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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 136

by Theodore Daniels

  Pyzhak, she had spent all this time still, returned to Shepard and jumped to the empty chair. The captain went to the door and jumped pyzhak him, funny wagging his tail with a luxurious brush. A sort of attendant hopefuls companions.

  Returning to his room, Shepard found there sleeping Svetlana. Trying not to make noise, the captain went to the table, turned instrumentron and plunged into work. It was necessary to view all available materials on turian warheads special power and methods of neutralization. Synthetic Corps dropped a lot of files with new information that requires research, processing and interpretation. Again, the work caused the captain to forget about everything.

  Pyzhak sat motionless on the free chair, occasionally turning his head and posverkivaya curious and intelligent glazёnkami. He definitely liked the peace and quiet, and he was not going to make noise and sheburshitsya.

  Priority - Tuchanka. Turian bomb on the planet krogan. Lieutenant Viktus

  Arriving the next morning specialists were happy to chat with colleagues, for several days stay on the surface of the planet. Again impacted the specifics of the ship - the people were glad to set foot on the firm, a reliable ground, their habitual perception. Together with the technicians and engineers arrived and both Turian. They are quite likely to meet predicted Turian military contingents sent to search once buried in the thick Tuchanka bombs. The remaining undischarged few "goodies from the past" had to rivet the attention of the commanders of these contingents and the presence of Turian spectrum was needed.

  While there were coordination with civilian technicians, Shepard studied Synthetic materials provided. The overall impression was bleak - "Cerberus" drove to the planet two cruisers with troops, according to a passive scan, conducted by the specialists of "Volga", aboard the cruisers had five satin and plenty husks paratroopers of different caliber - from simple foot-soldiers to heavily armored and less heavily armed centurions. Alla Seleznyov decided not to leave Tuchanka Titov persuaded Svetlana also back on board the cruiser - it was decided to first allow the planet most of the paratroopers, apparently, has sharply focused on seizing control of the remaining activated the charges, and then using kroganskih guns FFP put on cruisers crushing blows. Svetlana, having considered the situation, He agreed, but stipulated for the right coordination, noting that it would be a Tuchanka much clearer can see how and what will happen and where will tend arrow developments. Titov agreed.

  Captain Anderson has also prepared a frigate to the conduct of hostilities. With "Taniksami" in such quantities "Normandy" could wipe quietly and freely just three cruisers, and with the rest of the deal with the help of conventional weapons. So now on board the frigate, cruiser crew and the team were preparing for battle. Realistically, the expected and therefore easily perceived in the future battle between.

  - John, here the planet goes landing ship Turian. - Anderson said. - It seems that the primarch Palaven yet decided to act. Too late, of course, and not very professional. The question is. I immediately reported to our Synthetic that will command the landing son primarch. Catch the sharpness of the moment?

  - One can not grasp? - Shepard said. - We'll have to enable the Turian down. Stop them in orbit, do not give a parachute - it will be difficult. And when the troops will be on the planet - and help agree. We can help, of course, not in the sense that it is admissible to the charges, and that dissuaded from implementing this highly adventurous plan, Commander. - Captain checked his data instrumentrona. - Most likely landing ship will not be long in orbit: they are not blind, they see clearly the cruiser. Understand that three volleys - and their shells will not even memories. So landing written a single ticket. Personally, I am ready to pronounce the primarch and have little regard to what kind it is - the leader of his race. The leaders also tend to make mistakes. Like the so-called "intelligent mortals."

  - It may be necessary to pronounce. Within the Hierarchy are heavy fighting with the fleets of the Reapers. Primarch could not keep his son with him as a mere official. I send it into battle. - Anderson said.

  - Exactly. And such a fight primarch Palaven hardly imagine - plus tserberovtsy krogan. Whatever you say, long idleness played a bad joke with turians. They have lost the habit of fighting in full force, using all the features and capabilities. All their coolness for the most part become a sham. - Shepard added.

  - With many I can agree, John. - Anderson said. - Only now the situation will have to resolve a Tuchanka. If even one bomb explode - the number of victims among the krogan instantly negate all the achievements, including getting rid of the race genophage.

  - Commanders. - I wedged into the conversation specialist lokatorschik. - Tserberovtsy turians and almost simultaneously a landing in the area of placement of large bombs. I suppose that they will soon shlestnutsya. The area is also noted the appearance of flying creatures-husks. Transmits the information in the files. - Specialist paused, the headphones could hear trenknuli calls instrumentronov.

  - It is, thank you. - Rightly captain Anderson said. - I raise Alenko and his men, they landed in tserberovtsev landing area. You Shepard - Corps Commander went to the official format. - Retractable turians to meet with a group of landing craft turian.

  - Order realized doing. - Shepard habitually picked up styling and guns, came out of his room and soon reached the landing pad where the shuttle had already visited, with Greg. - Wait, is now Nihlus Saren and fit.

  - I am also with you, John. - Shepard walked Yavik. - Mordin went to the hospital with our doctors.

  - Clear. - Captain waited until both of Turian and proteanin enter the salon, went on board and covering flap, said. - Flew, Greg. First Point.

  - Accepted. - The driver of the car and lifted it gently began to climb. Soon shed hangar behind us. Looking at the bleak landscape of dead planet, repeatedly experienced nuclear explosions, Shepard thought about the prospects of a new, well, not a nuclear explosion, which could have happened if there had been less otryadovtsy tserberovtsev and Turian.

  - Shepard, just reported. - In the earpiece voice said Anderson. - Tserberovtsy rammed shuttle Turian, he hit, falling at a great distance from the bomb. It looks like a planned action. Nominate them, dare to care. Alenko already landed, he goes to the place of disembarkation tserberovtsev. Titov has ordered to strengthen its group of two dozen of his troopers. Their shuttle is on its way. Go for the safe route, landing time - twenty-five minutes.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. - Shepard switched channels and thought about what turian platoon under the command of Lieutenant, who turned to the same, and more native son primarch Palaven try to prevent the "Cerberus" to activate the bomb. The explosion of such a bomb, no doubt, will lead to a huge, massive casualties among the krogan. It was necessary to help stop the Turian platoon Airborne Division "Cerberus". Upcoming fight.

  How tserberovtsam managed to parachute before Turian - for Shepard remained a mystery. Think about it just do not have time. - Greg Shepard landed, both Turian and Yavika right in front line of defense, hastily constructed tserberovtsami who tried to cut off from the place otryadovtsev bomb location. Leading firefight with stormtroopers and centurions, Shepard noted that three-headed dog servants provide additional protection for mobile shield generators.

  - Everyone. - Shepard included encoded conferencing. - Try to destroy the generators, they explosions cause great damage to everything that is located nearby. - Switching channels on reception, the captain laid another engineer trying to deploy the turret. - Next, we burst the bomb. I am sure there is a second group already operates tserberovtsev having an order to break through to the bomb ahead of us!

  Shootout with detachments tserberovtsev lot of time did not win and appeared in front Reduces shuttles "Cerberus" in the characteristic white and yellow and black livery. "Camouflage ..." - had time to think the captain, firing on emerging in the salon doorway tserberovtsam doors, landed on Tuchanka using anti-gravity.

  Turians Yavik and continued to fire at the centurions who tried to land and attack aircra
ft, and the captain had seen heavy hook gently kravshiysya a little on the side. Mind Shepard rezanulo nasty suspicion - in such a machine could well bring on the planet two atlases, so had to neutralize the shuttle as soon as possible, do not let him throw his deadly cargo. With two "heavy music", designed to support the fight was coming tserberovtsev difficult division. It is clear that tserberovtsy thoroughly and carefully lined up a strong line of defense, and by cutting off otryadovtsev Turian, and by Lieutenant Alenko people.


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