt asked for me, he tossed me to her faster than one tosses a lump of burning coal. He didn’t even bother to look into the murder of his own wife. If we could negotiate, if there was any chance, I would do it."

  I walk back to my makeshift bed. "Leave me alone for a bit, please."

  I see Viktor grab Talon by the arm and drag him from the cave before Talon can stick his foot in his mouth again. I don’t blame him; the mages do not keep up with the current events of the outside world. He has no way of knowing that he is touching on a sore spot. Then again, my father, in general, is a sore spot. I can’t keep the tears from flowing again. It is this way every time I have to mention my mother. I still am not ready to face her being gone.


  "Should we leave her alone, Viktor?"

  I want to slap Talon but he hasn't done anything wrong. He asked a question, thinking of saving his people. Elainne will know that and not blame him, but that means she has nowhere to turn her negative feelings except inward. Meaning she needs to be alone, so she can cry and not appear weak in front of everyone. Talon will have to come to learn this. It is not the part I look forward to teaching him.


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