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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 20

by Theodore Daniels

  However, some may be in the soul and mind of the order after this news. Beating on her feminine essence news. She had not been born with epaulets on the shoulders. She also wants to be for someone just a woman, just a favorite, just the wife. Instead of an officer and commander of the ship. And now she must appear exactly as a woman and as a wife to John. My favorite. Everything else - is secondary.

  The driver saw it on the screen of the remote. I read very accurately her mood and state. So I do not become accustomed to inform the approach to a distance of a control zone around the frigate, cruiser. Now this information was unnecessary.

  Svetlana firmly stood up, clutching the handrail. No, she was on her feet has kept confidence, although belly ... is already large. The third and fourth months. Almost half of the period. And she - twins. So now quite difficult to keep the old clarity and accuracy of even the most basic movements. But we have to. We must do everything to make the boy and girl were born healthy. Normal. We'll have to suffer the tyranny of Alla. We'll have to suffer the increasing quantitative and qualitative restrictions. If indeed it can only give birth to two children, they are her daughter and son should be the best, the strongest. Probably, every pregnant woman so myself silently convinces such here a minute in a similar or comparable situation. Probably.

  The shuttle smoothly vdvinulsya in seizures and those caused to the boat platform. Yes, John here. He was waiting for her. With flowers waiting. Where he got these flowers, her favorite flowers ?! Yes, "Normandy" now has a greenhouse. Maybe I asked for a more knowledgeable colleagues grow.

  The door opened and she smoothly and quickly taken out of the hands packing with guns and things, undid the straps back wrap styling, planchette was removed from the belt. John's colleagues have worked on five points. She did not notice, as they appeared on the platform.

  The very same Svetlana was in the hands of John and was strewn with flowers. strewn on the platform right. And he felt on his lips the lips of John. John Kiss did not let her speak. So, kissing, they overcame the way to the cabin chief mate.

  John did not let her say anything, even when the door is closed starpomovskoy cabins for both of them on the latch. He just silently without interrupting the kiss, put her on the bed and after a few minutes they were hugging and kissing. there was virtually no time for it to what some think otherwise. Not remained.

  Responding to kisses and hugs John, Svetlana felt as relaxed as if sinking into the ocean is not bliss, the peace of mind. How she missed it all! A few hours later they kissed and hugged. Not seeing or hearing or feeling anything around him.

  Svetlana was grateful to John. He said nothing to her, told her everything. It said that it did not raise any doubts or objections or questions. He said no words, but in deed. He did not hide anything from her, not bustled, not wishful thinking. She knew that, and he and she are the future. Whatever the future may be.

  She fell asleep. In a few hours she fell asleep in the arms of John. I slept soundly, without dreams, without nightmares, not dreams scenarios caused soul-searching and self-examination. Just fell asleep. And when I woke up, I felt himself in the arms of John. Warm, soft and strong. Berezhnykh the arms of the mother and the dearest person. Her husband and the father of her children. So powerful was the influence of John, is now dwells near her that Svetlana had almost forgotten about the anxieties, the pain, the bitterness. She just gave the music of the moment. Important for her. Soothes her. Grants the hope for the best.

  John would not let her get out of bed. He brought to the table already laid out on plates portions. Most full meal. The most comprehensive. Lunch is needed not only her, but also for children. Two children. Not one child - two. John is always considered, always understood and always knew that it was her, it is necessary to Svetlana.

  He would not let her take a spoon or fork. He feeds himself with a spoon. As a mom in the distant childhood fed her. And Svetlana smiled. She smiled shyly, with his lips. The eyes are not lit up. Alas. Something still remains heavy on her heart. A different and could not be. But John ... He was so happy to see her timid faint smile! What Svetlana broke down and smiled a little wider. And then, after a few seconds - even wider. And then - more and more widely. Subject to the wave of joy, a wave of approval, the wave of excitement that comes from John and covering her, Svetlana, from the head down to the heels. So I wanted to believe that this feeling will last forever. So I wanted to believe it. And Svetlana felt - John, John is willing to do it for all of this. All that is in his power, and, if need be, and much more.

  No laughing matter is not reached. But the smile came out. I get full, broad, sincere, natural. John made his still - Svetlana felt themselves protected. Whatever it was eight months or eight years later, she Svetlana Streltsov, is not alone. She has John. And she certainly would have two children. Even the two children for a woman - it is a family. Even one child. But whether more children - time will tell. Now it is not necessary to exhaust yourself suspicions and expectations, as close, very close - John. He encouraged her to smile. Widely smile, though only a few tens of minutes ago Svetlana wondered if she did smile even lips in the near future will be able to. It seemed to her that she forgot how to smile, so disarmed her the news. The news, torn from the mouth of Ala, one of the best of her girlfriends.

  She seemed happy to be studied. She studied anew. She has two children at heart. For two children, and she will give birth to them in the light of the nature of the prescribed period. She will give birth safely. So, as it should be. And John will definitely take them into their own hands. Strong and gentle. And her daughter and her son will feel and the strength and tenderness of his father's hand. Immediately felt. And grow in these hands strong and intelligent people. Will men and women. New generation of earthlings. The next generation.

  She nursed them, their children, and John will be there. It will educate them, they will read fairy tales to play with them, will talk to them for hours about what he, his children, it will be interesting. He will walk with them on the cruiser and frigate. First - on your hands, then - in a wheelchair, and then, then - feet they will go next to him, his father. Will see his work, his life, his friends and colleagues. Will know a lot about the times in which they had to be born. There will not be brought up the words of John, and his deeds, by his example. And they do not have to justify it - John does not need excuses. They are bound to be proud of their father. By his own choice to be proud of. Because John deserves to be his children were proud.

  The ships left the "site". She felt it. I could not help but feel - a habit inculcated training and education. Ahead was the accumulation of Nimbus. Several hours go and detachment continue combing star systems. Toothed comb will comb.

  It is and will be. She, Svetlana, sitting in John's bed - more precisely, half-sitting, because John did not give her a strain even for a minute, for a second. She sits and looks at a big, huge screen to cabin beautiful film. Good movie. Bright and beautiful film. In which there is no war, no shooting, no blood and no pain and tears. This film John dug in the Archives of the Earth Movie. And now she was showing.

  They watched the film together. John was next to her, sitting on the bed and held her hand, his right hand in his hand. Several hours passed like a dream for Svetlana. She relaxed. To feel protected. I calmed down even more. How difficult and it was hard to calm down after a shake-up. Only John would be able to calm her down. Only he. And he did it. He made even better than she had been able to imagine. And it is not required, I do not ask anything in return. She knew - he was proud that he was the father. Already I became, after his children, daughter and son are already living. They grow and develop. Not there - live. This is more than existence. And Svetlana also lives next to John. Not like an officer of the Empire not as a warrior - as a woman, as a wife, as a husband. As the mother of his children.

  He remains true to her one. Only she and no one else. her only one. Yes, there Liara. Yes, there is the world, yes, there Shiala, yes, there Tali, yes, there Benešov,
eight hundred matriarch, against which Svetlana - nesmyshlёnaya little girl. And they all love John. Not only as a man. First of all - as a person. And in spite of their love for him, he gives preference and priority to her, Svetlana.

  How dare she think that he will throw it? How dare she think that he will go from it, from their children? How dare she think he was about it, or forget about the children? As she did dare to even try to formulate such transgressions, seems to be capable of being committed by John?

  Yes, she was afraid. Like any woman wearing a heart of children, afraid to be alone. Without support, without assistance. I was afraid. Who would argue that it is, Svetlana Streltsov, Rock and touchy, afraid. I was afraid, because I knew - no man is perfect. Neither she nor John - not saints. They each have two drawbacks - fully. Car and small truck. But it's - their failings. They add diversity and strength of their personalities. Their essence. Important in both of them and each of them separately.

  Yes, she was afraid. And, perhaps, this fear will not go away. It must manifest itself, as soon encounter similar conditions. It is already weak and largely powerless, despite all of its intelligence and military training.

  Of course, if necessary, it will be able to manage and own, but John ... He's over the past few hours and did not give her a second that she was able to believe in the fact that it will ever alone. In this year of pregnancy, in the year before the birth of her firstborn.

  John has prepared her a hearty supper, again gave rise out of bed and take at least feasible, not guiding and defining everything and everyone involved in food preparation. Again he dragged table to the bed and fed with a spoon. Well, almost with a spoon, yet she is not sick and weak.

  And while John avoided talking about the affairs of frigates and cruisers. Maybe it's for the best - Svetlana knew that Titov handle himself, and Anderson could easily do on their own for several days. Professionals in custody and excessive control is not needed. And in the team and the crew of the cruiser frigate lay people was not long ago. Even those who were recruited in the squad to the frigate on the stocks, in a short time became professionals and stick with normandovtsami. Proudly calling themselves otryadovtsami and normandovtsami and no less proudly carrying on formёnkah sign "Normandy". Above all other signs and awards. Special status allowed to do so, still on board were four Spectra Citadel Council. As many as four of the spectrum. Very rare. Very rare fact.

  After dinner, John lay next to Svetlana and hugged her. She clung to him. They kissed and hugged for a long time. Few hours. And you have not noticed, I fell asleep. I slept until eight o'clock in the morning the next day running.

  Svetlana again dreamless sleep. Without nightmares. Without dreams scenarios. Just sleeping, feeling her children receive energy, supported by the energy of their father. Who was now very close to them. For both of them - the daughter and the son it was very important for their future lives. To them were born strong and healthy. That they have become one of the best. John deserved that he had the best children. The best. Because he was able to do their best. Not words - business.

  In the morning John again cooked her breakfast. Volumetric this breakfast. And she did not utter it. I understand that he does not believe it. I do not believe in what it is able to grow fat. Do not believe it - and that's it. Do not believe it. And the willingness and ability to not believe acted as a balm on Svetlana. This is not fake any balm. She saw that her pregnancy, her temporary awkwardness are not perceived by John as something humiliating, unworthy, dirty, unseemly. On the contrary, she felt like John adores her. Not words - business.

  Again they spent in bed for several hours of the morning. And John was limited to only a brief familiarization with the consolidated report on the situation. Plump otchёtikom this page to fifty.

  Three AI on board. Three artificial intelligence higher, the latest classes and brands on board a ship. Three AI is not in the guise of banal-deck racks, and in the guise of high-grade, the best cyborg. And that when the commanders and captains of many ships and a virtual intelligence, concluded in deck-bar, are known to the insurmountable prejudice and suspicion. And there are three artificial intelligence to their own mobile platforms. Which, of course, greatly facilitate the life of the crew of the frigate and otryadovtsev life in general. For them to prepare such a report - for the baby-earthling dazzle of sand pasochku. Simply and easily. It is even possible in the background, in between times.

  Looking at this report, Svetlana saw - Synthetic prepared this report, taking into account the situation. Not loaded XO Shepard unnecessary details, but did not hide from his problems and issues. We do not do a good face on a bad situation. But not injected apocalyptic on trifling occasions. And Synthetic realized that next to Shepard - his girlfriend and wife, the mother of his children. Because the report presented in a new, milder form. Of course, Olivia brushed report. That she knows and can do better than Mark or Legion.

  Watching askance at how fast John pressing virtual buttons respond to specific questions contained in the report, Svetlana involuntarily admired her husband and a friend. John is always and everywhere, does not like to be idle, knows the problems and issues and shortcomings in fact is not going away. It works very often ahead of the curve, in a preventive mode.

  And now he thought, looking at the line and report on what has just published on the keyboard. Something wiped something straightened. His fingers flashed again, paragraphs multiplied. Comprehensive instructions. Personal instructions and recommendations.

  A different John can not. He knows that he himself prepared for the most difficult fights in the en-seven of the Academy, but that fight's the act would have not only to him. And other reasonable too, should be given a chance to survive and win, to give a chance to hit the enemy's unexpected move, a surprise decision that brings victory or a substantial advantage in the confrontation. You can and should, even without military action simply to draw attention to the possibility of an unusual, non-standard address the issue, the problem situation.

  It is possible and necessary. And because John was not finished with the formal formal replies in the style of "Bring - bring - take away - calm down." And he wrote in detail, taking into account first of all the identity of the recipient and his capabilities and abilities.

  After graduating, he adds screen instrumentrona, extinguishes the keyboard and turns to her. A warm wave of sight effusions Svetlana and immerse in a cocoon of protection.

  - Light ... I'm sorry ... I should have ... I do not want to have difficulty ... and loss. - He said, when Svetlana finally found after a few minutes the ability to think clearly and feel the environment. - I am willing to compensate ...

  - Show me how Joe. - She replied quietly while Svetlana.

  And John showed. A few hours on top of the world. A few hours of bliss. Several hours of acute supreme happiness. Intended only for her, Svetlana Strel'tsova. And for her children. For his children. Which were also happy, because if mom is happy, the children can not be unhappy. In most cases, can not.

  Lunch was just as plentiful, even more abundant than breakfast. And Svetlana did not resist, did not resist. She realizes that John is aware of the ruthlessness of the nature of women. He knows much more and much deeper and sharper. Because, probably, so attracts other women. The same Karin, for example.

  I knew Svetlana, oh knew that John could and was ready to fall in love with Karin Chakwas. But retreated, hardly she realized that she loves Anderson. I understand that in this case the third - once. He departed. Because I respected and loved, and Anderson and Chakwas. Somewhere even I worshiped them, their senior mentors and teachers. John was ready to learn from decent to teach. Ready not in word but in deed. And I studied intensely. I do not shirked. I tried to get to the bottom. Wherever it was possible, and where it is impossible. I do not know how different.

  Then after lunch hour they slept. At the time. And then watched two movies. Often stopping recording and discussing. Svetlana saw John is able to experience, to empathize wit
h the heroes and characters tapes. I saw and felt that only with her it is so open. In all other cases, it is able to be at the Rock than herself. What is there ... A Rock Cliff.

  Svetlana see how he reacts to the smallest changes in the plot, as the laughter as sad. And again and again I fell in love more and more. Deeper and all sincere. Understanding, knowing, feeling that she failed chance in a billion. Of the tens of billions. Find and fall in love with such a person. Which it was not necessary to idealize - he initially was not perfect. Which it was not necessary to exalt and glorify - in this he certainly did not need. And Svetlana increasingly acute realize how lucky not only herself but also her children. Being a child of such a father - this is happiness and honor. A little more and higher many.

  John quite real, but at the same time it is ... perfect. He is so perfect for her, Svetlana, it rightly does not seek among other men certain "fallback", "alternate airfields". She knew that John was not looking for her, Svetlana, replacement or temporary replacement. He has no mistresses. He has loved women, but lovers - no. And among the women in her favorite, Svetlana, absolute and virtually indisputable priority. So here it is not anything to worry about. Next to that person next to this man to such officer can not simply appear as a long stay unworthy of his woman. No matter what race it did not belong.

  Yes, Svetlana knew how to appreciate the asari most of her sisters on the floor. Most women dugouts. A very negative assessment of the human female "fish-like". But John turned assess other side - and Svetlana did not see anything wrong in that it, John Shepard, love saved him from the impersonality of being in a state of haskopodobnom eight hundred asari matriarch. And then, a few hours spent beside John Shepard loved completely free and non-violent daughter d'Avignon.


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