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Champion Complete Series

Page 37

by Francheska Fifield

  "Follow. Grab your weapon."

  He calls his staff over with magic and I grab one as well. Elainne has been teaching me the staff for the past few months. I am not as good as when I am using a sword or dual-wielding, but I am proficient.

  "Every time you land a blow, I will tell you a bit more about why we had to leave her alone and why we have to plan a strike." Even if he can use a staff better, I have more military experience. I have been in live battles and learned to read enemy movements. Not to mention that Elainne is a horrible teacher. Horrible because she does not take it easy on me. She is worse than my old drill sergeant was. Thanks to that though, I have picked up the staff very, very quickly to avoid constant bruising.

  Talon spins his weapon and I can tell he is using magic to enhance his skills. Two can play that game. I summon my dragon eyes and see every movement his magic makes. The heat signature also let me know which muscles are working the most, allowing me to more accurately predict his movements.

  "Can you control that?"

  I nod.

  "Avren and I practice every night once everyone is asleep, on top of the practices that I do with my grandfather and the group."

  He takes me at my word and attacks. Normally I like to attack and end it quickly, but I need to gauge his skill. He swipes repeatedly. Even using his enhancements and my using nothing but skill and my dragon eyes, he never even comes close.

  "You rely too much on magic to make up for physical skills. You need more experience and to learn without magic."

  He gets angry and his movements get even more choppy and easy to predict. Over, to the left, over, to the left. When angry he has the most discernible pattern I have ever seen.

  "You get worse as you get angry."

  He flies at me and I sidestep, angling my staff to cut him across the stomach - landing like a punch and knocking the air out of him - sending him to his butt in an instant.

  "You do not think about your moves before you make them and you do not have the experience for your body to move on its own without thought. Battle strategy includes one or the other. Either you know battle so well that your body knows how to respond to every attack and does it without thinking, it's called instinct, or you plan your moves a second before doing them. The thoughts and movements are a fluid process. As soon as you think about it, you do it. It is called strategy. You do neither. You flail about, letting your anger get the best of you. Right now, even if you used magic and she didn’t, Elainne could still best you in minutes, maybe even seconds."

  He glares and sighs.

  "You are not going to tell me why my people must die are you?"

  I hold down a hand and pull him up when he takes it. He tries to swipe my feet out from under me, but I see it coming and dodge, hitting him in the back of the head with my staff. He is unsteady for a bit. "Seeing stars?"

  He sits down, leaning against a tree, closing his eyes.

  "Sometimes I think she was the right person to follow. Times like this cause much doubt in my people… and me."

  I sigh and sit in front of him.

  "She does not want this. Right now, she is up there crying for her mother and the people that will die. But you must understand, if her father is allowed to make the first move, he will have half the country before we can respond. Innocent people that do not even know the Elves exist. Or about the negotiations that go on behind closed doors. Her father… well, he will not take prisoners. He is a kill everyone and leave an impression type. He won't hope for peace later. He will go for complete annihilation. She cannot let that happen. She cannot let him get a foothold in the human world this way. It will not end ‘til he rules the world and the only humans left are slaves. He will annihilate your people the second he gets through her and her aunt. You have no idea how long he has waited for an opportunity like this. We cannot give it to him. The world literally depends on it."

  His face is properly horrified, and honestly, I wish I had been making it up to scare him. Elainne and I know better though. We know who and what he really is.

  "So, some of us die or everyone falls?"

  I nod and let myself fall back.

  "She will not fall. I will not let it happen."

  "I will talk to my people."

  I nod. She is right to accept Talon as a champion and go-between for the mages. I am no good at being an emissary anyway.

  "Talon, I haven't said this yet but, I am glad you are one of us."

  "Am I… one of you, I mean?"

  I turn, facing him while still half lying down. "If I say so, and I do."

  He smiles and walks off. Well, that is one mage out of the way. Hopefully, he can pave the way for the others to accept this as the right thing to do. Now, to plan our attack.

  "You do not think you will plan without me, do you, little one?"

  I smile and sit, facing Avren. "Of course not, giant turkey. We need a plan that the mages will accept and that will cause us minimal causalities."

  "You do not worry for our enemy?"

  I look into Avren's eyes, wondering how much to tell him.

  "You call her queen, but she is not yet."

  "She will be."

  "If we succeed. But I have heard you. You think she will unite all the kingdoms, don’t you? But she won't willingly do it. Even if it will be better for everyone in the future."

  "Even so, it will come to be."

  "So let's make sure the Elves are primed for the taking. She is going to want to go in swift, quiet, and force her father to agree. While that is going on I will send you a signal and you attack. You can cause a lot of damage according to the mages. She will stop you, with a command, if you make her. They will fear and respect her leaving her the obvious choice for future queen. If you mean to make an empress out of her, you need to lay the groundwork now."

  "I am glad I saved you, Kemp. She will be angry. What if she never forgives us?"

  I shrug. I can act nonchalant, but I know it w just about kill me.

  "Limit the innocent casualties. I can leave marks on the places the military is based, where civilians are less likely to be. She will be angry but she will have to accept it, or break her bonds with us and leave us open to revenge. She won't go that far and Talon will still be with her at all times to keep her safe. I will make sure he is up to the job."

  Avren looks at me with something akin to pride.

  "Now you are a Kemp worthy of an Empress."

  The Kemp's job is to stain the soul so their charge doesn’t have to. To protect them, even from themselves. To make sure what they want comes about, even if it is in a way that they themselves do not agree with. We are the sword and the shield; I am finally ready to fully step into that role.

  "Let's plan the attack as Elainne will understand it, and our secret parts in it."

  Avren inclines his head, keeping my eyes. It is the sign of an equal. Elainne has to do this. She will hate us. It will likely ruin any chance I have of winning her heart - ever - but I can’t sacrifice the world of peace and prosperity that Avren sees and has been willing to give up his freedom for, just because I want her love. I can’t be selfish. I have to turn my selfishness towards a noble goal. We can, and will, accomplish this utopia.


  After drying my eyes, I go to talk to the mages. I still look like I got into a bar fight and broke both of my very sharp cheekbones. I will never get rid of my sorrow, and knowing that doesn’t make it any easier.

  Avren and Viktor are there, in charge, and going over a sneak attack. I listen and look over what they have already gone through. It is a very good plan. If we succeed, we won’t kill more than a few guards. I am unsure about being able to threaten my father's life until he signs a contract with me, but I am willing to give it a go, and if we fail far fewer people die than if we go to war.

  "How do you plan to subdue my father?"

  Viktor looks to Avren.

  "Avren has a cuff. It caps the wearer's magic. The only person that can remove
it is the person who put it on. He will be unable to use magic of any kind again until it's removed. We will distract him and you will put it on him. He will not see you as a threat. He has always underestimated you as an Elvin warrior."

  Well, Viktor is not wrong about that.

  "I have an amendment to that plan."

  They hold their breaths and look at me. Every person in the camp. That is a lot of anxiety. I am not going to sacrifice them to the gods of battle for good fortune, but you would think I am.

  "Everyone going must be a volunteer."

  Everyone nods and Viktor asks for volunteers. Talon agrees as do a few others. Many know this is a chance to save the majority.

  "Avren, will you be joining us?"

  He looks up at the darkening sky.

  "I will stay and prepare for our journey home. We will have to leave soon, even if this works out well. Everything must be ready. For us and the mages left here."

  I nod. He will know how to prepare for anything better than anyone. I am shocked that Aldamon doesn’t volunteer. He looks sad. So, so sad. Perhaps he doesn’t think it will work and is too afraid to watch Viktor die. I won’t let that happen. I am using translocation to get everyone out the second it goes bad. The only one sacrificed will be me. The mages will be safe with Avren.

  I go over to him and grab his hand, squeezing hard.

  "Every one of them will come back, I swear it."

  "Yes, your highness."

  He doesn’t sound doubtful but I know better than anyone that a court face is not just the face.

  "Everyone. I promise."

  I am not sure if I am convincing myself or Aldamon, but I am not letting myself become a liar. They will all come back safely.

  Chapter Fourteen

  At the edge of the Elvin property, I hide our essences. I am more effective than I used to be. I have the magic to be completely successful now. We move fast and silent through my father's kingdom. The plan is to get to him with minimal casualties and threaten him into accepting things the way I want them. Even if I need to have a magical showdown with him. I am not looking forward to fighting my own father. He is a bastard, but I can’t imagine having to kill my own family. I know Avren and Viktor both think it a weakness on my part, but I can’t follow their line of thought.

  "Viktor, you will be in charge of this operation. Everyone will take commands from him."

  He needs to stretch his wings. Avren assures me that he is ready to be in charge of this; I know better than anyone that the Kemp is the sword and shield of the charge, and if I want to prevent Viktor from losing himself again, I have to let him take his rightful place. This is me stepping back and doing that. I will let the alarm be raised if it means not killing anyone. I know, logically, it is not the right way to do it, but I can’t stop myself from feeling the guilt. Viktor will make the decisions that I cannot.

  "We get through with no alarms sounded. The princess has hidden our existences so the magical alarms are not our problem. You see any guard and even think that they might see any of us, you kill them. Do not ask for permission; do not take time to hide that its mage magic doing it. You kill them fast and silently, so they cannot raise alarm. We are a unit. We are to get her highness to her father safely, without anyone knowing we are here. Avren gave everyone the spell to faze the dead body to a random point in the forest. You kill, you use it. Do not leave it lying around to be found. If we are discovered, Elainne gets out of here, no matter what. Talon will stay as her personal guard. He will not fight unless her life is threatened. I will lead the strike; he will get her out if we are discovered. Any questions?"

  Avren is right, Viktor is ready to lead. I am both proud and disturbed. I will never accept the idea of others dying for me. Viktor must know what I am thinking because he looks right at me as he asks for questions. I bite my bottom lip to protest letting others die before me. I know he is right but it still frustrated me.

  I know most of the pathways - for the royals only - to get into the castle, so we make it there with no alarms and more importantly no deaths on either side. The castle will be the hard part. Viktor casts a communication spell on our group to allow him to give orders in everyone's minds. I can supersede if need, but I know I won’t. I have to let this play out. My father can’t be allowed to start a war.

  As we make our way through the castle, I notice the itching on my wrists grow. Avren gave me a pair of cuffs to wear that will alert me to strong power levels nearby, the itching grows the closer I get. This will help us find my father faster. Not only that but also one acts as a command and the other as a nullifier. If I can slip the second one on his wrist during our fight, he won’t be able to use his magic again until I take it off. Only the one who puts it on can take it off. It works like the mage capping spell but cannot be overridden. It is the threat that I plan to use to get my father's blood oath and signature, that we will all be friends. I hate to use that threat, an Elf with that strong of magic powers will feel horrible while it is locked away; it is the most humane way though. As soon as I remove the cuff, he will be normal again. I look down at them. The gold feels warm from my overly warm temperature. I am nervous. It doesn’t get sweaty though. Instead, they hum against my wrist; the intricate lines on the cuffs moving, trying to wiggle closer to the power that they feel. They have started almost seeming to try to climb off the bracelet and onto my arm, but once we enter the palace, they recognize another power. We are using it to pick which direction we go in.

  My head snaps up as I see a flash. Two people go over, dragging the Elvin soldier over to the corner we that hide in and transported him away. They have done it. They have killed for me. Nausea overwhelms me. I must look as bad as I feel because Talon puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head. He is right, I can’t show weakness. Not in front of the mages and especially not in front of my father. I pull myself up and push the guilt away. I can drown in it alone later.

  We see two more guards that are killed before they can raise alarm. Those times my court face serves me well. Viktor nods his approval. It won’t get easier for me the way it does for him. However, it is easier to pretend it is easier. I have people to protect, I can’t let compassion stay my people's hands.

  The lines on my bracelets are practically running in circles as we stand in front of the door to the library. Of course. Before going to war, brush up on devastating spells to quickly take out the enemy. It won't be hard, only my aunt and I have magic in the human world. Maybe a few others hiding, but mostly it is just us.

  We can’t sneak in well. Magic is required to open the doors. If my father is in there, which means a royal touch is required to open it. Meaning he will know it is me the second the doors open. It is how he keeps everyone out.

  My touch and magic releases the lock on the door as it clicks and pushes itself open. My father looks up as I walk in, surrounded by mages. He harrumphs once and goes back to his document. He is not intimidated. He will be outraged when he knows that we have killed his people. I will compensate him, and return the bodies for ceremonies, of course, but I will not let him see how it affects me.

  "We need to talk, father."

  "Yes, please deliver this missive declaring war to your aunt on your way home."

  I am still little more than a servant in his eyes. I never needed his approval, but now that I have a chance to make the world better with my status, it matters… even though I know I will never get it.


  "I believe you mean ‘your majesty’. Last I checked you are of little importance."

  Talon activates his wind armor, Viktor lets the dragon eyes and the claws come out, and the little squiggly lines are practically rolling in circles on the cuffs from the magic dancing in the room.

  "Your Kemp looks different."

  "He is."

  "You have mages. Despite knowing our history with them."

  "You overlooked Viktor's relation to them when he became my Kemp."

  He snorts an
d looks back to his paper.

  "You know very well it was only because he was only a quarter mage and had more Elvin magic. I wanted you as my heir. You have made it clear non-family alliances are more important. If I cannot trust you with the Elvin people, I cannot give them to you."

  As he talks, I walk closer. He looks to the golden cuffs on my wrists and the lines that are now runes.

  "Interesting magic."

  I pull one off and hold it out. He takes it and smiles. My father has always had a weakness for magical things. He has also always underestimated me.

  "Yes, they are. They expand to fit whoever wears them." I grab it and shove it on his wrist. Or I try. He grabs my wrists squeezing with his magic enhancing his grip. So close.

  "How long do you think I have been alive?"

  I use my magic to strengthen my resistance. He will snap my wrist the second I stop using magic to protect it.

  "I can stand here all day stopping you from whatever it is you are trying to do. See, my guards will come in and kill all of you. You, however, have only until they do. My breakfast will be delivered in less than an hour. How long can you resist me? If they put up a fuss, the guards will come sooner. So, what do you do?"

  Before I can answer there is a roar. My father makes the mistake of flinching, allowing me to put the cuff on. He starts raising his magic but it stops. I feel it cap. He is powerless. Avren. His roar has distracted everyone. I thought he wasn’t coming.

  I don’t expect the explosion.

  "What is that?"

  I turn and my father hits me. I go flying. Even without magic, he has Elvin strength and a smack in the face is a smack in the face.

  "What the hell is going on here, Elainne?"

  My father roars but no guards come. I rub my face as Viktor roars. It is half-dragon half-human. I start to say that I have no idea when suddenly the cuff on me slams down. I can’t pull it off.


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