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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 19

by Theodore Daniels

  Yes, Titov picks up the command, will be the commander of the cruiser. But she ... she will think about her every hour volgovtsah, thinking almost continuously. She got used akin to them are stronger than even she could imagine ever before imagined. They will fight, will disappear in razvedreydah, and she will be seated on the earth?

  It is not necessary to build a rosy illusions. Will be. Because she is a woman because she - the mother, because she - the children. As a minimum - three. Twins and still have at least one child. Girl or boy - now anyway. And she would quietly and slowly go mad from the experience not only for volgovtsev but also normandovtsev in the first place - for John. He did not remain in the world, will not return to the UK, not be translated on the terrestrial service. He will fight. It will take the risk. Will fight with such a terrible and powerful enemy. Will fight, knowing that she was in the world that she - with the children. Including its children. What it in relative safety.

  Svetlana no illusions - the Earth, the mother planet of mankind will be attacked by Reapers. It may be very likely to become one of the priority objectives. Few countries of the Earth will be able to give a proper rebuff carpeted orbital bombardment. Losses among the earthlings will be terrible. And the reapers are the strongest knock. Because the weakest surrender themselves.

  No illusions. Surrender. It has already been more than once. Like and occupation, like and satellitstvo, and all around the evidence of normal peaceful life. As if really nothing, nothing at all of the critical not changed. It Imperials bring fight to the death, not retreat, do not give up, do not submit to the enemy. And all other earthlings bring in a different way. Different educate, but certainly not in the spirit of self-sacrifice and dedication.

  And because John will not be calm for it to end. He also understands that Russia is a strong country, it would be under massive blow. And among Russians will sacrifice. Many of the victims. He knows that it is not usidit. Not usidit in the world able to normal civilian. Get straps kaperanga Imperial Razvedflota and bury themselves in the world?

  John knows that it is his Svetlana, not like that. Yes, it may well lead to appoint some logistical military schools. And she will have to teach young Russians how to survive in this war. Catch yourself puzzled looks cadets and students. Well, not disabled, she with obvious signs of disability! Do not say because all and sundry that it is not only an officer of the Empire, but the mother of many children. Despite the readiness of few Russians then it will understand correctly. People have always been, is and will be different. There will be war for to stay different, for in order to have the right to be different.

  Svetlana knew that was facing a dilemma. Much, very much it has been hidden veil of uncertainty. Unstick from the chair, Streltsov took a few steps to the private bronezaslonkoy porthole. She stopped, pressed her forehead against the cold glass of fat. Out of habit referred to as glass, although it has long since not glass. Just like that ... it's easier. Man is so tied to the familiar, the known. So craves simplicity often hides incredible complexity. Especially when in front - this war.

  She will try. It will work in the world, will work where it will be necessary and important. There is a lot of hard work. And it will wait for the return of John. There will always be waiting. As much as you need to wait. Because John - the only one she loves truly, deeply, fully. Only. Other this will not happen. There is no competition, it does not allow it. John - the only one. And she, Svetlana Streltsov will not look for another man. Never.

  Svetlana knew that in the rear, in a civilian environment can be any. Including negative, including deviant. People have never been so, and did not try to be holy. It's so hard and uncomfortable. Hey, give away, as is commonly expressed among journalists, the best years of his life serving in the army of the Empire, to remain in the rear? Yes, she's a mother, her children. But it is - an officer of the Empire. And children can not understand it then, if she stayed in the rear for a long time. This future war ... can be a long, long. It is, no doubt, will be severe. It requires the involvement of more and more new people into the army. And she was in the army, it is - an officer, a senior officer razvedastroflota Empire. And she would sit in the rear?

  Wait? Wait for "death notice"? After all, John was not usidit to calm command post. He is not, he will go to spearhead, where the most difficult. In another way he can neither live nor act.

  In another can not. Svetlana moved away from the window, went to the table, sat down gingerly in a chair, her head in her hands, looked down at the tabletop. Clean the countertop. It's one thing to wait in the rear, and another thing - at the front. There's ... there for Svetlana will be easier to wait. There it is easier to cope with the expectation. And that can interrupt this expectation: with John returning from his injury, his disappearance without trace, with his death. Yes, it is easier to cope with the expectation, if not remain in the rear.

  It means ... It means that it will not remain in the rear. And in general the question of whether it gets to the rear. She knew that to bring the first-born, her first children would have no other way than on board the "Volga". Cruiser involved in actual combat. If it is in violation of the basic protocols not be charged temporarily ashore on maternity leave, it really nurture newborns, it is only on board his ship. And nothing else. It will bring up, knowing that John - close.

  She doubted that the outbreak of war their squad disbanded. They do not just ship detachment. They - the team. Such commands are called special-purpose commands. John - spectrum. And she - the wife of the spectrum. Status still special. Special powers, special protection. All special. Almost all. So, it will remain close to John. Near the ship on which it is used, on which it runs. She, Svetlana Streltsov, help him, and all normandovtsam. All that can, as a commander of the razvedkreysera Empire. It will help not with words, or rather - not only with words, but above all - cases. The real business.

  She wanted to believe that the next approaching childbirth something will shake it, will remove this restriction. This time, smelling at her despair. It makes you feel helpless. Maybe Alla also count on it, maybe hopes. Medicine still - science is too fuzzy and inaccurate. To her there to mathematics. Maybe all. Maybe this term will be able to push. Maybe we can cancel. Ultimately it's not eight minutes, not eight days, not eight weeks, not eight decades. It - eight months. And during these months can happen any.

  It may ... consult with Yavikom. A simple analogy. He helped so many ... Maybe it will help her and, Svetlana. She would accept his help. Just to push back the deadline. On the possible long term. Let it be even eight years, even. But a lot can change in eight years. Even if there is a war, even though there are fights, it's still eight years, not eight months. Eight months predvoyny.

  And then it will be a minimum of six years of war. Protheans fought for hundreds of years with the Reapers, hundreds of years have resisted. We seek every opportunity to survive, to survive, not to retreat. Maybe he will understand and help her. Just push the deadline. Just push. It was impossible to believe that eight years have become in a few minutes in eight months.

  Yes, it continues to be at the post commander of the cruiser, but replaces it, in many cases - completely replaces Titov. But she would never agree to withdraw from the post of commander in full. Not that now is the time. Then it will work, it will serve to act, to live. And it will be next to John.

  Next to John. Streltsov straightened, eyes touched the screen card. Soon it will be "platform" - the so-called imperial commanders of ships smaller star systems, has several transponders. There will be several hours of stroke from one repeater to another. And for those few hours she would be able to fly on the shuttle to the "Normandy". Staying next to John. At least for a few hours. For a few days. On the week. In the decade. We'll see how it goes. While the squad is not involved in the fighting, yet the frequent landings from the frigate on the planet or in the station or on the ships ... It is not yet expired, these damned eight months, eight years have turned into nothing ...

  It w
ill be next to John. She knows that with him the year may turn into a minute, but can - in ten years. She loves her John. He loves her. She knows it, feels. He loves her. And most of it should be nothing, because when you love, accept another always. No matter what happens.

  - Commander, soon "playground". "Volga" requesting reception of the shuttle with a passenger. Kaperang Streltsov. - I reported to the officer of the watch on the speaker.

  - Give consent and permission. We lie down for a short time to drift, take a boat, give him the opportunity to return to the cruiser. - Acquainted with the contents of the request for his reader, Anderson tapped on the keyboard access code. - Tell that happy to accept.

  - Yes, commander. - Watch switched channels.

  The cabin came Chakwas Anderson. Closed the cabin door on the latch, frigate doctor sat down in the chair across from the desktop.

  - Karin? - Anderson looked up, I realized. Briefly he exhaled. - Speak.

  - Do Strel'tsova big problem, David. - Chakwas silently laid before Anderson reader. - Technically, I break a medical mystery, but do not want to risk more than necessary. Check.

  Anderson ran a short text. He knew that Karin will not ship it unnecessary detail specify all very succinctly and clearly.

  - Streltsov to the nearest "site" means to come on board the frigate. - Said the captain. - After what I learned, I understand the reason. Thank you said. It is believed that John should be made aware if you are now or let him tell Svetlana herself?

  - She did not tell David. Show without words - can, but do not say. And as far as I know Shepard, he agreed to risk Svetlana. So, he will insist on it to write off the shore. Before the birth of at least. Will push now if he knew this from her. If we do not intervene - will.

  - Jeff, how to "site"?

  - Two hours and twenty-six minutes, Commander. - Said the pilot.

  - Well thank you. - Anderson switched the speaker channels. - We have two hours to decide. You're right. When he learns this from her - he will do everything to make it as quickly as possible was on the territory of Russia, in the world. - Typing code, commander waited for the signal connection and said. - John, come to me. We have to talk.

  After hearing the answer, Anderson broke the connection and looked at Karin. After a few minutes on the threshold of the cabin stood Shepard.

  - Come on. Close the door on the latch, and sit down. - Anderson said.

  - Anything with Sveta? - Shepard strange look Chakwas.

  - Yes, John. - Anderson nodded and handed over the ship's doctor XO reader.

  He got a grasp. He put the reader on the countertop. Not changing his position, I looked at Chakwas, Anderson.

  After a short silence interrupted by Anderson.

  - After two hours and twenty minutes with the "Volga" shuttle will arrive. On board - Svetlana. One. And it will arrive to you, John. Arrivals are likely for this reason. - He pointed to the officer look reader. - Another reason of its appearance here, probably not. Not the kind of situation.

  - Alla risks. - Shepard said quietly. - It is a risk. Many risks.

  - We are all in danger, John. - As quietly said Chakwas. - I think that learning of this, Svetlana has experienced not the best moment in my life. As far as I know her, she rummaged in itself. About much thought, a lot of examples. By much as possible to prepare. For various options prepared. And if she flies to you right now - it's a chance .... Chance to keep the situation under control and management. The chance to give Svetlana a not commit rash acts, of which she later is likely to be very sorry. As you know, a lot depends on you here. Almost all. For my part I can only say - we will do everything that she gave birth to children here on board the squadron. To do everything to her was not there difficulties and problems. And we will do everything that it can be calm for the children, which would not occur around. Children need to be with her - I suspect it is an option to calculate the orphanage or home baby, miscalculated option foster family, to calculate the option to leave the children from their parents. For her, these options ... to say the least - harmful tougher - unacceptable for many reasons. Children need to be with her mother. Especially now.

  - John, likely Svetlana arrive here ... a long time. In a few days, at least. - Said Anderson. - It is still possible to do so. She knows what lies ahead - the Citadel, knows and guesses about the options for further developments. Maybe not even guess, and now knows of many such cases. I ... I did not give you, John, then maybe stay longer next to Svetlana ... after your wedding ... And now I want you to be with her all the time. Around the clock. As long as possible. Now it is - necessary. - Anderson paused briefly. - Alenko take command of the landing party. It's time to taste the completely independent work. Turians, Yavik, Olivia and its partners will provide all possible assistance to him. We all help him. And you ... you stay close with Svetlana. Give her the opportunity to be close to you for a long time. The rest - not voiced. You understand and understandest. And the rest - just you and her to decide. No one else will not interfere. We can help you - all that we can. In this you can be sure. We are all the same - detachment. - Anderson did not look at his senior assistant, I looked at the desktop screen extinguished instrumentrona.

  - I see. - Shepard stood up, straightened. - Let go?

  - Go. - Anderson nodded. For XO quietly closed the cabin door, barely audible latch clicked.

  - I do not know how to react. - Said a few minutes later the commander of the frigate. - I told him ...

  - What Alenko - only a temporary commander of the landing party, it understands and Shepard himself. Well aware, David. I'm sure, and even convinced. - Chakwas said softly. We still have time before the arrival of the shuttle, and then ... there's up to the two of them. It has always been there and will. Our business is truly and really help both of them and their future very real children. - She put the reader in the wells waist, stood up. - I will go, it is necessary to Chloe discuss some of the issues of procurement of medicines on the Citadel.

  Anderson nodded, eyes after seeing Karin. The woman he loved. Those who knew of his love for her. And maybe lyubivshuyu it.

  Svetlana and John. A few days together and a number of

  - The commander of the security zone of the output relay passed. - Titov reported by the Speaker when Svetlana woke up from a nap. - The shuttle is ready to start. "Normandy" confirmed the readiness for reception.

  - I realized thanks. - Streltsov firmly leaning on the chair, stood up. Sobachatami licked her hands. They knew they felt that at least a few days it will not be on the cruiser. Accustomed to the separation. As long when - not very.

  She picked up styling with things and weapons, adjusted the straps back wrap styling. Marched through the cabin, noting the details in his memory. Again, the changes ahead. Again. How many of them will still be ...

  Glancing at the hall commander's cabin, Svetlana allowed sobachatami surround themselves with "a ring" and went to the hangar shuttles, habitually responding to volgovtsev greeting.

  In the hangar it was waiting for Titov. He gave relying report informed about the latest changes and updates in the situation on the ship and in the area of residence. Everything was more or less normally. Helped climb aboard the shuttle, handed it to the care of the driver. He waited until the aperture overlaps the cover and hook on the platform will come closer toward throat gateway. He gave statutory salute. He knew that Svetlana will look carefully at the cruiser on board the shuttle. This was her habit.

  Sitting on the bench, once again violating the recommendations Alla - ignoring the semi-soft chairs, Svetlana really looked at the cruiser. In his "Volga". The ship, which she knew as early as the project still on the stocks, even in the dock. She knew the ropes. It was her ship. It is akin to him.

  "Volga" was reduced in size, the screen has already appeared "Normandie". Frigate-cruiser lay in a drift. Waited. Light garland lights muted open shed hangar gateway. There, on board the ship - its prototype waiting for John. And she carries him such news ... Expensive it
had given to avoid this. It is this need to inform the dear and loved one currently is. And like in all conceivable canons she is not to blame in this. So I wanted to nature. All have to pay in this life.

  And why is it still strongly think that John does not know, and knows knows the reason for its appearance on board the frigate, cruiser. He knows for sure. Alla ?! It could tell Chakwas, well, she ... tell Anderson. Karin and David love each other and if Chakwas concealed that ... David would not understand it. It is not understood. And because Karin received from Alla such information here, it might find it necessary to notify David. Because I knew and understood - Anderson also takes care of his colleagues, who never calls, and especially does not consider certain "subordinates". Yes, formally they - his subordinates. Subordination, everything. And in fact ... In fact, they are for him - colleagues and friends.

  And even more than Karin colleague and friend for Anderson. For David it - girlfriend. Close girlfriend. Oh, it's Svetlana knows. Some wise guy seemed best to separate the commander or captain of the crew and the team, and that's rolled on the chronology of a bad tradition, a bad installation. You Head - I'm a fool, I head - you're a fool. Very optimally and very efficiently. In words. But not in fact.

  How much has changed since the whole of humanity coming within the larger cosmos. Even a meeting with militant turians and that has contributed to many changes. Now people know - many of the traditions and customs of many should lose their immutability. Of course, you can expect from the captain and the captain that he would die with his ship, do everything to ensure that the crew members survived. Saved. Anyway saved. But to build such a requirement to the commander or captain in the absolute ... You need to have a reinforced concrete base, of which, in fact, often do not provide.

  What does she think ?! What she thinks, knowing that John is already in the hangar, that he is waiting for the arrival of the shuttle, looking at the screen, where Jeff Moreau is already showing the approaching shuttle in all its beauty machine ?! It is not that she was thinking! I do not think about, what to think. Udumali analyze the status of the commander and the captain, his rights and obligations. Is she scores some other thoughts ?! Disorder. The apparent disorder.


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