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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 53

by Theodore Daniels

  Ryknuv satisfied, Shepard returned to the caves, taking up familiar to ancient human affairs. Since then, it had a feeling that this is not being scared, it just temporarily left him alone. It's close, it continues to observe him, he continues to study it.

  The day came when Shepard in search of game wandered very far. And once again I saw a strange creature. It is now grown in size, changed appearance, but Shepard is still recognized him. Now, approaching Shepard, it published the booming deafeningly loud sound that made the human instinct to duck. This sound like Shepard covered the wave of the sea.

  In the last few moments, until he, Shepard could still something to feel and see, he saw in the stomach being opened huge eyes - a red balloon. Human response to the obvious danger was almost instantaneous: he tried to escape. Ray red coming out of this terrible eyes paralyzed movement in the eyes of the Shepard again deepened the darkness.

  - Shepard Commander Shepard! - Voice Alenko reached XO consciousness as through a thick layer of cotton wool. Such a thick layer of what Shepard remembered from childhood - in it, in such a cotton layer in an orphanage packed Christmas decorations, when once again dismantled the artificial tree to the next festivity. Five or six centimeters thick was the layer and these layers in the box were a few - all toys have enough space, and these toys have traditionally been bright, but fragile and brittle. - Captain, wake up!

  With an effort, Shepard dispersed wraith before his eyes. He lay on the ground, and Prothean artifact has decreased in numbers in size to a soccer ball, hovered in the air beside him, a little to the left, with no signs of damage.

  -I'm fine. - Through the power of Shepard gasped, sitting up on his elbows. - What happened here? All are safe?

  -All are intact, Captain. - Alenko sighed with relief, straightening and cleaning Avtodoktor unit in the pocket of his suit. - Flash of bright light, you fell to the ground. We do not realizewhat happened. Besides the fact that a few seconds neither of us could not see because of the bright light ... too strange that we are not after a flash blind ... Almost no problems. None of us. You...

  -I did not understand too, but it seems that this artifact is contained information about the distant past of mankind. I remember being in the image of the hunter - Cro-Magnon. I saw proteanina, and then I saw the thing ... as we now understand it, Reaper. This Reaper tried to kill me ... and probably killed ... Damn, where pyzhaki?

  -They sit next to you, Captain. - Nalus said. - Strong guys. What's old, that small. It looks like they've seen something of what you have seen only. In any case, the expression on their faces was this: "I know, but I will not say for obvious reasons.".

  -Good. - Shepard, with effort turned his head, finally saw the young and old pyzhakov. Those close to the last man recline backwards, easily and quickly touched the suit's legs XO. - Help me up. Lie, of course, gently but - uncomfortable.

  Alenko Shepard helped to his feet, pyzhaki, jumped up, took their places on the shoulders of his suit exec.

  - Like always sat there. - Noted Nihlus. - I think, sir, you take away the "ball" with him. We have, as far as possible, have checked - it is safe. By most parameters. Yavik and Synthetic confirmed. Telemetry we gave them.

  - Yeah. Leave this here ... In short ... - Shepard artifact packed in a container and closed the lid of the castle. - Looks like it's memories, Cro-Magnon hunter registered Prothean recorder. I now have a full confirmation of the fact that primitive earthlings Protheans studied and analyzed the results of studies can be - and, at its core, our solar system, of course, the basis - on Mars. Here I am just wondering what Protheans then we have learned, if we humans were worthy of something to teach Protheans. Perhaps even Yavik not be able to answer this question exhaustively complete. It is likely that the answer is I do not get in the near future. - Shepard paused, checking equipment and gear strapped to his spacesuit. - How much have to just push in the area of possible future for the Reapers. - Saying this, Shepard felt that he feels better and more confident with each passing second. - I - in order, colleagues. Let's refund these brave pyzhakov to their home, they will release it and get back on board his ship. Data Block - we, the probe - we, the artifact - we. In general - we have completed all the tasks that have been set before us in terms of the landing. We go back.

  Pyzhaki quietly embraced the prospect of a ride on a strange alien aircraft. They tried not to show excessive curiosity active, although there were so many interesting things.

  The first shuttle down near pyzhakov colony at a distance of line of sight, floating a meter from the surface of the planet and Shepard opened the side door of a salon. To tap the tabs on the helmet, probably - performing traditional and wanted to believe that obscheponyatny for both contact sides, the ritual of farewell, pyzhaki one by one jumped off the shoulders XO on the floor of the shuttle cabin, darted to the doorway and soon normandovtsy seen two monkeys, quietly heading for his "hives".

  -Flew home, colleagues. - Shepard said.

  Upon returning Yavika Shepard asked for a meeting in his cabin. Late in the evening a man and proteanin met and talked until dawn. Where - words, and where - mental images. Witness their conversation was the same "ball" - he calmly and quietly poured while in a convenient stand on proteanina desktop. XO asked Yavika hold until the artifact itself and proteanin agreed.

  The proximity to the active star Siydeda Hercules was the cause of a permanent blue-violet glow in nitrogen-argon atmosphere of the planet. During strong solar flares is the glow of the atmosphere has reached such a degree of brightness that it can be detected on the surface and see within a few astronomical units using conventional optics. Shepard, reading the reports of experts who conducted a survey of the planet, remember the scandal, of which he told Captain Anderson. The scandal was connected with the desire Turian save on construction of the first, the original base version of the "Normandy", and rejecting from the windows, and from the numerous evacuation-service gateways, and from freight portals, but the main thing - from optical surveillance systems. Yes, the system was utterly traditional, yes, require extremely accurate alignment and professional service, but the crew to rely only on the combat razvedkorablya electronics, which by definition can lie and lie on propaluyu ... In general, notable scandal came. Flew multiple-ranking, ostepenёnnye and not the head, many carcasses changed seats on chairs and stools. In the end, in the first version of the "Normandy" were all the usual optical instruments of observation, which, as it turned out, perfectly complement the electronic media and did what electronics was not under force, giving the passing people the opportunity to feel not appendages to the ship, and important members of his crew and the team. In general, notable scandal came. Flew multiple-ranking, ostepenёnnye and not the head, many carcasses changed seats on chairs and stools. In the end, in the first version of the "Normandy" were all the usual optical instruments of observation, which, as it turned out, perfectly complement the electronic media and did what electronics was not under force, giving the passing people the opportunity to feel not appendages to the ship, and important members of his crew and the team. In general, notable scandal came. Flew multiple-ranking, ostepenёnnye and not the head, many carcasses changed seats on chairs and stools. In the end, in the first version of the "Normandy" were all the usual optical instruments of observation, which, as it turned out, perfectly complement the electronic media and did what electronics was not under force, giving the passing people the opportunity to feel not appendages to the ship, and important members of his crew and the team.

  Siydeda surface has been heated to extremely high temperatures and consisted essentially of magnesium and iron ore deposits. The extensive network of caves, which did not penetrate the heat and radiation the stars were not so long ago discovered an unusually diverse for such harsh environmental conditions life forms the structural basis of which the carbon was.

  a large concentration of wrecks have been found in the geostationary orbit of the planet. Some information for this cluster was pulled Synthetic Cor
ps of Extranet, but to see such a debris field ... In the course of further scanning probes driven engineer Adams found in the wreckage of several interesting objects, among them the medallion Unity League, pressed into a lead obolochku- cube.

  More close to the star located Zatorron - a small rocky planet, thin atmosphere which consisted of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. The surface temperature of which was very high, consisted of boron and sulfur deposits.

  - Attention on the squadron. - In handsfree speaker's voice watch officer frigate, cruiser. - Troop Theseus goes to the system. Driving takes five hours. In connection with the planned parking area on the planet Feros crew and the team allowed a night's rest mode.

  Theseus was known as the average system has five planets. First, of course, it was an ordinary hydrogen-helium gas giant Logan. Synthetic in its preliminary report on the planet, sent out on instrumentrony normandovtsev noted that scouts, who worked in the system for more than twenty years ago, registered the strange disturbances in the clouds of Logan's atmosphere. According to its characteristics such interference requires a large number of large solid objects under the top layer of clouds. Once the scout ship approached to clarify the characteristics of the noise, they disappeared like a scattered. More about the messages such interference was not in the Extranet. Standard hour and a half-depth studies have expired quickly and frigate, cruiser went to Kwan - the planet's crust which contains rich deposits of heavy metals. The high density of the planet, and confirmed by scanning of locating, presupposed the existence of vast deposits of minerals in its subsoil. The atmosphere comprises nitrogen and carbon monoxide.

  - Here we extracted mineral resources. - Yavik said, standing next to Shepard in the Star Maps. - You can see on the surface of the ruins of an extensive network of mining complexes. We built them for centuries, constantly reconstructed. Near the mines inevitably arose settlements, which are then transformed into the city. I spent a few tens of minutes, CIC has asked experts to give me access to the video sensor. A complex feeling, and no less complicated feeling. I did not expect that I will be able to see it later ... fifty thousand years. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - As the planet is indeed very rich in mineral resources ... we have tried to build a very strong building. And now I see that we are really built to last. Compared with what I know about skyscrapers Ferosa, I see that the remains of the infrastructure here ... very well preserved ... - proteanin paused briefly. - Unfortunately, this made it possible looters to plunder the ruins ... in a comfortable environment.

  - Black archaeologists. - Shepard said. Yavik nodded, confirming understanding XO said. - The values of ancient times ... always in the price. Antiques and so on ...

  - You're right, Shepard. - Proteanin been without nodding, while continuing to view images on five screens. - I guess I can see it now is also because in order to have then every reason to engage in full force reduction. And before that - I have to do everything that the Reapers were defeated.

  - Captain. - Shepard walked one specialist BIC. - We're done. The deposit is a cobalt really new, previously in any databases and vaults are not mentioned. Documentation and information depersonalization performed.

  - Pass on the accessories. - XO signed waveguide-kodatorom text reader.

  - Yes, Captain. - Specialist CIC went to his workplace.

  - Sharring, the next planet. - Yavik said, looking up from the screen of contemplation. - For pre-far scan confirmed today. - He pointed to the appropriate places in the text screens. - That the satellites Sharringa traces of it ours Prothean civilization. I would not say that it is familiar to me - right here is the active recognition of the reality of the existence and activities of my race ... But ... perceived normative.

  Shepard careful reading of the texts, flashed on the middle screen. Neutral hydrogen-helium gas giant whose atmosphere contained ammonia, methane and a large amount of water vapor. Other characteristics confirmed that Sharringe possible industrial production of helium-third.

  Trenknul barely audible signal flashed extra small screens. Yavik first glanced at the text and tables. On the face proteanina reflected satisfaction.

  - Prothean drive found. Regular data. - Said softly ancient warrior race. - Looks like I'll have every reason to rejoice taels again, John.

  - I will be glad, if so, Yaw. - Shepard undertone asked the engineer to remove Adams mercilessly fonivshy strange signal octahedron with one of the satellites. It was in this house scanners "Volga" spotted Prothean disk with data. Thirty minutes Yavik directly from the engineering compartment left to themselves, holding a container with the disc. Shepard smiled faintly - at proteanina appeared urgent, difficult business, doing that, it is quite possible, will be less keenly feel the routinization of the ship's life.

  Short parking Ferose

  Earn at full capacity the main distant locators Troop ships were given to CIC screens the refined information about the situation on Ferose.

  - Terrific. - Jeff Moreau said, reading the short version of the report in advance of locating the planets. - To have time to do so much in such a short time - it work in lift mode at six am and lights out at midnight. Without all sorts of special weekends and holidays. I'm willing to bet your hat to prove - Shiala gave to light all there the sluggard.

  Sitting in a nearby chair pilot nodded, not looking up from his work - now pilots frigate, cruiser worked in simple conditions in turn, which allowed his partner to relax and switch, to prepare for the next period of the vigils.

  - Space defense systems, skorostrelok system capable of honeycomb and high-speed shuttle landing capsule on its way to the planet's surface, the system jamming signals crumbling almost all communication ranges, turrets and asylum system, making it impossible to effective and efficient large-scale amphibious attack force. - I voiced some excerpts from Jeff received data. - I do not understand. As it needed tryahanut housing spectrum to get hold of such wealth. Not the planet, and some fortified military base. Palaven obzaviduetsya.

  Erich Goeben nodded. He liked the thoroughness Ferosa defense and he did not see anything special in the fact that the civil colony so powerfully defended their planet. There were plenty of Prothean ruins, which now for the looters were completely inaccessible. Sensitive locators frigate, cruiser has reported on a variety of debris landing ships Geth, and scanners unequivocally confirmed that none of the Goths was not able to parachute to the planet. All walkers geth heretics invariably found their death on the approach to the planet's surface. Needless to say, the local gunners and riflemen was a great experience - a long and dangerous, and most importantly - a very real, not landfills. The practice of struggle against the real enemy is really serious.

  - Commander. - I reported to the specialist post-cruiser frigate connection. - With Ferosa signal came. We see identified and are happy to accept. Are you ready for the meeting. Can take both ships at the landing field.

  - Good. - Anderson conferred on the audio channels with Titov and Strel'tsova. - Tell him we will send only shuttles. Both spacecraft will orbit the planet. Let indicate areas on the outer orbit to drift.

  - Yes, Captain. - Specialist gave more files. A minute later came the response files. - Send. Information accurate.

  - For entry into orbit. - Ordered the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - "Volga" will go on long-range raid. Group shuttle, landing the group - two readiness. I give the crew and team schedule a visit and stay at Ferose.

  After receiving the response, "receipt" Anderson looked at the wall screens. Yes, the colony on Ferose got stronger and prettier.

  On the first instrumentrona eclipsed labels come messages and requests to communicate with boards Troop ships. Throwing their accessories, Anderson began to gather. Now he could briefly leave the side of the ship, and to go down to solid ground in the human colony on the planet friendly to people. Yes, the atmosphere was still contaminated with dust, but people over the past decade combined efforts dramatically and significantly expanded the protected and controlled the colony. Traces
of the corporation "Exo-Genie" is almost gone - all that could detect such traces were carefully removed or destroyed. Both major satellite - Orcagna and Vardete standing system of distant space communications and remote space defense positions. It was noticeable, that the colonists set out to learn all the habitable territory occupied by the ruins of the destroyed metropolis Protheans. Them, the new settlers did not frighten the scale and complexity of the work, and looters have long been on the planet is not allowed. Those same easy money seekers who failed to escape from the planet, suffered a natural fate - they were executed under martial law.

  It was hard to imagine that at one time, most recently Feros was considered unsuitable for the colonization of the planet due to an insufficient number of free and suitable for farming land. The colonists decided to perennial problems with water, restoring and improving the water supply system, coming from sources at the poles of the planet. Ghost towns are gradually restored, put in order and settled, getting the proper infrastructure maintenance and protection. Garbage processing, reigned in the air passed into the dust of memories discharge. If "Exo-Genie" and wanted to organize Ferose colony with a view to implementing systematic and large-scale study Prothean ruins, the present-day settlers Ferosa easily proved - there is no need to resort to the conditions of traders and businessmen from science. Suffice qualitatively organize joint efforts - and income cease to be the only driving force. Many hydroponic gardens, part of which moreover - a large, hidden in the underground parts of the colony, provided residents with clean air and food.

  Looking out the window of the cabin of the shuttle, the guide to the main spaceport colony increases in size buildings, Shepard still acutely aware that the colonists made the final decision - they will not evacuate the colony, will not require armed cover for their evacuation transports. Hidden items space defense systems, camouflaged positions and checkpoints system resistance, rapid-turret guns and machine guns, prepared positions for the infantry militia - all pointed to the fact that the colonists Ferosa not going to leave the planet and are not going to surrender to the mercy of the Reapers. Representing the amount of work that was conducted under the leadership of ferostsami Shialy and with the support of the Corps spectrum Shepard involuntarily admired and imbued with respect for purely civilian people.


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